"blah"- talking
'blah'- thinking
~~~~- scene change
*blah* song lyrics
"Jessy..." Becky sighs out with a happiness and hope in her vioce. At just the sight of her one true love standing there near the cliffs, made her heart skip a beat.
"Becky." Jessy's harsh word cut through Becky's heart. Becky stops, not at the harch word but at the eyes. The eyes that were once full of light and loce were now cold, empty and cruel. What stood there near the cliffs was not the Jessy that Becky once knew and loved. Nor held onto at night, tight in her arms. No what stood there was a creature of darkness and hate wearing Jessy's face. The face twisted into evil. What was always a smile on Jessy's face was nothing but a dark snear twisting her once pretty face. The vioce that she so loved to hear was now hard and closedoff from her. She did not know who it was that stood there, and Becky didn't like it. She wanted her Jessy back, she didn't feel safe near this thing, not like when she was with her Jessy.
"Jessy... I'm so glad your here..." Becky said as she tries to steel herself to take a step foreward. Jessy just snarled at her. Shocked Becky didn't dare move a muscle.
"What are you doing here?" Jessy asks in her most coldest vioce. Becky flinches from Jessy's words, Jessy just smirches at Becky's discomfort.
"I... I just wanted to see you again..." Stuttered Becky as she shifted from foot to foot as Jessy slowly walks toward her.
"Oh? Now that you have, what do you think about the new me?" Jessy mockinly asks. "Do you like the pain that YOU put me through?!" With each word getting louder Jessy took another step foreward.
Becky didn't dare move back as Jessy came foreward no matter how much her instincts tell her to run. She just stood her ground and stared right into Jessy's hatred and pain filled eyes without flinching.
With every step Jessy took no matter how hard she tried to suppress her emotions, they still bame boiling to the surface, hate, joy, hurt, comfort,... Love. Memories she tries to erase come flooding her minds eyes, happy times, sad times, times only filled with her and Becky.
*Do you still remember, how we used to be
Feelings together, believe in whatever*
A scene of them meeting for hte first time.
Both their parents brought them to the park one beautiful summer day. They ran into each other on the jungle gym. A spark came between them. They became the best of friends that day.
*My love has said to me
Both of us were dreamers.*
Grade school was always filled with laughter and friends. Not to mention a bright hopeful future.
Jessy was running across the playground laughing with a wet Becky running after her with a water balloon in hand with promises that she will be repaid in full. And she did later that day when Becky finally caught up to her.
*Young love in the sun
Felt like my Saviour, my spirit I gave you.
We'd only just begun.*
Jessy layed sprawled in the dirt, tears trailing her cheeks as the three boys that pushed her laughted and taunted her. Jest when one of the boys was about to kick her onces again, Becky came in and saved Jessy more pain. The boys took off never to tease her again. Jessy looked up at Becky as she bent down to help her up. Jessy's heart skipped a beat when she saw that radient smile came apon Becky's face as she took her offered hand. They walked off together hand in hand.
*Hasta Manana, Always be mine.*
It was Becky's 14 birthday and Jessy was allowed to sleep over that night. Jessy had a surprise ready for Becky, she wouldn't know what her her. Jessy saved up her allowence for months to get these matching friendship rings. On the inside their inesals were there with their phrase (Forever, I promise)
*Viva forever, I'll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun.*
It was summer time and a 15 year old Jessy and Becky were running down the beach, blue ocean waves crashing against white sands hands interlocked with each others. Laughter was heard whenever the cold waves crashes onto their feet. It's just they two of them for an entire week at Jessy's parents beach cabin and it was the best time of their lives. Freedom was theirs. Staying up as late as they like and sleeping in till noon. Live was perfect... At least that's what Jessy keeps thinking. It just feels like there was something missing here but Jessy just couldn't figure out what that was.