A change of heart?
“What do you think is going on with her?” Kris questioned her brown haired companion.
The two girls were laying in the center of Sam’s king-sized bed that was placed in the far corner of her large bedroom, that was located on the fourth floor of her enormous, five story mansion. Kris was laying across the width of the bed, her feet dangling off the edge slightly, and Sam was laying lengthwise with the back of her head on Kris’ stomach.
Samantha DeGray was the daughter of famous lesbian pianist Cara DeGray, who was the wife of famous guitarist and lead singer of the rock band “Sound Switch”, Serena “Siren” DeGray, which ultimately meant that Sam was, to put it bluntly, loaded with cash.
Counting the basement, the pool room, there were five levels to Sam’s house. In her backyard, there was a large flower garden that Sam’s mother planted herself over the years. The house was decorated with expensive antique and furnishing, pressing the idea of how rich they really were. Even though Kris had known Sam for over six years, she still manages to get lost on her way to the washroom, or to the front door. Thankfully, one of the family’s maids usually helps her on her way to her destination when she gets lost.
Sam rolled over onto her side so that she could look up at Kris, who was staring down at herself, waiting for an answer.
“Hm… I dunno. Kind of sounds like someone put her up to it… Do you know anyone who has anything against her? Or maybe against you” She suggested.
Kris abruptly sat up, startling the brunette who’s head was now in Kris’ lap, blushing a deep shade of red.
“Anna!” Kris exclaimed, her eyes flashing with anger.
“Anna?” Sam echoed, lifting herself out of Kris’ lap, and into a sitting position. “Why would Anna do something like that?” She asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion.
“That girl hates my guts! She’d do anything to make my life miserable.” Kris replied, clenching her fists. “I’m telling her to back off first thing tomorrow morning.”
Sam frowned and let out a sigh. “Don’t get yourself into any more trouble, alright?” She started, “I don’t want to follow you to another school.”
“What…?” Kris asked, dumfounded by what the blonde had just told her.
Cassie clenched the fabric of her shorts in her hands, her eyes transfixed on her knees. “Every night… He comes here… And stands outside my window… Just staring in…” She whispered. If she had been any further away from Kris, the raven haired girl wouldn’t have heard the girl’s voice.
“It’s scary, Kris… I don’t know what he’s going to do… That’s why…” She began, her voice quivering. “That’s why I need you here… With you I feel safe…”
Kris pulled the girl closer to herself, her actions speaking louder than words. Cassie seemed to relax into the embrace, and rested her head on Kris’ shoulder. There they sat quietly for what seemed like an eternity before Cassie’s mother called out to the girls, breaking them out of their tranquility to say it was time for them to go to bed.
The girls separated with a sigh, and Kris went to the bathroom to get changed while Cassie made herself comfortable in her double bed.
It was only then that Kris realized what situation she was now in. There was no spare bedroom in Cassie’s house, and the couch was occupied by her freeloading uncle Russell, leaving no place for Kris to sleep… other than with Cassie.
Kris’ face turned beet red at the thought of her sleeping with Cassie, the girl who Kris was falling in love with more and more by the minute; the girl who she could never tell her feelings to.
They were going to be together, in the not-so-big bed, under the same blanket… possibly even cuddling so Cassie wouldn’t be as afraid… touching…
With a sigh Kris shook her head. She had to keep any impure thoughts out of her head. She had to endure the night, and not ruin her friendship with Cassie, because it was the only thing she’d ever have with the girl.
She finished dressing and walked over to the sink, running the cold water. She splashed the freezing cold water over her still blushing face, helping her regain some of her sense, and made her blush less visible; if only slightly.
After taking a few moments to ensure her self control, Kris left the washroom and ventured back to Cassie’s room. She opened the door cautiously, only to that the blonde was already in bed, and seemingly asleep.
She let out a relieved sigh, knowing that she probably wouldn’t have to even talk to the other girl again that night.
She quietly walked over to the bed, and gently lifted the covers, easing herself underneath them. She let out another sigh of relief as she got herself comfortable without waking the other girl.
She stared at the blonde for a few moments in the dim lighting. The moon’s soft glow lit up her face slightly, outlining her gorgeous features. Kris smiled as she memorized every detail of the other girl’s face. She leaned in slowly, leaving a gentl kiss on the girl’s forehead before dozing off to sleep herself.
A palm slammed hard onto the locker adjacent to Anna as she was gathering her books for her next class, emitting a loud bang that startled the girl, making her jump slightly. She looked over to the side, her face showing the annoyance she was feeling from the sudden attack. Who she saw made her annoyance grow further; Kris Sawyer.
“You’ve got some nerve.” She spat, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared at the shorter girl. “You must really have a fucking death wish.”
Kris ignored the threat completely, her own anger making her unable to control herself. She grabbed the other girl’s shirt, and pulled her towards her with strength that even she didn’t know she possessed. “What the fuck did you say to her?!” She snarled, her eyes locked onto Anna’s.
Anna raised an eyebrow at the other girl. She was barely affected by the girl’s actions, and was controlling her building anger much better than her peer. “Say to who? You’re fucking crazy… I didn’t say anything to anyone.” She retorted.
“Bullshit!” Kris snapped, shoving the girl back from herself. “You’re really fucking starting to get on my nerves! All you do is try to make my life hell, when I’ve never done a damn thing to you!”
The force of Kris’ shove sent Anna stumbling backwards, and she barely kept her balance. Her anger was building now, and she wasn’t going to hold back any longer.
“You stupid little bitch! Why the fuck do you think I’d waste my time trying to ruin your damn life? If I was going to do anything, I’d fucking do it to YOU, not one of your fuck buddies.”
Kris clenched her fists, her nails digging holes into her palms. She wasn’t about to let some stuck up punk say shit about Melanie. “I’d take that back, if I were you.” She hissed, her eyes flickering red from her rage.
“Or what?” Anna laughed, obviously unaffected by the threat.
It was too late for Kris to calm down. She was far from being civil, and she knew she was about to do something she might regret. She clenched her fists tighter, and drew off and punched the other girl square in the face. Anna’s head swung to the side from the force of the punch. She slowly turned back towards Kris. Her expression was blank, and there was a trail of blood running from the corner of her mouth. Though expressionless, her eyes flared with a hatred that would have made the strongest man flinch.
She wiped the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand, looking down at it before looking back at Kris, who was still waiting for a reaction.
The tension in the air could be cut with a knife as they both stood in silence for what seemed like hours.
Kris was shocked at her own actions. She had never hit a girl before… She thought that she never would. But this display proved that wrong.
Anna, who was now recovering from the shock of being decked in the face, chuckled. “Never thought you’d actually hit me.” She said, shaking her head.
Before Kris could reply to the comment, she was on the floor. She shook her head in confusion. There was a pulsing pain coming from her left cheek, and her vision was blurry. She shook her head once again, allowing her to focus. Anna stood over her, a maniacal grin on her face. She really was strong. Kris had no idea the punch was coming, and didn’t register the fact that it had happened until she was on the ground.
“I think I’ve got myself into a little more than I can handle…” She thought as she pulled herself to her feet. There was no way she could back down now, not after all the words that were exchanged between the two.
“Give up now. You’ll never beat me.” Anna said, the grin still on her face.
Kris knew that was true. She couldn’t beat Anna, no matter how hard she tried. Anna was the captain of the Martial Arts club at school, and she was definitely known for her strength, and ability. Kris was once in the Martial Arts club, at her old school, but she hasn’t been in a fight since the incident, so she was rusty.
“Never.” Kris replied. Her pride was important to her. A fact that got her into a lot of shit.
“Idiot...” Anna growled as she stepped towards the raven haired girl. Kris held her arms in a defensive position, knowing that taking offence would do her no good.
“I have to protect myself… If only until she gets tired… Maybe, just maybe, then I can win…” She strategized, getting ready for the onslaught of attacks that were soon to come.
But they didn’t.
It was late. How late, Kris was unsure. All she knew is that it was at least 3 a.m., and she could no longer sleep. She had just awoken from a dream – no – a nightmare. The nightmare was frightening, far more frightening than any she had ever endured before. But much to her surprise, she remembered nothing. All she knew is that she couldn’t stop shaking, her body was covered in sweat, and sleep wasn’t something she was going to be able to get anymore that night.
The sleeping figure of Cassie still lay beside her, unmoving. She was so quiet; so peaceful. Kris would have thought the girl was dead, if it hadn’t been for the soft rising and falling of her chest, indicating that she was, in fact, breathing.
Kris rolled over onto her side, and watched the other girl. She didn’t know why, but just the sight of Cassie made her feel so safe, so content. She was quickly recovering from the nightmare she just awoke from, from just looking at Cassie. She smiled to herself, and simply stared. She wished that this moment could last forever, but she knew that she’d eventually have to go home. She frowned slightly, but she was still glad that she could be there with the girl for the time being.
Her eyes wandered across the girl’s face. To her eyes, nose, cheeks… And finally, they stopped at her lips. She was in awe of how beautiful a set of plump, pink lips could be… She wanted to kiss them; she wanted to feel their warmth against her own lips.
Kris was unable to stop herself from having a taste of those sweet lips. She slowly leaned down, taking her time as she moved forward, inch by inch, until her lips were brushing against the blonde’s. A shock went through her body from the slight contact alone, causing her to shiver. She pressed them closer, closing her eyes and letting out a soft moan of pleasure as she done so. Cassie’s lips were sweet, and sent a warmth throughout Kris’ body that she didn’t quite understand, but loved nonetheless. In all of her fourteen years, Kris had never felt anything like this. She wanted more.
With her lips still locked onto Cassie’s, she ran her fingertips across the girl’s cheeks. Her fingertips tingled from the feel of the girl’s soft cheeks. She loved all of the sensations from this simple kiss that were running throughout her body.
She ran her fingers down Cassie’s cheek, and down the side of her neck. She could feel Cassie shiver. She opened her eyes, to see that Cassie’s own eyes were now open as well, widened in shock.
Kris jumped back with a gasp, she backed up. Cassie sat up, still in shock, and Kris backed up further, causing her to fall off the bed, producing a loud bang. She quickly stumbled to her feet and ran out of the room, leaving a dumbfounded Cassie sitting upright in her bed, the shock still present in her face.
Kris ran down the stairs, not caring about how much noise she was making at this point. She didn’t care if she woke Cassie’s family, she just had to get the hell out of there. Her mind was running a mile a minute, and her heart was beating even faster. She was in such a hurry that she nearly tripped on the mat that was occupying the floor in the porch. She pulled on her shoes, and ran out the door, slamming it behind her.
“How could I do that to her?!” She yelled at herself as she ran down the street, tears were streaming down her face and she was completely uncaring of the neighbors, or anything for that matter. She wanted to get home. She needed to get home.
Two girls, a tall brunette, and a slightly shorter raven haired girl, sat quietly in the almost empty classroom. They were making a strong effort to completely ignore one another.
The brunette had a busted lip that was still bleeding, and the raven haired girl had a black eye, and swollen cheek. They didn’t care about their injuries, though, and just sat. No complaining, no asking for aid.
They were in detention. 16 year old Anna Jameson, and 17 year old Kris Sawyer being the culprits occupying that room.
The girls were caught in the midst of a fight in the hallway, when they should have been in class. Not only was the teacher enraged that they were fighting, but she was even more angry that they were doing in on school grounds, and during class. They were in trouble. Big trouble.
Their sentence consisted of two weeks of in-school suspension, where they would spend their days in the small classroom they were currently residing, and do about twice as much work as they normally would. After that, they were to have a week of after school detentions. Again, spending them in that damned room where they would have to put up with each other the whole time.
Kris let out a sigh and banged her head against the desk. She thought about how her parents would react to her fighting in school. Especially after the incident at her last school, she knew they would be furious.
Anna scoffed, and turned her head to the side. Just sitting next to Kris pissed her off, and her not-so-silent, wordless way of complaining was driving her mad. She didn’t know how she was going to put up with this for three weeks without killing her.
“You know… We’re going to have to put up with each other for a while…” Kris murmured, the desk muffling her voice as she stated the obvious.
“No shit.” Anna spat, crossing her arms over her chest.
Kris lifted her head off of the desk, and looked over at Anna, who was staring at the whiteboard in front of them. Realistically, Anna wasn’t bad looking at all. She was pretty, even. She had long brown hair, that flipped out at the ends, and sparkling green eyes. She was on the tall, and slightly muscular, side, but she held an air of elegance regardless of her intimidating role as a bully. Her skin was tanned slightly, and she had two tattoos that Kris could see. She had one on her neck, of the Japanese symbol for love, and one on her right forearm; a compilation of roses, skulls, and thorny vines. Kris thought that there might be more, but she’s never seen any more of Anna’s body. If she didn’t hate Kris as much as she did, they could have probably made a good couple.
“Maybe they’ll let us go if we give them donuts.” Kris joked, trying to ease some of the tension that was in the air.
Anna smiled slightly, and let out a low chuckle, much to Kris’ surprise.
“So you DO know how to smile, huh?” She jeered, testing the waters.
“Of course I do. What do you think I am, a robot?” She grunted, scoffing once again.
Kris smiled to herself. Anna’s irritation seemed forced, and she was lightening up a bit.
“Maybe this won’t be as bad as I thought…”