The Paint it black song plays in the background of Jessy's room as she still works on her revenge for Becky. It's dark in the room which it has been for the past week since that day. No matter what Jessy did to try and forget about those words, she can never forget that look in Becky's eyes as she laughs as her heart broke. A laugh that use to bring so much joy to Jessy whenever she hears it. But it just brought more pain for her. Jessy hasn't had much sleep since. Nightmares just fills her mind of images of Becky and Derreck in His bed. HIS hands on her Becky! That damn smirk on his face as he pleasures her. Shaking her head to disspell such things out of her head and she continues to work. 'No mercy! They will all pay for the pain that I can only feel these days since then. Everyday that I see her in my mind. I see her with HIM together... I just stopped feeling I grew numb. But soon they will be sorry...' Jessy starts to get ready to head for the cliffs at the secret place for the final stage in her plans knowing for sure it will work.
"You'll all be sorry after this. Everyone will know about the pain that I feel. No one will ever forget this day!" Jessy says as she leaves her empty dark room for what might be her last time. Echos of laughter fill the air and childdess fun long lost through time. "Yes. They will remember this day for a long time after this..." The door closes after she says those words. The room is filled with darkness. The Paint it Black song still playing in the background as it slowly fades near the end.
The song Stupid girl plays in the background of Becky's room as the goes through her closet for some clothes. Trying to choose the best one to wear today. 'Soon I can see Jessy again. Oh I hope she'll accept my gift. I've missed her so much. It's been a week since I've seen her. She never left her room... I hope she's okay.' Becky is getting ready to go to the cliffs, wanting to look her best for her Jessy.
"I hope that she'll be there. Then I can tell her the truth as to why I did what I had to do. Jessy please be there." Becky whispers in the qiuet room as she gets dress into a dress that Jessy got her for her birthday last month. Becky had been so surprise and happy all at once when she saw the dress. It was the most beautiful thing that Jessy had gotten her. It was a rich earthy color to match her hair and eyes well. Fill in her curve that Jessy loves so much. A small blush covers Becky's cheek as she remembered that night as she gave Jessy a proper thanks for her gift. Shaking her head to rid of the pleasant thought, she still needed to get ready no time to fantasize. Becky leaves her room now ready to go to the cilffs. Closing the door behind her the last lines of Stupid Girl can be heard.
Walking down the trails of a long forgotten path Jessy walks on to set up to her revenge. Listening to her headphones as she walks to twisting path up the cliffs the You give love a bad name song can be heard through her head phones as she continues to walk. Slipping on a lose rock she curses silently but keeps walking. She was getting closer to the cilffs. Memories of past times here with Becky only made the pain more worse but she pushes it down and keeps walking.
Becky looks around to make sure that she was on the right trail as she makes her way to the cliffs. She thought that she heard something move up ahead. Thinking that it was just some wild animal, she walks on. 'Jessy... please be there.' Becky wishes with all her might that she can see her love once more. Holding onto the small box that hold the ring that she got for Jessy, Becky smiles softly and looks around remembering the best times of her life that she had when she came here with Jessy...
Jessy reached the cliffs and was now looking down at the crushing waves crash against the sharp rocks below she just stands there for a moment, a soft breeze blows past Jessy, ruffling her hair. No matter how hard she tried to forget the memories just start to pour out into the front of her mind and she relived the first time that she and Becky found this spot so long ago.
"Jessy it's so beautiful here! Just look at the beauty all around!" Becky giggled as she twirls around.
"I only see one beauty here." Jessy says as she looks upon Becky as she dances around the field filled with flowers. Becky just blushes and walks over to Jessy and gives her a gentle kiss on the lips and turns and runs as Jessy tries to get more kisses.
"You have to catch me first!" giggles Becky as she runs around the field. Jessy not far behind. After running around they settled down to watch the sunset over the water. Both wrapped around each other to keep warm.
"I love you Jessy." Becky whispers
"I love you too Becky." Jessy whispers back.
Looking into each others eyes they start to kiss. The kiss started out innocent but then it was filled with passion. As things got more heated they layed there on the grass, they made love for the first time. It was sweet, it was clumsy but it was beautiful. Touching each they learn a whole new side of each other. Kissing every inch of skin they can find. Touching every curve. The cries of love and passion fills the night air. As they lay there holding on to each other watching the stars shine high above them, they couldn't be happier.
Coming out of her daydreams Jessy turn around after hearing a gasp. There stood Becky wearing the dress that she got for her last month. She still looks as beautifull as ever.
"Jessy..." she whisper. Happiness covers her tone.
"Becky" She hisses. This startles Becky as she has never heard such hatred in her loves vioce.