('Why can't she see what is going on?' Derreck sits in a corner of a local hang out with his two friends. Watching as one girl is comfortably in the arms of another girl, but the other girl is checking out another girl across the room. Other girl across the room winks at said girl. 'WHY WON'T SHE SEE WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!' 'I have to help my friend but how? I care for both of them. I can't just tell her, I have to think of a way to make her see'
"Hey, do you guys want anything to drink?" Jessy asked still looking at other girl. Derreck just shakes his head no, still watching her and Becky on the couch.
"Oh! can you get me a soda?" Becky asked looking up at Jessy. Jessy smiles down at Becky and nods. Getting up Jessy heads for the counter. Other girl also heads for the counter. Derreck watches the whole encounter from his seat. They start to flirt with each other. The other girl gives Jessy a slip of paper and walks away. Jessy puts said paper into her pocket and heads back to their area with two sodas in hand.
"Hey listen guys I gotta go so I'll see two later?" Derreck says as he gets up and collects his coat. The two girls just nods their heads at Derreck as he heads out.
"Okay Derreck see you later." Becky calls out to him.)
(Becky came to me crying her eyes out. Looks like they once again had a fight. But I know what's really going on now. Jessy is out with that girl again. But Becky still doesn't know about that. Not yet anyways. I still don't know what to do for them but each time Jessy does this to Becky my heart hurts more and more for her. I'll do anything for her just to take away the pain. This cheating has been going on for months now. I have to do something soon. But what?)
(I found out where they go now. They have been going to the next town over, they always meet in the same store and talk for awhile before going their own ways again. But this time Jessy and the other girl are sitting closer and looking at some on their table. It's hard to see what they are looking at though. I have to find out. For Becky.)
(Becky's birthday is soon. But does Jessy even care? All she's doing is making Becky worry. I already got her tickets to her favorite band, I hope she likes it. But what if she wants backstage passes? Oh what was I thinking getting her lousy floor tickets! But I already spent my money on these seats. I have to think of something else. Something more)
(Does Jessy even know what she has with Becky? Does she know how lucky she is? I would give anything to have that with someone. )
(I sold one of the three tickets to Becky's favorite band and the two of us are going. I know Jessy is in the next town with the other girl. I have to find a way for Becky to find out about that but I don't want her to know that I knew. Each time she is with the other girl, the angrier I get. But I also love Becky more and more I would do anything for her just to make her smile at me and only me.)