The Teacher
By: Garrett Thomas (Anime Lover AKA gamer_for_ever19)
Disclaimer: none needed.
Lesson One: Desperation
(We open in a classroom full of female students, some sitting and some
standing, all chatting away about various things. Some, about there
summer break and how great it was. Others complaining that it wasn't
long enough, not wanting to spend another entire year at school, but
alas, here they were, back for another 300+ days of school. Then a
small girl, with short red hair, dressed in the normal school uniform
and looks to be about 16, nervously stepped into the room. A majority
of the class paid no attention to her, but a girl standing near the
back of the room with a group of friends saw her and motioned to her to
come over to were she was. The girl smiled and walked to the girl that
called her over.)
"Whassup, you must be one of the new transfer students here." states
the girl that called the new student over to her. (She has short blue
hair, and looks to also be 16.) "Uh, y-yeah..." states the girl
nervously. (The blue haired girl gives the new girl a big smile as she
replies.) "The names Kumi, Kumi Ishitaki. So what's your name?" states
Kumi. "A-Alex, Alex Cook." replies Alex. "So, Alex, where ya from?"
asks Kumi. "Texas." replies Alex. "Texas!? USA Texas?" asks Kumi
shocked. "Yea, my family moved from Texas to here in Japan because both
my mom and dad got a new job here." replies Alex. "Well, that explains
why you speak English. Do you know any Japanese?" asks Kumi. "Not
enough to communicate." replies Alex with her head down a bit.
(Kumi put her right hand on Alex's right shoulder.) "Don't worry, most
of the students here can speak English well enough to communicate with
you." states Kumi. "That's good." replies Alex smiling in relief.
(Just then, another girl walked into the class. She wore all black, and
more earrings on her ears than anyone needed to have. She had black
lipstick on also, and the sun could do her pale skin some favors as
well. She wore black jeans and a matching sleeve-less shirt, and her
shoulder length hair was black as well. Needless to say, she looked
VERY out of place.)
"Whoa, who's the creepy looking girl?" asked Kumi. "Oh, her? I met her
earlier today, her names Lynn. She may not seem like it when you first
look at her, but she's really nice." explains Alex. "Really? Why don't
you call her over then?" suggests Kumi. "Ok, I will..." states Alex as
she tries to wave Lynn over to were she was.
(After a moment, The girl notices Alex. She smiles wide as she rushes
over to were Alex is.)
"Whassaaap!" exclaims Lynn as she wraps her left arm around Alex's
shoulders once she gets close enough to her friend. "Looks like you two
are good friends huh?" states Kumi. (Lynn suddenly notices Kumi.) "Oh,
I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. The names Lynn." states Lynn.
"So Lynn, you do know you're supposed to wear a school uniform, right?"
asks Kumi. "Yeah, but I like the attention of all eyes on me. Didn't
you guys see the way people were looking at me when I walked in? I
loved it!" states Lynn. "Speaking of which, what would you call that
look you have going on there?" asks Kumi. "It's called Gothic, or Goth
for short. I just like the look, heh, I don't have any connections to
the dark side or anything like that." states Lynn.
"Anyway, What about the teacher of this class?" states Alex. "Yeah,
I've heard a lot of things about her. I know that she's new." replies
Kumi. "The most unbelievable thing I've heard is that the teacher's a
witch." states Lynn. "What?! There's no way that can be true." replies
Alex shocked. "I heard that in her previous school she worked at that
the students in her class were having sex with other students in the
class." states Kumi. (This statement leaves both, Alex and Lynn
speechless as they both gasp.)
(Suddenly the door to the classroom opens and a young woman, looking no
older than 22 walks into the room, with short brown hair. She wears a
long red skirt and a black sleeve-less top, similar to Lynn's. She goes
to the front of the class and faces the students, smiling.)
"Well, are you girls going to sit or are you going to stand for the
entire period?" asks the teacher.
(The students who are standing promptly find a seat and sit down.
including the three who were just talking. The teacher saw a few of the
nervous stares she was receiving from the students and smiled wide,
almost evil-like.)
"Now..." begins the teacher as she walks to the front of her desk and
sits down on it. "... I know most of you have heard the many rumors
that surround me. And I'd just like to say, you have absolutely nothing
to worry about. You all are going to love me, like the many others
before you. So with that out the way, back to the issues about those
nasty little rumors..." states the teacher as she starts to rock
slightly as she sits on her desk. "Every... last... one... (She quickly
points her left finger to the open door and in suddenly closes shut.
shocking the students, except for Lynn, it amazed her.) is true..."
states the teacher. "Heh, the names Naki Kanomi. But you all can call
me Naki if ya want." states Naki.
"Do you girls have any questions?" asks Naki. (A longhaired blonde
raised her hand.) "Yes?" asked Naki. "So it's true that students have,
uh, um..." states the girl before blushing a deep red. "Sex?" asks Naki
calmly. "Y-Yea..." replied the girl. "Yep! As true as you are." states
Naki smiling. (Alex then raised her hand.) "Yes? What's your question?"
asks Naki. "What subject do you teach?" asked Alex. "Ooh, I was waiting
for someone to ask that!" states Naki before she hops off the desk.
(Naki then goes back behind her desk.)
"That's a very good question you asked Alex." states Naki. "Huh? How
did you know my name?" asks Alex. (Naki wave off the question.) "That's
not important, what is important is that class is going to start...
riiight... abouuut... now!" states Naki as she looks at her watch on
her left wrist.
(Suddenly, all the girls' tense in their seats as a strong urge to pee
attacks their bodies.)
"Great, now class, your assignment for today is to prevent yourself
from wetting yourselves for as long as possible." states Naki. (Naki
got a big 'What!?' from the entire class. "You heard me, you must hold
yourself for as long as possible. You can use any means necessary, as
long as it doesn't involve you getting up from your seat. The first
person to get up from their seat gets a zero for the day, so as long as
you participate, you'll receive credit for the assignment." explains
Naki. (Moans and groans could be heard in reply.)
'She can't be serious!' thought Alex. 'I won't be able to hold myself
for the entire hour.'
'I can't believe this!' thought Kumi. 'Naki wants us to prevent us from
wetting ourselves for a whole hour? If feels like I've been holding it
for an hour already.'
'Heh, I love this teacher already!' thinks Lynn. 'I can hold it for an
hour easy.' (After the initial shock, Lynn was pretending to be like
her classmates, moaning and groaning.)
(Naki sat down in the chair behind her desk as she continued to watch
the squirming bodies of her students as they tried to prevent wetting
themselves. She was thoroughly enjoying the sight, and she made no
attempt to hide the fact that it turned her on as she leaned back in
her chair and began to fondle her breasts with her hands.)
(As the fifteen-minute mark neared, a few girls' bodies gave out on
them as the continuing urge to urinate finally broke free. Wetting the
panties a deep yellow as the golden fluid flowed from the aching
urethra. Wetting there skirts also. The girls moaned in relief and
blushed deeply as they relieved themselves. Soon overflowing their
chairs, causing the fluid to fall to the hard floor with a splash.)
"Hmmm, 15 minutes, not bad but you're going to need to work on holding
yourself longer." states Naki, now simply leaning on her desk watching
the girls. "Y-Yes Miss Kanomi..." replied a few girls as there
bladder's empty the last bit of urine from there bodies. "Good, now
just stay there and watch your classmates." states Naki. (All of the 5
girls then said 'ok') 'Ok, the first fifteen minutes are up. Let's kick
it up a notch.' thinks Naki as she snaps her fingers.
(The remaining girls gasp and tense further in surprise as the strong
urge gets even stronger.)
'Ah! I can't take much more of this!' Thinks Alex holding herself
between the legs with her hands and tightening her legs around her
"'Oh man, where did this sudden stronger urge come from?!' thinks Kumi
doing the same as Alex, with the addition of shaking.
"'Whoa! I wasn't expecting that!' thinks Lynn as her pretending begins
to switch to realism as she tightens her legs closed. (She doesn't have
her hands holding herself yet.) 'But, its nothing I can't handle. I'll
still make it the rest of the time.'
(Naki continues to watch in growing interest at her squirming
(Nearly fourteen minutes later, a number of girls, which includes Kumi.
Moans loudly as their hold gives out on them. Causing them to soak
there white panties yellow as they peed, a faint hissing could be heard
over the moans of the other girls that continued to hold on. The
splashing sound was heard again as urine fell to the floor from the
girls overflowing chairs.)
"Not bad, thirty minutes. You girls did good. Now once your done I want
y'all to watch the remaining 7." states Naki. (After the 6 girls sighed
in relief as they finished they nodded.) 'Now, lets see how many of you
can take the next round.' thinks Naki as she again, snaps her fingers.
(The remaining girls groaned loudly as an incredibly strong urge
assaulted their aching bladder.
'Ok, t-this is bad' thinks Lynn as she quickly puts her hands between
her legs and squeezes tightly. (Now she wasn't pretending.)
'AH! I can't take it anymore!' thinks Alex with her head on her desk.
'I can't stop it, it's coming out!'
(Alex wasn't the only one whose body finally gave out on them, as five
of her other classmates hold caved in. They peed hard wetting
themselves, staining their underwear yellow. The waterfall from there
chairs lasting longer that the two previous wettings. Their panties and
skirt totally soaked by the time they finished.)
"Aww too bad you guys, you were halfway there." states Naki. (Naki then
stands and walks over to Lynn.) "However... it seems there's one left
standing." states Naki. "Heh, d-don't I get something for being the
last one?" asks Lynn. "Ya sure do." states Naki as she waves her left
hand over Lynn's desk, and the desk part disappears leaving the chair
Lynn's setting on.
(Naki then stands in front of Lynn and removes her skirt to reveal her
red silk panties, she tosses her skirt on the desk of one of the
students. She takes Lynn's right hand and has Lynn cup her hand over
her crotch.)
"Mmmm, if you came make me come before you wet yourself, you'll get
extra credit. "O-Ok." replies Lynn as she starts to rub her hand over
Naki's crotch. (Causing her to moan and place her hands on Lynn's
shoulders to support herself up.)
(Lynn tensed as she felt her urge taxing the hold on her body.) 'I'm
not going to last much longer doing two things at once.' thought Lynn.
'I need to make her cum quick.'
(After a few moments of rubbing, Lynn reached into Naki's panties and
inserted her middle and ring finger into her. Naki moaned and tensed a
bit at this. The class was watching this scene with growing arousal.
The next 5 minutes was spent with Lynn pumping her fingers in and out
of Naki wet vagina. Lynn then felt her hold beginning to slip as she
felt a few drops of urine make there escape, causing a small wet spot
to form on her panties under her jeans. Lynn groaned loudly as she
continued to hold herself, cutting off the escaping drops of urine.)
"Ah! I don't know how much longer I can hold it in." stated Lynn in
desperation. "Don't g-give up now Lynn, I'm almost there..." replies
Naki as she now had her head over the girls right shoulder panting.
(Naki's statement encouraged Lynn to hang on. She knew she wasn't going
to last much longer as drops of urine again began to make their escape.
Lynn stopped the escaping urine, but unfortunately had trapped some
urine in her narrow urethra, causing an unpleasant burning sensation.
Lynn found Naki's G-spot and started to attack it vigorously with her
fingers, causing the teacher to tenses sharply as bolts of pleasure
coursed through her body.)
"Ooh yes! Keep going, keep doing that!" stated Naki as her body was
beginning to tremble. (But a few moments later, Lynn groaned loudly.)
"I can't take it anymore!" replied Lynn as a forceful stream of piss
began to wet her panties, then her jeans quickly. Naki came soon after
Lynn began to wet herself moaning loudly as she stiffened up. Coating
Lynn's hand with her cum, thick and sticky. Lynn nearly completely
drenched her jeans above the knee before the flood fell out of her
chair to the floor. Lynn leaned her head on Naki's right shoulder as
both experienced release of a different sort.)
(As Naki came down from her cloud of bliss, a small trail of her cum
made its way down her left leg to the floor were it made a small puddle
at her feet. Where she soon fell to her knees in sudden exhaustion in
front of Lynn. Who quickly lifted her head up as Naki's shoulder had
left her face when she dropped to her knees. The girl was still peeing
however, as Naki saw when she looked up at the girl's crotch. Seeing
the fabric of her jeans glistening as urine continued to make its way
to freedom from her tired urethra. When Lynn finally did stop
urinating, a big puddle of urine was under her.)
"Just a few more seconds and you would have done it!" giggled Naki. "I
know..." replied Lynn disappointed in herself. "Oh well... (Naki picked
up her skirt she had tossed on one of the student's desk.) better luck
next time." states Naki walking back to her desk as she puts her skirt
back on. (Then Alex suddenly realized something.) "Hey, what are we
supposed to do about are wet clothes? We still have other classes to go
(The entire class realized this also.)
(Naki quickly waved off the classes concern.) "Don't worry about it, I
won't let you girls walk around school like that." replied Naki as she
then snapped her fingers twice and the class found themselves as dry as
they were when they stepped into the room. (The floor was also dry as
well. The students looked at themselves in amazement, as their clothes
were dry.) "You will always leave this room the same way you came in,
and no one outside this room can hear what's going on in here, now
then..." states Naki. "Can I expect to see these beautiful faces
tomorrow?" asks Naki. "Wow, so this class is just about the pleasures
of the body?!" asked one girl excitedly. "Yep! Its better than Sex Ed!"
replied Naki smiling. "This class is going to be easier than Gym to
pass!" exclaimed another girl. "Count me in!" replied the majority of
the class. "Us too!" replied the rest, which included Alex, Kumi, and
Lesson One: Desperation