Story: A Song for the Empress (all chapters)

Authors: MadPanda

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Chapter 1

Title: 1. Seek and Ye Shall Find

[Author's notes: The Empress hears a beaitiful song, and becomes obsessed with the singer.]

Disclaimer:  This tale is based on the famed story "The Emperor and the Nightingale" by Hans Christian Anderson.  I've taken liberties with it, so as to add some shoujo-ai flavor to it.  If any of Mr. Anderson's folks are reading this, please don't sue me--I don't know how to convert magic beans to Euros.  :-)

<b><i>Once upon a time...</i></b>

Chapter 1 - Seek and Ye Shall Find

Standing in the garden of her spacious palace, the Divine Empress Reina was enthralled by the collection of flowers she had amassed in her thirty-some-odd years.  They were one of her many passions, but they always took second place to her empire.  She was the ruler of a country of such wealth, power and reach that practically nothing happened in the world without her knowledge.  Her many advisors and minions were all very adept at their jobs, leaving Reina plenty of time to enjoy her sovereignty...and her flowers.

One would think that a woman such as Reina would have suitors falling at her feet; male rulers wanting to bed such a powerful woman and bear an heir to the crown; and women daring clandestine affairs or offering to be a consort to such an icon.  Truth be told, her beauty and power were so intimidating that no one--not ever her closest advisors--dared a sexual advance towards her, or truly befriended her, for that matter.  She had lovers and friends in the past, but all that faded as her mother died and she became Empress.  She became a mistress to the throne, skilled in the art of knowing what the people wanted and how to keep them in line.  This made her loved by her people, but feared by her enemies.  However, her personal life was a chain of acquaintances and acknowledgements, underlings and sub-underlings.  No one to laugh with, or tell her personal troubles to.  Most importantly, she spent all of her nights alone.  Such was the life of an Empress.

Reina turned to leave the myriad of flora spread out before her and headed towards her palace.  A sound caught her ear; a sound so beautiful it stopped the woman in her tracks.  At first, she thought it to be a songbird, but she had never heard any bird sing like this before.  It was rich and full of depth, at times soaring and joyful, then turning almost morbid.  There were no words, but none were necessary--the voice was that expressive

The song crept into Reina's mind and wouldn't let go.  It touched parts of her she thought she didn't even have.  At one point, she almost wanted to dance along to the happier portions of the aria, only to be nearly driven to tears of the sadness of the following movement.  It was as if the singer was searching for just the right emotion to draw Reina to her--for the voice was definitely female.

Just as Reina thought she had finally found the source of the song, it had suddenly stopped.  The woman looked around her to find she had entered the forest that stood behind her mansion.  "Who's there?" she called out.  "Please!  I don't mean you any harm!  I just want to hear you sing some more!"  Her voice was met with silence.  "Look, I'll give you whatever you want!  Just come out and let me hear you sing, please?"  Again, no reply.  "Do you know who I am?  I command you to appear before me and sing!"  Reina slumped her shoulders and headed back to her mansion, longing for the song that so touched her heart.


Later that evening, Reina lay awake in her bed, thinking about what had happened earlier that afternoon.  She had her guards check the grounds for intruders, but all seemed to be normal.  "Maybe it's one of the help...a gardener or a maid, perhaps?  But they would not have run from me...would they?"  Just as Reina was about to dismiss the idea and try to sleep in earnest, the song found its way into her room, caressing her ears with the seductive voice of a lover.  This time, the song was slow and passionate, fitting for a full moon's night.

Reina let the song fill her, and it did, reaching all the pleasure centers of her body and mind, until Reina herself cried in ecstasy.  The song ended as gently as it began, leaving Reina gasping, but wanting more.  "How could a song hold such power!" she thought to herself as she came down from the wave of passion produced by the unseen singer.  "I must find out who this is!"

Grabbing a robe that was draped on a chair, Reina covered herself and ran to her balcony, hoping to get a glimpse of the one who so enraptured her...  The full moon shone brightly enough to show most of the grounds before her, but not a soul walked about.  "Where are you?  Why won't you let me see you?"

"In good time, my lady," the voice answered.  It was sweet yet husky, like molasses.  It seemed to come from somewhere out of Reina's view, but close enough to be a whisper.  "Seek me out, and I will come to you willingly.  I will be yours forever--all you need do is ask."

The woman shivered at the thought of someone being so close to her so suddenly, yet she wasn't afraid--she wanted this person's company, more than anything else.  The harder side of her personality tried to reason with the voice.  "What do you want from me?  Why do you torture me so?"

"That is not my intent," the voice whispered.  "I wish only to please you, to open your heart, and to give myself to you.  In order for me to do that, however, you must want me."

"I do want you!"  Reina's sudden exclamation surprised herself.  "I mean, I do want to have you here with me.  Can't you just show yourself to me now?  Please?"

"No," the voice answered.  "You must want me, as I want you.  Seek me out...  Ask me to my face to sing to you, and I will gladly do so, with all my heart and soul."

Reina was crossed between frustration and desire.  "But you're here now!  Why can't I ask you now?"

"If you truly desire me, find me."

Reina waited for the voice to give some clue, some detail of where to look, but it spoke no more that evening.  She returned to her bed and clutched a pillow.  "I will," she cried.  "I will find you!"


Early the next morning, the Empress sent for her Royal Advisor, Mistress Ng.  The long-faced woman approached the beautiful Empress.  "What is thy bidding, Your Highness?"

"I seek a singer, Mistress Ng, but not just any singer--one of such talent as to move me to tears!  One such person has sung to me twice now, and I must find out who this is!   I charge you with finding her.  Do so, and I will grant you or anyone who finds her their heart's desire."

"Be careful of your offer, Your Highness," Mistress Ng warned.  "Some may desire to be Empress.  Or better yet, the one who shares the Empress' bed!"

Empress Reina would have chastised the advisor for her bluntness, but it was for that reason Mistress Ng was given the position--she always told the truth, even if it was something her Empress may not want to hear.  "Fine, then I will raise their station in life one degree.  I am sure that will suffice."

"It will," the advisor replied.  With that, Empress Reina allowed Mistress Ng to set to her task.

Soon the palace was a flurry of activity, with all manner of people questioning each other about the mysterious singer.  Also in question was the Empress' offer.  The news had trickled down to the lowly cleaners and cooks and farmhands, who all wanted to move up one station in life.

After what seemed like an eternity to Reina, it was announced that someone was found who knew of the singer.  Mistress Ng had returned to the throne room, followed by her own attendants.  With them was a scruffy-looking young girl.  Upon being pushed to the front of the entourage, the girl instantly dropped to her knees and bowed her head to the floor in front of the Empress.

Reina looked at the ragamuffin with disbelief.  "What is the meaning of this?"

"Your Highness," Mistress Ng said with a smile.  "This kitchen cook knows of the singer you seek, and where she can be found!"

Reina's eyes flew open wide.  "Is this so?  Young woman, please rise!"  The Empress watched the cook stumble to her feet.  The young woman dared not lift her head, and spoke in a barely audible whisper.

" is so, Your'am."  The poor woman tried to wring her hands right off of her wrists.

The Empress rose from her throne and stepped toward the shy young cook.  A collective gasp was heard when Reina took the young woman's flour-covered hands.  "This singer...this wonder of wonders.  Is she some goddess or fairy or nymph?"

"N-no, Your Highness," the girl stammered.

"You know of her, or do you personally know her?"

"Personally, Your'am."  The young girl was doing the best she could not to faint, being touched by divine royalty.

"Is she some kind of local legend manifest in flesh, then?"  Reina took the girl by the chin and raised her eyes.  She saw the fear in the young cook--terror, as if the Empress would eat her alive if she said the wrong thing.  "Please, do not fear me, child.  I simply seek the singer who has come to me twice with songs of unimaginable joy and feeling.  I must see her in person.  You will bring her to me!"

With that, the girl visibly shook.  "Please, Your Highness!  Do not ask this of me!  Even if you were to make me the Royal Chef, I fear I would not be able to do this!  She is a fickle creature, and rarely wanders out of our home at the edge of the forest.  I do not know if she will come, and I would rather risk Death herself than to disappoint you, Your Highness!"

Reina knew she had to do something to calm this girl, or any hope of finding the singer would surely be lost.  "Do not worry.  It would not be you who disappoints me, but her.  You have already done me a favor by proving I am not insane."  Her smile and light laugh brought a quiet chuckle to the girl.  "All you need do is point her out.  My Royal Advisor will talk to her.  Would that ease your mind?"

The girl smiled broadly.  "Yes, Your Highness.  I believe she would come if asked by someone of more importance than my lowly self."  She cast her eyes downward, looking at the royal hand still holding her chin.  "But still, I cannot guarantee her acceptance.  She is a free spirit, and so enjoys her freedom."

"I will keep this in mind," Reina said, letting go of the young cook.  She then turned to a couple of maids.  "Take this girl and have her bathed and dressed in a fine robe!  She will lead the party to find the singer!"

Three young women gathered the cook and whisked her out of the throne room.  Mistress Ng looked at the spot the girl left behind and avoided stepping on it, fearing the flour would soil her soul.  "Are you sure this is wise, Your Highness?  She could lead us on a fool's errand."

"I think not!", Reina declared.  "She may be but a kitchen wench, but she still shows loyalty and obedience, and fears to disappoint me!  She will not lead you astray.  When she is ready, follow her into the town, and convince the singer to appear before me.  I will allow you to offer her anything within reason to come, just as long as she appears.  Do I make myself clear?"

"As you wish, Your Highness."  The Royal Advisor bowed and backed out of the room, her subordinates following her out.

When she was alone, Reina let out a laugh that filled the room.  "Soon, singer, you will be mine!"  The Empress hummed happily to herself, content in the ecstasy that would soon be hers to command.

End of Chapter 1

[End notes: Hi people!  I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, and look forward to the next one!  I had meant this to be a one-shot, but the words just kept coming.  I'm guessing four chapters should do pretty well

Thanks as always to Brave_quill for starting the "Shoujo-ai Ever After" series, and Deviant Hearts for giving me a place to put this thing.  :-)

By the way.....have a happy holiday season--whichever holiday you're celebrating!

Until next time..."So long, and thanks for all the fish!"]

Chapter 2

Title: Sister Song

[Author's notes: The young cook leads the royal procession in a quest to find the singer.]

Disclaimer:  I'm not sure if Hans Christian Anderson is rolling in his grave right about now, but if he is, I apologize.  Then again, I could think of worse reasons for such an occurrence.  In any case, the basic story is his idea, and the adaptation is mine.  There, now back to our show.

Chapter 2 - Sister Song

Just this morning, Zhen Mei was covered in flour and toiling in a sweltering kitchen in the bowels of the royal palace.  Now, she wore a blindingly white cheongsam and fine sandals as she led the royal procession through the outskirts of her village.  She would have fully enjoyed the moment, if not for the task at hand.

"How much further?" Mistress Ng barked.  "We have been traveling for almost an hour now."

"I apologize for the distance of our village, Mistress.  Please excuse my question, but have you not ventured into the villages before?  Most of them are quite a ways from the palace."

"We have no need to leave the palace, other than as emissaries to foreign lands.  We need not see the country in order to rule it."

Zhen Mei kept her eyes forward, thinking it best not to advise the Royal Advisor in matters of state.

A low 'moooo' caught the attention of the group.  "Wait!" cried Mistress Ng.  "Did you hear that?  What lovely low tones!  Is this the singer we are searching for?"

Zhen Mei chuckled inwardly, forgiving the royal troupe their ignorance.  "I am afraid not, Mistress.  That is the sound of a cow."  She pointed in the direction of a small farm, where sure enough, a cow had been grazing..

"It is a beautiful animal!  The Empress is truly wonderful for having such a fine beast inhabiting her lands!"

"Forgive me, Mistress, but it is just a cow.  There are many like it, and bulls as well.  There is really nothing special about this animal."

"Surely you don't believe this is a wondrous thing?"  Mistress Ng was beside herself.  Her followers, not wanting to anger their mistress, loudly agreed with her.

Zhen Mei simply shook her head.  "There are better things ahead.  Please, follow me." The rest of the group did as they were told, with Mistress Ng watching the cow as she left.


Soon they came upon a tavern near the center of town.  Some people who had known the cook whispered of her beauty, while others thought her to be the Empress herself, and bowed down before her.  For her part, Zhen Mei enjoyed the attention, hoping to catch the eye of a certain someone.  "We will enter here for a moment," she said to the entourage.  "I am sure you must be thirsty or in need of a bit of rest."

With her trailers nodding enthusiastically, Mistress Ng gave in.  "If there is nowhere else than this...establishment...then let us rest here for a moment."  With that, they all went inside.

The boisterous hall came to a sudden stop as Zhen Mei walked in.  Gamblers put their games on hold, and even the drunkest of drunks quelled their raucous laughter, for to all of them, the Empress herself had just entered.

"Please, continue as you were," Zhen Mei said in a quiet voice.  "I am one of you.  I am not the Empress.  I have visited her and was given the task of representing her.  That is all."

A short woman in glasses ran up to Zhen Mei. "Daughter!  Daughter!!  Is that really you?"  The woman stopped short, gave Zhen Mei a long look, then cried.  "You are so beautiful!!"

"Thank you, Mother."  Zhen Mei's blush could be seen throughout the tavern.  "Where is Sister?  I must speak to her as soon as possible."

"She will be here soon," her mother replied.  "She was talking with a friend of yours who--oh!  There is your friend now!"

All eyes turned away from the royal group to the suddenly lit stage, where a beautiful woman had taken a spot.  Music had begun to play, and the woman swayed in time to the tune.

"Ah, this must definitely be the one the Empress wishes." Mistress Ng mused.

The woman began to sing, and was immediately drowned out by the catcalls of the crowd.  "Quiet, drunken whore!"  "Cover your ears before she kills us all!"  "Who killed the cats?"  "Why must you torture us!"

Mistress Ng was confused by the reaction.  The woman's voice--what she could hear of it--was pleasing enough, but apparently not for the madding crowd.  "Do they not recognize her obvious talent?", she asked Zhen Mei.

"Again, I apologize, Mistress.  That is my friend, Ling Fa.  She is known for her mocking of the one we seek.  The comments do not bother her--she enjoys the attention!"

"She purposely wants people to dislike her?  That is absurd!"

"No, Mistress...that is humor."

Mistress Ng, all rules and regulations, knew not of humor, but did not want to be taught about it by a common kitchen wench.  "It is a brand of humor I am not familiar with, but I know of humor", she huffed.

After the 'song' was over, Ling Fa came over to join her friend.  "Moving up in the world, are we?"

"This is temporary.  I will most likely be a kitchen girl when I wake from this dream."  Zhen Mei took her friends' hands in her own and kissed them, receiving a raised eyebrow from Mistress Ng.  "Have you seen Sister?"

"Yes!  She is in her usual place.  After you are rested, go there immediately!"  Ling Fa pulled her hands away, then gave Zhen Mei a kiss by her ear.  "And when you're done," she whispered, "come see me.  It has been quite awhile, has it not?"

The royal group watched as Ling Fa bounced happily into the throng of drunkards near the bar.  "A close friend of yours, I assume," Mistress Ng snorted.

"You could say that, Mistress."  The heat from Zhen Mei's blush could have cooked a steak.


Another hour's journey, and the procession came to a wooded area at the far edge of the village.  "We will find her here!", Zhen Mei cried happily...  "Sister!  Sister!  Are you here?"

"This singer is your own sister?"

Zhen Mei put a finger to her lips, signaling Mistress Ng and the others to be quiet.

A song wafted out of the forest and toward the group.  Zhen Mei heard it first and smiled warmly, but it was Mistress Ng who was completely overwhelmed by it.

"Oh!  What joyous beauty!  What glorious tones!  This cannot be made by a human!  Surely the angels themselves have fashioned such a wondrous sound!"  Mistress Ng was schussed into silence by the rest of the group, as they all had cupped their ears to better hear every note of the song.  It had touched each person in the caravan in a different way; some cried, others laughed and clapped energetically, while a few had been totally lost in themselves, running their hands over their own bodies.

Even Mistress Ng herself--once she actually gave in to the song--felt an overwhelming need to be consumed by it, like a moth to a flame.  It had cut through the forest of logic and protocol and went straight to her heart, causing her to smile fondly of her younger years when she was free and without the pressures of being advisor to the Empress.

Soon the song had faded to an end, and a collective groan erupted from the group.  "Come, Sister!  There is something we must discuss with you!" Zhen Mei called out.

All eyes turned in the direction of the trees as the singer approached.  Gasps could be heard from the procession, as they did not expect what they saw.  They had expected to see the most beautiful woman ever created; a being of such beauty, some of the followers had even shielded their eyes in advance of her radiance.  What they saw was nothing of the kind.  In fact, one would have to look hard to even notice her. 

She seemed to be part of the forest itself, dressed in a simple brown robe and worn sandals.  Her hair was just as plain and brown as the bark of the trees, and her face was soft yet almost featureless.  And yet, for all that blandness, she carried an air of serenity about her.  Confident and content, without a care in the world.  She stopped a few yards ahead of the entourage when she saw her sister.  She approached the cook, bowed before her, then gave her a gentle hug.

"What magic is this that has changed my sister into such a raving beauty?" the singer chided.

Zhen Mei blushed, then laughed.  "It is not magic, Sister!  It was the Empress!  She has sent me to fetch you...she wants you to sing for her!"

"Ah, so she has taken my offer, then."  The singer smiled in a way that made the advisor nervous.  "Then you must be Mistress Ng, Royal Advisor."

" do you know me?" the advisor asked.

"I know many things, Advisor.  Things you could only dream to know."  She then turned to face the group.  "I am Song Mei, sister to your cook and keeper of this forest.  I know of the Empress' desire to have me, but as it was not she herself who came to get me, I will not leave."

Mistress Ng was beside herself with anger.  "You dare refuse the Empress?!?"

"I do," Song Mei replied casually, disregarding the advisors shocked expression.  "I had asked for her to come, but she did not--she sent you instead.  What more is there to say?"

Zhen Mei stepped up and pulled her sister aside.  "Please, Sister.  The Empress cannot leave the palace by rule.  It is true that she desires you greatly--so much so that she had taken the time to make me presentable enough to stand in for her.  She would not do this for just anyone, especially one as lowly as myself."

The singer put a hand to her sister's mouth.  "Do not ever let me hear those words come from you again, sister!  You are worth more to me than a thousand empresses!"  She gave her sister a hug and whispered in her ear.  "Do not worry so.  I will return with you to the palace--I just wanted to see the expression on Miss Stone Heart's face when I turned her down!"  They both glanced at a confused Mistress Ng, and laughed like little girls.

"What is that about?" the advisor hissed.

"Nothing that concerns you, Mistress Ng."  Song Mei bowed to the advisor.  "I will accompany you all back to the palace.  I do have one condition."

"And that is?"

"It is that your Empress remembers to keep her promise.  My sister is to be raised to the position of Royal Cook, and is allowed to keep her finery.  Such a beautiful woman should not be hidden in flour."

Zhen Mei started to protest, but was waved off by her sister.  "Is this acceptable?"

"It is," Mistress Ng said without hesitation.  "And what of yourself?  What do you require?"

"A Royal ear to listen to my song.  Nothing more."

Mistress Ng gave the plain woman a curious look, but nodded in agreement.

"Shall we go, then?"  Song Mei took her sister's hand as they led the procession back to the palace.  "The Empress awaits!"

End of Chapter 2

[End notes: Hello!  Thanks for reading!  I apologize for the short chapters, but that's how they're broken up in my head.  Besides, with the holiday season, it's hard to find time to keep a near-regular schedule.  I'll keep trying to add one chapter a week, so that we'l be done here by Christmas.

Thanks to all who reviewed, and as usual, thanks to Brave_quill for the "Shoujo-ai Ever After" idea.  Speaking of which, if you haven't already done so, take a look at "Not Quite Cinderella" by AdventFalls--the latest entry in the series.

Happy Hanukah!!  "L'chaim, y'all!"  :-)

Until next week..."So long, and thanks for all the (kosher) fish!"]

Chapter 3

Title: Killing Me Softly

[Author's notes: The Empress finally meets the singer, but gets a whole lot more than she bargained for.]

Disclaimer:  I write, Mr. Anderson owns, I adapt.  'Nuff said.

Chapter 3 - "Killing Me Softly"

Time seemed to drag on forever for Empress Reina.  The meeting with a few local leaders to settle a land dispute should have taken mere minutes, but without her advisor present things moved slowly.  She had settled the matter to everyone's satisfaction, but as she herself was not versed in law, Reina decided common sense would be her guide.  The idea worked, everyone was pleased, and she was left to her throne, alone.

Her mind wandered to the singer, and the caravan of people sent out to retrieve her.  "They should be back by now," she sighed.  "I hope they have not gotten lost...or tricked by her.  What if this is all a ruse?  What if I am to be made a fool?"  The Empress dismissed those thoughts with a laugh.  "It is just my own impatience!  She will not betray me...I can tell."

As if commanded by her thought, a guard had announced the return of Mistress Ng.  The Empress beamed a great smile, and straightened herself on her throne.  "Allow them entrance!"

Soon Mistress Ng and her fleet entered the court. The Empress looked over the group and saw two newcomers.  They all bowed in unison as Mistress Ng spoke.  "Your Highness, I have returned with the singer.  It is the cook who led us--the singer is her own sister!"

"Is that so?"  The Empress gave them all permission to rise, and beckoned the group to approach her.  She looked at the two girls on either side of Mistress Ng.  "Come closer, please!"

"Do you think that wise, Your Highness?"  Mistress Ng warned.

"Of course!  They will not harm me!"  As if to punctuate her sentence, the two girls reached the throne platform and bowed deeply to their Empress..  "Please, stand so that I could better regard you."

When the girls did as they were ordered, the Empress looked them over with some confusion.  She first looked at the beautiful girl to her right, who had become quite pale and was visibly shaking.  "Do not fear me, child..  I will not harm you."  It was then that the Empress saw the same look in the girl's eyes that she had seen earlier.  "Wait!  You are the cook?  Is this true?  You are so beautiful!  How could I have had something so beautiful in my palace and not have known?"  The girl blushed and floundered for a reply, but none came.  "If this girl is indeed the cook, then that must mean..."  The Empress took a look to her left, and started to smirk.

"Is something wrong, Your Highness?"  Mistress Ng started to approach the throne, but was halted by the raising of the Empress' hand.

The Empress' smirk had grown to a grin, then matured into a full-blown laugh.  "Ah!  I see!  This is a joke!  You could not find the singer, so you found this waif to stand in for her!"  The plain girl stood silently as the Empress laughed at her.  "I would have chosen a more beautiful girl--I would have even had her sister impersonate her, but this is rich!"

Mistress Ng came up and stood beside the girl.  "I assure you, Your Highness.  This is no joke.  The girl standing here is indeed the singer you seek.  She has proven herself to us all, and we can all say without a doubt that we were as surprised as you must be right now."

The Empress gazed into Mistress Ng's cold, dark eyes, and knew she spoke the truth.  In fact, the Royal Advisor had never lied to her before.  This made her take pause.  "Well then, I must have proof of my own!  What is your name?"

The girl bowed again as she introduced herself.  "I am Song Mei, keeper of the forest.  I am deeply honored to be in your presence, Your Royal Highness."

"Nevermind all that," the Empress said with a smile.  "Sing for me!  Prove to me that you are the one I seek!"

"If I may, Your Royal Highness, I would ask that everyone leave the room, save for Mistress Ng and myself.  Even my own sister should not be present for this."

"And why should I grant this request?"

"What I am about to do is of a...personal nature of Your Highness' concern.  I would not want to have the results of my actions seen by any but those whom you trust completely."  The singer turned to her sister.  "Please, Sister.  You know what I am about to do, do you not?"

"I...I understand, Sister" Zhen Mei said with a smile.  "Please, Your Highness, grant her request!  You will no longer doubt her veracity."

Mistress Ng gave the girl a wary look.  "What is it that you are about to do?  If you harm the Empress in any way, I will have you killed on the spot!  I may even do it myself!"

"There will be no killing in my court!", the Empress chided.  "I will allow this.  If she is who you all claim, then I am in no danger.  In fact, this should be quite an experience!"  The Empress rose from her throne and ordered everyone to leave the court.  "You are all dismissed.  Mistress Ng, Song Mei, come with me."  She then turned to Zhen Mei, giving her a smile.  "Wait here in my court.  If your sister is truly the one I seek, then you will be greatly rewarded."  With that, the Empress, Mistress Ng, and Song Mei disappeared into a room behind the throne.


The Empress undid her official robe and splayed herself out on her large bed, preparing herself for the onslaught of passion she thought was to come.  She was still dressed, but in a less formal pant and top set.

"Your Highness!", Mistress Ng gasped.  "This girl should not see you like this!"

"Pooh!" the Empress laughed, disregarding her advisor's need for formality.  "If this girl is the singer, then I wish to be most comfortable when I hear her sing!"  She gave the girl a look.  "Go ahead, singer.  Sing for your Empress!"

"As you wish, Your Highness."  Song Mei gave Mistress Ng a look that made the advisor retreat a few steps, then began her song.

Song Mei took a few steps toward the Empress, then began to moan softly to herself, as if to find the right key in which to begin.  The Empress fluffed up a pillow, put it behind her, then closed her eyes and waited.


It began with a whimper. A soft cry had reached the Empress' ear, and it reminded her of a sound she herself made long ago, a sound she had almost forgotten.  It was the sound of a child mourning the loss of her parents.  The cry soon had gained depth and reverberation, as if a hundred, no, a thousand children were crying at once.  This was indeed a terrible memory--one that the Empress had buried deep within her heart, promising never to bring up ever again.  Whoever or whatever had taken her parents from her was long forgotten, but the pain of losing them was still there.

Soon the wailing hymn was replaced by soothing tones, the notes themselves caressing and nourishing the Empress as she felt herself growing up in the arms of someone barely old enough to care for their own self.  The warm sound turned playful, almost jovial, and the Empress smiled as she remembered the carefree life of her younger days.  Behind the playfulness, though, was a steady, heavy backbeat.

This beat grew steadily louder as time passed before the Empress' ears.  Fun gave way to study and training, and the music itself turned more to an etude.  Notes to be memorized and rehearsed, until they finally came together and formed an arrangement to her liking.  Now she was ready to take her place on the stage, but she still lacked something.  She was a melody and a beat, but with no harmony.

And that is what bothered her most.  The song had no harmony.  It was beautiful, hauntingly so, but it lacked harmony.

Now the song took on a darker, more urgent feel.  She saw herself, with the help of her lifelong friend and surrogate mother Lady Ng, amass a large group of fighters to reclaim her father's empty throne from those who would try to seize its power.  The song increased in volume and pace as time marched forward, and with a loud, victorious cry, it has reached its peak.  An anthem to her ascension followed, and the smile on the Empress' face was as bright as the sun itself.

And still, there was no harmony.  For all that she had been through, and the lives that crossed paths with her, there was no one she could truly be in complete harmony with.  Even Lady Ng--now Mistress Ng, who had become her Royal Advisor and confidant, kept a respectful distance.  Was there no one who dared to love an Empress?

It was then that the Empress surprised herself.  A sound came from within her, a plea for the singer to stop.  She did not want to be reminded of her constant loneliness, of her wanting, of her sleeping alone.  She was no longer the Empress of a large and powerful country; she was Reina, a girl that wanted to be loved, and one that no longer wanted to be tortured by loneliness.

Despite the pleas--or maybe because of them--the song continued, weaving here and there to match the sound of the protest.  To the Empress' surprise, the sound was quite, it was very pleasurable!  She stopped protesting and started humming along with the song, filling in the parts where she felt most comfortable.  The more she did, the better she felt, and the more joyous the song became.  It was complete now; it was rich and heartfelt, warm and passionate.  She even felt herself being physically touched by the song in places she herself had not dared touch.  Again, the pace had slowly increased until it was a loud, driving movement.  It was an stirring experience, indeed--one she wanted to go on forever.

Unfortunately, all songs have an end, and this one did as well.  After it had reached its climax, the song slowed to a gentle lull.  It left the Empress tired, but full of hope.  She was not alone anymore.


When the room was quiet, the Empress opened her eyes and sat up in her bed.  She noticed the shocked look on Mistress Ng's face, as well as the satisfied one on that of Song Mei.  She didn't have to ask what the weird looks were about--she was completely disheveled, panting from the experience.  She quickly straightened herself up and rose from her bed, approaching Song Mei.

"Are you...are you alright, Your Highness?" Mistress Ng asked.

"Oh, Mistress Ng!  I have never felt better!"  The Empress took Song Mei in her arms and gave her a crushing hug.  "This is indeed the singer I seek, for no one, not even you, could have touched me the way she has!  No one would dare to do so!  She is all that I want and need!"

"Your Highness!"  Mistress felt a pain shoot through her heart.  She wanted nothing more than to wrestle the singer out of her Empress' grip and banish her from the land.  'Why?', she thought to herself, 'why her...and not me?'

"Leave us, Mistress Ng!  And give the singer's beautiful sister the position promised to her!  You have my permission!"  The Empress gazed into the deep brown eyes of the singer.  "And see to it that I am not bothered for the rest of the day!"

It was all she could do to keep herself in check, but Mistress Ng managed to steel herself.  "As you wish, Your Highness," she muttered, before tearing herself away from the scene and out of the royal chamber.

The moment her advisor closed the door behind her, the Empress' royal tongue had found its way into the singer's mouth, as if it was searching for any notes left unsung.

End of Chapter 3

[End notes: Hello again!  Hope you all like this chapter!  For those of you too young to know, the title was taken from the song of the same name by Roberta Flack (ask your parents).  Give it a listen, and you'll see why I chose it.  :-)

Thanks to all who reviewed and read!  I'm in a bit of  hurry, so plaase mind my short notes here.

Until next time..."So long, and thanks for all the fish!"]

Chapter 4

Title: The Caged Bird

[Author's notes:

A scorned Mistress Ng hatches a plan, while the Empress ensures her 'treasure'.


Disclaimer:  I think you all know this by now, os I'll just get to the story, 'kay?  :-)

Chapter 4 - "The Caged Bird"

Zhen Mei tried her best not to wear a groove into the hard marble floor of the palace throne room, but pacing back and forth was all she could do while waiting for her sister to return.  'Oh Sister,' she silently prayed....  "Please do not delve too deeply into our Empress' life!  Please do not overwhelm her!"

The Royal Chamber's door opened, and Zhen Mei stopped in her tracks to see who would exit.  "Mistress Ng?"  She bowed to the oncoming woman, but received no acknowledgement from the Royal Advisor.  "Please Mistress, is there something I could--"

"SILENCE!"  The volume of her own voice shocked Mistress Ng, as she had not intended to take out her hurt and anger on the poor cook...or did she?  "For most of my life, and nearly all of hers, I have stood by her side.  I raised her, taught her, helped her regain her family's throne, and done all I was asked to do.  Yet this is how I am repaid?"

Zhen Mei watched nervously as the advisor muttered to herself, fists balled at her sides.  "Um, pardon my intrusion, Mistress, but--"

"I SAID BE QUIET!!"  Mistress Ng was now facing the frightened cook.  She took a moment to regain her composure, but it wasn't long enough, as she seemed ready to tear into the cowering girl.  "Come with me.  I am to announce you as the Royal Cook, and you are to prepare meals for the Empress and I..."  She visibly cringed as she corrected herself.  "...for the Empress and your cursed sister!"  She turned to leave the throne room, not bothering to see if the girl was following her or not.

Zhen Mei picked up the pace, and followed the advisor out of the room.  'I wonder what went on in there that has her so angry?', she thought to herself.


Hours went by without notice for the Empress, as she was totally enraptured by Song Mei.  "How could such a plain girl hold such wondrous talents?"

"Do my looks not please Your Highness?"  Song Mei said with a smirk.

The Empress was holding the singer from behind as they lay in bed together.  Caught thinking aloud, she tried her best to recover from her embarrassment.  "What I meant was, that, er, for someone so...natural, you have an incredible inner beauty!"

The singer laughed at her new-found master.  "Do not fret, Empress.  I am not known for my beauty; this is a fact.  But I believe I make up for such a deficit in...other ways, do I not?"

The Empress choked on her words, while her bedmate chuckled.

"Now I must rest, Your Highness.  I suggest you do the same."  Song Mei turned and buried her head under the Empress' chin, and immediately fell asleep.

The Empress looked down at the sleeping form entwined around her.  'She does not fear me, my position or my power.  She gives herself to me, and asks no pleasure in return.'  This was no doubt a magical being, she mused, for no mere human would be so bold as to speak to her so plainly, much less be so bewitching.  She left her questions for another day, and pulled the girl closer.


After dropping off Zhen Mei, Mistress Ng returned to her chambers.  Her anger had calmed somewhat, but the wound in her heart was still deep.  'I cannot let this go unchallenged!'  She threw herself down on her bed, staring at the ornate dragons carved into the ceiling.  'I must find some way to free the Empress from that witch's spell!  It has to be a spell, for my Empress loves beautiful things--she would never allow herself to have someone so...plain!'

It was true; the Empress had gone through great pains to surround herself with only the most beautiful things in her country.  From the palace itself, made from the finest marble and porcelain; to the grounds, which included some of the rarest flowers and plants to be found.  Even her Royal Guards, both men and women, would rival any army in both looks and skill.

'So why would she be so taken with such a plain girl?'  Mistress Ng then got an idea that finally brought a smile to her face, albeit a crooked one.  "Would she be so taken with a more beautiful, more talented singer?  One who could not only sing perfectly, but dance as well, and never get tired?"  She got up from her bed and began to pace around the expansive room  "I cannot deny Song Mei's power to reach into my Empress' heart, but I know my Empress better than anyone; she is shallow and vain.  She loves beauty above all else!"  Another thought came to her mind, and she began to laugh.  "Yes, that would work!  I must get to work, as this will take some time to bear fruit!"  She went to her desk and hastily scribbled out a note on a scroll, placed her seal upon it, and called for a guard.  "See to it that this message is delivered to the person to whom it is addressed.  Mention nothing of this to anyone other then the messenger.  Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress!"  The guard took the note, bowed, and quickly retreated.  Mistress Ng closed her door and then leaned on it, her head dizzy with giddiness.  "Oh yes!  I will rid you of that witch, my Empress, and we shall be together again!"


Song Mei enjoyed the life of an Empress' consort.  Being tended to hand and foot, surrounded by opulence, and best of all, being loved and in love with the most powerful person in the land.  It was quite a change from her former that she now was beginning to miss.  For all its beauty, the palace grounds were not the forest of her home.

"Your Highness, I must return to my forest," she said idly from the balcony, sipping a cup of tea.  "As much as I have enjoyed being with you--and still do, mind you--I have things I must attend to.  And I do miss the beautiful trees and my friends, both human and animal."  The more she spoke, the more wistful Song Mei's voice became.  It bordered on taking on a nostalgic tune.

The Empress, seated across from her, simply huffed.  "I forbid it."

Song Mei blinked and drew her head back in disbelief.  "I beg your pardon, Empress?  You 'forbid' it?"

"Yes," the Empress said matter-of-factly.  "You may roam the palace grounds, and you have your run of the entire palace itself.  I forbid you to leave."

The singer's eyes widened at the remark, as well as at its casual delivery.  "What?  Are you saying I am to be your prisoner here?  That I cannot come and go as I please?"

"You are my most prized possession, Song Mei," the Empress said between sips.  "I simply cannot allow you to leave.  Why would you want to?  Everything you need is here, and whatever isn't, I can have brought to you.  I can even have the forest itself placed here," she waved over the balcony to the grounds below.  "I will meet your every need, satisfy your every whim.  All that I ask is that you stay with me.  You did say you would be mine, after all."

Song Mei started to argue, but remembered that she had in fact promised to give herself completely to the Empress.  "Even so, I wish to be among my people and my forest again!  If you truly wish to satisfy my every whim, then please allow me this!"


"You cannot keep me here!  I am not your prisoner!"  Song Mei pushed herself away from the table and left the balcony.

The Empress put down her cup, and rose her voice to the singer.  "You are forgetting your place, girl.  I am the Empress!  I do as I please, and my will is to be obeyed!"

"How could this be?", Song Mei cried.  "I have given myself to you, without doubt or malice, yet you wish to keep me a prisoner?"

"I wish no such thing.'  The Empress came up behind Song Mei, placing a hand on her shoulder and wrapping her other around the younger girl.  "I wish to keep you beside me.  You are very precious to me, and the best way to keep you safe is to keep you here.  I know you are a free spirit--I was warned as such by your beautiful sister.  I know you value your freedom, but I value you more."  She turned the singer around to look into her eyes.  "Please, Song Mei, do not leave me!  Whatever you want, I will give to you.  As long as you stay with me!"

"Nothing you could give me could replace my freedom, Empress.'  Song Mei broke from the gaze of her lover's eyes.  "I will stay, but only because I love you--not because you force me to stay.  This I do of my own free will."  The Empress smiled, but Song Mei held up a hand to her lips.  "But know this--do me wrong in any way, and you will find me gone.  You will not even notice me leave, for I will have found my own way.  Are we clear on this?"

The Empress replied with a kiss, but Song Mei broke it off and stared at the taller woman.  "Are we clear on this?" she repeated.

"Yes!  Yes!  Do not worry, all is well!"

Song Mei allowed the Empress to kiss her again, but she felt the woman had not heard her entirely. 'I may come to regret this,' she sighed inwardly.


"Your Highness," Mistress Ng began as they walked through the courtyard.  "Your birthday is coming up, and I would like permission to arrange something special for you."

The Empress' eyes shone.  "Special?  How so?"

"A royal ball, with a performance by Song Mei and other distinguished singers and poets.  I am sure you will enjoy this."  Mistress Ng let the comment hang, giving the Empress time to digest it.

"Ah yes!  It has been some time since we had a ball!  And I can show off my latest treasure!"  The term of endearment irked the advisor, but she let it go for now--it proved her theory that the Empress saw Song Mei as a possession.  "Yes, Mistress Ng!  You have my permission!  Do as you wish!"

Mistress bowed, hiding a smirk.  "Thank you, my Empress.  You will not be disappointed."

End of Chapter 4

[End notes: Hi there!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  What is Mistress Ng planning?  I can't tell you...but you can bet it won't be good for Song Mei!  :-)

Thanks o all who read, and especially to those who have reviewed.  Oh, and an industrial-strength "THANK YOU" to Kaitonllocke and Darkwoofe for listing this story in the "Reatured" section!  (Hugs blue ribbon!)  Thanks for deeming my humble little story worthy!  (Deep bow!)

Until next time, "So long, and thanks for all the fish!"]

Chapter 5

Title: The Best Gift

[Author's notes:

Mistress Ng puts her plan into motion....literally.


Disclaimer:  In case you've skipped these before--and I hope you haven't, 'cause they're a beyotch to write differently every time--this is an adaptation of a work by Hans Christian Anderson.  Yeah, he wrote "The Little Mermaid", too, and I'm sure one of us will rob that grave as well.  Just lettin' ya know in advance.  Okay, on with the show!

Chapter 5 - The Best Gift

The sound of laughter coming from her sister's quarters brought a smile to Song Mei's face.  Hearing Zhen Mei eased her troubled mind a bit; she herself might not have been a free bird anymore, but at least her sister was happy in her new life, and that made things all the more bearable.  Song Mei allowed the laughter to die down before knocking on the door.

"Who's there?" two voices rang out in unison.

"It is I, Sister!  I wish to speak to you."  More giggles erupted from the room, and Song Mei placed an ear to the door.  The sound of scurrying feet brought an even broader smile to the singer, who had a pretty good idea of what she had been interrupting.  "I can come back at a more convenient time if you wish."

"No, it is alright!  I'll be right--stop that!--I'll be right there!", her sister's muffled voice answered.

Soon the door opened, and the beautifully beaming face of Zhen Mei appeared, her long black hair tossed asunder.  "Sister!  Please come in!"  Zhen Mei grabbed her sister's arm and practically dragged her through the door before giving her a hug.  "It is always nice to see you!  I have been so busy, but it is because of you that I have such a great life now!  Oh, thank you!"

Song Mei returned the hug, but her heart wasn't totally into it. 

"Sister, what is wrong?  Are you not happy here?"

"What matters is your happiness.  I wish only the best for you."  Song Mei did her best to keep up a smile, but to no avail.

"You are troubled, Sister!  Is something wrong?"

"I cannot lie to you, Sister," Song Mei replied.  "I never could.  I am.......content."  She let the word hang for a moment before continuing.  "I miss my forest dearly.  I miss being able to come and go as I please.  And as much as I love her Royal Highness, her love for me is something entirely different."

Zhen Mei led her sister to a small but ornate table, tea at the ready.  Two cups had already been set out and used; further evidence that Zhen Mei was not alone.

"Sister, you have company.  Please, do not let me bother you with my troubles.  There will be time enough for that."  Song Mei got up to leave, but her sister wouldn't allow it.

"Nonsense!  You will stay and have tea with us, and I will listen to you!"  Zhen Mei turned her head to look to a side room.   "You can come out now!"

Song Mei sad expression lifted when she saw her sister's companion slowly creep out of the adjoining room, dressed only in a silk sheet.  "Ah, Fa Ling!  My biggest admirer is also an admirer of my sister, I see!"

Fa Ling shuffled across the room, falling to her knees before the singer.  "It is an honor and a privilege to finally meet you, Lady Song!  I have long admired your voice--"

"So much so that you mock me in public!" Song Mei stern interruption made Fa Ling look up and take a defensive pose.

"I mean you no disrespect, Lady Song!  As they say, 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery'.  It is but my way of honoring you!"  Fa Ling's rambling was halted when Song Mei placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Do not worry," she said with a smile.  "I have heard of your act, and I must say, I am quite honored.  And your performances always bring great pleasure to your audiences."

Song Mei's snickering made the copycat singer blush.  "Yes," Fa Ling replied.  "But for the wrong reasons!"

The three women laughed loud and heartily.  Song Mei turned to her sister with a smile.  "So I see the rumors are true.  I am happy for you, Sister.  She is indeed beautiful, and you both make a wonderful couple!"  Both women blushed at the compliment.  "Fa Ling, you make my sister happy, and that is all I wish for.  Please continue to do so!"

"Oh, I will, Lady Song!"  Fa Ling took Zhen Mei's hand and kissed it, as if to prove her willingness.

"But what of you, Sister?  What can we do to make you happy?"

"For right now, just to be happy yourselves.  I will be alright.".  She rose and bowed to the two women.  "For now, I must leave.  There is to be a ball soon, and I must prepare for it."

"I have heard!" Zhen Mei jumped out of her chair.  "I have been ordering all kinds of food and beverages to prepare for it!  Some things I have never seen were requested!  Thankfully I have great chefs and the best wine stewards to care for all of those things!"

"Can I come?"  Fa Ling meekly asked.

"Of course," Song Mei replied.  "As long as you do not sing!"

The sisters' laughter at her expense was answered with a huff by Fa Ling, but she too joined in the mirth.

In minutes, Song Mei left the lovers to pick up where they left off.  Her burden was no lighter than it was before she knocked on the door, but she took some solace in her sister's happiness.


"Ah, Kage...thank you for coming."

Mistress Ng led the tall man and his companion into her chambers, but not before whispering to the guard.  "You will not speak of this meeting, or it will be the last thing you speak of."  The guard nodded fearfully and left.

The man scanned the room, eyeing this painting or that trinket with the skill of an appraiser.  In a sense, that was his job.  He was known as Kage the Procurer, the man who could get anything from anywhere for anyone, as long as his price was met.  The Empress herself had used his services to attain rare flowers for her garden, and now Mistress Ng was about to close a deal on his latest procurement.

"May I take a look at the...merchandise?"

"You may," the man's cool voice replied.  It was refined, with a bit of a hiss to it.  "Please be gentle with it though, for it is a one-of-a-kind..."

Mistress Ng moved closer to the man's cloaked companion, and slowly lowered the hood.  What she saw almost took her breath away.

"She's so..." Mistress Ng couldn't find a word strong enough to describe what stood before her.  It was all she could do just to tear herself away and settle her deal with Kage, who stood admiring her wonderment.  "Well, Kage, your reputation is well-earned.  How ever did you find her?"

"I had heard of the Empress' love of beautiful things.  When you called for my services, I knew of a team of magical artisans in the Eastern Islands who dabbled in...this sort of work."  His eyes shifted to the woman standing next to him, still draped in her cloak.  The woman did not move one inch since coming into the room.  "Trust me when I say, your Empress will be well pleased by this one.  She is well-versed in the areas you desired, and has the capacity to learn quickly.  Yes, it was hard to come by, but I'm sure your payment will be well worth the effort, yes?"

Mistress Ng grinned at the man, before turning and walking towards a small cabinet.  A few unseen movements, and she returned with a small but heavy pouch.  "You will receive the other half of the payment upon completion of her task."  She sized the other woman up; even under the drab cloak, she knew this woman was beyond beautiful.  "I usually would not overpay for anything, but I believe this to be well worth it.  Is there anything else I should know about her?"

The man took his payment without so much as a hint to its amount, for he knew the weight of gold by instinct.  "There is but one thing you need to know," he said before leaving.  "Call her Lady Nightingale."

Left alone with her new possession, Mistress Ng sat the woman down at the side of her bed.  "Lady Nightingale, is it?"  She undid the belt of the other woman's robe, and slid the garment off of her shoulders.  She marveled at the softness of skin, the fullness of lips, the depth of eyes, and even the woman's ample breasts.  "You will do nicely, Lady Nightingale."

A whirr and a few small clicks, and the other woman's eyes met Mistress Ng's and held them in her deep gaze.  "I will do as you ask, my Mistress.  Whatever you desire, I will fulfill."

For her plan to work, Mistress Ng had to be sure.  "So be it," Mistress Ng whispered, just before sampling the merchandise for herself.


Fa Ling was in complete awe of the overall beauty that surrounded her.  The handsome gentlemen, all important in their own lands.  The pretty women, either companions to the gentlemen or daughters of royalty.  The food and drink, prepared and displayed with an artist's eye by her own lover.  The ballroom itself, draped in silks and satins to offset the smooth marble and porcelain.  "Even the orchestra is beautiful!" she said with a smile.  She weaved her way through the dancing portion of the crowd, and parked herself next to Zhen Mei, who had just finished setting out yet another tray of fine delicacies.

"Have you ever seen such a sight in your life!" Fa Ling mused.  "This is what every girl dreams be at a ball such as this, and to be swept away by a handsome prince!"

"Or princess!", corrected the Royal Cook.  The two laughed as Fa Ling tried to drag Zhen Mei into the sea of dancers.  "I cannot!  I still have so much work to do!"

Despite her protests, Fa Ling managed to wrap the shy cook in her arms and into the flow of traffic.  "One dance will not cost you your life, my love!" she whispered into the cook's ear.

"Fine.  One dance."  She let go of her duties and fell into step as the mid-tempo song helped to move the crowd about.


The Empress had been watching the proceedings from her throne, and was enjoying every minute of it.  Not a dancer herself, she was content just to sit and watch, and to be surrounded by such beauty.  She turned to give Mistress Ng a grateful smile.  "Thank you, Lady Ng, for giving me such a beautiful birthday present!"

The advisor blushed at the use of the title "Lady"--it had been a good while since her Empress had so called her.  "No, thank you, my Empress, for giving me the opportunity."  She glanced over to the orchestra and gave them a nod, which signaled the end of the current song.  "I believe it is time, my Empress," she said, prompting the Empress to stand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, invited guests, friends and acquaintances.  I, Empress Reina, fifteenth ruler of the Yi Dynasty, wish to officially welcome you to celebration of the day of my birth!  I thank you for the wonderful gifts you have all bestowed upon me, and now I wish to return the favor..  As some of you have heard, there is one in my palace who possesses the voice of a goddess.  Now, I wish to share with all of you what I have had the pleasure of enjoying with a full heart.  Ladies and gentlemen, my birthday gift to you--the Lady Song Mei!"

The crowd's loud applause faded into a hush as the plain-looking woman entered from behind the throne.  Wearing a simple green cheongsam, and her hair done up in a plain bun, she walked to her appointed spot below the throne without so much as a glance to the audience.  Her attention was fixed on the Empress, who smiled down at her and gave her a nod.  Song Mei waited for the murmurs of the crowd to die down.  She then faced the crowd and began to sing.

From the very first note, the crowd was stunned.  Not a sound was uttered, lest they interrupt the wondrous melody that sprang forth from Song Mei..  As usual, her song had no words, but everyone could tell that she sang of being free and playing in the forest like a child.  They could almost smell the freshness of trees in the singer's key, and her playful voice reminded them of the carefree joys of childhood.  She didn't move an inch from where she stood, other than to wave an arm here or there to emphasize a note or two, but even so, the crowd watched her intently--those who had their eyes closed were lost in the song of their youth.

Suddenly she had stopped singing, and bowed to the Empress.  The crowd, finally realizing she was done, roared its approval.  Cries of "More!  Again!" could be heard among them, but Song Mei waited for her Empress to give her own judgment.

"Have I not told you all?  Is she not truly a goddess?"  The Empress gave Song Mei a big smile, and beckoned her to stand closer to the throne.  "Would you like to bless us with another song?"

"Thank you, Your Highness, but I cannot at the moment.  To entertain such a crowd is quite taxing on me.  I will need to rest for a bit."

Those in the crowd close enough to hear the conversation groaned, as did the rest of the group when the news flowed toward them.

"Not to worry, I am sure she will sing for us again shortly.  Now if you would--"

"Pardon my intrusion, my Empress," Mistress Ng interrupted.  "Your entertainment will continue.  I have yet to give you my gift."

"Is this so?  Well then, let me see what you have given to me, Lady Ng!"  The Empress' eyes lit up like a child awaiting a Christmas present.

"As you command, my Empress."  Mistress Ng gave Song Mei a malicious smile, then faced the crowd.  "Honored guests, please accept my gift not only to her Royal Highness, but to you all.  I give to you, Lady Nightingale!"

The sound of the ballroom doors opened, demanding everyone's attention.   Two large men unfurled a long red carpet toward the throne, onto which two beautiful young girls then walked, tossing cherry blossom petals into the parted crowd.  In their wake, seated on the shoulders of two more men, rode Lady Nightingale.  She practically oozed beauty, dressed in brightly colored silk robes with flowing sleeves and belts.  Her porcelain skin needed no make-up, as her features seemed to be perfectly placed, right down to the ruby-red lips.  Her hair flowed freely behind her, adorned only by an extremely ornate jeweled comb on the right side of her head.  She waved to the crowd with a delicate hand, and smiled warmly to them.  To the gathered throng, it was almost as if the Empress herself had entered the room.

As for said Empress, nothing else existed save for the newcomer.  The room itself seemed to fall away, as her focus sharpened to examine every detail of Lady Nightingale's features.  She hadn't noticed until Mistress Ng mentioned it, but the procession had parked itself right in front of the throne.  It was then that the Empress remembered herself and where she was.

"Lady Ng!  Have you called down a goddess to visit me on my birthday?" the Empress cried with excitement.  "How did you manage such an amazing feat?"

"No, my Empress.  She is not a goddess,  but a singer from the Eastern Islands.  A most extraordinary one, I assure you."  Mistress Ng's grin spread from ear to ear, happy in the notion that her Empress was taken with her 'gift'.  "If you so wish it, she will perform for you now."

"I do!"  The Empress beckoned for the new singer to be lowered from the shoulders of the men, and to approach the throne.  Upon closer inspection, she had seen just how remarkably flawless the beautiful newcomer was.  "If she is half as talented as she is beautiful, we are all in for a treat, indeed!"

Song Mei eyed the new girl with confusion.  "Why have another singer when I am already here?" she asked.

"Oh, do not be petty, Song Mei!" the Empress chided.  "Besides, you yourself said you needed some rest.  Now, sit with me and listen."

Song Mei did as she was told, albeit begrudgingly.  Mistress Ng did all she could do not to burst out in sadistic laughter. She composed herself, and nodded to Lady Nightingale.

"My Empress, I am sure you will find this particular performance most enlightening!"  The men who had carried the new singer in had vacated the area in front of the throne, leaving plenty of room for Lady Nightingale.  Mistress Ng nodded to the orchestra, and they began to play.

Arms spread wide, as if she would fly, Lady Nightingale twirled slowly in place, humming along to the tune.  She whirled along the length of the carpet, and then back to the front of the throne, coming to a stop with a deep bow.  The orchestra had stopped for a moment, and Lady Nightingale began to sing.

The crowd gasped in amazement, and Song Mei nearly jumped out of her skin in shock and disbelief.  It was Lady Nightingale who was singing, but it was Song Mei's voice that had come out of her beautiful throat!  Song Mei herself put a hand to her own mouth, to be sure that it was not her who was singing.  Somehow, this newcomer had stolen Song Mei's voice, and was singing the very song she had sung not minutes earlier!

Lady Nightingale then flitted around the room, twirling and jumping with each swell and trill of the song.  Her beauty captivating the onlookers, and her grace and balance keeping them hypnotized.  It was like watching a spirit move, her feet barely touching the floor before she was off in another direction, or draped around this partygoer or that one.  She had not only sung Song Mei's tune, but made it her own, and incorporated an intricately delicate dance routine with it.  Those who were not touched by Lady Nightingale's silks desired to be, and leaned forward as she passed--only to be left behind for some other part of the room.

As a finale, Lady Nightingale leapt the length of the ballroom and landed daintily on one foot, before bowing in front of the clearly enthralled Empress.  The orchestra sounded a final flourish, and the piece was done.

The Empress stood, teary-eyed, and stepped down to the performer.  "I..." she stammered.  "I cannot find the words..."  She then turned to Mistress Ng, who followed her down.  "This is truly the most wondrous thing you have ever given me; save my throne!"  She took Mistress Ng in a long, warm hug.  "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"You are very welcome, my Empress, but there is more!"  Mistress Ng watched her empress' eyes grow in size.  "Unlike Lady Song, Lady Nightingale will not tire, and will sing and dance for as long or as often as you wish.  She is yours to command, and will fulfill your every wish."  She leaned closer to the Empress' ear.  "And I do mean, -every- wish!"

The Empress never blushed in public, for she had no reason to...until now.  "Is this so?"

Mistress Ng simply nodded, which brought a loud laugh to the Empress.  Upon hearing her laughter, the crowd cheered and laughed it's approval, and called for Lady Nightingale to sing again.  With a nod from the Empress, the singer complied--this time without the dance routine--and the crowd did its best to sing along.

Three figures did not join in the overall merriment of the moment.  Zhen Mei, was much too stunned to believe what she had seen.  Fa Ling did her best to bring her lover out of her near-catatonic state, but was failing miserably.  And then there was Song Mei.

Unnoticed by anyone, Song Mei had simply disappeared.

End of Chapter 5

[End notes: Hi everyone!  I hope you had a great holiday season, and that the New Year will bring lots of good to you!  I hope you liked reading this chapter...sorry for the delay, as I had a very hard time trying to get it started.

Thanks to all who read and review, and again thanks to Kaitonlocke and darkwoofe for keeping this in the Featured section.  It is an honor!

Until next year....."So long, and thanks for all the fish!"]

Chapter 6

Title: If Not for You

[Author's notes: Mistress Ng's plan gets some unexpected help...and takes an unexpected turn.]

Disclaimer: New year, same disclaimer!  Nothing's changed.  I still wrote this, and it's still based on "The Emperor and the Nightingale" by H.C. Anderson.  If anyone makes any money off of this, make sure to give his estate some...and remember to put "2008" on the checks, okay?

Chapter 6 - "If Not for You"

Zhen Mei sat by her window, watching the leaves fall from the trees a few yards away.  Nearly six months had passed since the night of the ball, and still she hadn't said much, other than to cry on Fa Ling's shoulder.  Her dream life had come to a crashing halt.  More importantly, her sister was still missing.  And it was all because of Mistress Ng.

With Song Mei replaced, the advisor saw no need to honor the Empress' promise.  It was just as well; since she was still in shock over the events of the ball, Zhen Mei was useless.  Fa Ling had gathered her things and ushered the former Royal Cook out of the castle before Mistress Ng could send the guards to perform the task, and the two women retreated to Song Mei's home near the forest, hoping she would return there.

Zhen Mei replayed the night of her sister's disappearance over and over again in her head.  "Why?", she whispered.  "Why did this have to happen?"

Fa Ling had been her lover's constant during this trying time, her one link to reality, and her one source of hope.  "She'll be back, my love.  I'm sure of it."  Her words, as always, were answered with a simple nod from the former cook.  It wasn't much, but it was Zhen Mei's way of letting her lover know she was still there, not completely lost in a sea of despair.


"My Empress, the caravan from the West has just left," Mistress Ng said with a smile.  "They were quite pleased with your offer, and will discuss the matter with their elders.  I am sure a trade route will be established within the month."

"Excellent!  They do have wonderful spices, and I so wish to have them!"  She poured over some papers before turning to the advisor.  "There is nothing more we need to tend to today, is there?"

"No, my Empress.  What is your desire?"

"I wish to hear another song!  Call for Lady Nightingale again!"

"As you wish, my Empress."  Mistress Ng waved for a guard and relayed the message to fetch the singer.  The Royal Advisor should have been in her glory these days; she was closer to her Empress as she had been in years.  The 'present' of Lady Nightingale was indeed a godsend to Mistress Ng, with the man-made creature serving as a proxy for her love as well as a more than ample replacement for Song Mei.  She was part of her Empress' life one again, and that's what mattered.

Even so, Mistress Ng still hadn't become the Empress' true lover; she simply replaced one rival with another.  And while the Empress had not fallen as madly in love with Lady Nightingale as she did with Song Mei, she loved her still...which meant Mistress Ng was still on the outside looking in.  The time had come for the final part of Mistress Ng's plan.

Soon the doors to the Empress' office opened, and in walked Lady Nightingale, dressed in silk and jewels, and carrying a small lute.  She stopped short of the other two women and bowed.  "Shall I play a song for you, Your Highness?"

"That you shall!  Play something soothing, as I need to rest after such an arduous meeting!"

"As you wish, Your Highness."  As Lady Nightingale began to play, the Empress watched her delicate fingers glide over the strings of the instrument.  Hours earlier, those very same fingers were gliding over her own body, and watching her now, the Empress imagined herself as the one being played.  "Is she not truly amazing, Lady Ng?  Often I forget what she is, as she is so unbelievably talented!"

"This is true," Mistress Ng mused.  She knew well the talents of Lady Nightingale, and taught her the things that would please her Empress.

Somewhere in the song, an odd note was sounded, followed by a sharp "ping".  Lady Nightingale looked at the lute to check for a broken string, but her gaze soon became a frozen one.  Her body became still, as did the room itself.

"Why have you stopped, Lady Nightingale?  Play on, please!"  The command from the Empress went unheeded, as Lady Nightingale stayed frozen in place, not even so much as to move an eyelid.

Mistress Ng removed the lute from the other woman's hands, amazed to see that indeed, all the strings were intact.  This could only mean one thing--that it was Lady Nightingale herself who was broken.

"Your Highness, I must take her with me.  I will see if there is anything that can be done for her."  Mistress Ng's look was one of concern, but that was to cover up the glee she felt inside.  'Ah!  How fortunate am I!' she thought.  'I need not do anything now!  I would have shut you down myself, Nightingale, but it seems the gods smile upon me, and do my bidding!'.  If she could not restore Lady Nightingale, that meant for a very unhappy Empress.  She would need to be consoled and comforted, and Mistress Ng was more than ready to take up the task.

"Please hurry, Lady Ng!  I must have her back!"

"As you wish, my Empress!" the advisor replied, hiding a sinister grin.


Word had spread throughout the village of the state of the ersatz singer.  Many of the townsfolk had become enamored with her, as Mistress Ng would bring Lady Nightingale down to perform for them.  It was beneficial for the advisor in two ways: First, the villagers would be so entertained by the new singer that they would forget about Song Mei.  And second, they would associate the singer with Mistress Ng, giving the advisor a more favorable reputation.  But now it was told that the new sensation was 'ill' in the castle.

Word has also gotten to Fa Ling, who greeted the news with a scowl.  "Hmph!  Ask me if I care, because I surely do not!"  She stomped through the tavern, disregarding the stares of the patrons.  "It was wrong for them to replace the beloved Song Mei to begin with!"

"But Lady Nightingale's more beautiful!" someone called out.  "Yes, and more graceful, too!  What a dancer!" another voice joined in.

Fa Ling wheeled around to the hecklers.  "Do you not realize she is not a real woman?  She is but a toy!  A large, fancy, magical doll!  She has somehow stolen Song Mei's voice, and you all have forgotten about the original!  How dare you cry for a doll, when the real person is missing!"

A low murmur rumbled through the crowd.  'Ha!  I see you did not even notice she was gone!  One of your own, one you have all worshipped as a goddess!  How could you not know she has been gone for so long?"  A man stepped up to say something, but Fa Ling raised her hand to stop him.  "I must tend to her sister, as I have been without help from any of you!  Go tend to your new goddess!"  With that, she ran out of the tavern.


"I bring news from the palace."

Zhen Mei turned to face the incoming Fa Ling.  "Is it about my sister?" she asked hopefully.

"No, but it is about that...thing that replaced her.  It is broken."

"Is it dead?"

"Not dead, my love, just broken.  Mistress Ng is--"

"DO NOT SPEAK HER NAME TO ME!"  Whatever ounce of anger Zhen Mei found left in her, she has all but spent it in that one sentence.

Fa Ling placed her hands on her lover's shoulders to keep her in place.  "I am sorry, my love.  I just--"

"It is I who should apologize, Fa Ling," an embarrassed Zhen Mei replied.  "It was wrong of me to scold you--especially since you have been so kind to me.  If not for you, I would be completely lost."

Fa Ling took the girl into an embrace.  "Not to worry.  I have been yelled at before, and yet I live.  I just wanted you to know what is going on."

"I...I understand."  Zhen Mei lay her head on Fa Ling's shoulder, savoring the warmth of her lover's body.  "Maybe this is the gods' way of retribution.  It could be, could it not?"

"It could, but I suspect it is more than that."  Fa Ling broke the embrace and led her girlfriend to a cushioned seating area.  "They will both pay for this, I am sure.  Let the gods decide how and when."

"You are right, as always.  We need to find a way to locate Sister Song." 

Fa Ling was glad to see the light in  Zhen Mei's eyes again.


Mistress Ng stood outside the Empress' chambers and took a deep breath.  'If I am to do this, I had best not let my emotions get ahead of me.'  One more deep breath, and she entered the room.

The sound of the doors opening stopped the Empress in mid-pace.  'What news of Lady Nightingale?" she asked worriedly.

The advisor tried her best to be as solemn as possible.  "I had sent for a number of magical artisans, alchemists, and smiths of different types.  Unfortunately, even with all of their talents, they were unable for her.  She is no longer, I am sorry."

"This cannot be!!" the Empress shrieked.  Her pacing began anew, more frantic than  before.  "Why am I to be punished so?  First Song Mei leaves me, and now this!"

The mention of the singer's name surprised Mistress Ng--she had sworn the Empress had completely forgotten about her.

"What have I done to deserve such cruelty?" the Empress continued.  "Why am I destined to be alone?"

That was Mistress Ng's cue.  "But you were never truly alone," she said soothingly.  "I am by your side, my Empress, as I always have been, and always will be."  She stepped into the path of the Empress' pacing and attempted to hold her.

She fought at first, but the Empress relented and allowed herself to be held.  "Such loneliness, Lady Ng!  Such as you could never know!  If not for you, I would surely go mad!  What cruelty!!"

"Do not fret, my Empress, I am with you."  Mistress Ng was giddy with delight over finally having the Empress--HER Empress--in her arms.  "You will never be alone again!"  She kissed the top of the Empress' head, and the woman gazed up at her through tear-filled eyes.

" have always been here for me, Lady Ng," the Empress said between sniffles.  "Like a, like a mother!  You have cared for me and put me where I am.  I would be lost if not for you.  Even now, I have you when all others have left me.  Thank you, Lady Ng."  She held the other woman closer and lay her head on Mistress Ng's chest.  "How can I ever repay you for what you have done for me?"

So many words tried to force themselves out of Mistress Ng's mouth.  So many emotions and thoughts, so much pent up for so many years.  She felt as if she would explode if she didn't let something out.

"Love me."

"But I do love you, Lady Ng.  You are like family to me--closer, yet!  I cherish your advice, your friendship, your companionship.  There is no one in this country who is closer to me."

"No, my Empress."  Mistress Ng tried hard to contain her annoyance.  "I wish for you to love me as a lover--as you did Song Mei and Lady Nightingale!  For years I have wished for nothing more!"  This may not have been the most opportune time, but she was going to lay her heart out for the taking.  "Love me, my Empress!  Love me, body and soul, and I will ask for nothing else!"

"I understand what you are trying to do, dear Lady Ng," the Empress said with a gentle smile.  "It is quite a noble gesture on your part, but do not worry--I will be fine.  Your gift of Lady Nightingale was precious, indeed, but you should not feel the need to replace her with yourself."  The Empress broke the embrace and stood, placing one hand on the advisor's shoulder.  "I do appreciate the gesture, as I appreciate everything you have done for me."

Mistress Ng stared at the other woman in disbelief.  "Do you not understand what I have just said to you?  I am in love with you!  I always have been, and always will be! I am offering my heart to you, as I have offered my life!  This is not simply some 'gesture' to ease your pain!"  She harshly pushed the Empress' hand off of her shoulder and glared at her.  "This is not sympathy, but pure love!  I have longed to be more than just your advisor, your surrogate mother, your friend.  I wish to be your lover, your equal!  It is all I want, and all I have ever wanted!"  She charged forward and grabbed the retreating Empress by the shoulders.  "Love me, Reina!  Love me!"

"I..I cannot."  For all her powerful majesty, the Empress had been reduced to simply Reina--a meek little girl who longed for love, but crumbled under the weight of Mistress Ng's emotions.  "It is too much to bear!  It is all too much!!"  She tried to run away from it all, but Mistress Ng held a firm grip.

"You WILL love me!  Or you will love no other ever again!"  She tried to kiss the other woman, but was pushed away.  It took all of the Empress' will to get away from the raving advisor.

"Lady Ng!  Please stop this!  I do not wish to call the guards on you!"  She made her way to the door and threatened to open it.  "Please do make me do this!"

It took a moment for the advisor to gather her senses.  "I apologize, my Empress.  Please excuse my behavior.  I let my emotions get the best of me, and did not consider your feelings or the gravity of this situation."  As brave a face as she tried to put on, Mistress Ng's mind was a sea of turmoil.  She backed away from the Empress, bowing and allowing the other woman to pass.

"We will not speak of this again. Please get some rest and clear your head."

"Thank you, my Empress."

She watched Mistress Ng leave the room, and the moment she was gone, the Empress collapsed.

End of Chapter Six

[End notes: Hi everyone!  I hope you're still enjoying this story!  I fooled around with the idea of ending it in this chapter, but I still have two more things that simply have to be done - one is pretty obvious.  :-)

Anyway, thanks to all who have read and reviewed.  Your comments have helped greatly in guiding this story along.  There should only be one chapter left, so hold on to your hats...or bonnets...or hoodies....or whatever!

Until next time..."So long, and thanks for all the fish!"]

Chapter 7

Title: Death's Song

[Author's notes: (Final Chapter) Song Mei returns...but Mistress Ng makes a fatal wager.]

Disclaimer:  My story, based on one by H.C. Anderson.  Y'all know this by now.  Okay, pack a lunch and make sure your permission slips are signed--this is a long trip!


Final Chapter - "Death's Song"

Mistress Ng moved through the palace, unaware--or uncaring--of the commotion that was building up behind her.  Her mind was a tempest, and she was one step from destroying everyone and everything in her path.  It was improper to show such emotions outwardly within the palace, so she held her temper until she reached her chambers.  Once she closed the doors, the storm raged.

"How dare she!!", the advisor roared.  "How dare she reject my love!!  I brought her up from nothing; made her the center of the universe!  And this is the thanks I get?"  Whatever Mistress Ng could get her hands on was flung across the room in seething anger.  "Mother?  Sister?  Friend?  Is this what I have been reduced to??  Have all my years of absolute devotion and loyalty been wasted on a child??"  She grabbed the edge of a fancy table and roughly upturned it, sending a delicate tea set to its shattered end.  "She will pay dearly for this insolence!!  She will pay for breaking my heart!!"  When there was nothing else to break or rip, Mistress Ng resorted to tearing at her own robes.

Exhausted, the advisor sat on the floor and cried.  All around her, items of immeasurable worth were reduced to rubble.  None of that mattered--the one thing she truly treasured in this world was denied to her.  "What have I done wrong?", she wondered.  "Where did my plans err?  Surely, she must have known my feelings!  And with no one else to love, and seeking love, should I not have been the most logical choice?"  No matter how she formulated it in her head, it still came out the same; one and one did not equal two.

A loud knock at the doors pulled Mistress Ng from her deep well of theorizing.  "What is it!" she barked.

The voice on the other side of the door was unfazed by the advisor's harshness, for it had other problems.  "I am sorry to bother you, Mistress, but the Empress...she has collapsed, and no one can rouse her!  Shall we call for a doctor?"

"Of course, you idiot!!  Get him as fast as you can!  I will be there shortly!"

"Yes, Mistress!"  The sound of feet running away from the doors confirmed the guard's haste.

"What a complete imbecile!  Why ask my permission to fetch a doctor when--"  Mistress Ng was struck mid-sentence by a thought that hadn't occurred to her before.  It was something she had never--would never have considered before.  "You reject me, and now you are this the payment you have received?  Have the gods heeded my call once again?"  She stood and moved across the floor, pushing the debris out of her way.  She cleared a spot on her bed and started thinking out loud.

"You have taken from me what I most desired, my Empress...and now the gods will take from you in return!  And as they do, so shall I!"  The grin on her face grew wide with malice  "If you will not give me what I desire, then I will take back what I have given to you!  You will die, and I will replace you as Empress!"  She laughed herself dizzy.  "It is only right, after all; it is I who have done all the work, and now the gods have seen fit to reward me"

She went to her wardrobe--the only area untouched by her savage destruction--and pulled out a new robe.  "Keep your frail and delicate heart, Reina.  It appears I was not destined to have it anyway.  I will simply take everything else!"


"I am a singer, not a pack animal!", Fa Ling moaned as she carried two large bags on her back.  She had followed Zhen Mei into the forest, but not before packing a few things they might need on their journey to find Song Mei.  "You could help me, if it is not too much trouble!"

Zhen Mei put a finger to her lips to quiet her girlfriend.  "Hush!  I need to listen for her!  I know she is here somewhere, as this is her forest!"

The comment made Fa Ling stop in her tracks.  "If you knew this, why did you wait so long to come here?  You could have at least sent me to look for her!"

"I...I could not," Zhen Mei answered.  "I was so hurt, so confused, I could not think clearly.  It is because of you that I did not go completely mad--even if I did remember to look here, I could not bear to be without you.  If I had, and some tragedy were to befall you..."

Fa Ling dropped the bags and wrapped her arms around her lover.  "Forgive my question, my love.  We are together now, and soon we will find Sister Song."

Zhen Mei enjoyed the embrace for a little longer, before breaking it off.  She grabbed one of the bags--much to Fa Ling's surprise--and continued along the forest path.

They soon came to a wide clearing.  Fa Ling thought it strange that the clearing was circular in nature--as if someone had cleared out a portion of the deep woods just for themselves.  "What is this place?" she wondered.....

"I...I do not know, but I believe we will get our answers there."  Zhen Mei pointed to a small hut on the far end of the clearing.  As they drew near, the familiar, melodious sound of laughter could be heard coming from inside the hut.

"She is there!  We have found her!"  Zhen Mei dropped her bag and ran straight for the hut, leaving a puzzled Fa Ling behind.  The former cook reached to knock on the door, but Song Mei opened it before she had the chance.

"You two must be tired.  Please, come in!"  She smiled warmly and started to move aside, but was tackled by her sister.

"Sister Song!  Why have you not come back to us?  It has been over six months!  Why did you not at least send word that you were well?"

"So many questions, Sister Zhen!"  Song Mei returned the strong hug, then waved to Fa Ling.  "Come have some tea, and I will answer them all."

Soon the three women were seated around a small but elegant table.  "First of all,' Song Mei said with a smile, "please accept my apology.  It was not my intention to worry you so.  I could not let you know I was alright, because I was not."  She took a sip of her tea, then continued.   "What had happened with the Empress had been quite shocking indeed, but not altogether unexpected.  She wanted to keep me as a pet, not as a lover.  She also has a great desire for beautiful things.  So when Lady Nightingale arrived, she became the new pet."  Song Mei kept a brave face, but the tears came anyway.  "I offered my body and soul, even gave up my freedom, in exchange for her love and loyalty.  I was a fool to ask this of a woman such as her "

"This is not your fault!"  Fa Ling nearly slammed her teacup on the table....  "You cannot blame yourself for her actions!"

"Ah, but I do, Lady Fa.  It was I who sought her out, knowing full well what kind of woman she was.  I guess you could say it was a challenge--to see if she could love someone such as I."  Song Mei wiped the tears from her face, then smiled.  "Believe it or not, this experience has taught me something.  I was quite arrogant to believe such a thing, and to force myself on her--to even make a game of it.  In a sense, I deserved what I got, but still..."  She trailed off, and lost her smile.

Zhen Mei noticed.  "You did not deserved to be...discarded.  How did you manage to disappear so quickly?"

"I had been planning for awhile to make my way out of the palace--if only for a few moments, to be back here in my forest.  I had meant to always return, to show my loyalty.  When she chose Lady Nightingale over me, I decided right then that I was free, and left as fast as I could.  I came here, and cried for days."

Zhen Mei took her sister's hands in her own. "Why did you not come to us, Sister Song?  We could have helped you through this!"

"No, you could not.  I needed to be alone, to sort things out and make sense of what happened.  I have done so, and now I am fine."  Song Mei smiled broadly, as if to punctuate her statement.  "Besides, in the state you were in, there was not a lot you could do to help me.  It is why I am most grateful to you, Lady Fa."

"Me?"  The other singer gave her idol a curious look.  "But...why?"

"You have done what I had asked--you have taken very good care of my sister, more so than I could possibly have done.  It is another reason I did not trouble you both.  I knew she would be in capable hands, and I was right."  Song Mei took Fa Ling's hands and brought them to her lips, kissing them tenderly.  "Thank you ever so much for loving my sister, Lady Fa."

Their eyes met, and Fa Ling knew there was much more in that simple sentence--words of gratitude that didn't need to be said.  She simply bowed; to be praised by her idol, and loved by Zhen Mei, that was more then enough for her.

Song Mei bowed in return, then let go of Fa Ling's hands, turning to face her sister.  She was about to speak when a small bird flew into through the window and landed on the table.  It immediately faced Song Mei and sang with great agitation.

"Is that so?"  The singer watched the bird for awhile, then whistled a tune.  The bird chirped in response, then flew off.  The surprised looks on the other women's faces caught Song Mei a bit off guard.  "What is it?" she asked.  "Is there something wrong?"

Zhen Mei tried forming words, but they came out of Fa Ling's mouth instead, and quite loudly.  "What was that about?  Were you just talking to that bird?"

"Yes," Song Mei said nonchalantly.  "She usually keeps me informed of things that go on outside the forest, and this time she said that the Empress had taken ill."

Zhen Mei finally found her own voice.  "You mean to tell us that bird told you this, itself?"

"Of course!  She is a lark, and is quite knowledgeable.  It was her who taught me to sing, after all!"  Song Mei laughed, and rose from the table.  "I will tell you more about it later.  Right now, I must make my way to the palace."

"WHAT!?!" If they were shocked by Song Mei's conversation with the lark, then the two women were downright dumbfounded by this reaction.  "But Sister Song...after what she did to you, do you still wish to be by her side?" Zhen Mei asked incredulously.

"Even more so now."  Song Mei's voice was free of its usual mirth.  "I know what you both must be thinking, but I have never stopped loving her.  If there is some way I can help her, then I must.  Even if she refuses me, it will be her choice to make.  I want to be there for her--not as a pet, but as a friend and a lover."

"But Sister!  What about Mistress Ng?  And Lady Nightingale?"

"It is because of them that I must be there, Sister Zhen.  Lady Nightingale is no more, and Mistress Ng...well, I cannot speak for her, but what I have heard distresses me.  Now if you will both excuse me, I must prepare to leave."

Fa Ling gathered the bags she brought in.  "We shall accompany you, Lady Song!  Please allow us!"

"No, Lady Fa.  This is something I must do.  Besides, I am sure Mistress Ng will bring harm to my sister and maybe even yourself if you near the palace.  I will enter the way I left--unnoticed.  Keep my sister safe in the village.  I will send word when it is safe to come."

Zhen Mei gave her sister a hug before leaving.  "Please, be careful, Sister Song!"  She wanted to say more, but was pulled away by Fa Ling.

"She has to go, my love.  It is something only she can do--it is a matter of her pride, and her heart.  We must not interfere.  Let us be on our way."  The two women bowed to Song Mei, and headed back into the forest.  Zhen Mei took another look back, giving a worried look over her shoulder.

"Fear not, sister," Song Mei said to herself.  "I have been humbled, but I have also gained strength.  All will be well in the end."


That evening, Song Mei had made her way through the very same garden wall she used so many times before.  It was where she found the Empress; where she spied on her, called out to her, entered to challenge her, came in to live, and eventually escaped.  And now she found herself here again.  An ounce of doubt entered her mind, telling her to leave this place; leave it and its memories far behind.  But she could not--especially now.  Whatever the Empress had done to her, she did not deserve to die.  "If I can prevent that in any way," the singer said to herself, "then I will, as best I can."  She took a look around to make sure she was not spotted, then entered the palace grounds.

Upon reaching the balcony, she was greeted with sights both familiar and unnerving.  The Empress lay under a blanket on her bed, hands crossed over her chest.  Around her, medical personnel and servants of all kinds scurried here and there.  Even Mistress Ng was there, standing to the side, wearing her usual stone-faced expression.

That in itself surprised Song Mei--she had thought Mistress Ng would be grieving, or at the very least giving orders and making sure the Empress was comfortable.  But the advisor did no such thing--she just stood there, as if she was waiting for a carriage.

"The humans there have no faith in her condition, you know,' a voice whispered to Song Mei in the darkness.  "And neither does she herself.  It is just as well, as it will make it easier for me to take her "

"You will do no such thing!"  Song Mei turned to answer the voice, but saw nothing.  She didn't have to.  "I know you are here, and I know what you desire.  I am here to deny you."

"You cannot," the voice hissed.  "All things must die.  That is the nature of things.  She may be an Empress, but she is no different."

"But must it be now?  She has already been through so much, and persevered...why take her now?"

"Because it is her time, Lady Song, just as it will be yours in years to come.  As I said, it is the nature of things." 

The voice took form, and it was Death.  She stood tall and firm in the center of the balcony.  Her appearance was total darkness, save for the white make-up on her face.  She carried a large, tattered book under one arm, her bony fingers curled around the spine.  In her other hand she held a scythe, which she would lean against when the mood struck her.  "If you do not mind, I must proceed with my business."

All traffic in the room came to a sudden halt upon Death's entrance from the balcony.  Many screamed in terror and fled, hoping they were not the ones for whom Death had come.  The spectre glanced around the room and caught the eyes of Mistress Ng, who had not so much as blinked.  The advisor bowed to the moving darkness, and when she rose from the bow, she wore a smile that would have pleased Death greatly, if that was at all possible.  Death nodded and moved to the bed, rising to stand on the mattress and above the prone Empress.

"Take her, Lady Death!  Take her and be done with it!"  Mistress Ng's voice was full and harsh, demanding and without fear.  "She is with her soul what you will!"

Death turned and glared at Mistress Ng, giving her a look that cut through the advisor's cold exterior and clutched her heart.  "I do not take orders from you, Advisor.  I come of my own accord; not as a favor to you.  So be mindful to whom you are speaking."  The spirit turned her attention back to the dying Empress.  "This soul has been deemed void, and I have come to claim it!"

Song Mei shook herself out of her terrified state, and rushed to the bedside.  "You cannot!!  You must not take her!"

"You!?!  What are you doing here?"  Mistress Ng stared at Song Mei in disbelief.  "Tell me why I should not strike you down where you stand!"

"Quiet!  I have no time for you, Mistress Ng!"  Song Mei kept her eyes on the menacing demon standing over the Empress.  "Leave us, advisor!  I must stop this!"

"As I have told you, Lady Song," Death said without emotion, "you cannot stop me.  I will have her soul, regardless of your actions."

A shrill laughter came from Mistress Ng.  "Well, well!  So, it seems you have come to try to save the woman who abandoned you, only to be turned away yet again!  How does it feel to be twice denied, 'Lady' Song?" 

Mistress Ng's derisive mocking of Song Mei's title angered the singer more than the advisor's cackling, but she stayed defiant, keeping her eyes on the spectre.  "Tell me, 'Mistress', how does it feel never to be loved at all by the one you desire most?  At least I have known her as a lover as well as a friend.  Though she mistreated me, I still feel love for her..  Can you say that?  Even now, as you wish her death?"

This turn of events piqued Death's interest.  "Tell me, Lady Song.  This woman treated you as a pet; discarded you when she found someone better; and has not sought you out when that replacement died.  Yet you still wish to spare her life?"  Death then faced Mistress Ng.  "And you, Advisor, who have been by her side for her entire life; placed her on the throne; and lusted after her deeply, only to be denied her love.  You not only wish me to take her life, but have the nerve to order me to do so?"

Both women stood silently, resolute in their answers.  Death then let out a hearty laugh.  "Humans are such fragile creatures, and love has always been my favorite weapon with which they use to break themselves."

'As all things live and die, all things love."  Song Mei sat at the edge of the bed, taking one of the Empress' hands in her own.  "While it is true we are fragile because of love, it also makes us strong and wise.  It gives us the ability to learn from our mistakes, to help others learn from theirs, and to grow stronger together.  That is what I wish for us, Lady Death.  That is why I beg of you not to take her life!"

"Fool!"  Mistress Ng spat out.  "She does not love you!  She does not know how!  If she could not love me--the one who has done everything for her, and given everything to her--she cannot possibly love you!"

"You are wrong, Mistress Ng," Song Mei cried.  "She does love.  She loves you, just not the way you wish her to.  That is not enough cause for her death."  She looked lovingly at the still Empress and wiped the tears from her own eyes.  "She loved me, but she is not wise in how to keep a loved one.  She is spoiled, Lady Death, and foolish; but I know I could help her learn to be a better person.  To love and be loved, and to cherish the person she loves."

"You ask much, Lady Song, but you have not moved me.  I care not about love, only Death."  Death raised her scythe, but once again Song Mei interrupted her.

"If I can move you to feel something other than death, will you spare her life?"

Mistress Ng nearly suffocated from her own laughter.  "You wish to draw emotion from Lady Death herself??  Even with your power, you will surely lose this bet!!"

"How sure are you of this, Mistress Ng?"  Death's voice had a hint of a sneer in it.  "Would you like to wager something against Lady Song's talent?"

Mistress Ng stopped her laughing and thought for a moment.  Then she stood and strode over to the bed.  "I have but my life to wager, but it is such a sure bet I am willing to risk it."

"So it is, then." The spectre lowered her scythe and sat at the foot of the bed.  "If Lady Song can extract even one tear from my eyes, I will spare the life of the Empress unto her, and take your soul instead.  If I remain unmoved, the Empress is mine.  Either way, I get a soul, so it is of no importance to me either way."

Song Mei looked in horror at Mistress Ng.  "I do not wish to cause your death, Lady Ng!  Please reconsider this!"

Mistress rebuffed Song Mei's plea with a scowl."Sing, witch!  Sing with all your might, for you will not win!  With the Empress gone, I will become the new ruler, and I will keep you as a pet--and constantly remind you of your utter failure to save a woman that did not even love you!"

Death, it seemed was enjoying this whole thing, and was in no great hurry to end it.  She watched as Song Mei fought to restrain herself from striking Mistress Ng.  "Do you need time to prepare, Lady Song?  Or are you ready to begin?"

Song Mei took one long look at Mistress Ng, then turned to the dark spectre and gave an emphatic nod.   She stood and walked back to the balcony, facing the room.  Framed in the moonlight, it seemed as though she was on a stage, waiting for her cue to perform.  "Lady Death, please close your eyes."

Death did as she was told, and was greeted with a low, sorrowful moan.  It was barely audible, but Death recognized it right away--it was the sound of someone who had lost a loved one.  She had heard that very same moan many times, and just as many times she reveled in it, for it meant she had caused great pain.

Soon the sound grew, in both volume and depth.  It became a roar of sadness--as if all the people of the world had lost their soulmates at once.  It was a horrible, blood-curdling sound; so much so that even Mistress Ng fought to shield her ears from it and hold her stomach at the same time.

Death enjoyed this new sound--she had not heard anything like it before.  Sure, she had heard the cries of many dying on the battlefields of war, or through the sufferings of plague and disease, but not to this magnitude.

Song Mei moved from the balcony and closer to Death, changing the song as she approached.  With each step, the sound grew less and less intense, until she was once again at a whisper.  The tone of the song had also been altered; the moans of millions had been interweaved with cries; light lilts and wails moving in and out of the overall dirge.

Death also knew this sound; the sounds of those left to carry on; to fend for themselves.   She had not thought much of those people: they were not her concern, until it was their time to be taken.  She paid close attention to this part of the piece, to see where it would lead.

Song Mei noticed Death's sudden interest, and stopped singing for a moment.  She then moved over to the Empress and placed a soft kiss on her lips.  She then returned to Death's side and sang once more; this time, her song was more like a prayer.  Her voice was soft, but it was also high-pitched and full of emotion, as if to make it fly to the heavens and carry a plea to the gods.

Death had heard songs like this one; where those left behind begged for the return of their loved ones, but she had always ignored those cries.  She never had to worry about what those humans actually felt before, other than pain and death--it was her job after all, and nothing else seemed to matter.

Song Mei's plea had ended, and once again she sang with a sorrowful tune--apparently the gods had not heard her, and the ones left behind did not get their loved ones returned to them.  Death smiled, because that is the way of death--once you are taken, there is no coming back.


It was the first word in the whole piece, and it stunned both Death and Mistress Ng.

"Why?  When there is so much beauty in this world, why must there be such sadness?  This is why she craves so much beauty, and why she wishes to surround herself with so many beautiful things.  It is because there is so much death, so much sadness, so much hatred, so much fear.  There is so much, that she cannot bear it.  She has lost the most beautiful things she has ever had--above all, her parents--and now, she will lose the thing most beautiful, her life.  Why?"

Death wanted to make a cold statement about things just being the way they are for a reason, but decided not to.  She sat silently, and listened as Song Mei sang.  Death was beginning to understand why the Empress was the way she was, and why Song Mei loved her so.  She had never taken an interest in a particular human soul before, but she was beginning to care about this one.  The Empress, thought Death, was not simply dying of overexertion or even a broken heart--she had lost the will to live, to share in the beauty of life.  Normally, this would make Death all the more eager to take her soul, but something made her take pause.

Once again, Song Mei sang a plea, but this time directly to Lady Death herself.  "I live in the world, Lady Death.  I can show her how sadness and beauty co-exist; how they are necessary partners in life.  She needs to know this, but she cannot if you take her from me."

Death listened as Song Mei's plea faded into a soft hum, and then to nothingness.  She rose from her seat, and then turned to face away from the singer.  "I am sorry, Lady Song.  Often I do not take souls before their time has come.  This time I must, as per our agreement."

Mistress Ng laughed without mercy.  "What did I tell you, foolish girl!!  You could not move Death!  She does not care about us!  Only that she collects her souls when they are due!"  She tried hard to regain breathing, when she suddenly felt the cold, bony hand of Death grasp her shoulder.

"You are wrong, Lady Ng.  I was moved by Lady Song.  She did not sing for herself, or ask me to do her bidding--she wished for the life of a woman who needs to live.  For a woman who must learn to live.  While I have taken the lives of children, I do not relish it; I could not in good conscience and without just cause take a life that has not been lived."  She closed her grip on Mistress Ng's shoulder.  "And since you have staked yours, I do not need to take hers."

Mistress Ng tried to protest, but Death closed her grip, crushing the advisor's shoulder.  Song Mei cried out, "Please stop, Lady Death!  You cannot take her!  I did not wish this!"

"Is it as it was bargained, Lady Song."  Death pointed to the bed, where two teardrop-shaped rubies lay at the Empress' feet.  "Those jewels are the hardened form of my tears.  Give them to your Empress, to remind her how close she has come to my grasp, and to remind her of the debt she owes to you."

"But Lady Ng--"

"Belongs to me!", Death interrupted.  "It is by her own will she put up her life, and by her own will she lost it.  Look to see her no more, Lady Song.  And look to see me, as I will undoubtedly see you in the future."

"It is as she says, singer," Mistress Ng's broken voice slurred.  "Take care of my...your Empress."  And with that, Death took Mistress Ng, and faded into the night.

When the room was still once again, Song Mei pulled a chair and sat beside the Empress.  "You need not fear, Your Highness," she said softly into the other woman's ear.  "Rest, for you will need your strength.  There is much I have to tell you."


The next morning, Song Mei awoke to find the Empress staring at her.  "You have returned, Lady Song!"

"Since last night, Your Highness."  Song Mei's reply was groggy, but as cheerful as she could make it.  "I had heard of your condition, and came to your aid."

"I am most grateful, Lady Song.  I also feel I should apologize to you.  I had missed you, but it was my own fault that you went away.  Can you forgive me?"

"I suppose I must," the singer joked.  "Being that I will be your new advisor.  We must start on the right foot, do we not?"

"My new advisor?  What has become of Mistress Ng?"  The Empress looked around and started to call for her former friend, but Song Mei held her hand.

"She longer with us, Your Highness.  I will tell you all about it shortly.  For now, you must get dressed.  Your court is anxious to see you."

The Empress slid to the side of the bed and tried to stand, but wearily fell back to the bed.  "I may need your assistance, Lady Song.  Will you stay here in the palace?"

"Only until you are well enough to be on your own," she answered.  "Then I will return to my forest.  Call for me, and I will come whenever you need me.  Come to me, and I will welcome you and teach you all you need to know.  I will not stay here--I must come and go as I please.  Is that understood?"

The Empress thought for a moment, and nodded.  "I understand.  I cannot always rely on someone else.  And I cannot keep you trapped here."  She smiled and noticed the two rubies, still laying at the foot of the bed.  "What beautiful jewels!  Did you get these for me?'

"You could say that, Your Highness."


In time, Song Mei had related to the Empress the story of how the rubies came to be.  She also told her about Mistress Ng's plans, and how she paid dearly for them.  In return, the Empress had promised to treat the singer as a person, and not as a possession; she had learned what Song Mei had told Death about her, and was both embarrassed and honored that someone knew her so well, and stood up for her.

The two women became very close, and when it was announced that Song Mei would be the Empress' official consort, a great ball was held.  Zhen Mei--reinstated as Royal Cook--provided a lavish feast, and Fa Ling left the singing to Song Mei, while she herself danced.

The Empress learned more about her country's inhabitants than Mistress Ng have ever taught her, simply by going out and meeting them.  It was Song Mei's idea; for she knew that the people loved their ruler, but they would also love a person who was not so high above them as to ignore them.

She also knew that the Empress needed to see that beauty is fleeting; that freedom is important, and that love can be found in even the saddest of times.

All this made Reina a better Empress; Song Mei's love made her a better person.


[End notes:

"...and they lived happily ever after!"

Sorry for the delay--I hope it was worth the wait.  It was quie a challenge to write this chapter and keep it somewhat faithful to the original story--as was the entire piece.  I'm glad everyone enjoyed it, and I hope this chapter doesn't let anyone down.

Thanks to all who have read and reviewed, and especially those who've kept with it all the way through.  Anarya, Brave_quill, Risa Kaijuu, wildblackrose, jupitersthunder, AdventFalls, and everyone else I didn't mention--your comments led me in directons I never thought possible, and your support is, in a word, awesome!  Thank you all!

Also, thanks to Deviant Hearts for keeping this story in their Featured Stories list for so long.  I humbly thank you!

So what's next for the Panda?  I have one story already finished, but it has to be "shoujo-ai-ized".  I also have plans for a "Rabbit's Game" sequel, and an epilogue to "Choukuko's Dog', as well as an "Excel Saga"-laced version of "Sleeping Beauty" rolling around in my brain.  It's crowded in there!

Until next time...."So long, and thanks for all the fish!" 


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