Story: The Journey of Life (chapter 15)

Authors: sneekie

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Chapter 15

Kelsie jolts upright panting heavily. She looks slowly around and relieved when there was nobody other than Jordan in her room. She touches her chest feeling her heart still beating fast, her body saturated with perspiration.

“A bad dream.” She gasped with relief "It was only a bad dream". She looks down at her sleeping lover, then carefully gets out of bed and into the bathroom looking in the mirror.

“It was so real.” She thought

Kelsie splashed water over her face then headed back into the bedroom and puts on some clothes. The clock indicated 5.40am and Kelsie knew time was up. She sat on the bed and strokes Jordan’s face. She looked lovely and peaceful and felt sadden at happening to disturb her.

Jordan opened her eyes and looked at Kelsie. She sits up and immediately knowing something was wrong.

“What's wrong, you look pale.” Said Jordan concerned

“I had a bad dream that’s all.”

Jordan pulls the sheet up around herself which Kelsie thought was cute. They had made love and now she gets modest.

“Hey I’m sorry but I have to kick you out. The other teachers will be moving about out there and I don’t want you to get caught.”

Jordan getting sad “Oh so that’s it, all over.”

Kelsie realized Jordan had totally misunderstood. “No no I mean I want you to come back, it’s just Jane is in the room across from me and she’s an early riser.”

Jordan freaked “fuck why didn’t you tell me this earlier, that woman can smell me a mile off.” Jordan leaps from bed and throws her clothes on, stuffs her underwear in a pocket.

“Whoa slow down.” Kelsie amused at Jordan antics.

“umm can I come back tonight.”

“You better.” And nods Jordan to the door

Jordan reaches the door then turns around. She rushes back to Kelsie and snatches a kiss “see you tonight.” And leaves. She catches herself on the door, and in a panic rips free.

Kelsie flops back onto the bed and laughs. She felt like a giddy teenager again, like she had just done something naughty and gotten away with it. She closes her eyes and drifts back to sleep.

In the next room Jane was stomping around in a bad mood.

“I put up with your loud music and television but I will not put up with your moaning and groaning echoing though my room all night.”

Jane leaves ready to have it out with Kelsie when she notices something at Kelsie’s door. She picks it up and her eyes widen. Jane breaks into a big smile “Got you now Kelsie.”

Kelsie is woken to the sound of her phone and picks it up.

“Kelsie I want you in my office right away.” Growls Tania

“Oh good morning to you to Tania.” She jokes

“Kelsie I’m not in the mood get up here right away.” Then hangs up in her ear

Kelsie looks at her clock 7.50am. She sighs “What’s wrong now.”

The door was already opened to Tania’s office and she was in there pacing.

“Close the door Kelsie.”

“Alright….what’s the matter you seemed upset.” Said Kelsie calmly

“Upset, I’m more that upset Kelsie, I’m furious. How do you think I would be when I find out one of my teachers is sleeping with a student.”

It hit Kelsie like a punch to the stomach, she was stunned and couldn’t speak

“Kelsie tell me this isn’t true” Tania begged

Kelsie still stood silent.

“You were supposed to help Jordan with her behaviour not give her an education in sex.”

Kelsie still didn’t respond

“Damn you woman will you say something.” Tania growled

“What do you want, the truth or something that will not tarnish this school’s reputation?” Kelsie in a matter of fact tone.

“Kelsie.” She warned

“It just happened, there is something between us. I didn't mean for it to happen it just did.” Kelsie trying to justify. “Any way what’s happened between Jordan and me is nobody’s business.”

Tania bellowing made Kelsie jump

“ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO A STUDENT HERE IS MY BUSINESS.” Tania flops into her chair. “For christ sake Kelsie what were you thinking? She’s your student, you have a moral as well as a legal responsibility to conduct yourself in a professional manner.”

“So what now.” Asks Kelsie

“Well as I see it you have 2 choices. One I make an official report based on the evidence presented to me.”

“What evidence, who the hell made the report.” Growled Kelsie

Tania ignores Kelsie’s question, but Kelsie knew it was Sally, it had to be she’s the only one jealous enough damn that little witch.

“Kelsie are you listening.”

“Uh what.”

“Or you resign stating personal reasons. But I warn you if an official report is made you will be investigated by the authorities both education and law. You can be charged with unlawful behaviour with a minor.”

“She’s nearly 18 for god sake.” Whines Kelsie

Tania lowered her voice. “But she’s not yet Kelsie. You need to take this serious, I shouldn’t even be giving you this opportunity but I am.”

“Well I guess I don’t really have a choice, I’m not going to do time over this. You have my resignation and 2 weeks notice.”

“No Kelsie it is effective immediately.”

“What……I have classes still” said Kelsie in disbelief.

“I have already arranged Jane to take them over. Please make sure she has all the necessary information to conduct them. Then I want you packed and off these premises before start of first class 9.00am.”

Kelsie looks at her watch 8.15am

“My child how could you have been so stupid?”

Kelsie lowers her head in shame at Tania’s disappointment “Love makes one do stupid things.”

Kelsie leaves Tania’s office numb. She gets her teaching stuff together and walks into Jane’s classroom. “I have to leave Jane I have some family issues. Here is everything you will need.”

Jane nods. Kelsie goes to leave and Jane couldn’t resist.

“You should of taken more notice of what your little girl was wearing before she left, or maybe wasn’t.”

Kelsie not in the mood for Jane’s riddles “What the hell are you on about?”

“Maybe Jordan should take more care not to leave her underwear by your door.”

Kelsie glared at Jane her anger boiling.

“Or maybe she just wanted to leave her scent.”

“You fucking bitch.” Kelsie rushes Jane and slams her against the blackboard. “You had no right to interfere you cold heartless bitch. You just can’t stand Jordan being happy.”

“Hey this isn’t about Jordan's happiness , it’s about responsibility and accountability. You were a screw up when you studied here and you’re still a screw up. Now if you don’t release me I will press charges against you for assault.”

Kelsie immediately backs off, Jane had finally beaten her and tears were starting to build.

Jane continued on with her taunts now she had broken her “Now whose going to there to protect poor Jordan.?”

Kelsie grits her teeth and pointed at her. “You dare do anything to hurt her or jeopardise her graduation and I’ll have you.”

“My dear it’s not me that has hurt her or jeopardize her graduation it’s you.” Jane faces her black board and continues on writing.

Kelsie slams the door to her quarters and rests up against the door slowly sliding down. Her head in her hands she cries heavily. “C’mon Kelsie pull it together.” She encourages. She packs her stuff and puts it in her car then looks up at the window to Jordan’s room then looks at her watch 8.45am.

She stands outside Jordan’s door and takes a deep breath to try and steady her nerves then knocks


Kelsie lets herself in and looks around no Mary or Sally thank god. Jordan looks up from tying her shoe laces and surprised by the visitor

“Well hello, missed me already.” She swiftly crosses the room and throws her arms around Kelsie’s neck and kisses her passionately. Kelsie melted and forgetting for a minute why she had come.

Jordan breaks “I only have a few minutes before class.” She starts to undo Kelsie’s belt. “but I’m sure it won’t take that long.”

“Jordan no.” and grabs Jordan’s hand from finishing her goal. “I’ve got to talk to you, it’s important.”

Jordan steps back and looks closely at Kelsie.

“You’ve been crying Kelsie what’s wrong, what’s happened.”

Kelsie voice disappeared replaced by a hoarse tone “Tania knows, she knows about us.”


“I don’t know.” She lied “I’ve had to resign my position and leave today…..right now.” Trying to keep her composure for Jordan’s sake.

“No way this is not happening to me again.” She whines

“No it’s happening to both of us. If I fight this I could get charged by the law for inappropriate conduct, I could even go to gaol.” Exaggerated Kelsie

Kelsie could see Jordan struggling.

“I’ll quit….I’ll get my stuff now and go with you.” She grabs a bag out and starts to pack.

Kelsie grabs her and holds her face inches from her own. “You listen to me I want you to finish this year, I want you to graduate the best damn student you can. I will be at your graduation I promise.”

“I can’t.” Jordan is no longer able to cope starts to cry

“Yes you can, you can do anything. Please don’t make my time here a waste.”

“You will miss my 18th.”

“I know I will make it up to you, take you to McDonalds for a happy meal eh?”

Jordan rolls her eyes and smiles at the gesture. “You promise to be at my graduation.”

“Yes.” She kisses Jordan, holding her for the last time, she wasn’t ready to break away yet.

“Mary how could you forget your text book.” Complained Sally coming up the stairs to their room.

Mary shrugged “I thought it was in my locker.”

Mary opened the door a little way and sees Kelsie and Jordan kissing then immediately closes it again.

“Come to think of it I think I gave it to the new girl, cmon let’s go.” Said Mary pulling at Sally

“ahhhh Mary you can be so forgetful.”

“Can I call you.” Asked Jordan

Kelsie smiles and pulls out a piece of paper. “Here is my home and mobile number. Call anytime.”

Kelsie moves to the door and looks back. “I love you Jordan Lange, just remember no matter how bad things get just know I love you.” She then leaves the college for good.

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