Story: The Bitch and the Beast (chapter 6)

Authors: Jos Mous

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Chapter 6

Title: Chapter Six

Part Six

Sam was a little upset. Actually that was lie, she was seething with rage. It's not often that people back away from Sam when she walked through the hallways. But today was one of those rare occasions. There was one guy, however who wasn't impressed in the least and he kept leaning against the wall when the fury that was Sam approached.

"Hey there. What's the rush?"

Sam paused for a moment to identify the man brave enough to talk to her.

"Brian." She greeted. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"See how you were dealing." The man said. "What's with all the anger?"

"Nic bailed on me last night. I mean, she of all humans should know how dangerous it can be."

"Is _that_ why you're so upset? 'Cause it seems like a pretty lame reason to me."

"It's just… I'm actually starting to like her. I just don't want to see her get hurt."

"Right." Brian said, smiling broadly. "Well, it all makes sense now, doesn't it?"

"What do you mean?" Sam asked darkly.

"Nothing." The man said smiling. "Oh, David wanted me to tell you that we're keeping an eye on your friend in the hospital.""Thanks."

"We're not doing it for you nor for her, we just wanna catch that vamp."

"I know, but thanks anyway."


Nicole was freaked. And she had every right to be. After all, her world had changed enough already without Sam kissing her.

Sam kissing her.

Nicole smiled faintly when she briefly relived those few seconds. She knew that it had been just a dream, that it probably didn't mean anything. It was just some trick of her subconscious mind.

Ah, who was she kidding?

Even if the dream meant nothing she certainly wouldn't mind it ever coming true.

And that freaked her more than anything.


The door to the Novak opened and a certain brunette stepped inside. She leaned back against the door and looked at the blonde with a disapproving look on her face.

"Somehow I knew I'd find you here." Sam said.

"What do you want?" Nicole asked in the same unfriendly manner. It was the only way she knew how to react and she hated herself for it.

"Why did you sneak out again?"

"That's none of your business. I come and go as I please."

"Have you gone nuts? You should know you can't just walk around at night."

"Why couldn't I? Your furry friends keep following me where-ever I go."

Sam suddenly smirked. "And do you know why they do that?"

"I'm gambling, to keep me safe?"

"No." Sam said simply. "You know, therefor you are a target. And if you follow a target around you're bound to run into something tasty trying to kill you. That's why."

"I should've guessed. The only thing you freaks care about is the next kill, right?"

"If we only cared about hunting, then why am I so angry at you for walking out?"

"Because you care for me?" Nicole said it in her most mocking voice, but secretly hoped that Sam was going to say 'yes'.

She did.

"Yeah, I care for you." Sam said. "I know what's behind that mask you wear constantly and I actually like the person behind it." The brunette was quiet for a moment. "Or was that all an act?" She whispered. "Are you really the cold-hearted bitch I always suspected you were?"

"NO!" Nicole screamed. "It's not like that. I…" The blonde knew she had to say something. She just didn't know what. "I like you, I _really_ like you." She said calmly. "It's just… something really freaked me out last night. I'm sorry."

Sam was speechless for a moment. Nicole had opened up to her in the middle of a fight, but now Sam didn't know what to say or do. After all, Nicole doesn't open up to a lot of people except maybe her best friends and even they probably don't know who she really is…

Nicole observed Sam closely, uncertain of how the brunette would react. She could see a thousand expressions going over her face in seconds. Then she saw her eyes widen slightly as if the brunette had suddenly figured it out. She slowly walked over to Nicole, gently took her face in her hands and kissed her.

And once again, Nicole kissed back.

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