Secret Admirer
By: Garrett Thomas ( AKA Anime Lover)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the character Lillith; I don’t own Azumanga Daiho or any of it’s characters, this is just a work of fiction.
The school day had ended a little over ten minutes ago and Alex had just now walked to her locker, with a few books under her left arm, dressed in the school uniform, a light red top with a burgundy colored skirt. Alex also had two band-aids on the left side of her neck.
Alex opened her locker and was surprised as a folded piece of paper fell from her locker, she tried to keep her locker cleaned of any stray pieces of paper. Alex quickly reached down, picking up the folded paper and looked into her locker, puzzled with that fact that this was the only stray piece of paper.
‘I just cleaned out my locker, where did this come from?’ thought Alex as she looked to her left and right, the hall pretty much empty, ‘cept for a few lingering students a ways down the hall from Alex.
Alex soon noticed writing on the paper and unfolded it as she placed her books in her locker. The red-heads eye’s widened in mild surprise...
‘It’s a letter...’
The letter read:
“Hello, I’m sure you don’t know me, but I’ve kinda
developed a crush on you. I know you already someone
though and I’m not trying to come between you two,
But I can’t help the way I feel about you. If it’s
Possible, can you meet me at in the girl’s locker-room
After school? I can understand if you decline though.”
‘I have a secret admirer...’ thinks Alex smiling. ‘I’ve never had one before!’
Alex though notices something from the corner of her right eye and quickly looked to her right, faintly catching someone’s head quickly duck from view behind a door to a classroom. Alex smiled at this, assuming it was her admirer and reached into her locker and took and ripped a small piece of paper from her note book and writing and the paper and closing her locker, then folding her paper and carefully sliding the piece of paper under her locker, leaving a bit of it protruding from her locker, the walking from her locker.
Alex then hurried outside to Lynn’s car she drove, finding her in her car waiting for Alex.
“What took you so long?” asks Lynn starting up her car as Alex entered.
“I’ll tell you later when we get to your place.”
The two soon arrived at Lynn’s home, Alex quickly made her way to the nearest phone to call her parents to tell them she was safely at Lynn’s home, as Lynn herself walked up the stairs to her room and was surprised to see Lillith in her room, playing a game on her PS2, dressed in a red shirt and blue jeans.
“Hey, you’re not supposed to be in my room when I’m not here!”
“I got bored waiting for you to come home.” Replied Lillith, her attention focused on her game, which was a racing one.
“How would you like finding me in YOUR room when you come home?” asked Lynn as she walking toward her closet, removing her skirt, then her shirt, standing in just her bra and panties as she places her school uniform on a hanger and into the closet.
“That’ll never happen.” Laughed Lillith.
A few moments later, Alex walked into the room, smiling upon seeing Lillith.
“Hi Lillith.” Greeted Alex.
Lillith quickly paused her game and stood to give Alex a quick hug.
“Hi to you too!”
“Hey!” states Lynn. “Why does Alex get a hug but not me?”
“’Cause I like Alex more!” teased Lillith sticking her tongue out at Lynn.
Who looked slightly upset at this before walking to the door of her room.
“I’m going to the bathroom.”
Lillith looked back to Alex and noticed the two band-aid’s on her neck.
“Hey, what happened here?” asks Lillith placing two fingers to the band-aids.
“Nothing, I just had an accident.” Replies Alex reaching her left hand up to Lillith’s and removing her fingers from her neck.
Alex saw Lillith staring at the two band-aids on her neck, clearly trying to figure something out. The red-head placed a hand over her neck nervously.
“Stop staring at it.” Requested Alex.
“Take the band-aids off.”
“U-Uh, No.”
“Come on, I wanna see it.”
“Please?” asked Lillith again as she placed her right hand on Alex belly then sliding her hand downward into her skirt and panties.
“Ah!” gasped Alex flinching quickly and closing her legs.
“I’m your friend, show me what’s under the band-aids.” Urged Lillith.
“I-I can’t...” replied Alex, already panting from Lillith’s skilled hands.
“I-I just... c-can’t...” shook out Alex trembling in pleasure.
Alex’s knees soon gave out on her and Lillith easily held her up on her feet.
“Alex, I like you, so I’m not going to hurt you just because you won’t tell me something, but I can prevent you from climaxing no matter how good you feel, so you better tell me why or take the band-aids off if you wanna come.”
“B-But, Lynn...” trembled out Alex.
“So it has to do with Lynn huh? That’s all I need to know, thanks.” Replies Lillith smiling.
Seconds later, Alex moaned out loudly as Lillith allowed Alex’s body to climax, Alex’s body quickly going ridged in Lillith’s hold before quickly trembling vigorously.
A few moments later Lillith released Alex, letting her fall to her knees as her body shook through her waning orgasm. Lillith smiled as she looked down to Alex and placed her middle and ring finger in her mouth, licking Alex’s juices from her fingers.
Shortly afterwards, Lynn came back into the room, to which Lillith commented, “So, you ended up going after Alex afterall.”
“Huh?” questioned Lynn.
Lillith knelt down to Alex and pointed to the two band-aids on her neck.
Lynn looked a bit aggravated by this, but breathed deeply for a moment to calm herself, before walking past Lillith to her bed and sitting on it.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Heh, but I’m gonna bug you any-“ replied Lillith before feeling Alex grab her right arm.
Alex sat up and stated, “It’s all been worked out, I’ll let Lynn bite me when ever she needs, or wants to.”
“Awwww! How sweet!” smiles Lillith. “Better not let Alex leave you Lynn, or your fu*ked.” Replied Lillith giggling.
Lynn just groaned and fell back on her bed, laying on her back.
“I talked to my sister and she agreed to let Lynn feed on her too.” States Alex.
“Sister? You have a sister?” asks Lillith.
“U-Uh, yeah...” replies Alex nervously.
“As long as you’ve known me, you’ve never mentioned you got a sister.” Comments Lillith.
“Well I haven’t known you that long.” Replies Alex.
“By the way...” begins Lynn, still laying on her back. “She wants to meet you.”
“Really? Well if she’s your sister Alex, I’d love to meet her. I hope she’s as cute as you.”
Alex just looked to the floor blushing and smiling.
“Oh yeah!” gasps Lynn quickly sitting up. “Alex, you said you were going to tell me why your were late meeting me after school.”
“Yeah, I almost forgot...” replies Alex reaching into her right pocket in her skirt and removing the folded piece of paper. “Read this.” Added Alex handing Lynn the paper.
Before Lynn cold grab it though, Lillith quickly snatched it from Alex and quickly stood as Lynn got off her bed and began chasing her for the piece of paper.
Alex smiled at this display and sat on the bed, watching as Lillith and Lynn circled her. Eventually, Lynn managed to catch Lillith, tackling her onto the bed and wrestling the piece of paper from the giggling girl.
“Your getting on my nerves!” groaned Lynn sitting up on the bed.
“I’m good at that.” Giggles Lillith. Sitting up as well to read what’s on the paper along with Lynn.
After a few moments, Lillith commented, “How cute, you have a secret admirer!”
“Wow, where did you get this?” asks Lynn smiling.
“It was in my locker. I think I caught a glimpse of my admirer in the hallway, so I wrote a reply and left it for them sticking out of my locker.” Replies Alex.
“Why didn’t you meet’em?” asks Lynn.
“I wanted to talk to you about it first, would it be ok if I did meet her?”
“Of course it would! First thing tomorrow after school, go meet this girl!” replies Lynn smiling.
“Heh, thanks. What if she wants a kiss or something? Should I give her one?”
“Give her whatever she wants.”
“Yeah, make her dreams come true!” Replies Lynn giggling.
“Ok, thanks Lynn.”
“Hey...” states Lillith. “Let’s go meet your sister!”
“But we just got here ten minutes ago.” Complained Lynn.
“Who said you needed to go anyway?” asked Lillith getting off the bed.
“If your going there I’m coming to keep an eye on you.”
“I know how to behave.”
“Well I’ll see for myself then... Alex you wanna go now or later?”
Alex, who had stood up and almost making her way out of the room replied as she walked out, “We can go after get back from the bathroom.”
Lynn then feel back onto the bed again reading the note again.
“Hey, how was it when you bit Alex?”
“Why are you bugging me about that?”
“’Cause it’s your first time on a human, come on, tell me about it!”
Lillith had tried to sit on Lynn, for the purpose of irritating her, but Lynn quickly sat up and stood, going to her closet.
“I’ll tell you about it later.”
“Good enough...” replies Lillith getting off the bed and returning to the game she paused.
A few minutes later, Alex and Lillith was in Lynn’s car with her on there way to Alex’s home, Lynn was dressed in a knee-length black dress. About half-way to Alex’s home, she pulled her cell-phone from her right pocket and calling home.
“Hey, daddy, I’m gonna come home early today. Is it ok if one of Lynn’s friend’s-“
“Acquaintance!” quickly commented Lynn.
“Aww, that’s not nice.” Smiles Lillith sitting in the middle of the back seat.
“Hehe, I mean ‘acquaintance’, can one of Lynn’s ‘acquaintance’s’ come over to meet Allie? ... Ok, thanks daddy!”
“Aren’t you a little old to be calling your father ‘daddy’?” asks Lillith.
“I grew up calling him daddy, so anything else just sounds weird to me. What do you call your dad... wait, do you have one”?
“Of course I have one, I call him Father.”
“Hehe, that would sound really weird to me if I called my dad that.”
After a quick moment, Alex gasped and looked to Lynn.
“Oh, I’m sorry Lynn. We’re talking about our dads and you don’t...”
“It’s ok.” Replies Lynn.
“Really, really.” States Lynn smiling.
“Heh, ok.”
The three soon reached Alex’s home, which Alex’s dad greeted the three girl’s at the door before letting them in. Alex’s dad had short red hair, and dressed in a white long-sleeve shirt and blue jeans.
“Hello, you much be Lynn’s friend.” States Alex’s dad with an obvious Texan accent.
“Acquaintance.” Quickly commented Lynn.
Alex’s dad just smiled at Lynn’s reply.
“Hello, my name is Lillith Aensland. It’s nice to meet you, Alex just told me she has a sister and I’d really like to met her.” States Lillith smiling.
“Well, Allie’s upstairs, go ahead and meet her.”
“Thank you Mr. Cook.” Replies Lillith smiling and bowing slightly.
Alex’s dad smiled and walked away from the three. Lillith walked past Lynn to the nearby stairs and commented, “See, I can act civilized when I want to.”
Lynn and Alex followed Lillith up the stairs as Alex replied, “But don’t you think the bowing was a bit much?”
“Maybe, but better safe than sorry.”
The three quickly arrived upstairs and Alex lead Lillith into her and Allie’s room.
“Whoa!” gasps Lillith upon walking into the room. “You two really like anime huh?” adds Lillith seeing the walls of the room nearly covered in posters.
“U-Uh, yeah...” replies Alex blushing. “It doesn’t look like Allie’s here, I’ll go find her, you can wait here.”
Alex left her room and called out Allie’s name, she was quickly answered from the bathroom down the hall, which Alex quickly walked to and said through the door...
“Hey Allie, how much longer are you gonna be?”
“I dunno, something I ate is aggravating ma stomach. Nngh, it’s like I’m pissing from ma as*, and it burns like hell!”
“EWWWWW! TMI!” replies Alex cringing in disgust. “Just come to our room when you’re done, there’s someone here who wants to meet you.”
“Who is it?” asks Allie before Alex hears the sound of water streaming to water, but ending with the sound of a wet fart.
“EWWWW! Don’t talk to me while you’re doing that! Just come to our room when you finish.” Replies Alex quickly before rushing back to her room.
Upon walking back into her room, Lillith, who was sitting on her bed, held up a DVD case looking at Alex smiling.
“You naughty girl, what are you doing with porn?!” asks Lillith giggling.
“Lynn!” whined Alex quickly.
Lynn was sitting on Allie’s bed directly across from Lillith.
“Heh, I didn’t do anything, she found it herself. You should hide your porn better if you don’t want your friends to find it.”
“Hey where’s your sister? Did you find her?” asks Lillith.
“Yeah, she’s in the bathroom, it may be awhile before she comes out though.”
“Ok, I don’t have anywhere to go.”
“Well, while we wait, you wanna play a game?” asks Alex as she walks to her dresser which both, and X-box 360 and PS2 sit.
“How about we watch this DVD?” requests Lillith with a smile.
“Um... ok, I guess so.” Replies Alex taking the DVD case from Lillith.
For the next thirty minutes, the three girls watched the DVD (Bible Black). Lillith didn’t hide her enjoyment of the video ether, soon placing her right hand into her jeans and masturbating during the sex scenes, providing Lynn and Alex a much more interesting show than the DVD.
Allie soon walking into the room, still dressed in her school uniform.
“Man, ma stomach feels so much better now! But I wouldn’t advise using that bathroom fur awhile.” Comments Allie.
Lillith turned to look at Allie and quickly gasped as she realized Allie was Alex’s twin, except for her hairstyle; just a bit shorter than Alex’s, but with a separated section of her hair on the left of her face that was longer (Lain’s hairstyle from ‘Serial Experiments Lain’).
“Wow, you didn’t say she was your twin Alex!” quickly commented Lillith standing and walking infront of Allie.
“Yeah...” lowly replies Alex to herself.
“You’re the one that wants to meet me?” asks Allie.
Lillith then noticed Allie’s heavy Texan accent and of course had to comment of it.
“Hehe, you talk really weird!”
“You Japanese talk weird too.” Replies Allie smiling.
Lillith then turned to Alex for a moment.
“Hey Alex, since you two are twins, why don’t you talk like your sister?”
“’Cause I’ve practice not too.”
“But you still can, can’t you?”
“If I want to.”
Lillith then turned back to Allie.
“Sorry, my name is Lillith.” States Lillith extending her left hand.
“Really!? THE Lillith!?” asks Allie excitedly.
“Yep.” Replies Lillith smiling.
“Lillith Aensland from the Darkstalker games, Lillith!?”
“Heh, yep.”
Allie ignored Lillith hand and immediately hugged her, surprising her by the embrace.
“You really wanted to meet me huh?” asks Lillith.
Allie released Lillith before replying.
“Yeah, ever since Lynn told me your real! You’re ma favorite character in the game!”
Lillith then had an interested look on her face.
“That’s the second time you mentioned the game I’m in, do you have it or something?”
“Yeah I do! Wanna play it!?”
“Of course!” replies Lillith excitedly now.
Both Alex and Lynn couldn’t help giggling as they saw how quickly Lillith and Allie became friends. The two watched as Allie stopped the DVD, taking it out as she quickly found the game she and Lillith were gonna play.
Once the game began, Lillith quickly selected herself in-game.
“Hey, pick Morrigan.” Requested Lillith.
Alex just smiled at this but Lynn began giggling.
“Shut up!” quickly stated Lillith suddenly aggravated.
“What’s with the attitude? I just thought it was funny that you picked yourself and want to fight Morrigan.” Replies Lynn.
“O-Oh...” replies Lillith sounding a little embarrassed before the on-screen fight began.
“Hmm, wait a minute, why DID you suddenly snap back at me when I laughed.
“It doesn’t concern you.” Replies Lillith as she played the game.
“So what? That never stopped you from getting on MY case.” States Lynn happy that she’s finally annoying Lillith this time.
Although Allie was playing the game with Lillith, her and Lynn’s conversation quickly gained her interest, but didn’t divert her attention from the action on the TV screen, which she currently was losing.
“Just drop it.” Replies Lillith now sounding annoyed.
“Nu-uh, I finally got a chance to irritate you and I’m gonna do it!”
“...” Lillith simply groaned in aggravation, before gasping as the on-screen Morrigan jumps over her as she began a super move, allowing Allie to gain the upper hand as Lillith saw her on-screen self on the receiving end of a flurry of attacks. “Stop talking to me, your making me lose!”
“So... Lets see, since you snapped at me for laughing at the character selection, that must mean it has something to do with you and Morrigan, am I right?”
“Shut up!”
Alex then gasped, “Oh! I think I know what the deal is!”
“Really? What is it?”
Lillith quickly paused the game and looked back to Lynn and Alex, whom gestured to Lynn to come closer to her, wanting to whisper her answer to her, which Lynn did so, looking at Lillith smiling.
“... Yeah, far as I know...” commented Lynn as Alex whispered into her ear. “... Yeah... Yeah... OH! Your right!” gasps Lynn looking at Lillith grinning. “It totally makes sense!”
“What did you tell her!?” demands Lillith looking at Alex.
Alex just smiled at Lillith, whom was clearly angered and quickly got to her feet and took one step to Alex before Lynn stood and positioned herself between Alex and Lillith, staring at the pink-haired girl intensely.
“Calm the fu*k down.”
“What did she tell you!?”
“It doesn’t feel good does it? To be picked on...”
“You don’t know what Alex said or even if it’s true and your getting this upset over it.”
“You have some nerve Lynn, you think a weakling half-breed like you is gonna stop me from getting what I want!?”
Alex then quickly stood, walking next to Lynn, “Wait I’ll tell you what I said. The last thing I want is two of my friends fighting each other.”
“Great, now I won’t need to beat some sense into Lynn-“ replies Lillith smiling at Alex as she pokes Lynn in the chest with her right finger.
But Lillith was quickly surprised upon Lynn quickly grasping her wrist.
“What the fu*k are you- Ah!” states Lillith before gasping in pain once Lynn tightened her grip on her wrist.
“I may be half-human, but I’m not as weak as you claim me to be, you’re only...” states Lynn before stopping herself.
Lillith, who was trying to pull her hand free, replied, “I’m only what?”
“Forget it, I’m not going to stoop to your level.” Answers Lynn releasing Lynn’s hand.
Lillith quickly gasped in relief at the release of her wrist and held it in her left hand.
“Don’t fu*king patronize me! What were you going to say? I’m only what!?”
Lynn just smiled and walked past Lillith, “I’m going to the bathroom for a sec.” states Lynn as Lillith groans in aggravation.
Allie then quickly replied, “Wait, the bathroom still need ta air out.”
“It can’t be that bad.”
Alex then replied, “I think you better wait Lynn, when Allie says the bathroom needs to air out, it REALLY needs to air out.”
“Is it really THAT bad?”
“Yeah, just use the one downstairs.”
“Ok then.” Replies Lynn leaving the room.
Alex then sat back down on her bed looking up at Lillith smiling.
“Can I tell you something before I say what I told Lynn?”
“AS long as you tell me what you told Lynn, I don’t care.” Replies Lillith sitting on the bed across from Alex.
“K, your cute when your angry.”
Lillith blushed noticeably before replying, “I’ve been told that before.”
“Really? By who?”
“Tell me what you told Lynn.”
“Ok, ok, I basically told her your usually ‘tortured’ by Morrigan.”
“... And how did you come to that conclusion?” asks Lillith still looking a bit annoyed and not looking directly at Alex.
“Heh, you’re gonna laugh.”
“Try me.”
“Well, on the internet, there are a few of those hentai manga’s where you’re on the receiving end of some kind of pleasure/punishment from Morrigan.”
Lillith looked quite intrigued by this.
“Can you give an example?”
“Yeah, I remember one Manga in particular, called, ‘The Way of Morrigan’ I think, it starts out pretty normal, in a Hentai-sense anyway. I still can’t read Japanese very well but almost half-way through the manga, it gets interesting.”
“Well, Morrigan has some kind of water, snake demon fu*k you in the a*s and come buckets of cum into you, your belly grew huge and another water demon thing started growing in you before it coming out of you’re a*s, you didn’t seem to enjoy that part though.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Let me guess...” states Lillith leaning back onto her back on the bed, causing Alex to focus her gaze to the pink-haired girl’s crotch, unknown to her. “In the next scene, Morrigan cuts me in two, has me lick my own pussy to a climax, makes me whole again and give me a monster-like penis, makes my breasts grow monstrously huge and begins fu*king me.” Adds Lillith non-chalontly.
“Um... Yeah, how’d you know?” asks Alex continuing to look at Lillith crotch, before Allie quickly snapped her finger’s infront of her sisters face, quickly breaking her attention from Lillith to Allie with a frown.
“’Cause it actually happened. What I want to know is how the fu*k is it on the internet.”
Both Alex and Allie giggled at this.
“*sigh* to be honest, I enjoyed most of it but that gang-rape at the end. Just don’t tell Lynn that it’s true, ok?”
Allie then joined Lillith on her bed, sitting on her legs.
“Hey, I have a favor ta ask.”
“First, you might wanna cross your legs, ma sister has a habit of looking at people’s crotches when their sit’n or lay’n down.”
“Allie!” gasps Alex blushing deeply.
“Really?” asks Lillith smiling, before actually spreading her legs.
Alex quickly stood and walked to and out the door stating, “I’m going to get something to eat.
“Bye Perv!” replies Allie smiling.
“What’s the favor?” asks Lillith.
“I was wonder’n if you’d do that drain’n thing on me.”
At this, Lillith sat up smiling.
“I can do it two ways, either the painful biting one or we can fu*k.”
“I’d like the biting one.”
“Are you sure?”
“OK, where? Your neck?””
Lillith then brought her legs onto the bed and sat on her legs much like Allie before leaned towards Allie and reaching her left hand around Allie’s head.
“Try not to tense your neck muscles up, or it’ll hurt more.”
“Ok.” Replies Allie before sighing and allowing her body to go limp.
Lillith then leaned Allie’s head to her right, revealing more of the creamy white skin of Allie’s neck. Lillith slowly licked the area where she planned to bite into and waited for a moment to see if Allie had a last minute change of mind.
Allie didn’t change her mind and Lillith quickly sent her teeth into Allie’s neck with a gasp of pain from her as her hands quickly formed tight fists.
After a moment though, the pain dulled and Allie felt herself becoming tired.
“... Feels, nice...” commented Allie in a kind of a moan.
Lillith was able to control herself better than when she first bitten Alex and slowly drained Allie, allowing the red-head to enjoy the feeling, which she made no effort to hide as she reached her right hand up to Lillith’s hair, running her finger’s through it.
After just under a minute, Lillith removed her fangs from Allie’s neck, only a small trickle of blood coming from the two puncture’s in Allie’s neck.
Lillith herself looked as though she had just eaten a favorite food of her’s, enjoying the lingering taste.
“So, How was that?” asks Lillith smiling.
Allie opens her eyes to look at Lillith and immediately smiles.
“I love you.”
Lillith quickly giggled at this.
“No ya don’t.”
“Yes I do, I’ll do whatever you want to prove it!” replies Allie, clearly infatuated with Lillith now.
“Whatever I want?” asks Lillith smiling, placing her right hand to the side of Allie’s face.
“Yes, name it, I’ll do it.”
“Ok then, one question first.”
“Will you willingly be my pet?” asks Lillith caressing the side of Allie’s face.
“Of course, can I call you master?”
Lillith looked a little surprised by this question.
“Sure, if you want too... Now, your master has a request of you.”
“I’ll do my best to please you.”
Lillith smiled and removes her shirt, revealing her bra-less, nearly flat chest to Allie.
“Master wants her nipples licked.”
Allie wasted no time and quickly sent her tongue to Lillith’s right nipple, causing Lillith to smile as a surge of pleasure traveled through her body.
“Very nice my pet...” comments Lillith placing her right hand on the back of Allie’s head.
After sufficiently wetting Lillith’s right nipple, Allie move to Lillith’s left, sending another, stronger surge of pleasure through-out her body.
However, just a few moments after Allie began on Lillith’s left nipple, Lynn walked back into the room.
“Fu*k Allie, something had to crawl up you’re a*s, lay eggs and die for the smell to be THAT bad!” comments Lynn, before noticing that Allie is ‘busy’. “Oops, well looks like I didn’t kill the mood.”
“Allie is my new pet.” States Lillith.
“What?” asks Lynn surprised at the statement.
Lillith began rubbing Allie’s back with her left hand.
“While you and Alex were gone, Alex asked me if I’d bite her, I agreed and she suddenly became infatuated with me. Hehe, some humans can be quite fun.”
“Mm, whatever, I’ll give you two your privacy.” Replies Lynn leaving the room and closing the door.
A few moments after Lynn left, Lillith placed her hands to Allie’s head and moved her head away from her chest.
“I have another request of you my pet.”
“Anything Master.”
Lillith grinned at Allie.
“Master wants an orgasm.”
The day after
After school ended, Alex remembered about her admirer from the letter and made her way to the girl’s locker-room. Hen she arrived, it was currently empty, so Alex sat on the bench between the two rows of lockers and waited.
Alex didn’t need to wait long though, as she heard the door she came though open, and a short-haired brunette girl walked in, whom looked surprised to see Alex there.
“Hey!” greeted Alex smiling.
“I didn’t think you’d actually show...” replies the girl blushing and walking beside Alex and sitting next to her.
“Well you obviously got the note I left in my locker yesterday, I said I’d be here.”
“Yeah, but I was just worrying that you wouldn’t show.” Replies the girl smiling nervously.
“Well, I’ve never had a secret admirer before, It made me feel good reading your letter.”
“It did?”
“Yeah, it feels good to be wanted by someone.”
“Well after I wrote it and put in your locker, I felt silly for doing it.” Replies the girl looking to the floor, embarrassed.
“It’s just silly to me, writing a note and secretly giving it to someone.”
“Well the note did it’s job, I’m here, now what?”
“I should at least tell you my name first... it’s Yuu Takada.”
“Yeah, I thought you looked familiar, we share Ms. Kurosawa’s (Nyamo) and Ms. Kanomi’s (Naki) class together don’t we?”
Alex then looked as though she realized something.
“Hey, you’re that girl that rubbed my butt a few weeks ago when Ms. Kurosawa took the class to the pool.”
“Sorry about that; I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t think you’d notice with all the other girl’s around.”
“It’s ok, I’m surprised you got the courage to do that.” Replies Alex smiling.
“Heh, my heart was beating so fast after I did it.” States Yuu looking back to Alex, smiling.
Alex then thought for a moment before standing and walking infront of Yuu.
“You’re an as* person, aren’t you?”
“Hehehe, k-kinda...” replies Yuu blushing.
“Ok, in your note, you said you have a crush on me, so if you can say it to me right now, I’ll let you feel my butt all you want.”
Yuu immediately looked surprised by this and soon looked down a little, at which Alex placed her right hand to Yuu chin and lifted her head to look at her.
“Hey, you can write it to me, now say it to me.”
Yuu smiled nervously and tried, “OK... Alex, I L... L..., Uh, can you turn around?”
“Nope, I want you to say it to my face. You can even really quick, like taking off a band-aid.”
“Like your gonna do?” replied Yuu pointing to Alex’s two band-aids on her neck.
“Heh, say it, or my butt is going back to the bench.” Warned Alex.
“Ok, ok.” Replies Yuu, who sighed briefly, before, “Alex-I-Like-you-and-wanna-fu-“ quickly said Yuu before quickly stopping herself and slapping both hands over her mouth.
“Heh, what was that last part?” asks Alex smiling.
“Oh it was defiantly something, it’s sounded like you were gonna say you wanna fu*k me.”
“N-No, It would be wrong of me to ask, you already have someone.”
“I talked to Lynn yesterday about this, she told me it would be ok with her if I gave you what you wanted. So if you wanna fu*k, we can.”
“A-Are you really sure it’s ok?”
“I’ll prove it...” replies Alex and she reaches into her right skirt pocket and takes out her cell-phone and calls Lynn. “Hey Lynn, I’m with my secret admirer... Yuu Takada, she wants to fu*k, but doesn’t quite believe me when I said you’d be ok with it, so I want you to tell her yourself, ok... k.”
Alex then offered her cell to Yuu, who quickly refused stating, “Ok, I believe you!”
“Nu-uh, I want you to hear it straight from Lynn.”
“... Ok, fine.” Replies Yuu taking the phone from Alex.
“Hi...” greeted Yuu.
“Hey Admirer.” Replies Lynn.
“So... Alex says you’d be ok with it if we fu*ked?”
“Yeah, I just wish I could join you, but it’s a private moment between you two, so have fun!”
“Well, tha-“ replies Yuu before she hear the line suddenly die. “Hey, your phone turned off.”
“Dang, I forgot to charge the battery.” Replies Alex taking her phone back, placing it back in her pocket. “Anyway, you got your proof.”
“You said I can play with your butt...” replies Yuu blushing.
“Yeah, with our without my underwear.”
“I get a choice?” asks Yuu surprised.
“Since we’re gonna fu*k soon, why not?”
“No underwear then.” Replies Yuu smiling.
Alex turned her back to Yuu and removed her skirt, letting it fall to the floor, revealing her white panties to Yuu, before Alex slowly pushed the waistband of her panties off her waist until they fell to the floor; now revealing her naked rear to Yuu once Alex lifted her shirt.
“You have such a butt.” Comments Yuu with a big smile as she reached out with both of her hands, grasping each cheek of Alex’s butt.
“Is that so?” replies Alex smiling at the compliment. “I don’t really give my butt much attention, other than when I’m showering or using the bathroom.”
“So that means your always clean then huh?” asks Yuu smiling with an idea.
“I try to be, I even use those flushable wet-whips- Oops, sorry, I think that was a bit TMI.” Replies Alex before quickly blushing in mild embarrassment.
“I don’t mind, I use those too.”
For the next minute, Yuu continued her massage-like squeezing of Alex’s rear cheeks, but soon, Yuu made an obviously intentional action of spreading Alex’s cheeks, whom quickly gasped from the action as she also felt her as*hole exposed to the air and quickly clenched her cheeks close and turned around with her hands covering her butt.
“S-Sorry! I thought you might like it.” Quickly replies Yuu blushing.
“Like what?”
“I... wanted to lick your as*hole.”
“Are you serious!? I may be clean back there but it still stinks like hell.”
“The smell doesn’t bother me.”
“Yeah, but if you don’t me to do it I understand.”
“Well I’m not going to turn down something that I’m sure would feel interesting and someone is willing to do, but one condition.”
“You can’t kiss me; heh, tasting my own as* isn’t something I want to do.”
“Hehe, ok.”
Alex then turned back around and lifted her shirt again, fully revealing her butt to Yuu.
“Hey, step forward a little, or bend over.” Requested Yuu.
Alex chose the latter and bent over, which Yuu liked since she would’ve preferred Alex bending over. She spread Alex’s cheeks once again and was treated to the sight of Alex’s perfectly clean, brown, tensed as*hole.
“Ready?” asks Yuu.
“As I’ll ever be.” Replies Alex with a giggle.
“Ok, here I go...”
Yuu sent her tongue to Alex’s rear exit, and Alex quickly flinched at the unusual, but pleasant sensation. Yuu successfully kept Alex’s cheeks spread through her flinching and began to slowly lick at Alex’s tightest hole, which by reflex, tensed at each lick.
“Ohh, it feels weird but really nice at the same time.” Comments Alex moaning lightly.
“Try to relax, it’ll feel even better.” Replies Yuu before continuing.
“I’ll try...”
Alex soon sighed, somewhat forcing her body to relax. Alex nearly immediately began moaning from the increased pleasurable sensation; her body also trembled lightly from continuing to force her body; at least her as*hole, to relax.
“Ohhhh... fu*k, it feels so good!” moans Alex, before lowering her right hand to her crotch, rubbing her wet pussy.
As the minutes past and Yuu continued lick Alex’s as*hole, Alex’s body began to get accustomed to her tongue, which allowed Alex a much easier time relaxing, until Yuu tried pushing her tongue into Alex’s as*hole, which quickly clinched closed with a gasp from Alex.
“H-Hey! Goin a little far aren’t you?”
“No, sticking my tongue in would feel good too.”
“I-I’m sure it would, but, you aren’t doing this just to impress me are you, cause you don’t have to do it.” Asks Alex sitting up and turning around.
“No, I really want to do this. I’m not doing it JUST to impress you.” Replies Yuu with a smile.
“But wait, to enjoy licking someone’s as*, you have to have done it before, who else’s as* have you licked?”
“My friends, Amy and Sarah convinced me to try it.”
“Really? Their my friends too.” Replies Alex smiling.
“Heh, Looks like we have people in common between us. Can I continue with you’re as*?”
“Sure, but I want to lay on the floor, my legs are getting tired of standing.” Replies Alex as she turns around and walks a step out of her skirt and panties and gets on her hands and knees.
“Ok, this bench isn’t exactly comfortable after awhile.” States Yuu getting off the bench and getting to her hands and knees as well before reaching to Alex’s rear and spreading her cheeks and beginning her actions again by forcing her tongue into Alex’s as*hole, with a quick gasp from her as Yuu felt Alex’s hole tighten around her tongue briefly.
“Ohhh, That kinda tickles!” comments Alex as she smiles.
Yuu soon began removing her tongue and pushing it back into Alex for the next minute, which Alex clearly enjoyed. To Alex surprise, Yuu’s continuous stimulation of her as*hole cause her to realize that it would make her orgasm if Yuu continued; Alex sent her right hand to her pussy to find that she’s very wet.
‘And I thought liking watersports was weird...’ thought Alex as she began to finger herself. ‘Getting my as* licked feels incredible!’
“Hey Yuu...” states Alex.
“Hmm?” replies Yuu continuing her tongue thrusts.
“Don’t stop... Mmmm, your gonna make me come.”
Yuu didn’t show it but Alex’s statement made her very happy and began pushing her tongue as deep as she could get it to go past Alex’s relaxed as*hole.
“Ohhh, fu*k... please don’t stop!” moans out Alex.
Yuu showed no signs of stopping but removed her tongue and began rapidly flicking the tip of her tongue over Alex’s saliva-covered as*hole. This caused Alex to gasp out quite loudly before her body quickly tensed, thus clenching closed her as*hole for a moment. Yuu though continued with the tongue teasing as Alex’s body relaxed, but she quickly tensed up a second time, but didn’t relax as Alex began groaning.
Alex couldn’t resist her climax for much longer as she soon gasped out in pleasure as she body began trembling, before to Yuu’s mild surprise, Alex went limp for a moment as she fell from her hands and knees to her stomach. Yuu simply watched in enjoyment as she watches Alex writhe in the pleasure of her orgasm on the floor.
About a minute later, Alex rolled onto her back, smiling.
“Well, that was certainly interesting! I’ve never had an orgasm from anal stimulation.
“Well now you can say you have.” Replies Yuu smiling as she sat next o Alex.
“Yeah, but we have a problem.”
“It’s getting late, we should at least leave the school and continue somewhere else. Where do you live?”
“It’s just under a half-mile, I walk to and from school.”
“Oh hey, do you think you could come with me to Lynn’s place? I go home with her after school.”
“I’m sure I could, but is Lynn still here?”
“Yeah, she said she’d wait for me.”
“Oh, ok, I’ll come then.”
“Great.” Replies Alex getting to her feet. “I gotta go wipe my as* real quick.” Alex then picks up her skirt and panties and heads to the nearest wash-room. “You can go meet Lynn, she’s out in the parking lot, in a dark red car, you can’t miss it, it’s the only red one out there.”
“Ok.” States Yuu getting to her feet and leaving the room.
Yuu left the school and quickly recognized Lynn’s car and quickly made her way to the car. She walked to the driver side of the car and knocked on the window, immediately gaining Lynn’s attention. Lynn recognized the girl, having seen her before and unlocked the doors, allowing Yuu to enter the back seat.
“So, who have I just let in my car?” asks Lynn smiling.
“I’m Yuu Takada.”
“Oh, the secret admirer! I thought you looked familiar, we share Naki’s class right?” replies Lynn turning around in her seat to look at Yuu.
Yuu then noticed Lynn sniffing the air, then leaned closer to her before quickly leaning back.
“Ew! You smell like a*s!”
Yuu quickly gasped and covered her mouth with her hands and replied, “I’m sorry, I forgot to wash it off.”
“What we’re you and Alex doing to make you smell like that?”
Yuu blushed deeply replying, “I’ll be right back...” as she opened the door and left the car.
A few minutes later, Alex joined Lynn in her car.
“Hey Lynn, Yuu was supposed to be here already.”
“She came, but she had to take care of something, she said she’d be back.” Replies Lynn starting up the car.
“Lynn, have you ever had you’re a*shole licked?”
“Yeah, but I don’t really care for it.”
“That’s what Yuu did to me, I really like it!”
“So THAT’s why she smelled like that.” Smiles Lynn.
“After I started talking to her, I noticed that she smelled like a*s. Looks like you got a kinky admirer, just don’t expect me to lick your a*s. Hell, I’d rather sh*t myself before I lick an a*shole.
“Well as long as your clean, I’d give licking you’re a*s a try.”
“I already said I’m not into that.”
“Heh, ok.”
Just a minute later, Yuu came back to the car.
“Sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Replies Lynn. “I’m open-minded to a lot of things, even more so with sexual things.”
“That’s nice to hear.” Replies Yuu smiling.
“So, what are you here for anyway?”
“You think I can come with you and Alex to your home?”
Alex then commented, “I invited her to come with us, we couldn’t stay in the school much longer.”
“OK, it’s fine with me.” Replies Lynn as she drove out of the parking lot before asking, “So, any other ‘odd’ things you like?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like, since you like licking a person a*s, you like what comes out?”
“Ew, no.”
“Heh, what about watersports?”
“Um, that’s pee right?”
“Yeah, me and Alex like it.”
“Well, I don’t really care for it, but that didn’t matter with Sarah and Amy...”
“Heh, you know Sarah and Amy?”
“Yeah, I’ve known them since I was little. Alex said she’s friends with them, are you their friend too?”
“Great, maybe we could all go somewhere together.”
Alex then asks, smiling, “You like Karaoke?”
“Not really, I can’t sing very well.”
“Join the club!” states Lynn happily.
“Huh? You can’t sing either?” asks Yuu.
“Not a lick. Amy and Sarah made me do it though.”
“But Lynn’s plan to get back at them backfired too.” Replies Alex.
“What happened?” asks Yuu smiling.
“Lynn convinced the two of them to a hold-it game.”
“Amy actually agreed to it?”
“Lynn didn’t tell them it was a hold-it game and Amy didn’t realize it until I was sitting on her.” Replies Alex.
“Amy doesn’t like watersports though.”
“Yeah, I think that slap she gave me proved it.”
“To not like watersports though, she sure has no problem making someone else wet themselves.”
“Really?” asks Alex surprised.
“Yeah, almost every time I visit her, I end up drinking something that she’s spiked with something that makes me have pee really bad. So recently I just dicided not to drink anything she gives me.”
“Well, looks like Lynn and me are gonna have to give Amy a taste of her own medicine, whaddya say Lynn?” asks Alex.
“I’m totally for it.”
“Can I join you two? I really want to see it when Amy drenches her panties.” Asks Yuu .
“Of course, you can even be the one to make her wet herself it you want.” Answers Lynn.
“Great! I can’t wait!”