Story: Tales of Darkness - Behind the Imperial Throne (all chapters)

Authors: Rhanar Narra-Jar

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Chapter 1

Title: Behind the Imperial Throne

[Author's notes: The empress of Shacar-Jarcu is a woman of many wonders; sword-fighting, mastering of Mystic Magic, and an, until now unknown, deep love for her Scarlet Sisters of her Scarlet Sisterhood...]

Silence fell over the throne chamber of Shacar-Jarcu; the wounded Scarlet Sister had just finished her report of the overtaking of the last enemy outposts at the empire’s border; as she kept her tone steady despite her cuts and scars, she looked up at Empress Shinris as she sat on her dark throne.

“We’ve encountered light casualties in our ranks, but the enemy paid threefold the death” she smiled evilly; she had personally beheaded the roaring Chaos Orc who had led its brethren into battle against the Imperial Army, lead by the Scarlet Sisters.

The empress’ face were hidden in the shadows, but she seemed in deep thought; on her left and right sat two smaller, adamantine thrones, which seated her daughter crown princess Shica, and said lady’s demonic girlfriend, Jiraz Blackwhip.

The Scarlet Sister felt a shiver as Jiraz sent the crown princess a playful wink, which she replied with a smile; she knew of her princess’ love for the demon, but she still could not believe that Jiraz could be so harmless.

“How fare the other sisters?” the empress suddenly asked; caught in her thoughts, the Scarlet Sister blushed under her helmet.

“None of us were taken by Illirian, but a few were wounded; they are on their way by now” she responded, although she somehow felt that her empress already would know.

“I sure don’t hope any of them are hurt too bad…” Jiraz suddenly said; to the Scarlet Sister’s complete bewilderment, she sounded concerned.

“I doubt they are, Lady Jiraz; I could not see for the bloodstain on my helmet, though” the Scarlet Sister addressed Jiraz formally as usually; above her, Shica smiled at the Scarlet Sister, glad that she did not let her prejudice against demons be heard all too clearly.

“When should I expect them here?” the empress spoke; she sounded as concerned as Jiraz, a thing that worried the Scarlet Sister; she did not feel well when her empress was worried.

“In about five minutes’ time, my empress” she said.

“Very well; you and the rest of the Scarlet Sisters are to report here by that time; I wish to reward you for your courage on the field of battle” Shinris spoke; she rose up from her throne, signalizing the guards around the shadows of the chamber to be gone; as they left, she went down to the Scarlet Sister and asked her to rise.

“My lady?” the Scarlet Sister saluted as she stood up, but the empress did not utter any orders; instead, she smiled.

“A Scarlet Sister is the equal of the Empress of Shacar-Jarcu in all but her authority over the empire; you need not speak so formally now, my dear.”

On the small platform with the thrones, Shica and Jiraz exchanged giggles as they saw the Scarlet Sister blush as her empress’ head were but a meter from her own.

As the Scarlet Sister felt somewhat attracted by Shinris' irresistable beauty, she knew that she was but a soldier of her empire and its empress; however, as Shinris crossed her personal line, the Scarlet Sister’s eyes widened as Shinris gave her a quick kiss.

She blushed; she had yet to see her empress from this perspective before, but somewhere inside her she liked it; after spilling blood and insides for countless hours alongside her fellow sisters, she felt at peace as Shinris embraced her.

“Oh, it’s so cute” a voice came from the darkness; in the shadows sat Jiki and Kiro, the famed ‘angels’ of the mysterious Sharas'Car Order.

“Yo, girlies, c’mon up here!” Jiraz waved and cheered as Jiki and Kiro came out of the shadows; both of them wore long, black cloaks, so that nothing but their heads could be seen.

As Shinris slipped away from her body, the Scarlet Sister tried hard not to show how hard she was blushing; a thing Jiraz ruined that when she commented to the Scarlet Sister’s blushing as if she had overheated because of ‘close contact of first grade’.

“No surprise with that armor” Kiro commented, getting a giggle in reply from Jiki; the Scarlet Sister partly wished the girls would just leave to spare her from embarrasment, but on the other hand they were pleasant, if not a little unserious company.

As the empress went out a side door of the throne room, Jiki, Kiro, Shica and Jiraz followed suit; however, Jiraz suddenly turned around and went back to the Scarlet Sister.

“Sorry if I’m direct, sissy, but do you have something against me?” Jiraz asked openly.

“W-why do you ask, Lady Jiraz?” the Scarlet Sister responded nervously.

“Well, I’m a demon, and technically I should be tearing down this palace, maim all I can find, conquer the world, kill babies, raise the taxes and get a bad night’s sleep” Jiraz joked; the Scarlet Sister could not hold back a short laugh.

“See? Am I doing all those things? Nope! I’m your little princess’ girlfriend, and I’ll only use the powers I have to protect her, her mother, my friends, and those cuties Jiki and Kiro…and you Scarlet Sisters, of course” Jiraz quickly added.

“I see…” the Scarlet Sister smiled under her breathe; “…you are a curious one, Lady Jiraz; I will gladly admit that.”

“Thanks; you’re OK yourself, sissy” Jiraz smiled and offered the Scarlet Sister a handshake; she accepted and shoke Jiraz’s hand.

As the minutes went by, the other Scarlet Sisters arrived; most of them had bandages around their bloodstained wounds, while others’ armor was something near torn open.

“My Sisters of the Scarlet Sisterhood…” Shinris now spoke as she entered from the side door; she remained in the shadow, but spoke clearly: “…despite your bravery on the field of battle, your empress requests your service one last time.”

Although many of the Scarlet Sisters did not truly want to undertake another task that day, they stepped towards Shinris and knelt.

“Please follow me” the empress said, walking down the small staircase behind the side door; as the Scarlet Sisters, Shinris and Jiraz went down, Jiraz was the first to jump into the soft pillows of the room:

Carrying red wall-mounted shields of the Scarlet Sisterhood’s coat-of-arms, the room was draped in both the Sisterhood’s red colors, and the Imperial Narra-Jar’s purplish blue.

Lovely round beds, exotic foods, fruits and drinks, and the atmosphere of irresistible smells from the plants in the room filled it, and the Scarlet Sisters suddenly felt an urge to drop out of their armor and weapons and just relax; under it, they wore only a light uniform of studded, red leather.

“This no longer belongs solely to me” Shinris spoke, turning to the Scarlet Sisters; “and as of today, the Scarlet Sisterhood shall also serve as my personal harem; mind you that I am as fair a mistress as I am an empress; down here, we are equals, and none shall speak ill of your new role, lest they risk the palace’s dungeons.”

As the Scarlet Sisters stood as frozen, they soon accepted their new role; it could not be a too difficult task, but the shock of their empress’s desire for them surprised them greatly.

“I know your minds must be in shock, but that is what I request of you” the empress said as she stood next to the Scarlet Sister who had reported the battle’s outcome.

“You, my girl; I noticed your reaction to my advancement before, and I must admit that you amused me” Shinris smiled at the Scarlet Sister, who blushed; she knew that the Scarlet Sisterhood shared the Sharas'Car’s opinion of men being something near animals, and she felt a sudden lust for her empress and even her own sisters build up inside her; all of them had helped each other countless times.....

“I will ask you to remove your armor; as I might guess, the heat of battle is far over” Shinris smiled at her Scarlet Sisters; to their surprise, she stripped of her imperial robes and placed them neatly in a pile at the nearest bed, and let herself slip into it.

“Come, you may join me” she nodded at her Scarlet Sisters, who had begun discarding their armor; as some of them found that task rather difficult, Shica and Jiraz, both wearing red underwear consisting of trimmed bra and panties, rose up from their bed and began helping the sisters off their armor; in a darker corner, Jiki and Kiro both lay naked and fast asleep in each others’ embrace under the red blankets.

At first the Scarlet Sisters settled down nervously, but began to slowly accept their situations; as one of them commented, it was ‘better then to be stuck in warfare with lousy males under you’.

A quick laugh followed the joke, and the Scarlet Sisters helped themselves to some of the food and wines; Shinris did not seem to mind at all to share her expensive luxury with them, and treated them as her equals.

However, she jokingly warned them not to make Jiraz, or her daughter Shica, get too much wine; she perfectly well knew the results that would follow.

Jiki and Kiro soon joined them, asking politely if they could help themselves to some slices of meat; the empress nodded smilingly, not able to keep her mind of the mental image of Jiki and Kiro sleeping in each others’ embrace; she had found it to be somewhat the cutest thing she had ever laid eyes upon.

“Now, my sisters; as your stomachs fills and your throats lose their thirst, I would like you to let my message pass through your mind; as I told you, you are by now allowed to please me in more ways than being my finest and most trusted soldiers, and most well-trained fighting force ever to serve the crown of Shacar-Jarcu.”

As one, the Scarlet Sisters could do nothing but blush and smile; they really loved this new side of their empress; she had gotten herself quite a bit of wine, but as she was, as well as them, a dark elf, alcohol were extremely slow to affect her.

“Why don’t ye all jusht get ‘aughty, then? Jiraz stammered as she smiled broadly out from the shadow of her and Shica’s bed, looking dead drunk.

A low giggle was heard from inside of the curtains, and Shica’s arm reached out and gently pulled the smiling Jiraz inside; hinted by Shica’s playful scream and Jiraz’s passionate moans, she had now apparently thrown herself over Shica.

Meanwhile, Jiki and Kiro had begun eating the fruits and meats from the silver plates, which they emptied rather fast; Jiki playfully leaned over their table, and told Kiro she had a bit of meat on her face.

“Where?” Kiro asked.

“Right there!” Jiki giggled, giving Kiro a soft kiss on her lips; Kiro barely made it to smile as their lips closed shut on each other.

As the Scarlet Sisters saw that, they could not help but to exchange smiles at the young couple; Jiki and Kiro were extremely cute, but as they could see, Kiro had gotten a little lustful glow her eye; not surprisingly, she slowly pulled out of the kiss, and winked teasingly at Jiki to follow her back to the bed.

Smiling from ear to ear, Jiki handed herself and Kiro a glass of wine, which they quickly gulped down and went for their bed.

“Could I ask a favor of you?” Shinris spoke to her Scarlet Sisters; as they all agreed, Shinris smiled mysteriously.

“Excellent, then please wear these” she said as she opened a drawer near her; she took out some red silk outfits for the Scarlet Sisters to wear.

“I hope they will suit you” she nodded, tempted to smile; as the Red Sisters discovered, it was dancing outfits.

“Let us see, now,,,” Shinris mumbled as she let her hands through the air; using Nature Magic, she conjured up the sound of an ancient dancing style known by the shin'sari as ‘mel’charu’.

Beginning to dance, the Scarlet Sisters enjoyed the slow tempo of the song; the smell of the plants in the room, the moans from Shica and Jiraz’s bed, and the strong wines had their effects, however:

Unknowing to them, their dance became more and more passionate; their otherwise strict discipline was lost, and they even touched each other as the sounds went on.

Shinris smiled happily; she snapped her fingers, and the sounds died out, but the mood it had created continued on; as the Scarlet Sisters felt disappointed to be unable to continue dancing, they turned their eyes on Shinris.

“My empress…” one of them knelt; it was the young girl Shinris had kissed before; “do we really deserve this privilege, this honor, to…to do away with you?”

As response, Shinris gave a small chuckle, and gestured to the other Scarlet Sisters to step closer; caught off guard, she kissed one by one, much to their delight, and finally kissing the young one long and passionately; judging by her moans Shinris could joyfully feel that the girl was eager and passionate.

“Tell me, my sisters; do you have any mates, or do you wish for one?” she asked, both as to be sure, but also somewhat in tease.

As if spoken in unity, the Scarlet Sisters clearly stated no; their smiles had already given them away, as Shinris could see, and she gestured them to sit down.

“Very well, my Scarlet Sisters…” she smiled, slowly pulling the young girl into her embrace as she lay down; “…do away with me.”

Although blushing, the young girl’s desire was spreading like a fire; not after a minute, the Scarlet Sisters were swooping over their empress, their desires showing by drooling mouths and flickering eyes.

However, it soon spread throughout themselves as they longed for all they could give each other; they ended up unleashing their desires on themselves, much to Shinris amusement; she patted a Scarlet Sister’s breast and began sucking on it, eagerly using all her knowledge of anatomy to please her Scarlet Sisters as best as possible.

The screams and moaning of delight and pleasure ended up waking Jiki and Kiro, who smilingly sat up to enjoy the show; though not turned on, they studied the techniques being used.

Two of the Scarlet Sisters seemed to go beyond just making out, as they were completely lost in each other; one of them had taken her sword, and now used the hilt to press it into the other Sister’s clit, making her howl as a wolf during mating season.

Shinris could not help but smile at the Sister who were currently molesting her breasts; she slowly grabbed hold of the surprised Sister's head, and began a deep, passionate kiss.

The other Scarlet Sisters watched as Shinris slowly bent the Sister down, still kissing her; the drool flew from their mouths, and the Sister's legs moved slightly up and down under Shinris as they both moaned.

Finally, Shinris broke the kiss, winking seductively at the Sister; before she could respond, Shinris moved with the speed of a crossbow bolt, and headed for the Sister's womanhood, softly brushing the public hair and nether lips to each side.

The Sister screamed in lust as she caught herself pressing Shinris' head futher into her womanhood, hearing the empress' chuckling reply; as she stuck in a finger, the Sister wailed in pleasure as she gushed out a bit of cum, clearly spotted on the empress blue-purple glove.

"My, my; you are a passionate one, I see" Shinris nodded happily at the Sister.

"E-empress, please; go on before I...I lose myself..." the Sister spoke, having to block her womanhood for not to let it explode in the orgasmic pleasure she longed so much for.

"May I, my empress?" another Sister asked, sitting behind the panting Sister, her womanhood hovering only abou a meter from her; the Sisters exchanged lustful looks, as Shinris now continued her pleasing of the Scarlet Sister.

Above her, she began licking and fingering the other Sister's womanhood, turning her on as well; she gasped as she felt the warm tongue penentrate her nether lips, and she wished with all her heart that her and her Sisters could do this every day.

"Empress, I'm...I'm falling! I can't keep...Oh! Ah, mistress...!" the lower Sister now shrieked in pleasure as her body gave in; Shinris happily watched as the Sister came, continuing her licking.

"Cum all you want to, dear Sister" Shinris smiled at her; "I will grant you all the pleasure you wish for."

"Empress, she...she's so good with me! I cannot...!" the other Sister exclaimed as she came as well; as the lower Sister found herself still licking the Sister above, a happy smile spread over her face.

"Empress, Sister..." she now leaned up, faint traces of cum on her dark skin; "I'm so happy; I've never felt this good before!"

"Mating is not solely a matter of desire, dear Sisters..." Shinris said as they joined in a warm hug; "when you love the one you mate with, it can be felt."

"Lady Shinris, we will never forget this" one of the Sisters happily smiled, kissing Shinris' cheek.

"I am happy for you, my dear Sisters, but I have a favor to ask of you" Shinris said.

"Your will be done" the Sisters both spoke in union.

"I am glad; then please use this" Shinris said as she handed the Sisters what seemed like an oblong, rubbery tube.

"What is this?" one of the Sisters asked confused; however, the other seemed to know, so she gave a small giggle at the other one, and gently lay down on the floor, holding the item with boh hands.

"Sister, we are to mate with each other like this" the Sister winked at her; as Shinris helped her to put the toy inside her womanhood, she moaned slightly; as the other Sister saw it, she eagerly got hold of the other end.

"With all due respect, my lady empress..." she winked and smiled at Shinris; "you have a certain way of thought."

Shinris laughed lightly, rustling the hair of the Sister as she cooed; as the Sisters now began playing with the toy, Shinris sat down and began playing with her own womanhood, excitedly looking at the Sisters' beautiful dark and sweaty skin.

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