Story: The Bitch and the Beast (chapter 11)

Authors: Jos Mous

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Chapter 11

Title: Chapter Eleven

Part Eleven

NOTE: This is really starting to turn out a LOT longer than I expected. I thought the last part was going to be the final part. Guess not, huh?


The sunlight was harsh and glaring. The fact that it was hidden behind the clouds didn't help much. Lily felt strangely detached from everything and everyone around her. The two of them were on their way to kill a _vampire_ and nobody knew about it. Everybody simply went on with their lives, completely oblivious to what was right under their noses. Sam didn't seem to be bothered by it much. Which called forth yet another range of questions for Lily. Like, how long did she know? How long has she hidden it? And have I ever really known her? Deciding to not let these questions distract her too much she started talking. About what she didn't know yet, but she'd make it up as she went."You know, somehow I can't remember the time when I liked sunlight." Lily looked up briefly only to reaffirm the fact that the pale sunlight was indeed hurting her eyes. Sunglasses had indeed been a good idea.

"Well if it helps, I can't really remember what it was like before I became a werewolf."

"You're a werewolf?" Lily asked amazed.

"Yeah. Didn't I tell you?"


"Oh. Well now you know."

"How long? Or were you born one?"

"Five months. Give or take a week."

"And in that time, how many vampires have you killed?"

"Well, let's see…" Sam looked up as she mentally counted each vamp-kill. "About eighteen kills."

"If I had become a 'real' vampire, would you've killed me?"

"I don't think I could." Sam responded honestly. "But if I couldn't there are lots of others who could."

Lily was silent as she tried to figure out how many 'others' there might be. And if they were all werewolves. She put her hand in her pockets when she noticed that they were empty.

"Do you have any stakes or something?"

"No need to." Sam said as a wide grin appeared on her face. "I got something even more effective."

"Like what?"

"Like me."


Nicole was cut, bruised, battered and even tortured. She didn't know where she was, what time it was or when the bitch who took her decided it was time for some more 'fun to pass the time'. But strangely enough Patricia hadn't fed of her, which was the one thing Nicole expected her to do. She was a vampire after all and isn't sucking blood what vampires do? The door to her small room opened and in the entranceway stood once again the bitch. She had placed bright lamps behind her so she could make a dramatic entrance each time she visited. While this seemed completely ludicrous to Nicole, she couldn't deny the fact that it was something she or Mary Cherry would do. A small irrational part of her brain found it strange what it people wouldn't do to get attention, while the rest of her brains was focused entirely on the form slowly and gracefully entering the room. Nicole wasn't scared, she was much too angry for that. After all, it was her experience that people get most scared when they were abused mentally. And while a lot of physical abuse certainly had a mental aspect, the vampire simply didn't manage to frighten Nicole with her little games. She realised that that was because she herself was considered a master in the arts of mental abuse. Lost in anger, sudden guilt and a few other stray thoughts that aren't really worth mentioning the new cut came as a surprise. Sort of.

"Writing another letter?" Nicole asked sweetly, ignoring the blood slowly making its way into her left eye.

"No, I was thinking I might do some poetry."

"Well, you've certainly got a high enough ego to think that you may actually be able to write something halfway decent."

"It's always better than you, right? I mean, let's face it, your only achievement is… what was the phrase… being popular? And here I was thinking that someone popular is someone people liked." Patricia shook her head smiling. "The times are changing." She said with a dramatic sigh. "There was a time when we were feared, you know. But now, the biggest threat to humanity is humanity itself. Ironic, isn't it?"

"Very." Nicole agreed. "It must be really disappointing to know that we can exterminate everything with the push of a button, while you have to go with one victim at a time."

"Not really. I mean, where's the art in pushing a button?"

"Killing is an art?" Nicole asked laughing.

"Of course it is. Yes you can simply rip a person's head off, but what's the beauty in that?"

"You're all show, you know that?"

"Of course I know that. But it's still better than all talk like you." Patricia sat down next to Nicole on a chair that was undoubtedly more comfortable. "Now, where was I? Ah yes, writing." The vampire took a pen and a piece of paper out of her pocket. "Oh look, during our little conversation your blood had already stopped running. Your blood congeals much too fast, I would worry if I were you." She shrugged. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to make another cut."

Blood trickled down Nicole's cheek when something started beeping. Patricia looked around confused for a moment, then reached down one of her pockets to take out a small beeper.

"I'm afraid I've fallen a bit behind on the technological level." She admitted. "I was too busy searching to keep up." She stood up. "Well, I must go. It seems we've got some visitors and while I hate to send people home empty-handed and blood-filled I fear I'll have to do just that. Excuse me for a moment, will you?"


Sam pushed open the doors to the theatre. She had half expected them to be locked until she realised that vampires probably weren't very scared of any unwanted visitors. She noticed that Lily was still standing out on the street, suddenly looking very uncertain.

"You coming?"

"Yeah… Just gimme a sec, alright?"


"The thing in there half-controlled my mind just a few hours ago so, yeah I'm nervous."

"Don't worry. You're not gonna fight."

"Yes I am." Lily suddenly seemed to have regained her confidence and strode inside.

"No, I'm serious." Sam said as she put a shoulder on the other girl's shoulder. "You're gonna look for Nicole. And if you see that vamp you're gonna turn and run."

Lily opened her mouth to object, but thought better of it. "Fine."

"Good, let's go."

"One more thing."


"When you said that that vampire has 'Nicole', did you mean Nicole Julian?"

"You know any other Nicole?"

Lily briefly shook her head. "Poor vampire."

Sam ignored the sudden streak of pain shooting through her body upon hearing this.

The main auditorium was designed in the ancient style of the amphitheatre. The stage at the other end of the entrance doors and the chairs were on an increasingly higher level. Lily had already went backstage in search of Nicole. Sam lingered a bit in the back rows, any vamp that took residence in a theatre was likely to 'welcome' any visitors here in the auditorium.

Sam was right.

A spotlight shot to life in the centre of the stage and Sam's eye detected movement from one of the higher balconies. The vampire had managed to jump precisely under the spotlight and, while Sam silently admitted that this was quite a feat, she couldn't help but find it very overdone. The vampire rose slowly. So slowly in fact that Sam couldn't help but think at a line from 'Austin Powers'.

"Start the unnecessarily slow sinking process." She said softly to herself, a smirk firmly on her face.

The vampire turned out to be quite tall and equipped with flaming red hair that was obviously dyed. Her costume was a tight black dress and once again Sam found all this to be so very cliché that it was simply amusing. She expected the vampire to turn around and speak some quasi-dramatic line any time now.

Slowly the vampire turned around and smiled at Sam.

"Hello dear, hadn't expected you _this_ soon."

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