Story: Eyes (all chapters)

Authors: Beatunic

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Chapter 1

Title: Not Again

[Author's notes: Congratulations, you are now seeing something that came from the mind of a disturbed person. Hopefully just how disturbed I am won't come out in future chapters of this story.]

Sally North was on the verge of tears as she stood in front of one of the tall bathroom mirrors. Even after so many years one pretty face destroyed all the work she had put into being “normal.” She didn’t understand why she was being burdened with such a wretched sin. It made her question everything she was taught to believe. It was her sophomore year at a small college, and at that point in time in her life, she really didn’t have time to deal with something like her obviously confused heart.

She realized her desires when she was fifteen. At the time she was at her best friend’s house. It was the usual Friday night sleepover they had held almost religiously. There was absolutely nothing unusual about it, except for Sally waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Looking over at her friend’s sleeping face a feeling of absolute contentment came over her. Then she had a strong urge to kiss her friend on the lips.

The feelings she was having caught Sally completely off guard. Her friend’s scream startled her even more. None of that compared to realizing that without consciously meaning to she had actually kissed her friend. Her friend’s parents came in and that was the last sleepover Sally ever went to or had.

The friendship had ended and she became public enemy number one at her middle school. It got so bad that she and her mother had to move to a completely different state. Her mother didn’t know how to deal with the stress of knowing what her daughter was. That coupled with being such a young widow caused her mother to be sick soon after the move.

Sally was allowed a fresh start in a new place and new school. Thanks to the convenience of timing she was able to start her new life in high school. In order to help her mother to recover from the stress induced sickness, Sally made sure to prove to her mother that she was “straight” and that that kiss was a one time fluke. She made sure to keep thoughts of other girls out of her head and went as far to bring a few dates home. It took her mother one and a half years to fully recover.

Managing to convince herself that she had no desire to be with another woman and that the whole incident really was a fluke helped a lot. Sally even managed to forget about the whole thing after a while. That is until she showed up in her life.


Kristen Korde hated school. The guys were nothing more than pricks that couldn’t disconnect their dicks from the few brain cells that they could manage to actually use. And the pointless shit that came out girls at this school made Kristen wonder whether or not they just got used to the bad taste that it had to have left in their mouth. School itself, the teachers and classes, left her feeling as though she left home with more knowledge than she came back with.

Her future was practically set in stone for her. She planned on inheriting her parents little bakery and living a modest life with or without someone to keep her company. It wasn’t anything forced on her or anything. Sure if anyone just looked at her they wouldn’t be able to tell, but she truly enjoyed baking and the shop did pretty well for itself. There was something about making something amazing out of a bunch of little nonchalant things. Kristen absolutely loved the feeling of making people smile through her cooking.

The few people she told always responded with something along the lines of how she was smart enough to be in NASA. In reply she always sighed and proceeded to ignore the comment. She knew she had potential to be anything she wanted to be. What was wrong with shooting for something below “you could be?” Why did everyone feel it necessary to give people more work the more intelligent they were?

At the thought, Kristen sighed in exasperation and turned her head to look at the clock. Her eyes didn’t quite get that far before another pair locked onto them. They were a pale blue green that reminded her of the sea. The owner of those eyes sat right next to her and was probably trying to look out the window in her boredom.

“Ms. North I know the window is more entertaining than the history of the country you just so happen to live in, but if you would give me your attention for about another half hour I could care less how long you stare off into the distance on your own time.”

The owner of the eyes blushed and immediately cast her wondering eyes to her desk, in seemingly rapt interest in the gang signs and silly doodles etched permanently into its surface. Despite herself Kristen could not help but to smile at the thought of how cute that blush looked, as she yet again pretended to care about the axis powers and Nazi cruelty. School just got a bit more interesting.


As soon as the bell rang Sally headed for the door. She could not concentrate on her studies for the presence that sat beside her. She had to get to a bathroom. Maybe a splash of cold water would put some since back into her. When she did reach the bathroom Sally found that the cold water did help clear her head… for a second.

“Do you always walk that fast ‘Ms. North’?” a voice suddenly called out from behind sally, startling her.

She turned around quickly to snap at the voice. Her rebuttal caught in her throat when once again she found herself staring into those eyes; those silvery blue eyes that seemed to pierce her heart. Her entire body was frozen by that gaze and she felt powerless and naked. It felt as though this girl could read her like an open book.

“Hi. I’m Kris. You’re Sally North right?”

Slightly shaken out of her odd reverie Sally simply nodded. She didn’t trust her voice at the moment. Looking down she realized that a hand had been extended toward her. Taken it, she mumbled something about it being nice to meet her. A charming smile spread across Kristen’s face.

“You wouldn’t mind eating lunch with me, would you?” Before even getting a chance to answer she was being half-dragged to the cafeteria by her hand. The only thought that seemed to actually get through her mind was the fact that Kris’s hand was soft and warm.

After the initial shock of such a bold encounter, Sally realized just how tall this girl was. Kris seemed to be going at an easy stride while poor Sally was doing her best to keep up with Kris’s long legs without jogging. She had to be nearly six feet to Sally’s slightly-less-than, five and a half.

“I was amazed when I found out the food in the campus cafeteria was actually edible.”

“Umm… is it possible we could slow down a bit?”

“Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget how tall I am,” she explained. Slowing her pace to a more reasonable stride, Kris continued on to the cafeteria. Somehow it only made Sally feel even shorter.

It was only then that she had a chance to realize just how odd her situation was. Ever since that incident so long ago, Sally kept mostly to herself. Now, many years later, after having felt that she had finally gotten over her “problem” some random encounter sends her into a complete relapse. Moments later, the source of her resurfaced feelings whisks her away to lunch. Normal people don’t have these problems. Why the hell couldn’t she have been normal?

In the cafeteria Kris got a hamburger while Sally chose a simple garden salad. Sally thought it was kind of odd for Kris to get a hamburger. It just didn’t seem like the kind of food that fit her regal features. She had beautiful pale skin and delicate lips. Long, black, silky hair and bangs framed her face perfectly. Long eyelashes and a bit of black mascara enhanced those striking blue orbs. Full breasts, long legs, and an athletic figure made her the closest thing to perfect in existence. God, she was intimidating.

Sally sighed as she watched Kris put the burger to her lips. It just did not do her looks justice. Kris became less idealistic and more… human. At the same time, it made her more adorable. Before long, Sally realized that the burger hadn’t actually been bitten into.

“Is there something on my face?” Sally blushed scarlet. Her observing had turned into a full blown stare. In an instinctual attempt to hide her embarrassment, Sally buried her face in her hands. The laughter that reached her ears was too much for her to bear, so she moved to leave.

“Oh please don’t go. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just that you looked so adorable that I couldn’t help myself,” Kris had managed to get her giggles under control. The bright red cheeks and brown pigtails flapping as she shook her head were just too cute.

“D-Don’t say things like that! People could misinterpret it!” Sally was obviously flustered.

“What’s to misinterpret?” Kris asked innocently.

“I- I’m sorry, but I really have to go. I shouldn’t have even stayed this long. It was nice to meet you Kris,” and with that Sally fled to the dorms.

Shaking her head, Kris sighed. She was a bit confused by her actions. This was all completely unlike her. Kristen Korde was not one to giggle and invite people to lunch and strike up conversations. Kristen Korde was a heart breaker and known for her ice cold glares. And never, ever does the Kristen Korde chase after anyone.

Kris looked over to Sally’s uneaten salad and sighed again. She grabbed her knife and fork and proceeded to cut her own lunch into bite sized pieces. The sight of her eating a hamburger with a knife and fork would probably have pleased Sally greatly. Why the hell did this girl make Kris feel so self-conscious?

A few tables away sat another person who was not exactly happy with what they saw happening between Kris and Sally.


Sally rushed into her dorm room. She needed someone to talk to about her meeting with Kristen. Tabatha had been her constant source of comfort for a few years now. She seemed to always know when Sally needed her. So it was no surprise that almost as soon as she walked through the door, the black cat jumped into her arms.

The cat mewed with an obvious questioning look in its facial features. Sally carried her past the dining area and kitchenette into the hall that contained the three doors for the two bedrooms and shared bathroom. Ignoring the other two doors, Sally entered the door on the right and sat cross-legged on her bed and began to absentmindedly stroke Tabatha.

“I met this gorgeous girl in class today. She had long black hair that looked like it was made of silk. She was pale and looked so delicate, but then you look into her eyes… Oh my God her eyes! I looked into them and got chills! Can you believe that? Chills, Tabatha, chills!

“Oh God, what am I gonna do? I still like girls. If mom found out, she might worry and get sick again. I can’t tell her, but I have never kept anything from her before. This is so not cool.”

Tabatha, being Sally’s comfort kitty, licked away the tears that were steadily falling down her face. In response, Sally could not help the giggle that came out through the tears. “You are such a silly kitty, Tabby. For now, I guess I just won’t worry about it.” That was definitely an easier said than done comment.

[End notes:

I am not sure how well I write, so it would be a great help if you could, maybe, possibly, hit the review button. Um... Please?


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