In Her Burning Eyes
Chapter Four: The Gift of Comfort
I always found it amazing how the smallest thing at the right time could bring so much relief. Even the most simple gesture can really make your day or even change your opinion about someone entirely. If the littlest thing can do all of that then imagine what it could do if it wasn't quite so little... it might just change your life...
Something unexpected...
“..and some people's minds are narrow enough to accept such disrespect to Kami-sama as an acceptable way of life. Isn't that right, Hino-san?” The woman asked in her usual smug tone sending a ripple of snickers across the room. I made no effort to hide my glare from the woman at the front of the classroom as that had been her third verbal jab at me since class had started. Not respecting my Shinto heritage or my sexuality was one thing, but openly mocking me for them was another and I'd had more than enough for one day.
“But then there are many intelligent people who are able to look beyond what a few vague passages in a musty bronze age text say and respect people enough to live their lives how they so choose. Isn't that right, Fukino-sensei?” I practically spit out the last two words. A murmur began to spread across the room until the chalk broke in her hands and she pointed furiously towards the door.
“Hallway! Now!” she screamed, practically trembling with pent up rage. Shrugging as if I couldn't care less, I collected my bag and strutted out of the room. Ten minutes of screaming and spitting fury later she managed to calm herself to the point where the familiar cruel gleam appeared in her eye. “You're aware of the dance we are having with the boy's school across town this Friday, are you not?” I nodded, vaguely remembering the announcements for it. “As punishment for your... insolence, you will solely be responsible for the cleanup after it has finished. Should you fail to complete this punishment you will be expelled, is that understood?”
“Yes, Fukino-sensei,” I growled, trying to put as much hatred and disgust into my reply as possible.
“Now, as I feel your... presence... would only serve as some foul distraction you needn't bother returning to class,” she said as she made her way towards the door, pausing as she gripped its handle. “One more thing, I'll expect you to be in the proper attire when you arrive for your punishment. And do have fun, that's what the dance is for.” I stood trembling with barely concealed rage until I heard the door click behind her. Glaring at everything I passed, I made my way down the hall towards my locker.
“Me and my big mouth! Her and her big...”
“Is that really a sentence you wish to finish, Hino-san?” I spun around to see who had spoken, an angry retort dying on my lips as I came face to face with the Head Sister.
“No Sister, I'm simply upset from receiving more 'divinely inspired' punishment from Fukino-sensei.” I said softly, showing a modicum of respect for the only person in this school who's face I didn't want to burn off with a little Mars Fire.
“Oh dear, how did you manage to upset her this time?”
“Showed up to class as a 'heathen lesbian' and a 'fire conjurer' apparently,” I muttered, clenching my fists till my knuckles popped. “As punishment she's making me clean up after the stupid dance by myself,” I finished sourly, noticing the woman looked rather thoughtful upon hearing this.
“Are you not still young, Hino-san?”
“What do you mean?”
“A dance is supposed to be a place for young people to have fun, is it not?” I found myself chuckling at the implication.
“Somehow I think I'd be less than welcome to join the fun if I showed up for anything but cleaning.”
“Oh I don't know,” she said, walking over to a nearby bulletin board and pulling off a flier for the dance. “As long as you follow the rules I don't see why you shouldn't be able to attend as you are.”
“As I am?” I asked, honestly intrigued.
“A young girl looking to have fun,” she said with an honest smile before turning to walk down the hall. I stared at the woman as she left for a moment, trying to figure out what she had been getting at before shrugging and walking the short distance to my locker, reading the flier as I went. My heart seemed to swell as I realized what she had been implying. By the time I reached my destination I was practically skipping.
“Maybe this won't be such a pain after all,” I said to myself, grinning as I opened my locker. “What the...?” There at the bottom of my locker was a small envelope with a heart drawn on it.
“I'm home!” I called out happily, smiling as Usagi came waddling out to give me a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Um, Rei-chan...” Usagi said, fidgeting from one foot to the other as I dropped to my knees and pulled up her shirt so I could nuzzle her belly.
“Don't think I forgot about you sweetie! Your papa-chan missed you so much while she was at school!” I cooed, planting butterfly kisses across her tummy.
“Um, Rei-chan... I think you should...”
“Lemme finish Usa,” I said, shaking my head in mock exasperation. “Can you believe her?” I asked her belly, “here I've been missing my little sweetie-chan all day and she won't even let us catch up!”
“Rei-chan it's not that...” Sensing something was actually wrong I looked up at Usagi's face to see her giving me a nervous smile as someone standing behind her cleared their throat. Slowly, ever so slowly, I leaned to the side and looked around Usagi to see a woman in a crisp gray skirt suit standing in the entranceway and looking very uncomfortable. If Usagi had been a brick wall I would have rammed my head against it.
“Rei Hino, I presume?” the woman offered to clear the silence. I stood slowly, blushing so badly I could feel it in my toes, and stepped to the side to face her.
“Please tell me that you have a gun and are prepared to end what is quite possibly the most humiliating moment of my life.” The woman, for her part, played it off rather well with a laugh.
“No need to worry too much, it was rather adorable,” I smiled, still blushing, and bowed to the woman who returned the gesture.
“Yes, I'm Rei Hino, how can I help you?”
“Is there some place we can sit down? I have some rather important matters to discuss with you.” A trickle of dread entered my mind at her suddenly serious nature.
“Yes, right this way please,” Usagi said, leading the way down the hall. In spite of my nervousness, a rather dopey grin spread across my face at seeing her acting in such a mature manner. We were led into the main sitting room and positioned ourselves around the table.
“Now, how can I help you, Miss...?”
“Ah forgive me, my name is Kimiko Suza but please, call me Kimiko. I represent Tokyo Bank, I'm here to discuss an issue that has come up with an account there.” The trickle of dread from before suddenly became a raging river.
“Please tell me I don't owe any money or something! Things are going to be tight enough as it is with the baby coming!” I shouted, banging my fist on the table in frustration. Usagi moved a little closer and took my clenched fist in her hands, interlacing our fingers together. The endearing action had the desired effect of calming me down a little. “Sorry... things have just been a little hectic lately.”
“That's quite alright but you don't need to worry, you don't owe any money.” I let out a relieved breath. “Quite the opposite in fact. I'm here as a representative for the account of Setsuna Meioh. She left instructions that we were to transfer a sum of money from her account into one in your name on this day,” she said, pulling some documents out of a small briefcase and sliding them across the table with a pen. “You simply need to sign these at the bottom to authorize the creation of the account and the the transfer of funds.”
“That's so sweet of her!” Usagi squealed, giving my hand an excited squeeze.
“That certainly is good news!” I said, totally surprised at the kind gesture from the Senshi of Time. “Just out of curiosity, how much is she giving to us?”
“The total is there at the top of that paper,” she said, pointing to one of them. Removing my hand from Usagi's I picked it up and scanned for the number.
“Ah, here it is. One mill...” I nearly tore the paper in half as my body spasmed in surprise.
“What is it Rei-chan?” Usagi asked nervously as I dropped the slightly crumpled paper. I rubbed my eyes before picking it up again and studying the numbers carefully. Sure enough there they were right there, plain as day. “Is something wrong?” I shook my head, trying my best not to tremble.
“It's... one million yen!”
“What?!” she blurted, tearing the paper out of my hands to see for herself. “Oh no, that's too much, we could never accept that!”
“I'm a little bothered too Usa, but think about it... with that much money plus what we already have here at the shrine I wouldn't have to take that job at the restaurant. I'd be able to be here for you and the baby...” Usagi was still shaking her head but with noticeably less urgency.
“I know it would help out a lot... but it's just too much Rei-chan,” she was pleading now, as much to herself as she was to me.” I took the paper from her hand and smoothed it out on the table. I carefully weighed all the options in my mind before making my decision and, swallowing hard over a sudden lump in my throat, hurriedly scribbled my signature on both papers. “Rei-chan!”
“I'm sorry Usa, but think about it. This is Setsuna, you know how she is about knowing when things are needed,” I said suggestively, after a moment I could see the realization sink in. “We can trust her judgment.” She nodded and took my hand in hers again, squeezing it gently to show her support. “Is that all I need to do Kimiko-san?”
“We're almost done,” she said, removing two plastic cards and sliding them across the table towards us. “These will give you full access to your account, the funds will be available in about two hours. Please sign the back before you use them.”
“That's so fast!” Usagi shouted, causing the woman to giggle behind her hand.
“That's how we do business,” she said, standing from the table.
“Wow, thank you so much Kimiko-san!” I said, standing as well and bowing to her.
“Ah, there is one more thing,” she said suddenly, reaching inside of her breast pocket and pulling out a sealed envelope. “Miss Meioh personally asked me to give you this should you accept,” I took the letter and stared at it, wondering if I'd have to wait until some mysterious moment to open it. “Feel free to open it at your leisure.” I let out a deeply relieved breath and could hear Usagi giggling behind me having guessed what I was thinking.
“Well, I'm sure the two of you have a lot to talk about so I'll take my leave and get this paperwork processed. It's been a pleasure doing business with you.”
“The pleasure is all ours Kimiko-san, thank you so much!”
“I'll just show myself out,” she said before pausing slightly, “and congratulations on the baby, I can tell it will be very loved,” she finished with a slight blush before walking off down the hall and exiting the house.
“Open it, open it!” Usagi squealed happily as she pointed at the letter. Being taken in by her excitement I pulled her close and tore open the envelope, a folded note dropping into my hand. Pausing for only a moment, we both took in a deep breath before I unfolded the paper and we began to read.
“Dear Rei (and Usagi as I'm sure she's latched onto your side)
If you're reading this then that means you've accepted my gift! It's a good thing too because if you hadn't I left orders for it to be given to Ami to spend on you however she saw fit. Poor Small Lady would have been drowning in books!”
Off to the side was a chibi-style drawing of a terrified Chibi-Usa running from a giant pile of toppling books.
“I know it's a lot to put on your plate out of the blue like that but I don't want the two of you saving a single yen of that money in some attempt to feel less guilty or something. Worrying about money is the last thing the two of you need right now, and that's exactly why I did this. This way, the two of you can be comfortable and she can be even happier having her papa-chan around.”
Next to this one was another chibi-style drawing, this time it was Sailor Pluto scolding me and a comically pregnant Usagi.
“I wish I could be there to enjoy it myself but unfortunately I'm a busy lady and the things I'm taking care of right now will help everyone's future be a little bit brighter. Now, before you start worrying about me princess I'll tell you I'm in a place where I can really be happy. Even though I'm working so much I've got someone here that just loves taking care of me!”
Underneath this was another drawing inside what looked like a manga panel. It had Sailor Pluto coming through the door of a house with “Honey, I'm home!” in a speech bubble. On the other side of the room was an older looking Sailor Chibi-Moon running to greet her and calling out “Puuuuuuuu-chan!” Beneath this drawing she had scribbled something before continuing on.
“Just kidding... or am I?
Well, I should probably leave you to it, I'm sure Rei is bursting at the seams to start the plan she's been cooking up since accepting the money. Please give MichiRuka a hug and a kiss from me and tell Hotaru-chan not to do anything with Minako until she's absolutely ready or she'll be grounded for a month! Wish Makoto good luck from me and tell Ami I recommend she go with the black ones (she'll know what it means). Make sure you give Small Lady lots of hugs and kisses and presents and remember to take LOTS of pictures!
Setsuna 'Puu-chan' Meioh”
A final chibi drawing of Setsuna blowing kisses ended the letter.
We turned to each other slowly, both of us wondering if we had really just read all of that properly. Usagi cracked first and burst into laughter with me mere seconds behind her. We had to clutch each other for support and eventually even that wasn't enough, forcing us to lower ourselves to floor.
“Quiet and broody Setsuna,” I managed between bursts of laughter, “a chibi fanatic!” This only sent Usagi deeper into her giggle fit but after a while a panicked look shot across her face.
“Rei-chan, help me up! I need to pee!” she squealed. I managed to compose myself enough to help her to her feet and down the hall to the bathroom, both of us still bursting into small fits of giggles along the way. By the time she was finished we had sobered up enough to really take in the situation.
“So, now that we've got some money how are we going to use it?” Usagi asked, groaning slightly as I helped ease her down onto the sofa.
“Well we already make enough with the shrine to pay for bills and food and stuff,” I answered, laying down with my head in her lap, smiling as she began stroking my hair. “So that leaves the money going to diapers, toys, clothes, and every other important and non-essential baby thing we're going to spoil her rotten with. Other than that I think we can afford to treat ourselves every once in a while,” I said, then upon noticing her stern expression added, “wouldn't want to get scolded by Chibi-Pluto!” We shared a short laugh before settling into an easy silence.
“Hey, Rei-chan?” she asked quietly, continuing to stroke my hair.
“Hm?” I was already drowsy, I usually didn't even last this long with her petting my hair.
“What are you planning to do with the money? The letter said you had something in mind.” There was a hint of mischief in her voice that my tired mind barely registered.
“Well first I was going to...” my eyes shot open to glare at her, “you sly little minx! You were trying to soften me up!” She grinned sheepishly and stuck out her tongue. “Well just for that you don't get to know until Friday!” I said with a grin, only to yelp as my hair was tugged sharply.
“Sorry, there was a tangle,” she said, flashing me a sweet smile. I eyed her warily for a moment.
“My hair doesn't have tangles and you know it,” I said, still finding myself grinning at the banter. “Speaking of my secret plans, I should probably get going.” I turned my head to kiss her belly a few times before rising up to my feet, finding my legs a little shaky. I took her hands in mine and kissed my way across her fingers, bringing a blush to her cheeks. “These babies are magical, I swear.”
“You never fail to make me feel special, Rei-chan. I just wish...” she shook her head, deciding not to continue. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, hoping she'd open up about what was bothering her.
“You want me to stay?”
“No, you seem excited about this, you should go.”
“You sure? I don't need to do this today.” She gave me a nod and an honest smile. “Will you be okay for a few hours?” She leaned back a little and turned towards the hall.
“Grandpa?!” she shouted.
“You need something, my dear?” came his muffled reply. She looked back at me and grinned.
“I'll be fine.” I tried to frown in disapproval but failed miserably.
“You've got the poor man wrapped around your little finger.”
“Can't help being this lovable! Now go on to your little mystery plan,” she said, swatting me away. I leaned in and stole a quick kiss before heading off down the hallway. “Rei-chan, wait!” I hurried back hopefully only to see her pointing at the coffee table a few feet away from her. “Can you hand me the remote before you go?” her eyes were pleading so effectively that I couldn't even give a frustrated insult.
“I swear I love you too much,” I said, retrieving it for her only to steal another quick kiss as I handed it to her.
“If it keeps the kisses coming then I'm not gonna complain,” she said, munching from a bag of chips she seemed to produce from thin air.
“Tell me you're not still hiding those things between the cushions?” I frowned. “Probably have all kinds of butt fuzzies falling into them.”
“I roll them up first thank you very much! And don't say gross things or you'll ruin my appetite!” I went to say something but clamped my mouth shut when I saw the glare she was giving me. An idea suddenly struck me.
“Hey, you should call all the others and tell them to come over, they should probably know about this. Oh! And I'll pick up some dinner for all of us on the way home to celebrate! It'll be good to see everybody as a group again, it's been ages since... what?” I asked, noticing Usagi giving me a loving smile.
“Nothing, I just love seeing you so happy.” I couldn't help myself from leaning down for a few more kisses.
“I need to get going if I'm gonna have enough time, you having any special cravings?” Her eyes lit up at this.
“Oh! Bring me the usual!” I couldn't stop the grimace from spreading across my lips. “Don't make that face, it's good!” she pouted.
“Whatever you say, princess,” I said, dodging a pinch and laughing. “I'll be back in two or three hours so tell them to come by around seven o'clock,” I called out, giving a recently appeared grandpa a kiss on the cheek as I passed.
“Did you need something, my dear?” I heard him ask as I made my way to the entrance.
“Oh no, I was just checking to see if you were here, but now that you mention it...”
To be continued...