Story: Ebony Starlight (chapter 1)

Authors: Skavo

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Chapter 1

sensors sung out and red lights flashed as a computerized female voice jerked Niakra Cyan out of a sound sleep in the captain's chair of her single person space craft Ebony Starlight. planet approaching exiting hyperspace in 5-4-3-2-1 there was a jerk as the blurred shapes in the viewing screen turned into various stars and space debris. from under her helmet the blonde bounty hunter could hear a faint hum, the echo created by her fusion generator the thing that powered her ship. with a soft groan she took her ship off of autopilot and grabbed the controls that slid out of the main console directly in front of her. they were specially programmed to only respond to her touch just as the computer would only respond to her voice.

a planet loomed in the black depth of space, it was highly industrialized, probably some backwater mining planet also called Smugglers Havens due to their general lawlessness. a voice came from under the helmet, it was strong but distinctly female with a faint accent that was almost impossible to trace "computer bring up the stats on that planet to my internal HUD." a needle like device came out of the chair and went into the back of her helmet just shy of entering her brain, maps and numbers flashed across her helmet's internal visor.

the planet's population, capitol city, ruler, exports, main race, and history came across her screen but no name meaning one thing. this planet was out of Eye occupied territory so it was probably full of government fugitives and war veterans, she smiled under the helmet. "land ship in nearest available dock" she was stopping here, there was a good chance that the criminals on this planet had a price on their heads. she never stopped working even though it was wearing her down, though she wasnt on The Eye's offical payroll she still brought in heads to get the credits.

enter name and ID number a male voice from the planet's control tower cut across her thoughts of money, glory, and fame. "Niakra Cyna ship ID number 340967FG" she relayed her information without even looking at the ID registration information that appeared on the HUD. this was all routine for the bounty hunter, she had everything committed to memory because she had to say it every time she visited a new planet and she had to type it in to collect her pay. identification confirmed you are clear to land on dock 45C, happy hunting Furie.

she punched the co-ordinates into her ship's keypad then turned the autopilot back on because she was feeling too lazy to try and land the ship herself. nearly a year had gone by since she last set foot on tera firma, most of her bounties were claimed from space battles or stealthy ship infiltrations. with a whir of engines the Ebony Starlight made a safe landed and the airlock on the hatch opened with a hiss and a few puffs of dust and smoke. an armored figure stepped out nearly falling and dropping her duffle bag as her feet touched solid ground, taking a moment to collect herself Niakra wiped her ID badge on the holoport. Niakra Cyna, dock is locked you account will be directly charged for the duration of your stay the female voice spoke its pre-recorded message.

"yeah yeah" the bounty hunter muttered taking the ticket it printed out for her, the squiggling script was instantly translated by her amour and she stuffed it in her duffle bag. her plasma machine gun was across her back and twin pistols were holstered on her hips showing she wasn’t someone to mess with. a mini lightsaber was tucked in her boot in case she had to do battle at close range or she ran out of ammo for her other weapons. accompanied by the crunch of gravel the hunter walked off the docks and into the nearest cantina for a drink and a good meal. she hadn’t eaten anything solid in a long time she usually just injected the nutrients she needed directly into her suit since there was no room for food on her ship. sitting at a quiet table she removed her helmet revealing a shock of blonde hair and perceptive brown eyes "spiced Tigerian rum and a steak." she gave her order to the waitress and watched the crowd as she waited for her things.

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