However, it should not turn out that the girls, at least not Reiko, would get much, if any sleep, at all that night; she rolled around and gasped, she began to sweat, and her eyelids shake as her dream turned into a dark nightmare, printing itself into her mind:
She saw herself standing besides her mother, about to pick up her sister, Fujiko Hinomoto from her class at school; her purple-haired sister smiled broadly as she saw her mother and little sister, jumping into the car besides Reiko, giggling along with Reiko all the way home.
The dream went on to a stage in the middle of their teenage; she and her sister and mother were practising wrestling training, and her sister and mother was fiercely engaged in battle. However, a solid kick knocked her sister to the ground, her mother helping Fujiko up; despite her pain, Fujiko smiled; she and Reiko were to become the greatest wrestlers of the world besides their mother: It was their golden dream.
But once again, the dream changed, this time to when after Reiko had won the tournament while searching for her sister a few months ago; she stood with Evil Rose’s red latex mask in her hand, confused if the mysterious, PVC-clad woman could really have been her sister.
A man suddenly stepped up besides her; he was tall, slim and wore a black cloak with hood, hiding his head. “Lady Reiko, I mean You no harm” he said as he raised a hand as if to ask Reiko to calm down; she noticed that the hand was black as coal, and it seemed to be the man’s very skin, itself!
“Who-who are you?” she asked, rather nervously. “I am the voice from the beach; this is but a dream, my lady, and I have entered it to bring you grave news” the man said darkly; “your sister, Fujiko Hinomoto, is being held hostage at a nearby hotel in the city of Tokyo, and may soon die if you do not act.”
“You’re lying! Fujiko is…!” Reiko began to yell in anger, but the doubt struck her; where ‘was’ her sister really? Was Evil Rose really her sister in disguise? And if she was, then why did she not just tell it honestly? “Your mind rages with questions, but I do have a few answers” the man said, adjusting his cloak a bit:
“Anesthesia: She is the one behind your sister’s disappearance.” “Anesthesia? But-but she fled right after me and Evil Rose took down her Lady X!” Reiko asked confused. “Lady Reiko, my time in your dream is limited now, but I can tell you this: Find your sister by any means; she suffers terribly, and her mind is a raging chaos of sorrow, despair, depression and pain!”
“How can I trust you? Who are you?!” Reiko exclaimed in frustration of her apparent blindness; were her sister really suffering while she, herself just slept? “I am Rhanar Narra-Jar of the Grey Guard Order” Rhanar nodded politely; “but I must go now; your subconscious is returning to the living world, and I cannot speak to you when you awake.”
By those words, Rhanar disappeared in a flash of blue light, leaving Reiko wondering what the heck she had just experienced. However, she suddenly became light-headed, dizzy and felt that she maybe should not be here, but instead…..
Reiko awoke with a loud gasp; Dixie, awakened by her girlfriend’s yelling, looked at Reiko as if she had seen a ghost. “Sweetie, anything wrong?” she asked worriedly. “Yeah…” Reiko began; “I’ve just had the weirdest dream; some black guy told me that my sister is being held hostage by that Anesthesia bitch somewhere in Tokyo!” “But that’s just crazy talk! Or…” Dixie began; after all, dreams sometimes told of what would, had or could happen in reality, but honestly: A black guy appearing in her girlfriend’s dreams?
“If you’re that worried, we’ll go look for her, sweetie!” Dixie smiled and patted encouragingly on Reiko’s shoulder. Reiko suddenly turned a tear swept face against Dixie’s, crying loudly.“OH, DIXIE! YOU’RE THE BEST!” Reiko exclaimed as she kissed Dixie heartily. Dixie’s face did not seem to be able to decide as if the to smile at Reiko’s lovingly kissing, or to weep for Reiko’s sorrow; the result was a rather awkward face that made Reiko burst in laughing, as the mix of tears and laughter made her look equally hilarious. Pulling themselves together after laughing out loud, Dixie, stood up and began dressing up.
“Maybe we’ll need those daggers if we’re to persuade that big-breasted bitch to tell where your sis is” Dixie suggested. “Maybe, but I don’t want anyone hurt…” Reiko said, looking unhappy; “believe me: Being bad isn’t funny…”“Why’d you say that?” Dixie asked. “Once, just because I was a little mad that day, I pushed Makoto right into her locker” Reiko said darkly; “I’ve not forgiven myself for it…” “She’ll be fine; she looked good at the last fight” Dixie assured Reiko. “Maybe, but each time I pass by her she stand aside as if I was a venomous cobra” Reiko mumbled. “Ummm, remember that you’re the Queen Cobra, hon?” Dixie joked.
“Watch it!” Reiko smiled at Dixie, who replied with a giggle; somehow, the joke had removed quiet a bit of Reiko’s bad mood. While not having anything expect her ring outfit and a pair of leather jackets, Dixie suggested they hid their daggers in there scabbards on their thighs. “Not the first place you look, ya know” Dixie assured Reiko. Suddenly, a knocking was heard on the front door down below. “I’ll get it; hold on here, hon” Dixie said, walking down the stairs. Opening the door, a man in a long black cloak with an up-pulled hood stood outside; the morning breeze made it wave slightly, and judging by the small looks she got, Dixie found that the mysterious guy wore a suit of black armour under his robe and cloak.
“What do you want?” Dixie asked sceptically, ready to slam the door into the stranger’s face if he took the wrong approach. “I am here to see you and Reiko Hinomoto; I am Rhanar Narra-Jar of the Grey Guard Order” the stranger spoke. “And whadda ya want from us?” Dixie asked again sceptically. “I visited her in her dreams last night; you may need my help, as her sister is in mortal danger.” “Who is it, honnie?” Reiko asked Dixie as she went down the stairs, catching eye on Rhanar.
“Who the heck is this freak?!” she exclaimed as Rhanar’s dark appearance scared her. “I am here to help you, my ladies; I do not have time to explain, but know that I mean you no harm.” “He mentioned your sister, hon; like that guy from your dreams last night” Dixie nodded. “I am sorry I invaded your dreams, but as I said, your sister’s life in danger” Rhanar said, his voice clearly marking his impatience; “we must move, or else she might die!”
“OK, OK! We get it!” Dixie said irritated.“Where is she?” Reiko asked; she looked determined, and a single look in her eyes could tell that she was ready for anything to find her sister. “Follow me” Rhanar said, walking out the door; however, Dixie and Reiko were shocked to see a large, black-scaled lizard clad in the same black armour as Dixie had seen.
“What the Hell’s that?!” Dixie asked. “This is Black-Claw, one of my pets and my war-mount” Rhanar nodded, patting the lizard’s head, resulting in silent hissing from the large animal. “Are we supposed to ride that thing?!” Reiko asked. “Either this, or your sister’s life” Rhanar said strictly.
“OK, OK! We’re saddling up!” Dixie said irritated, mounting up; the sharp scales almost cut into her half-bared thighs, but else it felt comfortable. “C’mon sweetie; let’s find your sis” Dixie gestured to Reiko. “OK!” Reiko nodded eagerly, saddling up behind Dixie. “Hold on; he runs surprisingly fast” Rhanar noted as he swung himself on top of Black-Claw’s saddle, placed on the lizard’s neck. The huge predator then set off for Tokyo, with two girls trying their best to hold on.
Walking down the streets, Black-Claw did not pay much attention to the gasping, screaming and yelling people; he once snorted at a by-passing old man, making him run for his life, yelling something about ‘Armageddon’ and ‘the Rider of the Apocalypse’.
“Geez, this is ‘so’ weird” Reiko mumbled; her butt felt as if a thousand needles had been stuck into it. “I’ve ridden horses, but never lizards at the size of an elephant!” Dixie complained. “Save your speech and strength for battle; we are almost there” Rhanar noted them, directing Black-Claw around a corner.
Unfortunately, a cop nearby noticed Black-Claw; drawing his gun, he ran in front of the lizard, pointing the gun at Rhanar. “Hold it right there, sir!” he said; “dismount from this beast at once!” “This is a matter of life and death, mortal!” Rhanar snarled; “stand aside; this young woman’s sister is in mortal danger, and we cannot waste our time on you!”
“STAND DOWN!” the cop yelled, clearly beginning to become afraid of the impatient Black-Claw. “Leave this to me” Dixie suddenly whispered in Reiko’s ear, winking teasingly.
“Oh, Mr. Copsie…” Dixie said in a little-girlish voice, jumping down from Black-Claw; “are you sure you cannot let us poor, little girlies pass?” While she spoke, she made sure to let the cop get quiet some looks at her skimpy bra; as Reiko tried not to laugh at the cop’s hilarious face, and Rhanar admired Dixie’s creativity, but disliked her directness, and was ready to rain down a storm of spells over the cop if he advanced on Dixie by any means.
“Well, umm…I’m really not supposed to…” the cop began, sweating nervously. “C’mon, ple-e-e-ease?” Dixie asked, giving the cop the final, mental blow by adjusting her bra enough for him to spot a larger part of her breasts. “NO! No, I…I…” the cop froze on the spot, dropping the gun. “Thanks; you’re a good little cop; maybe you’ll be sergeant one day” Dixie smiled, walking over to Black-Claw, Reiko helping her up.
Riding past the mentally frozen cop, Reiko and Dixie began laughing both tempted to yell ‘Jerk!’ at the cop.
“Sorry, sweetie” Dixie apologized to Reiko; “it was the only way…” “It’s OK; it’s not like he’d get any goodies, anyway” Reiko smiled teasingly. “Oh, sweetie” Dixie smiled, giving Reiko a hug, kissing her; “why the hell would I also need guys, anyway?”
“With all due respect; as far as I can see, many males in your world are nothing but sweaty animals” Rhanar spoke darkly from the saddle. “Yeah, you’re right” Reiko nodded, surprised by Rhanar’s perspective on the subject. “This guy’s sure not one of them” Dixie nodded at Rhanar. “One of whom?” Rhanar asked. “One of that kind of guys who thinks more with their dicks then their brain!” Dixie snarled in anger of the thought.
“I am the leader of the Grey Guard Order, my lady; I can freely say that we are quiet an opposite of rapists and perverted dogs” Rhanar said proudly. “So you’re not into girls?” Reiko asked. “Some part of me may still be, but I view things in another perspective” Rhanar explained; “we members of The Grey Guard know of the woman’s beauty, her charm and gifts, but what is the most important is her soul.”
“Her soul?” Dixie and Reiko both asked. “Yes; a spiritual and divine appearance of your very personality; it is a life force in itself, making us what we are.” “Then how about ours?” Dixie asked. “Your souls are both pure as crystal, but I know from a source of mine that you have a tendency to invoke and practise the Sin of Lust.” “Ummm, yeah, you might say that…” Dixie rubbed her neck, smiling embarrassed at Reiko.
“So I guess that means we’re going to Hell when we die, right?” Reiko said sceptically, although a bit scared. “Not necessarily” Rhanar said; “you may invoke a sin you simply cannot exist without as many times as you may desire, but in return, you must also remember the virtues and make repentance of your sins.”
“How?” Reiko asked. “In your case, you may practise lust, but in return, you also love each other” Rhanar smiled, which surprised Dixie and Reiko, who had taken him as being a rather serious fellow; “I know of two like yourselves; their names are Jiki and Kiro, and although I recently heard that they seem to practise that exact sin each fourth day, they are in love, and has been together for ten years.” “How old are they?” Dixie asked curiously.
“Sixteen years each, but due to a failure in their genetical code, they cannot age” Rhanar nodded. “So they’re stuck as sixteen year old girls?” Reiko asked, amazed as she was. “Yes, but they mostly have the minds of twelve year old ones” Rhanar nodded again, smiling; “they are rather silly, but they can fight just as skilled as one of my guardsmen.”
“They sound like some little hotties…” Dixie folded her arms over her head, winking seducing at Reiko; ”…just like us!” “You little brat!” Reiko smiled at Dixie, giving her a quick, passionate kiss. “Before you starting practising sins…” Rhanar shoke his head; “…we are here.”
Looking up, Reiko and Dixie saw a large skyscraper towering above them. “What a penthouse!” Dixie smiled impressed. “Look at that” Reiko noticed, pointing at an armed guard at the entrance. “We’re never getting in now…” Dixie smumbled irritated. “Oh yes, you are” Rhanar said, removing his cloak, folding it and placing it in a bag on Black-Claw’s saddle. “Wow, that’s somethin’ you ain’t seeing everyday” Dixie nodded as she discovered Rhanar’s dark skin and white hair.
“Stand back” Rhanar asked them, concentrating; his spikes grew and his arms and thighs, his horns appeared on his forehead, and his spiked wings appeared, transforming him into his draconic form. “Aside from being a dark elf, I also have draconic blood” Rhanar answered Reiko and Dixie’s unasked questions. Starting to recover from the shock of seeing wings from the dark guy, Dixie took a look at his wings.
“Can ye fly us up there it that metal suit of yours?” she asked. “Of course, if you can hold on” Rhanar nodded. “Isn’t it too dangerous?” Reiko asked. “If you grab hold of my legs or back, you should be fine” Rhanar said, flapping his wings a little. “Umm, OK” Reiko and Dixie mumbled nervously.“Your sister is most likely held hostage on the top” Rhanar looked up.
“OK; let’s do this!” Reiko said, eager to get moving. “Don’t you dare drop us, draggie-boy!” Dixie said, grabbing a solid hold of Rhanar’s shoulders, carefully avoiding the wings. “As you wish” Rhanar nodded, kneeling down, setting off into the sky, his wings carrying him quickly upward. “W-A-A-A-A-A-AH! I’M GONNA DIE! I’M GONNA DIE! I’M GONNA DIE! I’M GONNA DI-I-E!” Reiko screamed, clinging to Rhanar’s right leg.
Landing on the rooftop, Reiko stood still for the girls to recover their nerves, turning back to his normal form. “I’m ‘never’ flying again…!” Dixie panted. “C’mon; we…we must be going!” Reiko gasped, standing up. “Stand still, you bitches!” a tuxedo-wearing goon smiled evilly as he appeared from a nearby door, armed with a gun. “You are in our way, pestilent dog!” Rhanar snarled evilly, holding his hand up, magically grabbing the goon in a blue orb of energy, making him drop his gun.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” the goon yelled as he desperately tried and get loose of whatever held him. “I must have forgotten to tell you…” Rhanar replied to Reiko and Dixie’s shocked looks; “…I not only know the ancient art of Mystic Magic due to my draconic nature, but I also know of the arts of Dark Magic.” Dragging the goon behind him as if he were a balloon, Rhanar approached the edge of the building.
“Tell me now: Where is this young lady Reiko’s sister?” Rhanar asked. “Why the hell should I tell you?!” the goon stubbornly tried and fight back.“Because if you do not reveal it, I will drop you from here!” Rhanar chuckled evilly, placing the goon out over the edge, over seventy floors from the ground.
“NO! WAIT! She’s in that room down below here!” the goon yelled, his eyes flaming in fear. “Is she OK?” Reiko asked nervously.“Why the fuck should I care if that slut’s OK, you bitch!” the goon yelled hysterically. “You just about crossed the line, mortal scumbag!” Rhanar snarled, his eyes glowing golden; “be grateful that you die before you hit the street floor!”
“No, wai-…!” the goon began, but soon found Rhanar’s other hand to glow with an orb of dark energy. Throwing the orb into the goon, he first laughed as he thought Rhanar had missed. “What did you do to him?” Dixie asked Rhanar. “Only what he deserves…” Rhanar said darkly. “What the…!” the goon suddenly exclaimed, beginning to scream in pain.
“Oh my God!” Reiko screamed, burying her face in Dixie’s bra. The goon suddenly exploded; he simply blew up, his insides falling down towards the street floor. “Why did you do that?!” Dixie asked in bewilderment. “He insulted Lady Reiko” Rhanar snarled; “I will not tolerate that from such lowly vermin and curs!” “Was it really necessary to blow him up?” Reiko asked as her head appeared again.
“Reiko, he was one of that kind of people Dixie said; those who thinks with their sadistic and insane lusts; he would have slaughtered us with greatest delight.” “But you still shouldn’t have killed him” Reiko said, somewhat strictly. “Then I will stop my killings until you ask me otherwise” Rhanar bowed. “OK, I think I’ve just about had it with this talking; I need some action!” Dixie said, helping Reiko up.
“OK, let us get moving” Rhanar nodded, heading fro the door. Knocking down the weak steel door with a well-placed kick, Dixie lead Rhanar and Reiko down the staircase. “Hmm, I sense her nearby; she is in pain” Rhanar mumbled. “How’d you know, or rather ‘sense’ that?” Reiko asked sceptically.
“Because I can sense two of the same kind of auras around me” Rhanar said; “yours, and while she carries the same blood as you, also Fujiko’s aura, and it is seems like she is just in here” Rhanar stopped up at the door to a room in the corridor they were walking through. "Mind if I strike down the first bastard I see?” Rhanar asked, reaching out for the Wraith-Blade hidden in its scabbard by his belt. “If they’re goons, OK” Reiko nodded, her and Dixie readying themselves for battle.
“Nice sword, Rhannie; just be careful where you swing it” Dixie joked, holding her fists up, ready for battle. “My thanks” Rhanar nodded, aiming at the door; in a single slice from the Wraith-Blade, the door split into two halves, around three goons turning around to see what was going on.
It proved to be the first one’s last mistake in life: Rhanar’s sword flew with great speed, and the invisible blade claimed yet another soul and beheaded Rhanar’s foe. The next goon made it to escape Rhanar’s strike against his head, running out the door to Rhanar’s right side; however, swinging his blade through his armpit, Rhanar impaled the now screaming goon on the Wraith-Blade.
“Be quiet!” Rhanar snarled hatefully at the goon, wringing his neck around until a crack was heard. As the last goon now desperately fought against Reiko and Dixie, he got his hands to Reiko’s throat, strangling her.
“Leave my girlfriend alone, punk!” Dixie roared, slamming him into the ground with a well-placed tackle. Despite the yelling from the man, Rhanar walked over and mercilessly stuck the Wraith-Blade into his gut. “I will go see if there are anymore of these filth; you take of Anesthesia and your sister!” Rhanar nodded, seized the Wraith-Blade and ran down the hall, his armour clinking.
“Come on!” Reiko yelled to Dixie. “Gotcha!” Dixie gave Reiko a thumps up, charging into the room with her. However, they were taken aback as they entered: While it was the loveliest penthouse suite one could wish for, a small metal carriage with various medical instruments lay in front of a desk, and behind that desk sat…
“Anesthesia…!” Reiko growled with hatred; her sister’s assumed tormentor still wore her old ring outfit as she wore as ‘Dr. Cutter’. “Where’s my sister, you bitch?!” Reiko snarled angrily. “There, there; do you have an appointment?” Anesthesia said in a mockingly, little-girl’ish voice.
“Shut it and tell us where she is, or I’ll beat the crap out of you!” Dixie beat her fists against each other in threat. “Oh my; the patient has been feeling dreadful since she came in here playing heroine, so I put her to sleep” Anesthesia continued to mock, standing up and walking to the bed:
Still wearing her ring PVC outfit, Evil Rose, or rather Fujiko Hinomoto lay tied up with ropes, her face turned upwards. “What did you do to her, you-…!” Reiko began as she slammed out against Anesthesia, the Italian nurse quickly grabbing her arm and pushed her back into Dixie, knocking them both over. “I have an appointment with your sister about some DNA donations and virginity problems” Anesthesia smiled evilly; “and I’ve got all the time I want to try it!”
However, a conversation outside in the corridors interrupted them. “I tell you Jiraz, this is madness! She will not hesitate to kill you!” an irritated Rhanar tried and explain. “Oh, don’t worry; I’ll teach her some manners” a light, female voice was heard. “Fine, then, but do not try something you know you will regret” Rhanar warned before they heard his footsteps disappearing. “OK, Rhannie!” the female voice was heard, now stepping closer to the smashed door. “Ready or not; I’m here and hot, ladies!”
The voice sounded again as the owner stepped into the room: She had red skin, light-red, shoulder-long hair, a long tail, broad wings, black horns, claws and wing-claws, and a small flush of light-red hair at the tip of her tail. The creature drew a long, flirty whistle, looking from one another. “Who the hell are you?!” Anestesia asked in shock. “Oh, I’m a friend of Rhannie’s; he’s told me everything about you being quiet naughty, Miss Anesthesia!” the creature looked hungrily at her, drawing a long whip from its black leather belt; that and thigh-high boots, shoulder-long gloves, panties and a bra of black latex was the only thing she wore.
“So lemme tell you: You let that poor girl over there go, and I’ll just give you a little spanking” the creature said, sounding rather little-girl’ish. “Back off!” Anesthesia yelled, throwing herself against Jiraz, but tripping over a broken piece of the door, accidentally landing on her stomach, moaning in pain. “Uhmm, what a view…” the creature said as she had a look under Anesthesia’s outfit. Meanwhile, Reiko had gotten over to the bed, using her dagger to cut her sister loose. “She’s not waking up!” Reiko yelled desperately. “Wake her up, then!” the creature smiled at Reiko; she was busy keeping the wild Anesthesia on the ground. “Let me go! Let me go, you wretch!” she yelled. “Hey! I‘ve got a name, and it’s Jiraz!” Jiraz said in a fake, insulted voice.
“She’s still not waking!” Reiko said as she and Dixie bend over the drugged Fujiko. “Then light her fire!” Jiraz said, now trying to verb Anesthesia’s breasts. “No! Don’t!” she pleaded. “Light what fire?!” Reiko yelled desperately. “Have some hot and wild sex with her!” Jiraz smiled. Reiko was shocked, even despite the fact that she began to understand that Jiraz was a demon…and a rather lustful one, for sure. “But…but she’s my sister!” Reiko said in shock.
“Hallo? I do my own mistress sometimes!” Jiraz said sarcastically; “get on with it, already; let me eat her pussy, now.” Anesthesia had given up; all her otherwise lethal wrestler moves did not work on Jiraz, as they only seemed to make the succubus more eager and hornier. “OK! OK! I’LL KILL YOU FOR THIS, YOU WRE-…!” Anesthesia began, only to have Jiraz’s tongue stuck in her mouth.´At the bed, Reiko cried for what she was about to do as she found no alternative; besides her, Dixie were stripping off her clothes. “I’m sorry, hon” she placed an understanding hand on Reiko’s shoulder. “Yeah…” Reiko wiped the last few tears from her eyes, dropping her jacket, standing naked besides her gloves and boots and scabbard.
“Forgive me, sister…” Reiko said silently, bending over the unconscious Evil Rose; despite her confused feelings for making love with her sister, she ended up deciding to enjoy it; after all, only Dixie could boast of larger breasts.
“AR-A-A-AGH! OH, GOD! MO-O-O-ORE!” a yell suddenly interrupted her; on the floor, Anesthesia was yelling in lust, her animalistic desire to make love with a girl after all her clashes towards the others coming true. Over her, a cheerful and laughing Jiraz made ready to please her again, licking her lips. “Ye know; despite being such a ‘rule-the-world’-wannabe, you taste rather good!” Jiraz smiled, lowering down again. “YE-E-E-E-ES! MORE! MORE!” Anesthesia yelled, pressing Jiraz’s head between her legs; “lick it dry! Lick me, now! I want it so bad!” she begged.
“Should I?” Jiraz asked Reiko and Dixie. “Jiraz…” Dixie smiled evilly at Anesthesia; “make her cum hard, but save some for me; I wanna fuck that bitch!” Nodding, Jiraz began ripping off Anesthesia’s outfit; however, she left the gloves and boots on her, finally removing her facemask. “Hot girls in boots and gloves turns me so much on!” Jiraz teased, dropping her bra, panties and belt, sticking her pussy into Anesthesia’s. “OH GO-O-OD! GIVE IT TO ME! SCREW ME LIKE A NAUGHTY NURSE SHOULD BE SCREWED!” Ansthesia yelled; her boiling lust almost made Dixie laugh out loud; first world-conqueror-wannabe, now victim to a succubus.
At the bed, Reiko asked her mother mentally for forgiveness for what she was about to do; she knew that this was somehow incest-like, but should it seemed like the only option.
“Oh, sister…” Reiko lay down on Fujiko, removing the skimpy belts over her breasts, beginning to lick her nipples gently.Fujiko rotated a bit and a soft moan was heard from her mouth; Reiko now eagerly began licking Fujiko’s nipples more intensely, causing her eyes to begin to open. “Rei-Reiko…?” Fujiko asked. “SISTER!” Reiko exclaimed, embracing Fujiko, crying just like the day she fell in love with Dixie. “What am I doing here?” Fujiko asked, discovering her breasts to be bared.
“Who did this to me?” she asked. Reiko began crying even louder, turning her tear swept eyes at Fujiko. “I’m so sorry, sister!” she laid down besides Fujiko, crying; “I became such a bitch after the tournament and you left, and I…I…” “…And you woke me from unconsciousness with sex?” Fujiko asked sceptically, but Reiko could have sworn she heard a giggling undertone. “Yes; I know it’s an incest-thing and so, but…” Reiko began, but surprisingly, Fujiko rose up and kissed her lovingly right on the mouth. “Reiko, I should be the one to apologise” Fujiko said, even beginning to cry; “it was so selfish of me to head out for Anesthesia alone! I just left you behind…”
Fujiko now reached out and kissed Reiko’s forehead, making her cheer a little up. “It’s OK, Fujiko; we’re safe now” Reiko nodded, smiling. “What do you mean? Anesthesia’s still out there! We need to find her and…” Fujiko began, only to be interrupted by Reiko. “Don’t worry; she’s getting punished right now” Reiko smiled evilly, pointing over at the floor; Anesthesia were rolling on the floor with Jiraz, both screaming in pleasure, drool flowing out of their mouths.
“Oh, make me cum again! I wanna to cum so much!” Anesthesia yelled out, Jiraz now standing down and remove her legs, bending down and stick her head between Anesthesia’s legs. Fujiko’s head looked like a large question mark, and Reiko explained to her that Jiraz had come to help them free her. “Oh, and, umm…” Reiko lowered her head in embarrassment. “Yes, Reiko?” Fujiko asked, finally pulling herself together for seeing a succubus pleasuring her worst enemy.
“Oh, damn it!” Reiko mumbled; “Dixie, can you come over here, please?” “Sure, hon” Dixie nodded.“Dixie Clemets” Fujiko nodded, offering her a handshake; “from what I remember, you fought rather well.” “Heh Heh, yeah, you might say that, but I still got marks of your boots on my back” Dixie rubbed her neck, smiling weakly. “Well, umm, what I meant sister, was…” Reiko began, losing the thread; picking up her self-esteem again by knowing she at least was honest and did it in her mother’s name, she told Fujiko:
“Fujiko, Dixie Clemets is my girlfriend now” Reiko said, not daring to look at Fujiko; “I know I’m supposed to fall in love some sort of Mr. Nice-guy, but I really do love her, and…” She was cut of by Fujiko’s giggling; looking from Reiko to Dixie and back again, she smiled. “Well, this last tournament sure connected some lives…” she mumbled, turning to Reiko; “Reiko, you were honest, so it’s only fair that I am, too.”
Fujiko sighed, although not in a stressed way; looking directly into Reiko’s eyes, she admitted it: “Reiko, I’ve also gotten a girlfriend; one who supported me throughout the entire tournament when I was but an instrument to Anesthesia” Fujiko said, smiling a little embarrassed. “C’mon; tell us who it is, girl” Dixie smiled, patting Fujiko’s shoulder.
“It’s Ms. Spencer” Fujiko admitted, blushing heavily. “That hot dominatrix? Why, you…!” Reiko smiled teasingly, tickling Fujiko by her neck. “Hey! No…no, wait!” Fujiko giggled, but pulling herself together; “we still need to…”
“O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- O-O-O-O-OH!!!”
A yell interrupted her; Anesthesia had cum for about the fourth time, lying exhausted on the floor. “…Stop Anesthesia…” Fujiko comically finished her sentence. Standing in front of Anesthesia, Reiko, Dixie, Fujiko and Jiraz looked at the sex-hungering nurse. “Please…more…I’ll do anything!” Anesthesia begged.
Exchanging looks, Dixie, Reiko and Fujiko nodded at each other; Jiraz stood by, ready to give Anesthesia her heart’s desire. “Anesthesia, we will let you live…” Fujiko snarled evilly; “…if you promise to be our sex-slave for the next week! After that, we’ll help you start a new life as a normal civilian, and you must swear never to harm anyone ever again!” “I do! I promise!” Anesthesia nodded eagerly; “please, now; do me hard!” Exchanging looks, the girls smiled evilly, helping Anesthesia up, putting her on the bed. “Alright! Orgy!” Jiraz cheered, eagerly sitting down with her butt over Anesthesia’s head. Stripping out of her outfit, Fujiko decided not to remove her mask.
“No! Wait!” Jiraz suddenly said as Fujiko were about to remove her boots and gloves; “they turn me on, hottie; you won’t deny me that, will you?” she asked in an innocent voice. “Damn, you demons ‘are’ strange…” Fujiko shaked her head, but nevertheless kept them on. “OK: Who does what?” Dixie asked, eagerly looking at the tormented Anesthesia; she seemed to starting eating Jiraz’s pussy any second. “I’ll fuck her” Dixie smiled evilly, putting the strap-on Jiraz had handed her over her waist.
Reiko and Fujiko looked deeply at each other…“Sister…” Fujiko said warmly, hugging Reiko; “Dixie, you go ahead” Reiko smiled, looking at Fujiko, a tear falling from her eye; “let’s finish what we began.” “Let’s” Fujiko smiled, lying down on the floor, Reiko’s bared breasts over her. “C’mon; give it to me the way I like it!” Fujiko smiled kinkily. “What way?” Reiko asked. “The hardest way you can, sister!” Fujiko smiled, mental images of a surprisingly on-turning Reiko and her strongest turn-on, Mistress Spencer, her girlfriend, running around in her mind. It turned into an orgy:
Reiko bend her butt down at Fujiko’s mouth, getting her pussy licked, while she was licking Fujiko’s; Fujiko began tilting Reiko’s breasts, turning her sister even more. Meanwhile, Dixie enjoyed screwing the sex-obsessed Anesthesia, while Jiraz cheered and laughed as she was turned on by getting her pussy licked by the horny nurse.
“OH YES! YES! YES! YE-E-ESSS! MORE!” Jiraz exclaimed, rubbing her pussy as Anesthesia licked it as hard as should could. “Oh Yeah! Like getting your pussy all fucked, huh?!” Dixie said as she shoved the strap-on deeper into Anesthesia. “YE-E-E-E-ES! GIMME MORE!” she yelled out, grabbing the blanket of the bed in mere lust and animalistic desire. On the floor, Reiko was whimpering in pleasure, and Fujiko’s mouth was drooling.
“OH YES! SISTER! GIVE IT TO ME!” Reiko yelled out as Fujiko hungrily licked and sucked on her pussy; she, herself, were on the edge to cum, and she began spanking Reiko’s butt in horniness. “YES! GIVE IT TO ME, REIKO! DO IT HARDER!” she pleaded, feeling her orgasm approaching. “OH, FUCK YES! KEEP SCREWING ME-E-E-E!!!” Reiko yelled, barely able to control her voice…
Meanwhile, however, Rhanar was sneaking into the old wrestling ring where the Rumble Roses Tournament had taken place; Black-Claw followed behind him, as the lizard was a rather bright one; it seemed like it looked for a fight.
“There” Rhanar pointed; down on the ring-floor lay five girls tied up. “According to our information, these should be Miss Spencer, ‘Candy’ Cane, Aigle, Matoko and Benikage” Rhanar mumbled as he found a small parchment in his belt. Around the ring, a host of soldiers stood watch; a large machine was being dragged out from a truck, and an officer looked evilly at the girls. Sneaking up closer, Rhanar whispered to Black-Claw to head up behind the soldiers and their truck, making a surprise attack.
“Let us go; you have no right to do this! When the Japanese Government hears of this…!” Benikage, the ninja-girl began, only to receive a kick from a nearby soldier. “Shut it, slut; be glad that you’re helping the US in its war efforts!” the officer laughed evilly; “we really got something for our millions to that Anesthesia nurse, right boys?” “Sure thing sir, and she was smoking hot, too” one of the soldiers said, almost drooling; “oh, I’d love to f-…” “Shut it and get that machine out!” the officer interrupted angrily.
However, a dark shadow suddenly blocked out the moon, landing on the stage; the girls began to scream as the black shadow arose, dropping its hooded cloak over Aigle and Matoko. “Do not worry; I will help you” Rhanar gently patted Matoko’s shoulder. “What the Hell…?!” the officer yelled; “take him down, someone!” As the soldiers readied their rifles and the officer his gun, Rhanar snorted, making a wave with his hand in Mystic Magic, letting the weapons soar into the sky, dropping behind him.
“So…you like giving orders?” Rhanar asked, his wings flapping and passing by Miss Spencer’s face as he transformed; “then try and give this order to Illirian when you meet her, ‘sir’!” The mere energy from Rhanar himself as he transformed into his draconic self made several of the furniture, benches and alike fly around in circles. Rhanar launched towards the soldiers, impaling the first on the Wraith-Blade, beheading the next. “Perverted heretic!” Rhanar snarled as he seized the terrified officer by his throat, ending his life with a quick wring. As the rest of the soldiers tried and flee, Rhanar sheathed the Wraith-Blade, holding up his hands, his Mystic Magic levitating the soldiers, the truck and everything else he wanted to lift, to the sky.
“My ladies…” Rhanar turned around to the horrified girls; even the ninja, Benikage seemed on the edge of fainting. “…Their lives are yours” Rhanar bowed, awaiting the girls’ orders. “T-take them away…!” Miss Spencer finally babbled out; despite her symbolizing dominatrix outfit, she was shaking in fear. “As you command” Rhanar nodded, looking evilly at the soldiers, releasing them. “You heard the lady: BEGONE BEFORE I TEAR YOU APART WITH MY BARE CLAWS!” Rhanar roared as the soldiers fled in panic, many of them trying desperately to get into the truck to escape the monstrous beast. “AND DO NOT ‘EVER’ SHOW YOURSELVES HERE AGAIN!” Rhanar roared, sending a spell of Dark Magic after them as a warning.
“And now…” Rhanar said as he with a flap of his wings soared into the air, descending on the arena floor, kneeling down as his dark elven form returned. “…how may I serve you, my ladies?” he asked as he tore apart the ropes that bound the girls; he did not seem in need to help Benikage, though; the ninja was already out of her ropes. “I thank you, mysterious, dark warrior” she bowed politely. “It was my honour” Rhanar saluted, turning to the others; Miss Spencer looked sceptically at him, while Aigle and Matoko still looked scared, and Candy Cane looked at him as if he was some kind of dark avenger.
“You could get a living from killing pervs, ye know?” she winked at him, a sign of gratitude from her side. “As a matter of fact, I am sworn to fight them, although my order and I prefer to call them heretics” Rhanar bowed. “Why?” Aigle suddenly asked. “Let me say it like this” Rhanar explained; “if women and their virtues are our religion, then these ‘creatures’ are defilers and heretics” Rhanar snarled at the thought of them.
“What is that order of yours?” Benikage asked, an undertone of curiosity in her strict voice. “We are the Grey Guard Order” Rhanar smiled proudly; “you are not the first ones to be helped and saved by us, as we travel the worlds like your races travels from town to town.” “So you’re kind of an anti-perv league?” Miss Spencer asked. “Yes, we are” Rhanar nodded, proudly unsheathing the Wraith-Blade as he held it high above his head. “Although we command great powers, our understanding of the mind is our strongest asset” he said as he sheathed his sword once again.
“Thanks for helping us, then” Matoko bowed, polite as she always was. “It was no problem, my girl” Rhanar smiled friendly at her. “Umm, I didn’t get your name, Mr…?” Miss Spencer asked. “Rhanar, Rhanar Narra-Jar, or 'Shade' by friends” Rhanar said. “Thanks Mr. Narra-Jar” Miss Spencer nodded, allowing herself a smile; “tell me; do you, by chance, know a woman named Fujiko Hinomoto?” “Yes, I do, and currently her sister and her girlfriend are about to save her from that foolish witch, Anesthesia” Rhanar said darkly.
“Reiko’s got a girlfriend?!” Miss Spencer asked in surprise. “Yes, the one named Dixie Clemets” Rhanar said. “You don’t seem too affected, Narra-Jar” Benikage said sceptically. “Why would I? Jicins are the idols of our order” Rhanar said. “’Jicins’? That’s a lame name, whatever it is” Candy Cane mocked. “In your mortal tongue, it is a word for women who lives in a strong bond, relationship and love for other women” Rhanar explained. “You defend women, are a kinda weirdo-order, and you idolize Gay Girls?” Candy Cane asked sceptically.
“Yes, and I do not think I will have anything to feel ashamed about at that point” Rhanar said shortly. “Umm, Mr. Rhanar; I may be one of those ‘Jicins’ you mentioned...” Miss Spencer spoke uncomfortably; her boots scrabbled against the arena floor, and she seemed to feel uncomfortable in her outfit. “I have all due respect for that, my lady, but who is your loved one?” Rhanar asked. “It’s Fujiko Hinomoto; she’s so lovely, and…” Miss Spencer began, stopping in embarrassment; behind her, Candy Cane yawned provokingly, catching Rhanar’s attention.
“She has all right to love the one she chose, girl” Rhanar said strictly, Candy Cane backing a little away. “Alright, alright! Geez, freakie!” Candy Cane mumbled. “I am pleased to tell you that your loved one should be fine for now” Rhanar comforted Miss Spencer; “but we need to go back, as I fear that Anesthesia may have plans for her.” “How do you intend to…?” Benikage began, only to feel a warm breathe behind her; summoned by his master’s mental calling, Black-Claw stood ready outside the arena ring. “E-E-E-E-EK!” Benikage yelled, trembling over her feet as she tried and get away, her discipline temporarily gone.
“Bwah hah Hah Hah Hah! The fearless ninja wetting her panties at a small lizard!” Candy Cane laughed out loud, attracting Black-Claw’s attention; the large lizard approached her from behind, sniffing at her. “WHA-A-A-AH!” Candy Cane jumped away, heading towards Mss Spencer, holding her waist. “Teach, do something! Whip it! Spank it! But whatever the hell, hurry!” Candy Cane clung to her teacher’s waist. However, Black-Claw did not seem to scare Aigle; the Mongolian girl simply patted the large lizard’s snout, causing it to hiss pleasantly.
“We got many animals at home, so Aigle knows how to treat” she explained to Rhanar. “I will not doubt your family has a few drips of elven blood” Rhanar smiled, gesturing Aigle to saddle up. Smiling, Aigle mounted up, soon followed by a shaking but determined Matoko; Black-Claw, knowing his manners, carefully trotted in the direction Aigle let its bridle.
Riding a round around the ring, Aigle gestured Benikage to jump on; Rhanar could not help but to mentally smile as he saw the ninja-girl shallow her fear and mounting up. “Oh, what the hell; it’s not that big, anyway” Candy Cane said, mounting up as well. “Umm, is it safe?” Miss Spencer asked.“I have trained him, myself; I doubt you should have any fears” Rhanar said.
“AR-R-R-R-R-R-RGH!” Reiko yelled out as she and Fujiko came for what they counted to be the second time. “Sister, you are so good” Reiko gave her sister a lovingly kiss; standing up besides her, Dixie leaned down, kissing Reiko’s cheek.
“Don’t get me jealous, hon” she teased, biting softly in Reiko’s ear. “Hih Hih, stop it!” Reiko giggled; under her, her sister could not hold back a smile. “I can see now why you chose Dixie as your girlfriend, Reiko” she smiled at the Texan beauty; “but I do not hope you just took her for her looks…?” she added with a teasing undertone.
“Why, you little…!” both Reiko and Dixie smiled, leaning over Fujiko. “Have you ever tried a threesome, Fujiko?” Dixie asked kinkily. “No, not yet” Fujiko admitted; “I was looking forward to one with Miss Spencer, but I heard she’s been gone for a week.” “Until she shows up, we’ll take care of you, OK?” Reiko asked. “Oh, OK then” Fujiko nodded, suddenly realizing that Reiko and Dixie lay on both sides of her, their fingers moving towards her pussy, and their mouths her breasts.
As Reiko, Fujiko and Dixie started, Jiraz did not seem to be able to get enough of the sex-hungering nurse Anesthesia; she yelled as she kept cumming, and the young succubus had now begun to let the nurse lick her. “OH GODDESS! How can you know so exactly where to lick?!” Jiraz asked, drooling running out of her mouth. “Sweetie, I’m a nurse; it’s part of my job” Anesthesia smiled, a thing Jiraz had not expected; the evil and more hateful side of the nurse seemed to have been whacked away by Jiraz’s intense lovemaking.
“Your job’s to study virgin pussies?” Jiraz teased, using her feet to press Anesthesia’s face closer to her pussy, and her tail to begin screwing Anesthesia. “ARGH! OH, GOD!” Anesthesia yelled out once again, now licking Jiraz more intensely then ever before.
Meanwhile outside the hotel, Rhanar and the rest of the girls arrived, Rhanar waved goodbye and rode away as he doubted any harm could be done to the girls; he had personally wiped out the remaining goons in the building, and he had also made sure to move their bodies through a portal to the courtyard of the Grey Guard’s Headquarters.
“Man, this place sure is scary…” Candy Cane mumbled to herself as they climbed the stairs. “Hey! What’s that?” Matoko suddenly asked as she noticed a dark liquid on the blue carpet. As Benikage bowed down to examine it, Matoko and Aigle backed slightly away, both of them rather scared.
“It’s blood; maybe that ‘Rhanar’ were right about what he said, after all” Benikage nodded darkly as she rose up; a fine trace of fresh blood lay on her forefinger, resulting in Matoko and Aigle beginning to babble something about homework as they headed downstairs again, while Candy Cane, Miss Spencer and Benikage herself decided to investigate the matter.
As they made their way upstairs and down a corridor towards the penthouse, they clearly heard screams of what they thought to be pain; Benikage moved silently to the door where to noises came from, and Miss Spencer and Candy Cane, nervous as they were, backed a little out of sight. As Benikage carefully timed the perfect moment, she used her one fist to slam the door open, barging in, battle-ready and with her fists up…only to be meet be a sight that were more terrible to her then anything she had seen during her training:
The entire room were filled with other girls from the Rumble Roses Tournament, even a newly arrived Aisha, who sat with a small grin and watched as a red-skinned and horned girl with wings were making love to Reiko……
...Horned and winged girl?! Benikage returned from her shock to carefully observe the creature, trying not to be distracted by the screams of lust they heard from the room; she found it to be a succubus: An ancient demon of seduction, but to her surprise, this succubus seemed to prefer girls, and none of them seemed to either mind her love-making, nor could she feel that their souls were gone.
“OH MY FREAKKIN’ GOD!” were the response from Candy Cane; a mix of fascination and extreme confusion stood as a large marker in her face, and Miss Spencer seemed equally stunned…until she discovered her sweetie Fujiko amongst the group. “Make way!” she said strictly as she walked into the room, finding Fujiko to be relaxing on the bed, almost half-naked.
“Sweetie, are you OK?” Miss Spencer asked worriedly. As response, Fujiko smiled broadly, rose a bit and hugged Spencer, making her smile as well; as Fujiko whispered something in Miss Spencer’s ear, her face turned into a massive grin. “C’mon in; there’s no danger” Miss Spencer nodded at Benikage and Candy Cane. Walking carefully in, Candy Cane looked over her shoulder again and again as if expecting an ambush…until she accidently tripped over Jiraz’s tail; the succubus reacted quickly, and folded her tail around Candy Cane’s waist, preventing her from falling.
“Such a pretty face shouldn’t spend the night in the hospital, sweetie” Jiraz teased, putting Candy Cane down; doing her utmost, Jiraz tried and suppress a flirty whistle, but failed; she gave Reiko a gentle pat on her cheek, rising up after getting a smile from Reiko in return. As Benikage approached, Jiraz greeted her with a traditional, Japanese bow. As Benikage bowed in return, she had her eyes constantly on Jiraz; she feared the demon would jump on her and tear her flesh, but it would not turn out so; it simply smiled and offered a handshake, which Benikage accepted.
“Umm, not to disturb the mood, but WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!” Candy Cane exclaimed, trying to get loose of Jiraz’s tail. “There, there, sweetie; naughty girls gets punished” Jiraz teased as she let go, getting everyone’s attention as she stood in the middle of the room. “Well, to cut it short, I know you girls don’t exactly love Anesthesia here, so I decided to punish her a bit.” Due to Benikage’s sceptical look that she sent Jiraz, she corrected herself; “oh, well; several times, then…” she mumbled.
“And, umm, what does that have to do with that everyone in this room is having a sex orgy?” Miss Spencer asked; however, somehow her undertone stated that she had nothing against it at all. “Well, I heard about that Rumble Roses Tournament you were at; world-class fighters and all, and I’ll dare say your looks aren’t bad, either” Jiraz winked at Miss Spencer, causing her to blush.
“Geez are you one of them ‘Jicins’ that Rhanar guy speaks of?” Candy Cane asked. “Almost, I’d say; Jicins are all about virtues and love, but I have my mistress’ allowance to jump around and seduce a few girls sometimes; I, however, don’t like to get down and dirty with girls that don’t want to…” Jiraz admitted; “…and before you mention it…” she said, answering Benikage’s unasked question; “…I hate guys; Rhanar’s cool, but I love girls.”
The silence that fell over the room lasted about twelve seconds, then to be broken as Benikage stood in front of Jiraz, not able to decide to hurt her, or hug her; the truth was, as the tournament, she had begun to get feelings for the other girls. Now deciding, she lowered down in knee-height, standing face to face with Jiraz, who found the ninja girl rather attractive due to her stern looks.
Benikage sighed; she did not know why she was to do this, but something in the air made her feel light-headed and somewhat…horny. Unknown to her, the reason was that Jiraz had from the first moment she entered the room cast a silent spell over it, making everyone in it surrender to their heart's desires, and the girls’ desires seemed to turn out to be each other. Jiraz smiled to herself as the ninja knelt down before her; she patted her head gently, whispering comfortable words and encouraging Benikage to go on.
Benikage found the succubus harder and harder to resist; she hated the fact that she fell so easily, but the succubus was so small, so innocent-looking…and so hot…As the rest of her senses left her, the before proud ninja now began pawing the young succubus’ breasts with all possible sign of enjoyment; besides them, Miss Spencer had already moved over to Fujiko, the two of them already longing to get to it.
Candy Cane, however, did seem to be able to choose her ‘victim’, so she simply stripped off her shirt and bra and lay down half-naked with a seducing attitude; she knew she once claimed guys were pervs, and she still held onto that, but girls…heck, how bad could it be? “Alright, ladies…” Jiraz suddenly said, making all activity stop; even Benikage stopped pawing Jiraz’s breasts to listen to her. “I know this is a great place to make out, but shouldn’t we go to my manor instead? There’ a lot more room, and more…’toys’…” she finished kinkily.
Nodding in unison, the girls rose up, grabbing what clothes they had left on the floor. As Jiraz mumbled some complex words, she thanked Lanadon mentally that she had once stolen a page from one of Rhanar’s spell-books; she succeeded in opening a Mystic Portal, much to the girls’ awe and fear.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine” Jiraz smiled, turning around to Candy Cane; “you’re right behind, so hold onto my tail if you’re afraid.” Candy Cane snorted, but held onto the tail anyway; as Jiraz walked towards the portal, she turned her head slightly, stuck out her tongue teasingly and sent Candy Cane a flirty wink. “You’re gonna love what I’m planning for you” she smiled seductively, disappearing into the portal, Candy Cane following suit; it felt as if she was walking through water, though she was not getting wet.
Appearing on the other side, Candy Cane found herself in a large room with a huge, red velvet bed, a large spa in a corner with bubbling water, and something that looked like a closet with a sign saying ‘Naughty Fantasies’.
The place as a whole looked like a roman villa; Candy Cane nodded to herself, and admitted that Jiraz, or whatever her name was, had style. As the other girls appeared from the portal, the effect of Jiraz’s spell had not worn off the least; Miss Spencer even held her be-gloved hands in front of her panties as drool dropped from her mouth each time she looked at the equally horny Fujiko.
“Oh, dammit; I’m tormenting you like this! Sorry!” Jiraz honestly apologised, walking over to the bed, gesturing Candy Cane to follow her. “Miss Spencer…?” Jiraz asked as she lay down on the bed besides Candy Cane; to her surprise, the horny girl began licking Jiraz’s boots, a sign of complete loss of sanity and capitulation to her lust for Jiraz. “Ye-yes…?” Miss Spencer managed to speak.
“As you’re her teacher, does she get good grades?” Jiraz asked playfully as she enjoyed the Candy Cane’s hot tongue on her boots. “Yes, but can we please…?” Miss Spencer asked pleadingly, clearly suggesting the girls ‘got on with it’. “Sure; let all loose!” Jiraz smiled, turning her attention to Candy Cane; “you, young lady, needs to learn to behave!” As she spoke, she gently seized Candy Cane, lifted her up over her knee, pulled up her skirt and spanked her butt gently; however, Candy Cane, now in a state of extreme horniness, screamed with lust as the strokes fell.
“Oh, you love this, don’t you?” Jiraz teased, but were soon surprised as Candy Cane turned around, beginning to lick Jiraz’s pussy. “OH! Why, you little…!” Jiraz smiled to herself, returning the favour by licking Candy Cane’s panties; the hot tongue easily went through the thin cloth, and Jiraz grabbed the small strap and ripped it off, now slurping on Candy Cane’s pussy and sticking her be-gloved, latex-glad fingers into it as well.
“ARGH! YEAH! DO IT TO ME! TONGUE-FUCK ME, YOU CRAZY BITCH! OH!” Candy Cane exclaimed, smiling happily to herself; she had seen in magazines how a girl and boy did it, but girl on girl she knew nothing, but so far, it felt great, and even if it was with a horny succubus, it was even better.
The orgy on the floor now began; Fujiko and Miss Spencer romped around, Fujiko hungrily opening Miss Spencer’s corset and pawing her breasts, making Miss Spencer yell out in pleasure; besides them, Benikage had grabbed Aisha‘s golden attire with both hands, smiling under her mask as she forced the singer against the wall, using her knee to rub against her pussy, while she used her fingers to paw Aisha’s breasts.
As for the rest of the night, Jiraz’s room were filled with the lovable screams from her ‘victims’; at a time, Shica came to the room through a portal, and was overjoyed to see that Jiraz had ‘assembled the party’. “Is that your GF? She’s kinda small...” Candy Cane asked as she looked at Shica; she was still exhausted after Jiraz’s pleasing, and she teasingly leaned herself against Shica.
Suddenly, the dark elf girl smiled, as she with great precision and speed ran around to Candy Cane’s back, grabbing her breasts from behind. “Rawr! Kinky!” Jiraz smiled as well as she handed Shica an oblong object while she equipped a strap-on; knowing what was to come, Candy Cane let out a long, smiling moan.
“Two’s better than one, little hummie!” Shica teased as she stuck her strap-on into Candy Cane’s butt, while Jiraz stuck her own into Candy Cane’s pussy; her following scream of lust almost had her cum right away, but she mastered all constitution and strength she had left. “ARGH! DOUBLE FUCKING! WHERE DID YE LEARN THIS?!” she screamed in delight as she pressed Shica’s and Jiraz’s hands tightly around her breasts.
“We’re girlfriends; we’re kinda used to screw ourselves...and some of the cute little girlies who are not that straight” Jiraz teased; behind, as the three girls’ lovemaking went on, Miss Spencer had bound and blindfolded Fujiko with ropes of black leather, and was using her whip to spank Fujiko’s naked pussy.“OH-H-H! OH, SO GOOD! SPANK HARDER, MISTRESS! SPANK ME HARDER!” Fujiko pleaded as Miss Spencer used her one hand to spank Fujiko, and using her other to finger herself.
“OH! Oh, my-y-y, you can turn me on...” she stopped her spanking and bending over Fujiko, rubbing their naked bodies together. The orgy had a pause as the girls went off their desires; as the next thing, Shica and Jiraz showed the girls their preferred fetishes, one being to be tied up and have the head bent downwards, and also told of their turn-ons.
The rest of the night was spend by the girls by at times talking and exchanging jokes, the other to resume the orgy; as for now, Jiraz’s plan had been a success, and she cuddled tightly to Shica. “Shica, no matter how many girls we seduce, you’re my only one” she whispered softly to Shica. “Oh, cutie; I love you, too; I’d never trade you for anything” Shica smiled as Jiraz threw the blanket of her bed over them; as they snuggled and cuddled and laughed, the girls, having resumed their orgy, could not help but giggle.
Hanging alittle above average height, Anesthesia sat in a net of thick leather belts with her pussy bared; she loved bondage, and smiled happily as Benikage approached her with a lustful smile...