Story: The Journey of Life (chapter 4)

Authors: sneekie

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Chapter 4

Jordan paused outside her room and listened to the voices. “C’mon Jordan get it together.” She tried to psyche herself. She took a deep breath and opened the door and looked at the faces before her.

“Hi, remember me.” Jordan got no immediate response, and then Mary walked over and gave Jordan a hug.

“We have missed you.” Mary then motioned to Sally

“Yeh how you doing?” Sally was unable to look at Jordan

“I’m pulling through.”

There was another moment of silence. Mary turned her back on Jordan, and Sally slowly moved away. Mary then continued

“We really did Jordan because.” There was a pause and at the same time both Sally and Mary picked up their pillows and hit Jordan “We haven’t had a good pillow fight since.”

Jordan yelped at the bombardment “I’ll get you.” And she picked up a pillow and retaliated.

After a while the girls sat on the floor and watched the feathers slowly fall like snow. “Guess another pillow bites the dust.” Said Jordan.

Mary giggled “Yeh my turn to clean this up. I’ll get the vacuum cleaner from the hall closet.” She then left Jordan and Sally alone.

“Sally” started Jordan and reached for her hand

“Umm yes Jordan I have to.” Sally gets to her feet.

“Wait don’t run away please. I am so sorry for what I did, it was a bit silly.”

Sally step back and squared off to Jordan “A bit silly you were going to kill yourself for me.”

Jordan dropped her head. “I didn’t know what else to do, I love you and it hurt…..I just wanted it to stop.” Jordan trying to choke back the tears

Sally felt guilty and put her arms around Jordan

“Hey I’m sorry I caused you this pain. I just didn’t know.” But Sally didn’t get to finish because Jordan kissed her, her tongue darting into Sally’s mouth and for that brief moment Sally gave in and returned the kiss losing herself but eventually broke it off and pushed Jordan back.

“No Jordan it stops now.”

“I love you Sally, what do you want my heart is bleeding for you.”

“Jordan I want you as my friend, no more.” Warned Sally

Jordan looked away, focusing on the window “I want more, oh Sally why can’t things go back the way they were,”

“It just can’t please lets not go over this again.” Begs Sally

Jordan’s mood changes instantly “Fuck Ms Morton, she should have let me jump, ahh well there is always tomorrow.” threatened Jordan. She then makes her way to the door.

Sally furious at Jordan pushes her hard causing her to fall over and hit her head against side of her bed.

“What the fuck.” Growled Jordan

Sally raced over and grabbed Jordan by the shirt pulling her in

“You ever threaten me with that kind of bullshit I will call my father right now and have him remove me from this school. You will never see me again, and I’ll never think of you again you selfish bitch.”

She releases Jordan and storms from the room. As she flees she collides with Mary, but doesn’t stop to apologize. Mary walks in and sees Jordan on the ground rubbing her head, her bottom lip quivering. Mary kneels down.

“Jordan what happened.”

Tears flow “Oh Mary I think I’ve really pushed Sally away for good. Why can’t I just accept it….why” and buries her head in Mary’s shoulder and cries.

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