Alex and the Dream Realm
By: Garrett Thomas ( AKA Anime Lover)
Disclaimer: None needed
-Location: Unknown-
In a large white castle, in a large extravagant room, a young woman looking around 23, sits lays on her bed, wearing a plain white shirt and blue jeans.
“I’m so boooooored!” complains the young woman. “Nothing interesting ever happens around here anymore! A thousand years of peace, more like a thousand years of boring…”
After a few more minutes of the young woman complaining about being bored, she noticed the clear blue sky out her window rapidly darkening.
“Ohh, something’s happening…” comments the woman getting up and walking to her window.
She saw that the darkness came from the castle and spread out to the city that surrounded the castle.
“Wait a minute…” comments the woman quickly growing concerned, before gasping, “Oh no! Not now! I know I said I was bored, but this is a little much ain’t it!?”
Seconds later, a young man dressed in a White royal uniform, this looked ‘appropriate’ for the castle.
“My Queen! The ener-“ states the man before noticing the woman’s clothing. “My Queen, Why are you dressed so…”
“I like it ok, besides those dresses are too uncomfortable.” Replies the woman folding her arms over her chest. “What’s happening with the energy field?”
“W-Well, it’s fading.”
“Why haven’t you guys changed the crystal with a fresh one? You shouldn’t let the field get this low.”
“Well, about that, there aren’t anymore back-up crystals left.”
“What!?” gasps the woman. “How can that be?! I thought we had tons of crystals left!”
“I’m sorry my queen, it seems we only had one remaining.”
The two then felt the floor shaking for a moment and the woman taking a deep breath and sighing.
“Ok, we have 24 hours to find a solution…” states the woman calmly, “Gather a party to keep the people in the castle calm.”
“And what about the people in the city?” asks the man. “The shaking and the darkened sky is bound to cause chaos.”
“Focus on maintaining peace in the castle for now, and make sure there are guards at the castle gates, no one is to enter or leave the castle unless I say so.” Replies the woman before heading to the door.
Before she could leave though, the man quickly left and closed the door.
“Hey! What are you doing?!” demands the woman grabbing at the doorknob.
“I’m sorry my queen, but I can’t allow you to leave your room dressed as you are.”
“Are you fu*king serious!? The entire realm is in danger and your worried about my appearance!?”
-December 24, Christmas Eve, Kiddo residence, 4:34 PM-
Suzan was currently in the kitchen dressed in a shirt and jeans while she washed dishes, though as she put a plate on the drying rack to her left, she hears a scream rapid thuds.
“Cutie!?” gasps Suzan before rushing out of the kitchen with her hands dripping with water and to the stairs, seeing Alex, at the foot of the stairs on the floor laid out on her back, groaning in pain. Alex was dressed in just her bra and panties. Her forehead was also bleeding some.
“Hey! What happened!?” asks Suzan quickly kneeling next to Alex.
“I fell down the stairs.” Replies Alex simply, not bothering to add a joke on the end.
“Are you alright? Did you break anything?”
“Y-Yea, I’m fine, nothing’s broken…” replies Alex before slowly sitting up raising a hand to her head. “It was really weird though…” adds Alex.
“What was?”
“When I was walking down the stairs, I had like this, double vision thing going on, it made me lose my footing and down I went.”
“Double vision? Just, out of the blue?”
“Yeah, It can’t be the cold-“
Alex was cut off as Lynn rushed down the stairs calling Alex’s name, Lynn was nude though.
“Alex, are you ok!?” asks Lynn quickly, placing a hand to Alex’s forehead, causing her to wince in pain.
As the two talked, Susan looked worried about something and asks Lynn, “Hey, Lynn, did you get double vision a little while ago?”
“Uh, yeah, how’d you know?”
“Hey, I got it too.” States Alex to Lynn.
“Really? Freaky…”
Soon, the two gasps lightly and states, “It’s happening again.” And looked around.
The three then heard the sound of tires screeching. Suzan then gasps, “F*ck!” and quickly gets to her feet and rushes up the stairs.
“H-Hey mom, what’s going on?” asks Lynn looking back to Suzan rushing up the stairs.
Suzan didn’t answer and Lynn follows, who was slowly followed by Alex.
The two followed Suzan to her room, where they saw her in her closet reaching up to the top and taking out a nicely sized black box.
“Mom, what’s going on?”
Again, Suzan ignored the question and opened the box and took out a one and a half wide circular object covered in a brown wrapping.
“Mom! Answer me!” demanded Lynn.
“Ok!” replies Suzan. “What you two are experiencing is something called Dream Sight, It’ll go away soon but, it matters why it goes away.”
“Dream Sight?” questions Alex.
“Lynn…” states Suzan. “Do you remember, when you were little, one of the bed time stories I used to tell you, about a Dream Realm?”
“Um, yeah, but what’s a bed time story have to do with what’s happening now?”
“Well it wasn’t just a story, the Dream Realm exists.”
“What!? You mean everything you told me about it is true!?” gasps Lynn.
“What’s a Dream Realm?” asks Alex.
“I don’t have time to explain it in detail, but it’s a place that mirrors this one, except anything is possible there, It was created thousands of years ago and is kept sustained with a crystal.” States Suzan. “There’s not much time left, Alex, I need you to do something very important.”
Suzan was about to speak but Lynn cut her off.
“Wait a minute! Alex isn’t doing anything, she’s already hurt, I’ll do what ever it is that you need done.”
“You can’t Lynn, neither can I, Demons aren’t allowed in the Dream Realm.”
“You’re sending her there!?”
“It’s the only way to save it.”
Alex then cuts off Lynn from speaking, “Are there people that live in the Dream Realm?”
“Yes, tons of people, it’s basically a mirror image of this world.”
“Then I’ll go.”
“Alex wait a minute!” states Lynn.
“Lynn, if I’m the only one of us that can go and save the people there, I don’t have a choice.” Alex then looks to Suzan, “Wait would happen I didn’t go though, just FYI.”
“Well, this world would be unaffected, but the Dream Realm would cease to exist.”
“Ok, what do I have to do?”
“Alex…” states Lynn worriedly.
“It’s going to be ok Lynn.” Replies Alex smiling. “I’ll just go save a world real quick.”
“This isn’t the time for jokes Alex…” replies Lynn with a frown.
Suzan then states as she heads around the bed to the dresser and opens the top one, “Alex, take off your underwear and lay on the bed.
“Ok.” Replies Alex as she does so and gets onto and lies on her back on the bed.
Suzan the removed a tube of lube and drizzled a very large amount of it over the covered sphere.
“Hey, what are you doing?” asks Alex.
“Underneath this rapping, is a special sphere that can save the Dream Realm that I’ve been saving for a day like today…” replies Suzan as she works the lube all over the sphere and walks to Alex’s left side. “The only way, you can take this from her to there, is if it’s in you.”
“That’s a pretty big ball though…” comments Alex.
Suzan then places the ball against Alex’s pussy and states, “When you get there, look for a large castle in the center of the city, go there and ask for a woman called Kali and give the sphere only to her, no one else.”
“Ok, I get to the castle and give the sphere to Kali.” Replies Alex.
“This is fu*king crazy!” states Lynn suddenly, “Alex is human, no offense, but she can’t do anything. Let me go!”
“Lynn, if you go, and get found out that your part demon, you’ll be killed on the spot, Alex won’t have any problem, she just needs to get the sphere to Kali as soon as possible.”
Suzan the looks back to Alex, “If for any reason you do run into trouble, just remember that the laws of physics are different there, if you can dream it, you can do it there. And to get back, just go to sleep.”
“Roger that.” Replies Alex smiling.
“Ok, this may hurt for a moment…” states Suzan before quickly shoving the large sphere into Alex’s pussy, releasing a gasp of pain from Alex before going unconscious.
-Dream Realm-
Alex screamed out in pain as she felt the ball shoved into her and quickly lowering her hands down to her crotch. Thanks to its size, she didn’t have to worry about it leaving her.
As the pain faded though, she opened her eyes to see that she was in the same room, but Lynn and Suzan weren’t there, the room was also dark, as if it was night time outside, looking to the window, it did appear to be night time.
Alex slowly get off the bed and to her feet, removing her hands from her crotch, revealing a large bulge in her abdomen, as she walked to the window to look out.
“Whoa, it looks like a video game with those dark evil-like clouds.” Comments Alex as she saw the blackened sky. “Hey, there’s the castle!” gasps Alex as she spots the castle about five blocks ahead.
Alex then felt what she thought of as an earthquake.
“Looks like I don’t have time to get dressed… I’ll lose a ton of time going on foot…” states Alex after the quake ends and opens the window. “Time for a little test…” adds Alex climbing up on the window seal.
“Ok… If I can dream it, I can do it…”
Alex chanted this a few more times before closing her eyes and jumping out. When she didn’t feel herself drop, she slowly opens her eyes to discover she was floating in the air.
“Oh cool! I’m flying!”
Alex then took a Superman pose and states, “Alex, the Naked Flying girl shall save the day!” before zipping forward towards the castle.
“Heheheh! This is so awesome! I wish I was here under better circumstances though.”
Alex soon made it to the castle, flying to the top and looking over the area she could see.
“Hmmm, it’s really quite… Maybe people have gathered somewhere…” Alex then began to fly lower and starts to circle the castle, as she made it a third of the way around, she heard some commotion in an area to her left and proceeded to it.
Alex flew through a few corridors hearing what she recognized as voice getting louder and louder under she rounded a corner and flew into a large, ceiling-less room with a crowd of people in the center and a woman standing in a white dress on a long balcony.
Alex’s suddenly appearance had alerted the woman on the balcony, with a gasp, causing the crowd below to turn and look up, it wasn’t hard to miss a naked girl floating in the air.
“U-Uh… hi?” greets Alex waving a hand nervously.
She was met with a less than friendly welcome as the crowd began pointing at her spewing comments rapidly.
“An Outsider!” said one.
“How dare she show herself unclothed! In front of the queen!” said another.
“This is no place for you!”
“Geez…” comments Alex. “They already hate me and I haven’t done anything…”
Then she heard a word that wasn’t something she wanted to hear in this situation.
“Demon! It’s a demon child!”
“What!? No! I’m not a demon!” quickly states Alex slowly lowering herself. “I’m here to help you people!”
“We can’t die fast enough for you demons!?”
“I’m not a demon!” states Alex.
AS the crowd continued to claim that she was a demon, Alex noticed the woman on the balcony was the only one who hadn’t said anything, so she gave up on talking with the crowd and flew forward, over the crowd towards the woman.
Although, Alex didn’t really think this action through, a crowd of people who think she’s a demon seeing her head to their queen would no question, try their best to prevent it; Once Alex was over the middle of the crowd, she looked down for a moment and gasped as she saw one of the people aiming some kind of gun at her. Alex panicked and froze, stopping where she was attempting to cover herself, but it proved to be a vain action as the person fired and a large blue energy ball hit Alex and propelled her upwards as a scream left her before falling back down, unconscious.
Alex was saved from hitting the floor though as the crowd caught her.
“Kill the demon!”
At this comment, the woman on the balcony finally spoke.
“Stop! All of you! You will not further harm that girl!”
The crowd stopped and looked back up to the Queen, who looks to one of soldiers near the crowd, “You, bring her here, and do NOT harm her.”
The soldier walked into the crowd and picked up the limp Alex and carried her out of the area.
After a few minutes, the soldier walked into the room which the queen waited in.
“Place her on the bed and leave us.” Ordered the woman.
The soldier did so and left Alex alone with her, after a few moments with the woman looking at Alex, she soon squats down to the side of the bed and pulls out a dagger from the bottom of the bed and when Alex started to stir, The woman sat on the side of the bed next to Alex and placed the dagger’s edge to Alex’s neck.
“Nngh… my head…” groan Alex as she started to come too.
Alex tried sitting up but feeling something sharp against her neck stopped her and opened her eyes.
“Who are you and why are you here?” question the woman.
“A-Alex, I’m here to save your world.”
The woman smiles for a moment before pressing the dagger to Alex’s neck harder.
“Do NOT lie to me!”
“I-I-I’m not lying.” Replies Alex quickly becoming scared. “I have something to help you!”
“M-My pussy.”
The woman then looks at Alex with an annoyed look on her face before removing the dagger, but to Alex Shock, stabbed her in the stomach, releasing a cry of pain from her. The dagger was long enough come out Alex’s Back and pierce the bed under her.
“What kind of idiot to you take me for!?”
“P-P-P-Please! J-J-Just check it! Please!”
The woman glanced at Alex’s pussy and saw that her abdomen had a bulge.
“Well there’s defiantly something in there…”
“I-I-I need to give… it to a p-p-person called Kali.” Replies Alex as tears now left her eyes from the pain in her stomach.
“Kali?” questions the woman seemingly caught off guard. “Why?”
“I was told by a friend… to only give it to Kali.”
“What’s your friend’s name?”
The woman then gasps and quickly removed the dagger, causing Alex to gasp in somewhat relief. The woman quickly stood and dropped the bloody dagger.
“Suzan Kiddo?” asks the woman.
“Y-Yeah…” replies Alex leaning over on her right with her hand over her bloody stomach.
“Oh, I’m SO sorry for stabbing you! I thought you were a demon, the last few hours have been very stressful for me.”
“You’re Kali?”
“Then hurry and take the ball that’s in my pussy.”
“R-Right…” replies Kali reaching down to Alex’s left and raising it and placing her left hand on Alex’s abdomen and pressing, trying to push the ball out.
It didn’t take much pushing for the wet, covered ball to pop out of Alex’s strained pussy.
Kali then removed the covering over the ball to reveal a very bright, almost blinding, sphere of light, Kali smiles at the sight.
“She kept it all this time… thank-you so much Alex! Tell Suzan I owe her once again.” Replies Kali happily and rushing out to the balcony.
-Suzan’s room-
“Ahhh!” screams Alex as she awakens back in her own world with her hands over her stomach.
Alex immediately heard Lynn’s voice, “Your back!” and her tight hug.
Despite the mild aching she felt in her stomach, Alex smiles a little and replies, “I told you I’d be back.” As she returned onto her back, her hands still on her stomach though.
“How’d it go?” asks Suzan, who sat on her right side.
“Well, besides being attacked because people thought I was a demon and your friend stabbing me, It was fine.” Replies Alex.
“What!? You were attacked!?” gasps Lynn.
“It’s fine Lynn.” States Alex. “I’m fine now…” adds Alex before removing her hands from her stomach and looking down, seeing the area were Kali had stabbed her very red. “Or, maybe not… anyway, Miss Kiddo, Kali says thank you and she owes you again.”
Suzan smiles at Alex’s comment before Alex gasps and reaches a hand down to her crotch and inserting a finger into herself.
“Kali gave me something to show her thanks for risking my life to save her world…” after Alex’s comment, she pulls out a necklace from her pussy with a small, white jewel. “She said it’ll let me return there when ever I want, I just put it on and go to sleep.”
“That’s great Alex…” states Suzan in a sudden, concerned tone, “But theirs something you need to know, it’s about your sister.”
“What, what happened to her?” asks Alex quickly getting concerned from Suzan’s concerned look.
“Your mom called, she was in a car crash.”
“WHAT!?” gasps Alex quickly sitting up, and wincing from the pain in her stomach. “Is she ok!?”
“Your mom said she’s in critical condition.”
“So she’s alive!?” asks Alex with some relief in her voice.
“As far as we know, yeah, your mom wasn’t on the phone long; she should be calling back soon.”
“Well I’m calling her now!” states Alex quickly getting off the bed and rushing around it to the phone that was on the left side of the bed on a small desk.
Alex quickly dialed her mom’s cell number and she didn’t have to wait long before she answers.
“Hello?” asks Lucy.
“Mom! It’s Alex! I just heard about Allie, is she ok?!” asks Alex quickly.
“It’s great to hear your voice Alex, Allie’s doing better now, she’s in the Operating Room.”
“The Operating Room!? What happened?”
“She wasn’t wearing her seat belt and was propelled through the car window, she hit her head, broke her right arm and dislocated her left knee.” Replies Lucy.
“So she’s going to be ok?” asks Alex smiling.
“That’s what the doctors said.”
“Well what about the others that were with Allie? What about them?” asks Alex.
“Well, there were three others, the driver didn’t make it.”
“Not wearing her seatbelt actually may have saved her life, after the crash, a big semi-truck hit the car from behind, crushing the car; the two in the back seat have worse injuries than Allie.”
There was a moment of silence before Alex heard in the background, someone call her moms name. And Lucy stating, to Alex, “Hold on Alex, I think I can go see her now.”
After about a minute, Alex heard an amusing squeal of joy from her mom and then, to Alex’s relief, Allie’s voice…
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! No hugging! I’m still sore!”
Alex then began crying and laughing at the same time, If Allie could say something like that, she was defiantly fine.
END ^_^
Allie was able to leave the hospital late that night, walking with the aid of a crutch, so she was still able to enjoy Christmas at home rather than in the hospital.