"blah" talking
*blah* thoughts
~ scene changes
----- flash backs
*DAMN HER! Why does she do this to me? She knows what's shes doing does to me. She can cause so much pain by just her words... so why is she with HIM?* I sit here in my room where we shared so much of our young life here. So much laughter filled this room and secrets that never left here. I'm staring at a picture of all three of us together back when we just met him. He was so nice and kind. The pain in my heart is nothing compared to the pain in my soul. "You promised me we'd be together forever! YOU PROMISE ME FOREVER! You lying bitch! Damn you both!" I yelled once again into the darkness of my life. Tears come out of my tired eyes, tears I thought I no longer had the ablity for anymore. *I know what their doing right now. She told me so this morning. How can she be so cruel to me. We loved each other so much, we've been together for so long... *
"I have something to say to you..." she said just before she blushes. We're in my room like always. I lean closer wondering if it's a secret she wants to tell me. She blushes even more the closer I get to her. "Jessy..."
"Yeah, Becky?"
"I love you" She whispers lightly as she stares into my eyes. I'm blushing I just know it. I can't move, am I even breathing? Oh she's looking sad and scared now and shes about to get up but I stop her with a hand on her arm. She stops and stares at me hopefully.
"I love you too..." I whispered out. She looks so happy now. I know what kind of love shes talking about. *But do I love you that way? I think I can love you* We're kissing now. When did we start this? Who started this kiss? I close my eyes and just let her kiss me. *Yes I think I can love you*
I threw the picture against a wall. The glass shatters and cuts me on the arm thats still out stretched but I don't feel it. I can't feel anything. *I stopped feeling anything since she lefted me. I'm nothing but an empty shell because of her.* I just sit there in the darkness of my hallow room. The echos of the crash still fills the air. I don't move, I just sit and stare into nothing. I don't even think I can breathe anymore. Oh wait theres one... theres another. *Why? What does HE have that I can't give you? I've given you myself, I've given you everything you ever asks for. I've given you my heart... MY EVERY SOUL!* Oh I'm crying again. I said I wouldn't cry over her anymore. I look over at the calender out of habit. It would have been our three year annerversory. next week. *I even got you that watch she always wanted as a gift for her.* I got up from the bed and walked over to my desk and picked up the same watch and just looked at it for awhile then I just threw it at the wall and watch it clacker to the floor broken. *Broken like my heart and soul.* "Damn you. I don't need you... I never needed you! I'll show you just how damn much I don't need you! I'll show everyone! " I yell as I start to plan for next week. *Wouldn't it be wonderfull as I show everyone on our annerversery?* I left the room to prepare.