The Teacher 4
By: Garrett Thomas (Anime lover AKA gamer_for_ever19)
Disclaimer: None needed
Private Lesson: Lynn's Secret
(The Dark-haired girl, Lynn, walked up the steps to her homeroom
teacher's house and knocked on the door. Excited about the 'Private
Lesson' she was going to get. Lynn was dressed in a black skirt that
reached her knees and a simple, black sleeve-less shirt. Her teacher,
Naki Kanomi, opened her door and greeted the 17-year-old. Naki wore a
plain blue jeans and white T-shirt combo.)
"Hey, you know your 15 minutes late right?" asked Naki. "Heh, yeah, my
sense of direction kinda sucks." Replies Lynn using her right hand to
rub the back of her head as she sweatdrops. "Well as long as you made
it here. Come on in." states Naki as she steps aside and extends her
right hand into her house. "Thanks..." replies Lynn as she walks into
the house.
(Naki closes the door and locks it.)
"I was kinda surprised when I saw that you live in a house rather than
an apartment. Being a new teacher and all." states Lynn as she walks
around a bit. "Well, I have my ways..." replies Naki smiling.
"Reeeally?" states Lynn as she turns around and eyes Naki. "Heh, shall
we get started?" replies Naki walking to the girl. "Oh yeah! Let's
start, what do you want me to do?" asked Lynn. "Hold on a sec..."
replies Naki as she walks down the hall to her left.
(Naki comes back about a minute later with an 8oz. cup of liquid.)
"Drink this." states Naki as she offers the cup to Lynn. "What is it?"
asks Lynn as she takes the cup in her right hand. (Naki thinks for a
quick moment.) "Uh, it's juice, it wouldn't be very nice of me not to
offer something to drink to a guest would it?" replies Naki. "Heh, no I
guess you wouldn't." answers Lynn before she drinks the 'juice'. (Lynn
then gives the now empty cup back to Naki.) "Good, Now while I go throw
this away, I want you to remove your clothes, ok?" states Naki. "Sure."
replies Lynn as she begins to remove her shirt.
(When Naki returns from the kitchen, she sees Lynn nude, patiently
waiting while sitting on the couch.)
"Thanks for waiting." states Naki. (She then sees the teen begin to get
up.) "Wait, stay on the couch." states Naki quickly. "Oh, ok." replies
Lynn as she sits back down. (Naki then reached into her right pocket
and removed a small three-inch rod. It had a centimeter of thickness,
white in color, and had a pointed tip at one end. Actually, the small
rod looked strikingly similar to the handle of a paintbrush. To tell
the truth, it WAS the handle of a paintbrush, one that had a white
plastic handle. Naki had removed the brush and cut three inches from
the handle to the piece she now held in her right hand.)
"What's that for?" asked Lynn as she saw the object. "Tell me, have you
ever inserted something into you urethra?" asked Naki. "Well, the
thought crossed my mine a few times, but I could never find anything
that I thought would fit." replied Lynn. "Well, today's your lucky day.
I'm going to insert part of the rod into your urethra." states Naki.
"Really?! Great!" replied Lynn happily as she lifted up her legs and
spread them on the couch, giving Naki a clear view of the her hairless
area between her legs. "Good." states Naki as she got to her knees in
front of Lynn.
(Naki used her left hand to feel the softness of the dark-haired girl's
labia. This made Lynn moan as she felt Naki playing with soft folds of
sensitive skin between her legs. As this teasing went on, Naki saw
Lynn's labia begin to swell and moisten from arousal. A few moments
later, Naki spread the teen's southern lips to reveal her vagina. Naki
gently inserted her index finger into Lynn, hearing her moan in reply.
The older woman then rubbed her finger along Lynn's urethra, this
caused her to coo at the feeling. Naki then took the small white rod in
her right hand and put the pointed tip at Lynn's urethran entrance.)
"Ok, here it goes, you ready?" asked Naki. "Yeah, go ahead." came her
(With that, Naki proceeded to push the rod into Lynn's urethra. Who
cringed at the uncomfortable feeling of this. As Naki slowly pushed the
object further, Lynn felt the width of the rod increasing, stretching
her urethra. Naki pushed until the rod was about an inch in, and would
not stretch her urethra anymore since the one-centimeter radius was
fully in.)
"How does it feel?" asked Naki. "Incredibly weird." replied Lynn. "Heh,
I would imagine so." states Naki. "But it doesn't hurt though." adds
Lynn. "Well that's good, want me to start going in and out?" asked
Naki. "Sure, go ahead." replied Lynn. "Ok, I'm gonna start." replies
(Naki then began pulling the rod out of Lynn's urethra, causing her to
make a low moan. Naki pulled it out until the very tip of the small rod
was still in the opening. She then slowly pushed it back in, making
Lynn coo in pleasure.)
"Ooh, it won't make me come but it feels really good." states Lynn as
Naki repeats her action a few times. "Well that's good to know."
replies Naki.
(Naki continued her actions for a few minutes, hearing Lynn moaning
softly. After a while, Naki finally removed the rod completely, causing
Lynn to groan in protest slightly.)
"Don't worry, I have much more in store for you. Now just sit tight
until I come back, I won't be long." states Naki as she gets up and
proceeds down the hall that leads to the kitchen.
(But she doesn't enter the kitchen as she opens a door on her right and
enters the room. Lynn saw Naki leave the room a moment later carrying
what appeared to be a decent sized container with a trigger-like handle
in her right hand. She also saw a small thin clear tube in her left.
Naki made her way to the kitchen and Lynn heard the faucet being turned
on and something being filled with water. Naki returned a moment later,
with the previous empty container now full of water.)
"What's that for?" asked Lynn. "Heh, you'll see..." replies Naki as she
walks to the girl on the couch. "Lift and spread your legs again like
before." states Naki as she kneels down in front of Lynn again and
places the water filled device on the floor beside her.
(Lynn replies with an "Ok" as she lifts her legs back onto the couch
and spreads her legs wide.)
"Good, now what I'm gonna do is insert this small tube here into your
urethra about an inch. Then I'm going to connect the other end to the
handle of this." explains Naki as she refers to the container of water
with the handle attached to it. "Oh I got it! Your going to put that
water directly into my bladder right?" asked Lynn. "Mmm-hmm, that's
right. I'm going to see just how much liquid your bladder can hold."
replies Naki. "Ok, You can start whenever you want." states Lynn.
"Wait, How long has it been since you've urinated today?" asked Naki.
"Uh, when I woke up this morning about 9 o'clock, then again at noon."
replies Lynn. "And what about a bowel movement?" asks Naki. "Bowel
movement? Why?" replied Lynn a bit surprised at her teacher's question.
"I just want to know." asks Naki as she lightly places her right hand
over Lynn's labia. "W-Well, I haven't had on today, yet." replied Lynn
blushing. "Ok, since its been about two hours since your last
urination, you must have some urine in your bladder by now, correct?"
asks Naki. "Yeah, what about it?" replies Lynn. "I want you to empty
your bladder." states Naki as she removes her hand from the teen's
labia. "What? Right here? On your couch?" asked Lynn surprised. "Yeah,
I want you to relieve yourself right there on the couch, and keep your
legs spread." replies Naki. "Well, ok, if you say so..." states Lynn.
(Lynn then relaxes her muscles.) "Gimme a sec..." adds Lynn.
(A few moments later, Naki heard Lynn moan quietly. Then the teen began
urinating, sighing in relief as she felt the fluid leaving her bladder,
down her urethra, and out in a small arched stream. As the couch got
wetter and wetter, the dampness reached under Lynn and she felt herself
sitting in the warm wet material of the urine-soaked cushion. Then, to
Lynn's shock and surprise, she felt Naki's mouth on her labia. This
made Lynn tense a bit, pinching closed her urethra. But it soon falls
limp, and Lynn couldn't stop the relaxing release of the fluid from her
urethra and began to urinate into Naki's mouth. As much as she wanted
to, the pleasure from her urination and her teacher's mouth on her,
prevented her from finding her tongue to protest. Naki drank the yellow
fluid as quickly as it entered her mouth, "Mmmming" at the taste. As
Lynn finished peeing, Naki removed her mouth from Lynn's labia.)
"Mmm, that tasted good." states Naki as she runs a finger around her
mouth to get some of the urine from that area and puts her finger in
her mouth. "Now, let's fill you up." states Naki. "I can't believe you
just drank my piss." replies Lynn. "Hehe, you should try it sometime,
its not as bad as you may think." states Naki as she uses her left hand
to insert the small clear tube she had into Lynn's urethra.
(The dark-haired girl moaned as Naki inserted the tube into her
"There, it's in far enough. Now all I have to do is connect the other
end to the handle of this container of water." states Naki. "How much
are you going to put in me?" asks Lynn before getting hit with a sudden
strong sense of drowsiness.
(She fought it back though.)
"As much as your bladder can hold." replies Naki as she connects the
tube to the handle of the device with water. "Ok, here it comes."
states Naki as she then squeezes the handle of the container.
(Lynn jumps momentarily as she feels the liquid enter her bladder.)
"Ooh, it's warm." moans Lynn. "Well, I didn't think that having cold
water would feel to good." replies Naki. "Ooooh...." moans Lynn.
(Naki then begins to see a bulge begin to form on Lynn's abdomen. The
teen just continues to moan from the sensations of the water filling
her bladder. A few moments later, Naki looks away from the growing
bulge on Lynn's abdomen, and looks at the clear container of water. She
notices that the water lever has dropped about an inch and a half.)
'Interesting, she can hold a good amount of water in her bladder.'
thinks Naki.
(Naki then heard Lynn start to groan, and squirm slightly.)
"N-Naki, I don't think I can hold anymore." states Lynn. "Ok then, I'll
stop." replies Naki as she relaxes her grip on the handle of the water-
filled device, stopping the flow of water into Lynn's bulging bladder.
(Naki also removed the small tube from the teen's urethra. This caused
a quick spurt of water-which will now be referred to as urine- to
escape before Lynn pinched back the rest.)
"Are you going to be able to hold it in?" asked Naki. "Y-Yeah, I can.
I'm fine." replied Lynn as she felt her drowsiness come back stronger.
(and her eyes started to become heavy.) "Ooh, why am I feeling so
sleepy? I can barley keep my eyes open." states Lynn as she visibly
looks very sleepy. "Maybe it could have been something you drank."
replies Naki smiling.
(Lynn now looks as though she could drop at any second.)
"Something.... I.... dru......." slowly replies Lynn before she falls
limply to her right as her drowsiness finally claims her. "Great, now
that she unconscious I can get to work..." replies Naki as she picks
the teen up in her arms. 'Wow, she's lighter than she looks.' thinks
Naki as she holds Lynn's sleeping form in her arms.
(Naki carries Lynn to her basement, which looks more like a laboratory
than an actual basement. Then she lays the girl on an examination bed,
then goes to get a large coil of white rope from off a desk near her
computer. Naki raises Lynn's arms above her head and bounds them
together by her wrists, then she cuts the rope with about 2 feet of
rope left from Lynn's bound hands. Naki then wraps rope above and below
Lynn's left knee, and cuts off 4 feet of slack. She repeats this for
Lynn's right leg.)
"Ok, now that I got the ropes on her, its time to get her to hang from
the ceiling." states Naki. "Now let's see... Where is that spot on the
ceiling?" asked Naki to herself as she scanned the ceiling with her
eyes. "Dang it, why did those things have to blend in with the paint on
the ceiling?" complains Naki.
-A moment later-
"Oh! There it is!" states the brunette as she finds the spot on the
ceiling with three small white colored loops protruding out of the
ceiling. (The loops were spaced out in a horizontal line.)
(Naki points her right index finger to the sleeping Lynn and raises her
hand, raising the tall girl from the bed. Naki moves her under the
spot, which is located in front of her computer, about five feet away.
Naki then motions with her other hand and the rope that hangs from
Lynn's bound hands begins to move up to the middle loop in the ceiling.
Naki ties the rope on the loop and repeats her action with the rope
attached just above and below Lynn's knees. Lynn now hangs comfortably
from the ceiling, with her legs nicely spread, revealing the shaved
area between her legs.)
"Now, all I need is a small blood sample and I'll be set..." states
Naki as she turns around and opens a drawer in the desk that her PC
sits on.
(She removes a needle, one used to draw blood. Naki removes the plastic
covering the device and tosses the now useless plastic covering away in
a nearby small trash can.)
"Its a good thing I didn't hang her any higher, or I wouldn't be able
to use her arm to get the blood I need." states Naki.
(She then runs her left hand over the right cheek of Lynn's butt.)
"I'd hate to but this needle into her nice little as*. It's so firm and
smooth..." states Naki as she squeezes the right cheek of Lynn's butt.
(Naki removes her hand after a moment and picks Lynn's left arm to get
the blood from. Once she gets the small amount that she needs, Naki
places her right thumb on the sight where the needle punctured her
skin. She then reaches into her back pocket with her left hand and
removes a Band-Aid, which she then places on the minuet hole on Lynn's
arm. Naki then goes to and sits in the chair in front of her PC, and
puts the blood she got from Lynn onto a small silver device connected
to the side of her computer.)
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot." states Naki as she quickly get up.
(She walks over to something like a cabinet, opens it, and takes out
two devices Hospitals use to give enemas. She walks back to Lynn and
gives the sleeping girl two enemas. This makes another bulge form on
the girl's stomach, exerting pressure on her full bladder. Naki then
goes back to her computer and begins to work.)
-10 min later-
"Hmmm, this is quite interesting..." states Naki to herself as she
(Naki then reaches into her right pocket and takes out her cell phone,
dials a number, then spins around in the chair to face Lynn as she
places the phone to her ear. A moment later, a female voice comes from
the phone.)
"Hello?" asked the voice. Hey, Cindy, its me Naki." replies Naki.
"Yeah? So what's up?" asks Cindy. "I'd like to ask you a question..."
replies Naki. "Ok, shoot." states Cindy. "What are the chances of one
finding a person with succubus blood in them?" asks Naki. "Pretty much
0, to my knowledge, Succubi don't even exist anymore." replies Cindy.
"So, your saying there's no possible way for someone to have that type
of blood?" asks Naki smiling as she looks at Lynn. "Well, there one way
that its possible, but even then its highly unlikely." states Cindy.
"Oh? And what would that be?" asks Naki.
"Well, somehow, if the person has a dormant succubus gene in them it's
been shown that, that particular gene could come out of its dormant
states when the girl reaches her teen years. But that's only occurred
way back when Succubi existed, there's no way this could happen in
today's age." explains Cindy. 'Looks like I have a very rare find
here.' thinks Naki smiling.
(Naki then saw Lynn begin to stir and moan a bit.)
"Ok, thanks for the info, bye." states Naki as she gets up. "Ok, cya
later." replied Cindy before Naki ended the call and placed her phone
back in her right pocket.
"Have a nice nap?" asks Naki. "Mmm, where am I? And why am I hanging
from the ceiling?" replies Lynn. "Your in my basement." states Naki.
(Lynn raises her head and opens her eyes.) "Basement? It looks more
like a-ah!" replies Lynn as she cut off by her bladder forcefully
reminding her of its bulging fullness.
(Since her legs are spread, Lynn has a hard time holding the urine at
bay. But she somehow manages to hold it back.)
"Oh, my bladder! It hurts." states Lynn in discomfort. "I'm sure it
does." states Naki walking till she's a foot away from Lynn. "Please,
get me down so I can go to the bathroom." replies Lynn.
(Naki then placed her right hand over Lynn's labia, forcing a gasp from
"W-What are you doing?! I gotta pee!" states Lynn as she begins to
(As Lynn fight's back another strong urge to urinate, her squirming
causes her stomach to emit a sick-like growl and Lynn feels her
intestines cramp with a sudden but familiar pain.)
"Oww, my stomach hurts. (Lynn then feels a different urge strike her
and she tenses up.) Ooh, my bladder is bad enough, but not this!
Please, let me go to the bathroom." pleads Lynn. "Nah, you can go right
here." replies Naki. "What?! Peeing isn't the only urge I'm having
right now." states Lynn as she fights for control of her body releasing
it's solid waste. "Heh, I know." replies Naki.
(Lynn succeeds in gaining control, only for her bladder to scream at
"Ah! The urges are coming back to back! I won't be able to last like
this." groans Lynn as she attempts to clench her urethra shut.
(But a few drops still find there way out as they wet Naki's palm a
bit. Naki smiles and inserts two fingers into the girl's vagina. Lynn
groans and tries to move her hips to get the fingers out, but only
succeeds in thrusting her hips into Naki's fingers, making her groan
louder as this action taxes her hold. Naki very slowly begins to pump
her fingers, making Lynn groan and squirm in desperation. Lynn managed
to outlast the spasm of her bladder, but her squirming again caused her
bowels to spasm strongly. Lynn tensed hard in trying to prevent the
contents within her rectum escape. When Lynn did manage to hold back
the urge, she was sweaty and exhausted. She didn't have much energy
left to fight, and Naki's action with her fingers wasn't helping the
"P-Please... let me go to the bathroom." begs Lynn tiredly. "Would you
honestly be able to make it in time?" asked Naki.
(Tears were now starting to fall from Lynn's eyes from the strain her
body was going through to prevent her dual accident.)
"...No..." replied Lynn lowly. "So just give it up and pee and sh*t
yourself." replied Naki as she pressed on Lynn's bladder from inside
her vagina, and she used her left hand to press into Lynn stomach.
(Lynn groaned loudly and tensed sharply as both urges assaulted her
tired body. Lynn knew she couldn't hold back both urges at the same
time, so she choose to hold in the contents of her bowels. So without
any attempt to hold back the urine, Lynn peed HARD. A torrent of clear
urine burst from her limp and tired urethra. Since Lynn had her legs
spread while in the air, the torrent of urine hit Naki, drenching her
face, hair, and shirt. Naki did nothing to prevent the urine from
wetting her, which it did for about 1 1/2 minutes before the hard
stream began to lose pressure, to a low stream falling from over Lynn's
vagina before falling to the floor, then a small trickle.)
"Oooohhhh! That felt soooo good!" exclaims Lynn as she laxes up from
exhaustion. "Yeah, it sure did, I'm completely soaked." replies Naki as
she removes her fingers from Lynn, then took two steps back.
(To skip the upcoming SCAT scene click HERE.)
(Lynn quickly cringed as she felt her bowels try to release its
"N-Nooo! I'm too tired to fight back! Its coming out, I can't stop it!"
exclaims Lynn as she feels her waste forcing its way down her rectum.
(Lynn tried one last final attempt at holding the contents at bay. but
that took the last bit of energy Lynn had to hold it back. Then it
finally happened, as Lynn's clenching anus finally gave up the fight, a
brown liquid forcefully left Lynn's anus for about two seconds. She
managed to clench back the rest momentarily.)
"Heh, liquid sh*t. You must've had an upset stomach huh?" asks Naki
smiling slightly.
(Lynn just groaned in reply again before her anus fell limp again,
allowing the last bit a liquefied waste freedom from her body before
Lynn regained control and clenched her anus shut once again. Now that
the liquid sh*t was gone, the solid type was traveling down her rectum.
Upon feeling this, and the fact that she already had begun to lose
control, Lynn simply gave up fighting it and started to push.)
(Lynn "Ahhh'ed" as she felt the solid waste leaving her body in one
long piece of feces before it broke off and fell to the floor after it
reached a foot in length. This continued for about 30 seconds before
Lynn appeared to push harder and the waste left her body much quicker
before being pinched off by Lynn's anus involuntarily. Lynn pushed more
out for a few moments before groaning, as she no longer seemed to be
"What's wrong?" asks Naki. "I-It's too big, I c-can't, push it out."
replied Lynn groaning. "Really? You want me to reach in there and pull
it out?" asks Naki. "N-No! D-Don't, I'll get it out myself." replies
Lynn. "Ok then, start push'in." states Naki.
(Lynn took a deep breath and pushed HARD, hard enough to force a small
spurt of urine from her urethra, causing it to burn. A very small
amount of urine began to trickle out Lynn's stinging urethra as she
continued pushing. She then felt the big piece of bodily waste at her
anal exit. Lynn took a quick breath and used any energy she had left to
slowly push the big 1 1/2-inch in diameter piece of waste from her
body. Lynn started to groan as she felt it stretching her anus as it
slowly made its way out. Then finally, causing Lynn to "Ahh!" loudly,
the huge hunk of sh*t finally made its exit, falling to the floor with
a thud.)
(Completely spent of energy, Lynn nearly passed out as she let her head
drop limply, breathing slowly. Naki then walked up to her and lifted
her head by her chin.)
"Good girl, I'm gonna let you rest right now. So you can go to sleep if
ya want." states Naki.
(Lynn's eyes droop closed and Naki could hear the low breathing of the
girl's slumber.)
-About 2 hours later, about 5 o'clock-
"Mmmm...." moaned Lynn as she begins to stir.
(Lynn started to move her arms and legs and quickly found out she
couldn't move them more than two inches. She also felt that she was
laying on something soft. Lynn slowly opened her eyes to see that her
arms and legs were bound to the bed she was laying on, still nude by
the way. She was spread out in a form similar to an X. Lynn looked
around and assumed that she was in Naki's bedroom.)
"Naki must really like silk." states Lynn to herself as she felts the
silky bed cover under her. (The teen then sighed) 'What I'm I tied up
for now?' thinks Lynn as she tests the strength of the ropes by pulling
on them. "I'm kinda thirsty now, actually, now that I think about it, I
have drunk anything besides that drink from earlier." states Lynn. (She
then looked directly at the ceiling and gasped in shock at what she
saw.) "A mirror?! Naki has a mirror above her bed?" asks Lynn to
herself as she sees the mirror above the bed reflecting her image. (The
mirror was big enough to show the entire bed.)
(Lynn looked at herself in the mirror, her arms and legs tied to the
bed. As she continued to stare at her reflection, tied up and spread on
the bed, she began to get aroused. Her nipples stiffening and her labia
moistening. A few moments later, Lynn was trying to rub her legs
together, but the ropes prevented this simple act. She also pulled on
the ropes that bound her hands wanting to play with the stiff nipples
of her small breasts. Lynn groaned at the raising level of arousal
flowing through her body, that she couldn't give herself the simple
pleasure of touch. A few minutes later, Lynn's nipples had reached the
peak of arousal while her labia was soaking and literally dripping with
her arousal juices. A decently sized wet spot, about two inches in
diameter, had formed on the red silk bed sheet from Lynn dripping wet
(Naki found Lynn in this state as she opened her door and walked in.)
"Hey, sleep well?" asked Naki. "I need attention! Please, touch me,
touch me anywhere!" replied Lynn desperately. My goodness, what's got
you so worked up? Wow, your labia is dripping wet." states Naki as she
walks to the bed. (She's currently on the left side of the bed.) "The
ceiling..." replies Lynn. (Naki looks up and smiles, then back to
Lynn.) "Oh yeah, my mirror. Your this turned on simply looking at
yourself?" asks Naki. "Yes, please, touch me somewhere." pleads Lynn.
(Naki places her left hand above Lynn wet labia and feels the high
degree of high raising from the area. Naki then retracts her hand from
Lynn's crotch.)
"You're incredibly hot down there, but I'm not going to give you the
pleasure of touch just yet." states Naki.
(Lynn groans in desperation and starts to squirm, trying vainly to free
her hands from their bounds.)
"Are you thirsty?" asks Naki. "Ooh... y-yes." moans Lynn as she feels
her arousal climbing higher and higher without any aid besides her
(Naki then removed her jeans then her red silk panties followed. She
then got on her bed and sat up on her knees, which were at Lynn's
sides. Naki's shaven labia was just above Lynn's face.)
"I shave too, see." states Naki. (Lynn just looks up at Naki, her eyes
pleading for the pleasure of touch.) "I hope you like it warm." states
Naki rubbing the small bulge of her bladder with her right hand. "W-
What?! Your going to pee on me?!" asks Lynn shocked. "That all depends
one if you decide to drink it or not, you are thirsty aren't you?"
replied Naki. "B-But..." states Lynn. "You better make up your mind
quick, or your going to be wearing it. All over your face..." replied
(Naki then reached her left hand behind her and stroked Lynn's inner
right thigh. Making the girl moan as a shot of pleasure coursed through
her body from this simple action.)
"Cooperate, and you'll get more..." states Naki. "Ooh, ok, ok, I'll
cooperate." moans Lynn in reply. "Good, here it comes..." replies Naki
as she laxes up her urethra and closed her eyes.
(Just as Naki felt the urine traveling down her urethra, to her
surprise, she suddenly felt Lynn's mouth over her labia. This caused
the teacher to gasp in surprise and delight before her urine began to
freely exit her urethra and into Lynn's waiting mouth. Naki moaned as
she relieved herself in Lynn's mouth.)
"'Naki was right, it doesn't taste as bad as I thought it would.'
thinks Lynn as she drinks Naki's urine. 'But I wouldn't want to do this
(After about a minute later, Naki finished urinating. Lynn removed her
mouth from Naki's labia and placed her head back on the bed. Where she
saw in the mirror above them, her mouth had a shine of wetness from her
act seconds ago. Her body hadn't let her forget about its need for
pleasure, and Lynn began to groan and squirm again. Trying to free her
hands from the ropes to pleasure herself.)
"Well, since you cooperated so well, I'll give you your reward." states
Naki as she gets off the bed to her left.
(She goes to one of her dressers and opens the second drawer, Naki
takes out a two-foot long, slender blue vibrator. With a diameter of
about a quarter of an inch.)
"What's that for?" asks Lynn in mild shock at the length of the
vibrator. "Tell me Lynn, how far have you stuck a dildo into your
vagina?" as she walks back to and on the bed. (She's now at the girl's
right side and she's on her knees, sitting on her legs.) "As far as I
could it to go." replied Lynn.
(The teen gave up on struggling with the ropes at this moment.
Realizing that no amount of pulling was going to free her hands,
besides, she was just wearing herself out. But she still squirmed as
her arousal kept raising, her body desperately craving any type of
outside stimulation.)
"Heh, or so you thought..." states Naki. "Huh? What do you mean by
that?" asks Lynn. "I'm going to show you a new level of pleasure..."
replied Naki as she finally, albeit slowly, entered the long dildo into
Lynn's extremely wet and aroused vagina.
(Lynn moaned loudly and tensed sharply as she felt herself almost come
right then and there. She was on the very brink of orgasm, but Naki
knew that if she kept her action extremely slow, Lynn wouldn't get the
orgasm her body was craving for. For three long near-orgasm minutes,
Naki slowly pumped the vibrator in and out of Lynn's vagina. The
vibrator was wide enough to rub the walls of Lynn's vagina. Naki had
her left hand pressed down on Lynn's right leg to stop her squirming.
Only leaving her uncontrollable moaning to convey the ecasity her body
was under. One more agonizingly pleasure-filled minute passed, and as
Naki slowly entered the vibrator for the last time, she pushed it in as
far as it would go before the vibrator hit a 'wall' deep inside Lynn.
The teen moaned again, this time from how deeply the vibrator was in
"P-Please... I, come... want to..." moaned Lynn, her level of pleasure
was now beginning to effect her speaking ability. (She was trying to
say, "Please, I want to come.")
"You'll soon get what you want..." replied Naki as she begun to push
the dildo against the 'wall' in Lynn's vagina.
(Lynn begins to groan from this.)
"W-What are you doing? It won't go any further..." replied Lynn feeling
the pressure. "Yes it will." stated Naki as she started to push a bit
harder. "Ah, no, it won't. Please stop." replied Lynn. (Lynn's arousal
now started to drop because of fear.)
(Lynn then felt the 'wall' beginning to give.)
"Trust me, it will." replied Naki.
(Naki then did one swift push on the vibrator and finally broke through
the wall. Causing Lynn to gasp loudly in shock as she felt the dildo
swiftly proceeds further into her, but she was further shocked when she
felt no pain and Naki pushing the long vibrator in deeper.)
"W-What happened? It doesn't hurt... i-it feels pretty goo actually."
states Lynn as she feels her arousal level raising to its previous high
level. "I pushed past your cervix into your uterus." replies Naki
starting the in and out motion again. (Making Lynn moan.) 'My uterus?!'
That's deep as hell!' thought Lynn. "You ready for that orgasm?" asks
Naki smiling. "Yes! Oh please yes! Make me come!" replied Lynn eagerly.
"Ok then, here ya go..." replied Naki as she reached down the nine
inches of the vibrator protruding from Lynn and clicked over a switch
on the bottom.
(As soon as the vibration started, Lynn's body immediately froze. While
the vibration in her vagina was something she was used to feeling, the
vibration within her cervix and uterus was completely new to her. Lynn
came immediately, her vaginal muscles spasming wildly, and she moaned
loudly as she experienced the most powerful and intense orgasm of her
17 years of life. Almost as soon as her moment hit, Lynn quickly raised
her pelvis and ejaculated and amazing five-second long hard, clear
stream of her cum from her urethra that had a distance of just over six
feet. Soon after her 5 second long stream, her pelvis momentary fell
back to the bed before it quickly raised again and a second, 3.5 second
long stream of her cum ejected itself from Lynn's urethra. Lynn's body
fell back to the bed and relaxed for a second before tensing up again
as a few short, small spurts of ejaculatory fluid forced its way out. A
few moments later, Lynn was done squirting her cum, but that didn't
mean her orgasm had ended, oh no, her orgasm continued as the deeply
inserted vibrator continued to vibrate deeply within her. Lynn writhed
against her bounds in extreme pleasure as her vaginal muscles
contracted powerfully. The electricity of pleasure assaulted her body
like nothing else. When Her orgasm finally did seem to pass 5 minutes
later, Lynn's chest rose up and down quickly as she lay limply on the
bed with the vibrator still going strong within her. She simply began
to moan from the still high amount of pleasure it gave, and squirmed in
pleasure. Lynn then felt the vibrations stop suddenly and the dildo
being pulled out.)
"No! Don't! I want more!" whined Lynn as she felt the entire object
leave her. "More? After an orgasm like that you want even more?" asks
Naki a bit surprised. "Yes, please I want more." replied Lynn eagerly.
(Naki placed the vibrator on the floor to her right. Then a thought
suddenly hit her, reminding her of her earlier discovery.)
"Ok, you want more, I'll give you more..." states Naki as she places
her right hand on Lynn's drenched-with-juices labia. (This makes Lynn
moan and tense a bit.) "Look up at the mirror." states Naki. 'Heh,
watch as my hand disappears into you.' thinks Naki. (Lynn does this and
sees Naki rubbing on her labia.)
(Naki lowers her hand a bit and brings all five of her fingers together
and pushes her hand into Lynn, who quickly groans as she feels herself
being spread before Naki's hand completely enters her.)
"Heh, would ya look at that, and here I was thinking that I was going
to hurt you by doing this, But your so wet my hand just sled right on
in your tight vagina." states Naki. "I d-don't think anything bigger
would fit." replies Lynn. "Oh, you'd be surprised..." states Naki. But
your right, without stretching you out, not much besides my hand will
fit in you. By the way, would you like to use your hands now?" states
Naki. "Yes! Please! Replies Lynn. "Ok then..."
(Naki opened a nearby drawer on her left side and removed a small knife
and cut the rope keeping Lynn's right arm away from her body. As soon
as the rope was cut, Lynn's right hand quickly made its way to her
aroused right nipple. Lynn's left hand did the same when Naki cut the
rope tying her left hand to the bed. Lynn was finally giving her
breasts and nipples attention and she loved it. Naki meanwhile, started
to pump her hand into Lynn's wet vagina. Lynn moaned from the stimuli
she was getting. She pinched and pulled her aroused nipples, sending
quick jolts of pleasure through her body with each pinch and pull. Lynn
began to squirm again slightly as she felt her second orgasm slowly
building from Naki pumping her hand into her vagina, with wet noises
coming from the pumping action. Lynn felt Naki add rotating her hand
left and right as she entered and exited her vagina. This made Lynn
tense and moan as she felt Naki's twisting hand attacking the walls of
her vagina. As Naki's hand had sped up to a nice fast pace, each
rotating pump of her hand added a new jolt of pleasure to shoot through
her body. As her level of pleasure began to sharply rise, so did the
moment of her second release, which made her squirm more and more as
she felt her orgasm nearing. After three minutes of squirming later,
Lynn felt herself on the edge of her release, and just before it hit,
Lynn stopped the pinching and pulling of her left nipple and shot her
hand down to her incredibly aroused clit which had been ignored this
whole time.)
(She was only able to pinch the small nub once between her fingers
before her orgasm hit. Although not as intense as her previous orgasm,
this one was still no average release. Lynn stiffened up sharply as her
orgasm hit. Her vaginal muscles squeezing Naki's hand tightly as they
involuntarily contracted powerfully, but Naki still managed to move her
hand in and out of Lynn's spasming vagina. The teen then felt her cum
sputtering out of her urethra. This was caused from Naki pumping her
hand into Lynn repeatedly. Lynn's ejaculation lasted for about 20
seconds before the sputtering began to die down, and so did Lynn's loud
moaning and squirming. A few moments later, her orgasm passed and she
lay on the bed limply. Naki then slowly removes her hand making Lynn
produce a quite moan. Naki's hand shined with Lynn's vaginal juices as
she retracted her hand.)
"More..." replied Lynn tiredly. "You have got to be kidding!" replied
Naki surprised. "You've had two powerful orgasms and you STILL want
more? Aren't you exsaust-" Naki then remembered something that caused
her to stop. "Here, knock ya self out." replied Naki as she grabbed the
vibrator at her side and reinserted it deeply into Lynn's vagina,
passed her cervix and back into her uterus, and turned on the
vibration. Making Lynn tense and moan in pleasure.
(Then a ringing is heard outside of the room.)
"Huh? What's that? That doesn't sound like any phone I have." stated
Naki. "I-It's mine, it must be my mom. Could you go get it for me
please? It's in my skirt." asks Lynn. "Ok, sure. One sec..." replies
Naki as she leaves the room.
(Naki goes to her living room where Lynn's clothes still are, on the
floor near the couch. She reaches into one of the skirt pockets and
removes the cell phone. Naki then presses a button and puts the device
to her right ear.)
"Hello?" asks Naki. "Where's Lynn?" replies a woman's voice. "She's
hare, you wanna speak to her?" asks Naki. "That may not be necessary,
are you Naki Kanomi?" replies the woman. "Yes, I would assume this is
her mom, correct?" asks Naki. "Yes, that's correct, I'm Suzan Kiddo,
and Lynn has told me a lot about you." replies Suzan. (Naki
sweatdrops.) "Oh? Like what?" asks Naki. "Like how much of a 'pleasure
it is to be in your class." replies Suzan. "Uh, heh, what do you mean
by that?" asks Naki nervously. "Don't play innocent Miss Kanomi, Lynn
has told me what goes on in your classroom." replies Suzan. "Uh, well
you don't sound upset about it..." states Naki. "I'm not, I'm glad
really. Now my sweet Lynn has someone besides me to get her sexual
fill." replies Suzan. "What?!" exclaims Naki in shock. "My Lynn love
being the center of attention, and sex. You could say, it's in her
End ^_^