Story: The Bitch and the Beast (chapter 7)

Authors: Jos Mous

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Chapter 7

Title: Chapter Seven

Part Seven

It could've lasted centuries, it could have lasted years, but unfortunately it only lasted seconds. It's that damn need for all living beings on this earth to breathe that Sam and Nicole broke apart so soon. They were both speechless, not really certain what one should do or say in a situation like this. Nicole seemed rather shocked while am had a huge grin on her face.

"What was that?" Nicole whispered softly.

"A kiss." Sam deadpanned.

"I know that." Nicole said smiling. "But what _caused_ it is what I like to know."

"Animal attraction?" Sam suggested.

"I hope not." Nicole said honestly.


"That sounds much better."

The girls leaned in for another kiss.

"You do realise we're facing a whole world of problems." Sam said.

"I don't care." Nicole responded.

"Just the answer I wanted to hear."

Nicole sighed. "We should probably get out of here right about now."

"Yeah," Sam whispered sadly. "Hey, I got permission to see Lily after school, wanna come?"

"Are you suggesting a date?"

"I wouldn't exactly call going to the hospital to visit a friend of mine a date, but at least it'll give us some time to be together. So what do you say?"

"I'd like that."

"Great, I'll see you after school."

Sam kissed Nicole one more time for good measure, then left the Novak. Nicole stared at the door through which the brunette just left. They would be able to talk to each other again after school, but the schoolday seemed to take much too long. She had a huge urge to just run after her, grab her and never let go, but she knew she couldn't do that. It was a rather painful moment when she realised that this were probably going to be the longest hours in her entire life.

And it would probably be little comfort to her if she knew that Sam had the exact same problem.


Some people say that 'time heals all wounds'. Well, forget it. Time is a very cruel being. Every time you have a little fun it goes by much too fast and each time you're bored or in pain it seems to last forever. And right now Time delighted in going extra slow for two girls. Two girls who the rest of the world thought were mortal enemies. Yes, Time thought it very nice to see the two of them trying to be as close together as possible without anyone noticing. But unfortunately it could only go unnoticed by staying as far away from each other as possible. So what it basically came down to was the two of them exchanging glances whenever they could.

However, Time is not completely without mercy so when he thought the girls had suffered long enough he allowed to let the day go by so they could meet each other again at the hospital. But, Time wouldn't be Time if he didn't choose that moment to speed up again a little.


"I never would've thought a schoolday could last so unbelievably long." Sam complained.

"Well, it's over now." Nicole said.

"I can't believe I actually missed you." Sam said.

"You missed me?" Nicole asked amused.

"Well… yeah." Sam admitted. "Did you?"

"Oh, no. I was with me the whole time." Nicole said.

"You should consider yourself lucky that you can spend so much time with you."

"I dunno. You can hang out with Sam an awful lot."

"Yeah, but Sam's no fun if Nicole isn't around. She gets so depressed."

They walked down the perfectly white hallways in silence after that, simply enjoying the fact that they were together. No one who saw the two of them walking together could imagine that there was a time that they weren't together. Except for one or two bigots who thought it was 'evil' or 'wrong'. Then a nurse came walking down the corridor and Nicole could feel Sam stiffen slightly.

"Samantha." The nurse said coldly.

"Nina." Sam greeted back with an equally chilly voice.

It wasn't until they had turned a corner before Sam relaxed somewhat again.

"What was that all about?" Nicole asked.

"Sibling rivalry." Came the short reply.

"You're not going to explain that a little more, huh?"


"You know you can tell me everything." Nicole chuckled briefly. "And I won't even use it against you."

"Don't say that. You're not like that. Not any more."

"I used to be, though."

Sam was silent for a few moments. Nicole kept beating herself up for everything she did the last years, and while Sam couldn't exactly blame her, she still felt she should do something about it.

"Nina's one month older than me." Sam suddenly said. "She tries to boss me around and always snatches away my kills in front of my nose. Needless to say, we don't get along very well."

"Don't you just hate it when that happens?"

The door to the room where Lily was came in sight and Nicole faltered in her pace, a slight hint of panic on her face.

"I… I'll just wait here."

Sam looked at her for a moment, then decided it would probably be better if Nicole stayed away. She might want to prove that she had changed at least a little, but now certainly wasn't the time. Besides, there would be questions if Sam would show up in apparent harmony with the blonde.

"I'll be right back."

"Take your time."


It was pretty dark in Lily's room. Main reason being that the curtains were drawn shut. Lily herself lay in bed, her head seemed to have sunken into her pillow. How could Sam not have noticed how unhealthily pale she looked? And the worst part was that she actually looked better than a few days ago.

"Hey." Sam greeted. "How's it going?"

"Great." Lily said. "I can go home tomorrow according to the docs."

"Mind if I open the curtains?" Sam asked while she made her way towards the window.

"I'd rather you didn't. The sunlight bounces of all these white walls and it hurts my eyes."

"So, how are you?" Lily asked as Sam sat down on a chair beside her. "Still grounded?"

"Unfortunately yes. I'm still locked up. I don't know how I'll last four months."

"You'll make it." Lily assured her. "You've faced worse."

(Ain't that the truth.) Sam thought.

"And how are the others?"

Sam relaxed a little after this question. She simply set her mind on auto-pilot and talked about everything that happened while Lily was in the hospital. Which wasn't really a great big lot, since Sam wisely gave the girl the censored version. So she talked merrily about how basically nothing interesting happened.

That is, until Lily yawned, because that's when Sam noticed a rather unpleasant detail.

Lily's teeth were already sharpening.

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