Story: The Journey of Life (chapter 12)

Authors: sneekie

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Chapter 12

The girls were getting ready for their big night. The college was holding a social function for the students. Jordan had tried on every piece of clothing in her wardrobe and Sally’s.

“Do I look ok, I mean like it’s not too.”

Sally put her hand over Jordan’s mouth. “You look hot.”

They head over to the College’s basketball hall. The music was already thumping and girls dancing and giggling with each other. Jordan scans the scene until she sees Kelsie. She takes a breath. Kelsie was wearing black slacks and a white collarless shirt with the sleeves folded up. She walked in her direction trying to act casually and not too obvious.

“Hello Ms Morton.”

“Good evening Ms Lange.”

“So you have to chaperone us, you poor thing having to watch over a bunch of giggling girls.”

“mmmm yes well the things I do so you girls can have a good time.”

“My god Jordan you look half decent.” Came the shrill voice of Jane. She walked up and stood along side Kelsie. “It is good to see you can put some effort into your appearance. You even went to the trouble of wearing lipstick. Well we are out to impress tonight.”

“Ms Sedgewick I think one of those girls over there is trying to spike the punch.” Kelsie says and points to the punch bowl.

“What….I’ll sort out those little sods.” Then promptly leaves.

“Don’t let her ruin your night Jordan you look nice.”

“Nice, I look just nice.” Said Jordan a little disappointed

“You look very nice.”

“Well if I was to return the compliment I would say you look very pleasing to the eye.”

“Thank you Jordan.”

“Well I think I will go and join my friends Kelsie. Maybe we can have a dance later.”

Kelsie shuffled “Umm I don’t think so it wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“Well it’s only a dance.” Said Jordan hopefully

“I’m sorry it’s not going to happen.”

Jordan nods and moves away but Kelsie grabs her hand. Tania on the other side of the hall witnesses the contact with great alarm. However that was short lived when Kelsie pulled out a hip flask from Jordan’s pocket. “Good girl” whispered Tania.

“Oh Kelsie I bet you have spiked a few drinks in your day.” Whined Jordan

“I sure did and I knew you would be silly enough to try, but not on my watch young lady.”

“Oh you are so mean.” Jordan leaves dejectedly.

Kelsie puts the flask in her jacket pocked that was draped over a chair to save for later.

“So what did Ms Morton say to you.” Asked Mary eagerly

“Oh I looked nice.”

“Is that all.”

“Oh and she found your flask Sally sorry.”

“God damn it Jordan.” moaned Sally

“Hey trust me I bought a second one.” Said Jordan proudly

“Clever.” Said Mary

“Right cover for me while I get it in.”

The evening wore on and Tania waved Kelsie over.

“The girls are acting a little be too cheery, try this punch.”

Kelsie took a drink and trying to work it out. “I don’t taste anything.”

The two ladies looked at each other and chorused “vodka.”

“That little minx had a second flask hidden, damn her.” Said Kelsie

Kelsie picked up the bowl and carried it to the kitchen. She made eye contact with Jordan, who raised her glass in the air as if to toast and gloat.

Kelsie went to tip it out, but first saved 2 glasses of it. She walks out and looks for Jordan.

Jordan was giggling and raving on about her latest stunt when the girls around her start to cough exaggeratedly.

“Jordan” came a gruff voice from behind

“Oh no here is Ms police woman.” She turns around and puts her arms out. “Arrest me officer, it was me.” Mocks Jordan

“I never would have guessed. Well you are very clever and I commend that.”

Jordan smiles back to her audience “You admire my second flask trick eh.”

“Absolutely, so to celebrate your initiative I have saved us the last two glasses to toast.” She leans in closer to Jordan’s ear and whispers. “I’ve even added a little extra just for us.”

Jordan smiles. Kelsie then takes a drink. Jordan chuffed at the accolades took a big mouthful. She immediately spat it out all over Sally’s white top.

“JORDAN” yelled Sally “You have ruined it.”

“I’m sorry, the drink it was bad.” Jordan looked over to Kelsie who was slowly walking away. She turns and puts her glass in the air to toast Jordan. Jordan dashes off after Sally and to get rid of the foul taste.

Kelsie chuckled quietly and put her glass down on the table she was leaning against.

“Well that was interesting, so what did you put in it my dear.” Tania asked standing along side of her.

Kelsie turned to Tania. “You remember that time when I was here the college threw a big do for the benefactors and old scholars of this establishment.”

“Oh yes. Yes we all raised out glasses to toast our achievements and took a drink and did exactly what Jordan just did.” Said Tania

Kelsie started laughing and picked up her glass

“So the secret ingredient Kelsie” asked Tania

“Tabasco and lots of it.” She took a mouthful and also spat out her drink. She turns to Tania in shock

Tania grins “I made a vow that one day I would get you back for that little prank Kelsie Ann Morton.”

Kelsie wiped her mouth, “I considered myself got.” And laughs about it.

There was only a handful of girls still around and Kelsie noticed Tania was looking weary.

“Why don’t you turn in, I’ll give them another half and hour then close it down.”

“You’re a dear, night Kelsie.”

Kelsie put on her jacket and went outside for some fresh air. She noticed a lone figure setting on one of the brick fences smoking. She went over to confiscate and saw it was Jordan.

Jordan didn’t see her initially, but groaned when Kelsie came into light.

“Jordan the cigarette, you know the rules.”

“Yeh yeh I’m not allowed to do anything in this stinkin’ place.” She snaps

Jordan butts it out and looks away. Kelsie walked the otherside and drops her head to Jordan’s level.

“Are you still angry at me?”

“Damn right, what you did was cruel and nasty.”

Kelsie had a little chuckle to herself “Oh c’mon it was funny.”

“Not from where I was.”

“No I suppose when you’re the one the jokes being played on it isn’t.” she continues a low chuckle, then spots Jordan’s mouth turn up slightly.

“Is that……a smile.” Kelsie pokes fun.

Jordan looks the other way trying desperately to stay mad.

“Oh my god its so big…..” continues Kelsie

“Will you shut up.” Laughs Jordan finally.

“Knew you couldn’t stay mad at me for too long.”

Kelsie leans back against the wall and yawns. She looks at her watch “I can’t believe it’s 1am and I’m whacked."

“Old age catches you up.”

“eh enough of that.” And pushes Jordan lightly. She touches her arm “You’re cold where’s your jacket.”

“I gave it to Sally.” She gritted

“Oh sorry, here put mine on.” And gives it to Jordan

“It’s really soft, is it real leather.”

“Uh ha all the way from Italy. Aimee bought it back from one of her trips.”

“Oh….” Jordan said going quiet. “Did you tell her what I said?” asked Jordan

“Yeah we had words over it, but it’s sorted.” Kelsie became restless.

Jordan put a hand on Kelsie’s shoulder and makes her turn around. “But everything is alright between you two now.”

Kelsie looked down avoiding eye contact. “Yeh kinda.”

Jordan’s turn to giggle “So did you kiss and make up.”

“Jordan please.” Kelsie blushed with embarrassment

“Look at that grin ladies and gentlemen we have a winner on the kiss and make up, you fox you.” She then lightly punches Kelsie on the chin.

Jordan leaps from the fence. “Well I guess I will turn in, night Kelsie.” Jordan starts to walk away

“So you don’t want that dance I take it.” Kelsie folded her arms and waited for Jordan’s reaction

Jordan immediately spun around “What….but you said.”

“Well it doesn’t hurt to bend the rules sometimes, but all I can offer is out here in the shadows.”

“I’ll take it” answers Jordan quickly.

Both look at each other not knowing the next move. Kelsie extends her hand to Jordan drawing her in, but still left a bit of distance between them.

“So do you and Aimee go dancing.”

“No not like we used to, our lives are so busy we don’t get to do the little things.”

“Isn’t it the little things that matter.”

Kelsie looks down “Yes, but they usually are the first things that get forgotten.”

Kelsie releases her hand from Jordan’s waist and spins her, then pulls her back in.”

Jordan giggled.

“What’s funny” asked Kelsie

“I can’t believe I’m dancing like this.”

“Well it’s nice so don’t spoil it.”

Jordan leans in and rests her head against Kelsie’s chest, this made Kelsie relax her hold and slowed the tempo. Jordan felt ecstatic, Kelsie had never let her get this close before. She could smell her scent on her shirt. Jordan wondered if Kelsie could feel how fast her heart was racing.

Jordan looked up and made eye contact with her, they slowly drifted together until there lips met. A gentle brush at first, then turning quickly into a long passionate kiss.

Kelsie’s senses were lost, all resistance was gone and everything stopped including her breathing. She puts a hand to Jordan’s face as she grabbed at her lips a second time.

Jordan’s body was alive from Kelsie’s touch, she wanted more.

Kelsie unconsciously lets her tongue explore Jordan’s mouth. A deep moan escaped from Jordan and she pressed in closer to Kelsie’s body. She was abruptly pushed back

“Holy shit what have I done.” Kelsie started to stress out, ranting and apologizing “Jordan I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I let that happen, oh fuck.” Said Kelsie closed to tears.

Jordan stepped towards Kelsie “It’s ok I wanted it as much as you.”

“What, you wanted….it’s not what I wanted.” Kelsie started to back away again

Jordan goes to step forward “Stop.” Orders Kelsie “stay away.” Kelsie ran off.

“Jordan are you alright.” She turned around. Sally was the last person she wanted to see.

“We need to tell Mrs Jaeger she can’t go around kissing students.”

Jordan closed her eyes trying to block out Sally’s voice.

“We can’t let her take advantage of you.” Stressed Sally

“SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP.” Screamed Jordan “You have no idea Sally. She didn’t take advantage of me, we just kissed big deal.”

“Big deal, she’s your teacher you can’t let her force herself onto you.”

“I wish she would, I wish she would take advantage of me, I love her and now I doubt she will be even here in the morning.” Jordan takes off into the night leaving Sally in a state of shock

Kelsie enters her living quarters and goes straight into the bathroom. She splashes water on her face leaving her hand over her face. “Oh Kelsie what the hell have you done.” She turns away from the basin and in anger kicks a small bin across they room. She slides to the ground and hangs her head. She is brought back to reality by her phone ringing. She looks at her watch it was just after 2am

She picks up the phone by the bed and sits down. “Hello, Aimee, oh honey it’s so good to hear your voice.” Tears roll down her face as she listens.

Jordan tries to get comfortable on the wooden seat in the gazebo. She still had Kelsie’s jacket and wraps it tighter. She felt a bulge inside and pulls out Sally’s flask. She holds it up to have a drink but it was empty. Jordan ditches it out and it makes clanging noises as it hits the pavement. She puts her head in her hands “You always fuck things up Jordan. First Sally, and now Kelsie. Like she would ever be interested in me.” She screws her face up and cries.

Jordan headed into the gym towards Kelsie’s office. She neatly wrapped up Kelsie jacket to leave but noticed the light on in the office. She creeps closer and sees Kelsie filling up her glass with scotch and sculling it immediately then refilling it. She appears in the doorway. Kelsie looks up and narrowed her eyes

“Well well if it isn’t the little home wrecker.” Slurs Kelsie

Jordan murmured something

“What speak up I can’t hear you.” Bellows Kelsie

“I said I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry.” Kelsie waves her arms around wildly “You’re sorry well good for you cos it means shit to me.” Kelsie downs the rest, sways and fills it up again

“It’s not all my fault.” Whines Jordan

“How do you figure that Ms Smarty.”

Jordan didn’t like Kelsie’s tone “well I didn’t see you back off in a hurry.” she said in a matter of fact tone

Kelsie pointed her finger “that’s bullshit, you’re a shit Jordan Lange, what I ever saw in you is lost to me.” She downs her drink again, and was becoming increasingly unsteady on her feet.

Jordan started to tremble, her face was overflowing with tears. Kelsie looks at her. “Oh for Christ sake do you have to cry at everything, you’re pathetic.”

Those words stung Jordan the most and she ran from Kelsie’s tirades. Kelsie closed her eyes the rage boiling over and slams her glass against the office wall.

Jordan opens the door to leave when she hears a loud thud. She closed it again and walked back to the office. “Kelsie” she called out nervously but got no response. She stood in the doorway. “KELSIE” and ran around the desk, Kelsie was on the floor unconscious.

“Kelsie please wake up, cmon. Please I don’t know what to do.” Panicked Jordan

She dragged Kelsie’s limp body to her quarters but couldn’t lift her. Kelsie started to come around and Jordan helped her sit up. “Kelsie.” But she didn’t respond or couldn’t, she just looked at Jordan.

“C’mon you have to help me.”

Jordan eventually gets her to stand, but heavily supporting her body they staggered in. She almost had Kelsie to the bed when she announced she was going to be sick, Jordan gets her to the toilet just in time.

Kelsie seemed to be throwing up forever. She groans “Oh I’m dying.” And threw up again. Jordan was scared she wanted to get the nurse, but then Kelsie would lose her job for sure.

Sally was being shaken “wake up Sally, I need your help.” Sally opens her eyes and Mary wakes up as well.

“What is it Jordan, it’s after 4am haven’t you been to bed yet?”

“Kelsie freaked out and now she’s on the floor puking.”

“So what” said Sally unsympathetically

“It’s been going on for over an hour, I’m scared."

The trio were in Kelsie’s room and find her passed out on the bathroom floor. Sally goes over

“Phew that’s grosse.” She feels for Kelsie’s pulse

“Well she’s alive.”

“Stop stuffing around this is serious.”said Jordan

“Look Jordan I wouldn’t be at all surprised that she has alcoholic poisoning with the amount she drank. We need to get her to bed.”

It took all three of them to drag their teacher to her bed. “Mary go and get bucket from the gym” orders Sally.

Mary returns with one and puts it next to her bed.

“We can’t do anymore Jordan c’mon.” said Sally

“But what if she vomits in her sleep, she could choke and die. I should stay and keep an eye on her.”

“Jordan I’m sure she will be fine, but you won’t be if you are caught in here so come on.”

Despite her friend’s pleas Jordan had already sat down in a chair facing Kelsie.

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