Story: Elliott Stable's Sister (black sheep of the family) (chapter 5)

Authors: sneekie

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Chapter 5

Elliot took a weeks leave to sort through things at the captains order. Olivia arrived to find a coffee on her desk and Elliot at the filing cabinet

“Morning Liv.” Said Elliot cheerily “I’ve filed your reports…you had a lot.”

Olivia eyed him suspiciously “I haven’t had time.”

“That’s ok I had time to kill, anyway drink your coffee before it gets cold

Olivia still suspicious “so things between you and.”

“Fine…Kathy and I have patched things up and we have decided to take the kids skiing this Christmas.”

Olivia’s mood lighten “good.”


Kathy was just heading out the front door when she met Dylan on the step. She froze and Dylan eyes dropped. Kathy wrapped her arms around her sister-in law and hugged her.

“I’m so sorry Kath I never meant for things to get this bad again.” Whined Dylan

Kathy wiped Dylan’s tears “You Stablers are a hot headed bunch.”

“I know but the last thing I wanted was to hurt you or come between you and Elliot. I love you and my brother….I just get so mad with him. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have a family.”

Kathy was confused at Dylan’s ranting “Look come inside and you, me and Elliot will sit down and talk this through.”

Dylan shook her head “I can’t I leave tomorrow. I’m heading west hopefully pick up a few shows.”

“Dylan no…..don’t leave”

“I won’t come between you and him, I’m going to do something right and that’s to get away.”

“Dylan did someone say something, everything is fine with Elliot and me, just come in.”

Dylan hugged and kissed Kathy on the cheek “thanks Kathy say goodbye to the kids for me.” Dylan walked off

Kathy stood on the step in shock, she went back inside and picked up the phone.

Olivia could hear the voice though Elliot’s phone. She guessed it was Kathy and he’d obviously done something wrong.

“Ok……” answer Elliot holding the phone a little way from his ear. “What…when…I never said that and I have no idea.” He then glares at his partner. “Ok Kathy I’ll deal with it, I will bye.” He puts down the receiver

Olivia giggles “what have you done this time Elliot.” But Elliot’s face remained rigid

“Dylan came to see Kathy today.”

Olivia groaned but Elliot continued, “Apparently she’s leaving tomorrow.”

Olivia smiled “well that’s good….right.” she was unable to read her partners mood correctly

Elliot gritted his teeth “she is leaving because somebody told her that Kathy and I were having marital problems…..and she thinks it’s because of her.”

Olivia caught her breath “why did you interfere Olivia?” He growled

“Well she is causing you problems, at work and home Elliot, someone had to tell her that she was screwing up.”

“You had no right… have no idea about our problems and jumped to conclusions.”

“Elliot please.” Trying to quieten him down

“Jess, I mean Dylan is my sister and you know nothing.”

“I know she has a rap sheet and that she nearly cost you your career.”

Elliot couldn’t believe his partner was spying “That is none of your business how dare you…..fuck you.” He spat

“Elliot.” She met his tone

“You always talk about trust and loyalty well you’re a bloody hypocrite.” Elliot rises to his feet. “Dylan’s problems aren’t all her fault, I'm  just as much to blame.” He storms off

Olivia looked down at her work and closed her eyes. She fucked up and now it’s probably costed her a partner.


Elliot knocked on the door it was shortly opened

“Elliot what do you want.” Growled Sonya

“What to see Dylan.”

“She’s not here, go away.”

Elliot barged in and sat on the couch “Hey you can’t do that.”

“I’ll wait” he said

“Get out or I’ll call the cops.” She threatened, but he just laughs “you are fucking knob, I warned Dylan about trying to patch things up. I knew it would crush her.”

Elliot didn’t respond at first but then calmly “I just want to talk to her.”

“Yeh right bully her you mean.”

“I want another chance, and anyway this has nothing to do with you anymore. You did what I paid you, why are you still around.” He asked

“Because she still needs protecting.”

Elliot laughed “from what.’ But her response hit him hard

“From you Elliot…..from you.”

Silence was all that followed when the door opened and Dylan stepped in. Shocked to see her brother instantly went on the defensive “Come to carry my bags have we.”

Elliot let it slide then it turned into a standoff of who was going to speak first, which eventually turned out to be Sonya

“Elliot I think you should leave.” Sonya said smugly

Elliot just shook his head “no I just want to talk to my sister, Jess please.” He whined

“It’s Dylan” bellowed Sonya

Elliot closed his eyes just wishing Sonya would disappear. Dylan sensed something different about him. “Kathy sent you.’ She said sadly

Elliot looked up “Not exactly….can we please talk…tha’s all I want to do.”

Dylan wasn’t sure she could take any more fights with her brother but she reluctantly nodded ok. Sonya put her hands on her hips in dismay when Elliot spoke again “with out the pitbull.”

“you fucking bastard.’ Spat Sonya

Dylan spoke “Sonya please give us a moment.”

“Dylan are you going to let him talk to me like that.”

Dylan looked at her brother with dismay. “I’m sorry Sonya.’ Apologised Elliot

Sonya walked up to Dylan and kisses her “any trouble let me know.” She then left.

“I never thought she’d leave.” Joked Elliot

Dylan didn't respond “What is it Elliot, I’m not up to another yelling match.” She said quietly

“I’m not here to argue..” he stalled “Jess…..sorry I mean Dylan I’ve never stopped caring about you. I can’t change what happened, shit I wish I could…..I don’t know how to fix things to make them better.”

“You can’t Elliot.” Said Dylan hoarsely

“I’m such an idiot. I want you back in my life, and all I’ve done is pushed you away. I miss you” He started to choke back tears

Dylan saw Elliot was struggling “I haven’t exactly made an effort.” She admitted

“I know I wasn’t there when you were younger and the guilt never goes away but I was there when you were released but you walked away from me.”

Dylan shook her head “I couldn’t face you.” Dylan now choking back tears

“Why….I said I would help you.”

“Elliot I was ashamed and afraid. After everything I put you and Kathy through I just couldn’t face you.”

“Dylan….Jess I never stopped loving you…..” Elliot couldn’t contain it any longer and cried. He took her hand and squeezed it “My family isn’t complete without you….please give me another chance.” He pleaded

Dylan wiped her tears “Elliot….I” Dylan shocked had never seen her brother this broken since she was sent to jail. She shook her head

“Jessica please I need you in my life and I want to be part of yours again. We have missed out on so much.”

Dylan sobbed and Elliot pulled her into him and she cried on his shoulder. “I’ll make things right, please.” He makes Dylan look at him “I am here for you now…..please.” He asked

“Elliot I love you, I thought you hated me.”

Elliot lifted her chin “Never you’re my little sister…..I could never hate you.”

They got their composure and headed out for a drink


Elliot staggered and fell into the bedroom. Kathy turned the bedside lamp on to find her husband drunk and trying to take his shoes off.

“Oh Elliot why.” She whined

Elliot crawled next to her “Shhhhh” He tried to calm her “everything’s ok.” He stunk of alcohol

“Elliot get off me,  where have you been.” angry with him

“Out drinking…with Jess I was drinking with Jess. Oh god I don’t think I can get undressed.”

“So what happened.” Asked Kathy eagerly but had to wait till morning because Elliot passed out.

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