Story: The Journey of Life (chapter 16)

Authors: sneekie

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Chapter 16

Jordan was sleeping soundly when her 2 friends jumped on her.

“Wake up Jordan, wake up it’s your birthday.

Jordan opened her eyes a little and groaned. They continued to jump on the bed.

“ok ok” she sits up and wipes her eyes

“Happy 18th.” Chorused Sally and Mary and handed her a present.

“Hey thanks.” Jordan opens her present and takes out the shirt. “cool”

“Well you haven’t stopped going on about it, plus you need something nice for graduation.”

“Thanks guys, I love you both.” She hugs and kisses them both.

They head down for breakfast and as Jordan walked in everybody cheered and sang happy birthday. Jordan waved, humbled by the attention.

Mary headed back after breakfast to catch up on some study. She was surprised to see a large package on her bed addressed to her with an envelope attached which she opens.

“Dear Mary please except this as it contains all the necessary items to celebrate Jordan’s 18th. Please make it special for her in my absence. Also enclosed is a map of a secret entrance to an old abandon boiler room, it is inside the gym and is solid brick so entirely sound proof. A legacy to be passed down from one senior scholar to another. Many thanks Kelsie”

Mary opened the box which contained balloons, streamers, a banner and alcohol. Also inside was a little present wrapped up addressed to Jordan.

Mary carried the package carefully as if her life depended on it. She went into the gym and made sure nobody was around. She looked at the map and then the surrounding area and couldn’t find the door Kelsie indicated on map. Mary noticed an old cupboard against the wall and moved it out slightly and sure enough the secret door. Mary getting excited at this little adventure goes in, clicks on the switch, which lights up a long corridor. She slowly walked down the corridor until it opened up into a larger area where the two large rusted boilers were situated. Mary looked the whole area over, it was solid rock just as Kelsie said it was. “Cooool.” was Mary’s final response.

“Where are you taking me.” Asked Jordan for the hundredth time.

“It’s a surprise and its fantastic.” Mary getting herself all excited

All three girls headed to the gym, Mary blindfolds Jordan.

“Mary” warns Jordan

“Trust me.” Mary whispers into her ear.

Mary and Sally lead her through the secret door and along the corridor. Jordan put her hand out and felt the rough surface. “Where are we.”

“Nearly there, ok you can take it off.” Said Mary loudly

Jordan does and a crowd yells “SURPRISE.”

“Oh my god.” She looks around in awe. “How did you ever find this place.” Jordan looked at Sally, but Sally shrugged and nodded to Mary. Jordan looked over to Mary for an explanation

“It’s totally sound proof, no one can hear us.” Gloated Mary

Sally handed Jordan a bottle of beer “here ya go.”

Jordan looked down at the beer then at her two friends.

“Thankyou Mary, Sally this is the best.”

“Umm I can’t take any of the credit.” Said Sally. “Mary did it all herself.”

Jordan walks over to Mary and gives her a peck on the cheek. “thank you.”

Jordan walks into the crowd of party goers “Whoooo hooo let’s yank this mother up.” Then twists the nob on the stereo to full.

The party had been going on for a few hours, everyone exploring every inch of their new party den.

“Hey take a look at this" yells Jordan.

Jordan swigs from her bottle and ran her fingers along the wall of names going as far back as 1939. Jordan scans quickly over the names when Sally called her over. Jordan stood next to her and looked at where Sally was pointing.

1994 Kelsie A Morton

“oh my god.” And runs her fingers over the name and felt instant sadness.

Mary gives Jordan a pen. “Lets leave our legacy.”

Jordan writes first. 2003 Jordan Lange, then Mary and Sally write their own, followed by most to the crowd.

Mary walked up to Jordan “I have a confession, I didn’t do this alone, it was made possible by Kelsie.”

Jordan stops drinking “Is she is….” Stutters Jordan

“No sorry she couldn’t be here but she left me all this to set up, she knew about this place and to give you this.” Mary grabs Jordan’s hand and places the small present in it.

Sally looks away uncomfortable with Mary’s confession and a bit hurt that Mary had not involved her in organising Jordan’s party

Jordan rips the paper, which left a small box. She opens the box carefully to show a gold chain with a pendant of her star sign. On the back an inscription, ‘Love Always KM.’

“Let me put it on.” Offered Mary “That must of cost heaps, you are so lucky Jordan.”

Jordan walks away from the group and reads her card

Jordan, Happy 18th Birthday to my special girl. I know I can’t be there to share this, but I’m thinking of you and having a little toast of my own to celebrate. I miss you and most of all I love you. Here’s to you Jordan Lange.

Jordan wipes away a few tears then puts the card in her back pocket and returns to the party.

The party had slowed and some girls had returned to their rooms. Jordan found Sally in the corridor sitting alone.

“hey what’s you doing up here.” Jordan sits down opposite Sally

“Nothing just needed some quiet time.”

“You sure you’re ok Sally, you're a bit quiet.” Asked Jordan concerned.

“I’m fine….have you got a cigarette.” Asked Sally

“Na gave it up.”

“Kelsie tell you to do that did she?” Sally bites back

“Sally please don’t ruin my night.” Pleaded Jordan

“Why did she leave.” Sally pushed on

“She had her reasons, let’s not do this now please Sally.”

“Jordan what can she offer you she’s way older than you, her friends will all be older, jeez when she turns 30 you’ll only be 21 and tied down to an old woman.”

Jordan smiled “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but all I do know is I am happy now.” She grabbed Sally’s hand. “Don’t worry about me…..I’m fine.”

Sally stood up and asked “Can I have one more dance?”

“Ok.” Agreed Jordan

Sally put her arms around Jordan and they dance slowly. Sally rests her head on Jordan’s shoulder, she then pulls back and looks into Jordan’s eyes. She leans in and kisses Jordan who instantly jumps back.

“What the hell do you think you're doing.” Growls Jordan

“Just having one last time.” Said Sally innocently

“No there is no last time.” Jordan’s tone raising

“Why do you rub it in Jordan, I’m sorry for the way I treated you, I was scared but I never stopped loving you”

“But you love David more.” Stresses Jordan

“No it’s not like that.” Whines Sally

“Sally I saw him fucking you remember.” Screamed Jordan

“It was nothing.” Said Sally casually.

“Well not to me.” Hisses Jordan

“Well you screwed Kelsie.” Sally letting her statement sink in

Jordan’s jaw dropped in surprise to Sally’s knowledge of their intimate night because she didn’t tell anybody not even Mary.

Sally folded her arms and continued

“yeh I know about you two, the only difference is you got a nice soft bed. You amaze me Jordan with your double standards, you spit on teachers and teacher’s pets, but I never thought you’d be screwing one.” Sally happy with Jordan’s non-response and went to leave.

Jordan grabs at Sally’s arm. “oouch you’re hurting me.” Whines Sally.”

“Sally I know you’re hurting but deal with it like I had to. And another thing we never screwed we made love and not that clumsy, fondling thing we used to do, it was real, it was intense and it wasn’t over in 30 seconds.” Gritted Jordan

Sally slapped Jordan across the face “I hate you.” Screamed Sally and ran off.

Jordan slapped the wall in frustration and called out. “Sally wait.”. Jordan went to go after her but Mary grabbed her.

“Let her go.”

“But I….” Started Jordan

“But nothing she needed to hear it…..let her go.” Mary pulled Jordan into her arms

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