Story: Around the World in 8 Seconds (chapter 2)

Authors: ikotsuke

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Chapter 2

Title: Chapter 2: Teasers should pay.

[Author's notes: Sorry it's been so long since I've updated any of my stories but I have been rather busy lately and this is only half of what I intended to post but I went ahead and posted it so that you'd know I am back in the saddle! Hope you like.]

“I despise this little town.” A man said as he kicked his feet up onto the wooden table he was sitting at. He scratched his spiky, unruly light blonde hair and set his sunglasses. He frowned into the darkness of the little room in which he sat and pulled out a lighter, palming a pack of cigarettes. “What news do you bring?” He asked in a bored tone to the figure emerging from the shadows. It was a boy who appeared to be in his teens with shaggy brown hair, adorned in a black zip-up hoody and dirty denim jeans. “Did you accomplish your mission?”

“I ran into some….trouble… on the way.” He spat. “Green haired…trouble.”

“Is that so?” The man said, shutting his eyes as he let the smoke flow smoothly from his lips.

“Yeah, that broccoli inspired bi-” He wasn’t able to finish as the blonde man suddenly appeared in front of him and gripped his face, puffing the noxious smoke into his eyes. He had to lean over because he was a good deal taller and while, not exceptionally ripped, very lean and well muscled. A leathery hand went up to his glasses, lowering them to reveal unnaturally discolored eyes… one yellow and one cerulean blue…

He held up a gun to the boy’s head and in his other hand held a remote in the other. “Move and I fry you. Like the little chicken you are.” Slowly but without hesitation, he shot the boy in the arm.

“AAAAAGGHH!!!” The teen cried out in anguish as his arm bled profusely. Tears built up in his eyes till they streamed down his face, adding insult to injury.

The man sighed and held the barrel of the gun to the boys temple. “Listen, kid. I don’t have time for an apprentice. I want someone who can and will get things done.” Waving the gun in his hand dismissively, he brushed past the still bleeding youth and kicked open the door. He paused without turning around. “Be useful and I can use you. Become useless and you are a liability…. And I will dispose of you.”



Riley frowned at the ground as she sat on the bottom stair of the orphanage. She had finished her picture of the pair of emerald eyes not very long ago. Looking up into the sky, her thoughts drifted to that peculiar day. As she thought about it she sensed a growing anticipation building up inside her…


The voice snapped her out of the montage going through her head. “Oh, hello Anni.” She greeted as she dusted off her jeans and stood up to meet her.

“Riley! I-I haven’t seen you around lately…” Anni said breathlessly, happy that she had managed to catch Riley sitting outside. Her breath hitched though, as she gazed upon Riley’s thoughtful visage. The sun appeared to be shining only and just on her, giving her the likeliness of a goddess, one who’s beauty was such that it was unfortunate and fatal to all those who were captured by it. Lovely. Anni could not help but stare as those beautiful amber-brown eyes reflected the sunlight and pierced her heart.

“I’m sorry… I’ve been a little pre-occupied with my art… but… I was hoping I’d see you today. Riley shook the blonde and red streaked hair out of her face before beginning to walk toward her friend. Before she could get to her though…

“Riley… You weren’t about to leave me were you? I…” timidly spoke a strawberry blonde girl who was smaller than the other two girls with long hair that fell into pretty flowing tresses. Currently, it was pulled into a ponytail with some loose in the front. She absent-mindedly toyed with the hem of her light green sundress while and smiled brightly. “Who is your friend? She’s very pretty!”

Riley opened her mouth to speak but Anni was too quick.

“Oooohhh! Is this who you’ve been spending all your time with?? She’s sooo cute! I would be jealous but she makes me want to give her anything she wants.

The smaller girl sweat dropped and blushed. “Thank you very much!” She said as she smiled shyly.

The adorableness of the girl was to much to handle as she pulled the girl into a tight bear hug of an embrace. “I see Riley, you just wanted to keep this gem all to yourself!”

Riley dug her foot into the sidewalk and scratched her head. “There was no hidden motive I swear! In fact I brought her out here to meet you!”

At this, Anni stopped rubbing her cheek against the other girl’s and put her down. “Oh, I see then.” Said the brunette as she extended her hand to the new girl’s. “My name is Anni Newman and I have been this freak’s friend since she got here 3 years ago! What’s your name?

The girl took Anni’s hand a tad gingerly but grinned upon taking it in hers. “My name is Haley. You seem to be a very affectionate person!” she said in the same somewhat timid voice as before. Putting her hand to her mouth, she giggled into it.

Anni smiled mischievously and got all up into Haley’s grill. “I get even more affectionate if you come home with me…” She spoke lowly in her most seductive tone. “Would you like to-” she never got to finish as Riley slammed her fist down on the top of her head causing her to collapse in pain holding her head.

“You shouldn’t tease her like that! You’re such a hornball sometimes, haha.”

“Ugh… violence is NEVER the answer, Riley!” moaned Anni as she squirmed about on the ground with her eyes screwed shut.

Haley was still flustered and blushing from what Anni said but smiled at the exchange between her two new friends. “What a strange pair.”



Leaf slammed her fist down on the table. “Dammit, Courtney! I AM NOT LOSING MY TOUCH!”

A girl with black hair who looked to be about 2 or 3 years older than Leaf sat with her legs crossed. They were currently sitting in a rather nice apartment adorned with cream and beige décor. From the window you could see outside to the ocean. The black haired girl flipped the coif of her somewhat spiky hair out of her face and diddled with her long braid. Her light blue eyes closed as she put her hand on her face. Sighing, she spoke exasperatedly. “She saw you in the alley, and then took a picture of you. How in the world do you expect me to believe that she isn’t some sort of spy.”

“Look, I know a spy when I see one and she definitely wasn’t one.”

“Oh… I see.”

“You believe me?”

“No… I now understand why she seems to be so innocent.” Courtney got up and sauntered sexily toward Leaf, hips swaying. Needless to say, the green haired chick was surprised by this behavior so she backed up against the wall. Courtney placed a hand on either side of her friend getting close enough to her that most of their bodies were touching.

“C-Court?!” Leaf turned tomato red and shrunk away.

The older girl closed the little distance left between them and pushed her knee ever slightly into Leaf’s crotch. Then softly she whispered, “That blonde… she…. NAILED you!” And with that Courtney fell on her back, laughing as she held her sides.


“I think you’ve got me confused with your blonde friend.” Court laughed as she stroked her thigh in mocking invitation.

Leaf fumed inwardly and crossed her arms. The thing that makes it so embarrassing is the fact that I was willing. She looked over her still laughing friend, taking note of her voluptuous figure that was rather noticeable in her tight skirt and tank-top combo. She herself was not exactly smaller than her friend proportionately but she did happen to be on the short side causing the difference thereof (Did I sound smart just now? Hehe. Oh, kudos for the big word usage.) “Can it, douche bag. I did no such thing.”

“Riiigghhht. And I didn’t make your little flower wet either with just that little moment.”

“Psh. How would you know??”

“I can smell your arousal, love.”

“What makes you think that’s because of you, skank??”

“That was me bluffing! Hahahahahahaha.”

“You sicken me.”

[End notes: So... yeh. Review if you like. :)]

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