Story: The Devil's Advocate (chapter 1)

Authors: Brave_quill

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Chapter 1

Title: Prologue

The Devil's Advocate

"This Court is now in session! All rise as the venerable Judge Trudy takes her seat," the palce faced, heavy set, black leather clad bailiff bellowed as the Judge emerged from her chambers and all previous activity in the court promptly ceased. A fierce and quick tempered drake, the judge was famous for her meticulous attention during trails as well as her penchant for finding people in contempt of the court and considering just what kind of courtroom she presided over, contempt was about as fatal as a murder verdict. The court room could only be called so because of the legal affairs going in on within; it was less of a room and more of an amphitheater, with row upon row of shimmering, ghost like figures sitting, surrounding the very middle where two long stone benches faced an elevated high chair and dais. Upon each bench sat two figures, three of the four bearing the same shimmery quality as the spectators above.

She carefully contemplated every step, her heavy footfalls sending small tremors down the ground as she walked over to her high chair and the small platform in front of it, picking up a shimmering goblet and a pair of gold balances before proclaiming amidst a blech of smoke and hot air, "This is the 322nd official installment of the Grand Arcane High Court, and I Trudy Draconia Maleficent shall be presiding over these proceedings. You have all been called forth, summoned or forcibly subpoenaed from your respective realms and outer dimensions to bear witness to this trail." She tipped the goblet over and a dark liquid spilled out, transforming the settings the moment the first drop of it touched the floor. The whole room was now surrounded by sparking silver bars- obviously intended on keeping the occupants within well behaved case the threat of contempt didn't work- and the Judge looked around, large amber eyes sweeping from corner to corner. "By my word and position as fifth circuit Judge of the High Court, I pledge to give a fair evaluation of all participants in this deliberation and rule accordingly."

Unlike the traditional legal system, Trudy was literally Judge, jury and executioner and binding arcane rituals such as this were a necessary precaution. She slowly took her seat and turned to the bailiff," So why are we here in the first place?" He snapped a finger and a large leather bound book suddenly appeared and flipped open. " Case Number V.I 11,007 has been brought before the Heavenly Court of Judge Trudy because it is a trans-dimensional and inter-natural case, as well as one which falls under the neutrality clause section 978 sub section 5416 which determines the procedures between sentient beings when a higher power is involved."

He paused for breath and reading the steadily bored expression on her face, hastily continued, "This is the case of sentient mortal, male and of definable age 256, Mr. Johannes G. Faustus Versus Sentient Immortal, gender debatable and of age indefinable Diablo Light Bringer. The plaintiff Faustus sues the defendant Light bringer for multiple assaults, unlawful coercion with malevolent intent and emotional distresses. The defendant counter sues for Breach of contract, libel and bi-centennial slander in form of allliterature and writing including holy ltext, prose and poetry, Musical renditions and allegories, Philosophies and the earthling term for cyber discussions also known as Chatting."

Trudy raised an eyebrow as her eyes slid over to the defendant's bench and appraised the figure in question, a fellow immortal whose station and ranking certainly warranted a court of such position. Indeed this was an unusual arrangement. She looked away and frowned at the images forming in the goblet before her, "I take it then that the two parties have arranged their advocates?"

A petite blonde stood up from the plaintiff's desk and straightened her glasses, "Your Hono- Judge Trudy I am Annette Webster of Merriman, Hemmingway and Hart, representing Johannes Faustus the Plaintiff." She cleared her throat and half turned to the left when her counterpart languidly got to her feet as well, "And I am Hikari Carmichael, Kansas State court public defender, representing my client Light Bringer the defendant." She nodded once to the Judge and returned to her seat as well.

Trudy grunted while she assessed the papers and qualifications of both advocates to ensure there was no foul play- and for good reason too, she mused, but everything seemed to be in order. She looked back up and rested her chins on the tips of her fingers, glaring down to the mortals and their clients from the top of her nose, "You shall now present your opening statements, after which the court shall adjourn until I deem fit. The defending counsel may or may not waive their right to speak first." Hikari got to her feet and gestured with a hand to her counterpart, "Your Honor we waive that right," And Trudy turned back to the blonde, "Well then, don't waste my time."


Hikari looked up from the neatly stacked sheaves of paper atop her desk as her counterpart walked past and returned to her seat, opening statement completed. She stood and nodded once to her client before walking boldly to the dimly lit middle of the court room to address the judge. "Honorable Judge, witnesses, ladies gentlemen; living, mortal sentient or other wise, this case is a simple open and shut one. Our origins may be different- we all come from different dimensions where a variety of values and beliefs are upheld but the one thing I dare say we have in common are rules of engagement and bargain. Simply said, it is a universal concept that when two or more parties come together in agreement over an issue or item, such an agreement is binding an irrevocable except upon agreement by all concerned."

She paused for effect and shook her head slightly, turning over one shoulder to gesture to her client, and then her counterparts. "My client and Mr. Johannes Faustus came upon such an agreement, one that was reviewed by both parties, written in form of legal tender and signed with both ink and blood."

She held up a well worn and fragile looking scroll for all to see and turned back to the judge. "Faustus was not forced into this contract; as you can see he signed of his own free will, and my client upheld the stipulations made within the contract. However, Johannes Faustus has decided that he is above the law and for three hundred years now he has found ways and means, some neither morally nor legally approvable to evade his part of the deal. But this will not go on for long."

Hikari sighed and folded her arms, looking up as far as she dared to Trudy. "Your Honor by the end of these proceedings the truth will become known. Faustus has accused my client of assault and unlawful coercion but it will become clear that my client is the injured party here and is merely seeking what just and right. By the end of these proceedings we will see Faustus as the greedy coward he is and it is my most sincere belief that at the end of all this, Justice will be served." She nodded once and returned to her seat but not before stopping to nod toward her counterpart.

Silence reigned in the court house for several eons before Trudy deigned to speak. "I have heard your opening arguments and now this trial will be adjourned until I deem it fit. You may all return to your respective worlds and dimensions now." She lifted the goblet and raised a hand, which instantly caused the barriers to be lifted and the multitude of sentient souls within were sucked into the vortex above.

Hikari shot up from her bed with a strained gasp, feeding her oxygen starved body with life giving air. She looked around and glanced down at the clock, which read 12:06 am. The whole trial had lasted just six minutes in her own time but she could have sworn they were in there for hours.

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