Story: Tomoyo's World -Part 2- Bitter Turns To Sweet (chapter 2)

Authors: Risa Kaijuu

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Chapter 2

Title: Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Tomoyo found it strange being treated like royalty, but at least she wasn't as embarrassed by it as Sakura was. She had to smile to herself when Sakura would blush each time someone called her "Kinomoto-sama".

All those who participated in the attack, were there, plus some others including Meiling who approached Tomoyo right after the dinner.

"Did you save him for Sakura?" She began in her direct style of speaking.

"I didn't think about why I should save him, I just felt that I might be able to save a member of our team, so naturally I tried my best. And I was fortunate enough to be successful."

"Well, I'm very glad you did save him no matter what the reason, but now my question is, are you still trying to talk Sakura into marrying him?"

"No." Tomoyo shook her head slightly and looked down. "If she doesn't love him, there is nothing I can do. The main reason I was trying was because she needs a boy with Magic, and he was the only one I knew. And Sakura did like him a lot. It seemed perfect. It just didn't work. But now I still need to find a boy with powerful Magic that she can fall in love with."

"You are a real idiot, you know."

"Am I?" Tomoyo said casually though Meiling's words stung sharply.

"Yes you are! You love her and she loves you, so get together already!" the Chinese girl said with feeling.

"We are just friends. Sakura needs a nice boy with Magic and I intend to find her one." Tomoyo said in her formal way, and then had an idea. "However I could use someone who knows the boys with Magic in Hong Kong."

"I owe you more than I can ever repay for saving Syaoran, but I really hate to be a party to this stupidity of yours. But since this plan of yours for Sakura's future is doomed to failure anyway..." Meiling finished with a shrug and a twisted smile.

Meiling's words still stung but Tomoyo was determined to look for a substitute Magic Prince no matter what. And she had already discovered that all of the males at the dinner were way too old for Sakura. "I take it that means you will help... So how many boys, say, sixteen to twenty, with powerful Magic do you know?"

Meiling thought about this for a moment before answering. "Four who have some Magic in about that age range. But none of them are nearly as powerful as Syaoran."

"That's unfortunate. But it is a start..."

"And they are all assholes who think that any girl they want should fall into bed with them just because they have Magic."

"Maybe I can find her someone back in Japan." Tomoyo sighed.


That night as Tomoyo tried to get to sleep, her thoughts were racing. "It's finally over. I don't have to worry about searching for lost cards or fighting evil sorcerers anymore...

It is -so- unbelievable though! I really have Magic now. And it's special and in some ways very powerful. Who could have guessed that the little girl who used to sew those cute Card Captor costumes and followed Sakura around with a camcorder would one day save a city with her Magic. Not to mention bring a dead person back to life." This thought gave Tomoyo such a wonderful feeling inside she felt like she was glowing; but it didn't last very long.

"But what now? The adventure is over. Has anything really changed? I am still just a high school girl on her summer break. In a little while I will have to go back to school and back to the life I was living before all this impossible stuff happened. And now I have to find Sakura another Magic Prince...somehow." she sighed. "Too bad there wasn't any possibilities at the dinner. I wonder if Meiling was just giving me a hard time. I really should ask Ieran about possible candidates. I'll bet she would be delighted to get the Cardmistress married to a member of the Li Clan, even if it isn't Syaoran.

But it's still going to be hard to find someone suitable that she can love and be loved by in return. And it still hurts the same. Or more. Not only is my Sakura-chan sleeping in the next room, but I can now feel her through the wall with my Magic. No! I must not touch her. It is very impolite. Impolite, but SO tempting. If only I could touch her without her knowing. But no, I shouldn't even think of such things! I must get myself under control. I must regain my calm acceptance of my fate... And I must stay away from Sakura. She is much too attached to me. I MUST get her interested in a suitable boy. Perhaps I can talk her into extending her stay. And if Ieran knows any decent boys with Magic we could have some parties or something. So she could meet them... She had said at the dinner that she would do anything for me."

But as she thought and planned she kept getting the feeling that something bad was going to happen. "I must be really messed up from all the fear and fighting and stuff. It's all over now." she assured herself. "The bad guy is dead and Sakura is safe. And I am SO sleepy." By making herself think about how wonderful it was having Sakura back alive again, she was finally able to ignore the bad feeling and fall asleep.

But less than three hours later Tomoyo woke up in the dark with the feeling that something horrible was close by and threatening. "Must have been a very bad dream, I still feel the fear. Not surprising considering what has been happening. But it really feels like there is something horrible...right...over...THERE!" With hardly a thought, Tomoyo had reached out with her Magic and touched the thing. And it felt real. Very real, and very horrible. This woke her up completely. "It's real!" Was the first shock, but then she got a much greater one. "IT'S IN SAKURA'S ROOM!!!"

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