Story: My Life as A Succubus (chapter 38)

Authors: Anime Lover

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Chapter 38

Title: Snow! It's Snow!

[Author's notes: Alex see's snow for the first time]

Snow! It’s Snow!

By: Garrett Thomas ( AKA Anime Lover)

Disclaimer: None Needed


-The following day, Saturday, 7:36 A.M.-

Alex was currently still sleeping in her bed, on her stomach with the bed cover over her body, she had recovered quickly from her sickness and color had returned to her face.

Eventually, Allie, Alex’s twin sister walked to the side of her sister’s bed, dressed in a red PJ set and smiles at her before placing her hands on Alex and nudging her body.

“Hey, wake up sleepy head, there’s something you should see…”

After a few pushes, Alex groaned and moved her left hand from under the cover to swat away her sister’s hands.

“You really wanna see this…” urges Allie.

After no action from Alex. Allie walked away from Alex’s bed and to her own, taking the pillow from it and returning to the left side of Alex’s bed and quickly starting to repeatedly whack Alex in the head with the pillow.

“AH! Stop!” gasps Alex quickly raising her arms to shield her head. “What’s wrong with you!? It’s Saturday!”

“There’s something you should see outside.” Replies Allie continuing to hit Alex with the pillow.

“Well stop hitting me!” states Alex using her right hand to grab at her pillow and blindly swinging it at Allie as she sat up, revealing herself wearing just a T-shirt and red panties, removing her PJ’s last night from getting too hot.

Alex blind swing had connected to Allie’s head, causing her to gasp and step back for a moment, but this was all Alex needed as she followed up with another one handed swing to Allie, hitting her in the shoulder before Allie herself had recovered from the head blow and began swinging back with two hands on her pillow.

Alex soon got off her bed while the two repeatedly hit each other with the pillows, while Allie had the power of two handed swings, Alex had the speed of using one hand, and got in more hits than her sister, not to mention she used her free hand to block some hits. Eventually, Alex hit Allie’s legs, tripping her to the floor where Alex attacked Allie while she was only the floor repeatedly, who could only shield herself.

“Yeah, how do you like it?” mocks Alex as she hit’s Allie over and over, who was giggling.

“Ok! Ok! I give! I give!” states Allie.

Alex stopped shortly after.

“Good, now what is it that I should see so badly that you had to wake me up on a Saturday morning?”

“Look out the window.” Replies Allie as she sits up and sits on the floor with her legs crossed.

Alex did as she twin suggested and tossed her pillow to her bed and walked to the nearby window and gasps happily.

“Snow!” exclaimed Alex excitedly.

While Alex slept through the night, it had snowed a little, lightly coating the ground with a pure white blanket, There were blades of grass visible poking up out of the blanket of snow, but regardless of how little it snowed, Alex was excited that it DID snow.

“I don’t believe it! Real snow! Right outside my window! It’s looks so pretty!” states Alex amazed by the sight.

As Alex admired the snow, Allie smiled and got to her feet and left the room. Shortly after, Alex quickly rushed to her dresser and removed her cell phone and quickly dialed Lynn’s number, it rung a few times before Lynn’s sleepy voice answers…

“This better be good, it’s Saturday, I was having an awesome dream getting fu*ked by a bunch of tentacles.” Answers Lynn groggily.

“Sorry Lynn, but it SNOWED! There’s an actual freaking blanket of snow covering the ground outside!” states Alex rushing back to the window and looking out at the snow.

“Snow. You interrupt my tentacle orgy for SNOW!? They freak’in went all their way through me and out my mouth!” asks Lynn clearly sounding annoyed. “Good-bye Alex.”

Lynn quickly ended the call on Alex, but this hardly phased Alex as she simply ended the call on her end and gazed out at the snow for a few moments more before going to her closet, and taking out a jacket and tossing it, along with her phone to the bed and going to her dresser to take out a pair of sweat pants and put them on, then the jacket and ran out of her room and down the stairs, stopping at the front door to put her shoes on that were there.

However, as Alex places her right hand on the doorknob, her mother’s voice came from behind her…

“Where do you think your going young lady?”

Alex turns around to see her mother standing behind her wearing her own PJ’s, a purple color.

“Mom, it snowed!” states Alex happily.

“I saw, but your not going out there in it.” States Lucy.

“What!?” asks Alex greatly disappointed at hearing what her mom said.

“You JUST got over that cold, if you go outside you’re just going to get sick again. Until me or your father says so, your not allowed to leave the house.”

“But that’s not fair!” whines Alex. “This is the first time I’ve seen snow and I wanna go play in it!”

“This isn’t the last time it’ll snow, besides, there’s not enough out there to play in anyway.”

“But moooom!” whines Alex.

“But nothing Alex, your staying in this house until me or your father says so, end of story.” States Lucy before walking to and up the stairs.

Alex meanwhile stood there pouting about not being able to leave the house and removed her shoes and jacket, tossing it to the couch that was to her right, before being joined by her sweatpants. Alex was once again just wearing her t-shirt and red panties as she walked to the couch and sat on it, facing the back of the couch, looking out of the large window to the snow covered sight that she wasn’t allowed to go out and enjoy.

While Alex’s shirt wasn’t long enough to completely cover her panties, her manner of sitting, on her lower legs with her back facing away, Alex’s panties were pretty much completely revealed hugging her waist.

After a few minutes of Alex remaining in the position, her dad came into the room behind her, seeing his daughter sitting on the bed looking out the window, he was dressing in a worn t-shirt and blue pajama pants, and he also held a cup of coffee in her right hand.

“Good morning Alex.”

“… Good morning.” Replies Alex not turning to face her dad.

They way Alex said it though, her dad know something was up and walks up to her to her right.

“Something wrong?”

“Mom says I can’t go outside to play in the snow.”

“Well, there’s not much out there to play in yet.”

“That’s not the point, this is the first time I’ve seen it for real, and I can’t even step foot on it.” Replies Alex.

“You did just get over that cold.”

“I know, I know…” replies Alex before sighing.

Alex’s dad smiles for a moment as he look at Alex saddened and places his left hand on her head.

“Five minutes.”

“Huh?” replies Alex turning around a little looking up at her day with a spark of hope.

“You get five minutes, after that, you have to come back inside.”

Alex quickly smiles and hugs her dad.

“Oh thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you…” quickly replies Alex happily before getting off the couch and putting on her pants and jacket again.

“Remember, five minutes.” States her dad.

“OK, five minutes.” Repeats Alex going to her shoes and quickly putting them on.

Once her shoes were on Alex went back to her dad and kissing him on his cheek before rushing out the door…

END ^_^

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