Story: Tomoyo's World -Part 2- Bitter Turns To Sweet (chapter 10)

Authors: Risa Kaijuu

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Chapter 10

Title: Chapter 9

Chapter 9

"Your mom sure accepts Magic easily." Sakura wondered out loud.

"I expect it is because when she was young she really really wanted to be a Magic Girl. So perhaps now she feels happy to find that the Magic she believed in so hard back then, is really real."

Even though Sonomi said "a while", she caught up with Tomoyo and Sakura less than ten minutes later, having some lunch. "Could you show me what all your Magic Cards can do?" Sakura didn't hesitate.

"Sure! They love to come out and do stuff, and it's good for them too."

"Sakura, how about if we go out in the woods behind the house? I don't think you want to call some of your Cards here in the house. There could be damage." Tomoyo pointed out.

So when they finished eating they had a Magic party in the woods on the back of the Daidoji property. Sonomi was serious when Sakura introduced her to Fiery and Watery, and rather scared of Earthy who came out of the ground making a small earthquake in the process. And she cried just a bit when Sakura had Flower give her a bunch of Nadeshiko flowers. But other than that, she was practically giddy with excitement; laughing and clapping her hands like a little kid. And to Tomoyo's delight she got nearly all of it with her camcorder.

Then when Sakura came to Float she had an idea.

"How would you like to fly with us, Sonomi-sama?" With this suggestion her smile got even wider than it was."

"Could I?!"

"We would have to be careful not to be seen, but I can use this Card called Float to hold you up and Tomoyo and I could pull you around in the air."

"YES!! I've always wanted to be able to fly!" So as they rose above the treetops she could see all over the neighborhood. "This is SO fantastic! I LOVE it!"

"Sakura, could you use Illusion to make us invisible?"

"Of course!" This seemed fine until Tomoyo realized something.

"We had better stay up high enough so people on the ground don't hear my wings, unlike yours they're really loud." But this gave Sakura an idea. She called Silent and had her take away just the sound of Tomoyo's wings. It worked wonderfully! They could even talk in normal voices then. And with Sonomi's delight in the amazing feeling of floating around in the air and Sakura and Tomoyo's love tickling each other every few minutes, the time went by quickly. In fact they had to hurry back to be in time for dinner.


As they were eating, Tomoyo reminded her mom. "Well? Do you have any problem with my changing to Sakura's school now?"

"Oh. I had forgotten all about that... I hate the thought of you giving up not only the status of your school but the quality of the education they give you." Sonomi looked at her daughter and sighed before she continued. "But since you have such important responsibilities I guess I have no choice. I will call the necessary people Monday and arrange it."


All through the rest of dinner, Sakura and Tomoyo kept glancing at each other and grinning. Sonomi felt herself grinning from time to time as well. Even though she knew logically that if everything her daughter had told her was true, and she believed it was, then both Sakura and her daughter and possibly she herself were in constant danger for their lives. But right at the moment, that didn't seem important. What was important was that her daughter had finally gotten together with the one she had loved for such a long time and Sakura returned her love. That seemed to make everything else in the world seem insignificant... Except one thing...

"I would like to call This Eriol and ask him if he would check on Nadeshiko's death and see if it is a destined event."

"Sure! He said he owed me more than he could possibly repay for my services. So I expect him to be willing to do any favor within his power for me." Then after a moments thought Tomoyo added, "Do you happen to know the time difference between here and London, mom?"

"London is nine hours ahead of us, so that would make it about ten in the morning there." Sonomi supplied.

Good enough! So I'll call after we give Kero his dinner in my room."

So shortly they all went up to Tomoyo's room with a dish of food and a large dessert. Then as the little Seal Beast stuffed himself, the three went to the office Sonomi had in her private suite. Tomoyo then used the speaker phone so everyone could hear the conversation. They were in luck as he was home and once he came to the phone he seemed delighted that Tomoyo had called him. So after listening again to him tell her what a wonderful a job she did, she asked him about Nadeshiko.

"I'm sorry. Even if her death isn't destined, which it almost certainly is, she is a very critical person in this Timeline. She is critical to both you and Sakura. So any change to her life will affect both of you. And of course the Clow- er Sakura Cards. And that is extremely dangerous."

"But can't you check and see what the result of saving her will be?"

"But she died a long time ago, didn't she?

"Yes. Almost thirteen years." Sonomi put in.

"That is -far- too long for me to be able to track all the possible branches in Timelines. It was hard enough to track possibilities when I only had to go back one day. If I went back thirteen years, I could not check out all the possible branches even if I had a million years to work on it! The number of Timelines is astronomical!"

"So you don't really know if her death is destined or not. Is that right?" Sonomi asked with her commanding business voice.

"It doesn't matter. It is far too dangerous to even try without knowing what changes it may cause."

"Too dangerous to who?"

"To the world! There is no way to tell! That is the point. It could cost any of us or anyone you know their lives. Or what is far worse, it could result in Kutong getting the Cards! And then there would be a lot of misery and death. From what I found out he had no respect for human life at all. He could destroy Japan with those Cards! And if you made the change and the Cards disappeared, you couldn't undo it. Do you understand now? It is just too great a risk to take."

"Okay. I understand. Does anyone else have any questions for Eriol?" Tomoyo inquired.

"Yes!" Sonomi replied. "I would still like for you to check and see if Nadeshiko's death is a destined event."

"But it makes no difference!"

"It does to me." Sonomi said with great feeling.

"Eriol?" Tomoyo jumped in. "You said you would grant me any favor in your power didn't you?"

"I did." he replied hesitantly.

"Then I would like you to check and see if Nadeshiko's death is a destined event."


After a large sigh, Eriol answered. "All right. I will try my best. As a favor to you, Tomoyo. It will take some time to prepare and I will look for her in as many Timelines as I can before I get exhausted. I will call you tomorrow morning. Or tomorrow night there." With this the call was ended.

Then Tomoyo thought of something that brought a smile to her lips. "Sakura-chan?"


"Have you finished your summer break homework?" She couldn't help chuckling at Sakura's exaggerated groaning in response. "I'll take that as a "no" then. Your books should be in one of the boxes in our room, so let's get them out, okay?"

"But we have plenty of time yet. And we haven't had our bath yet. We can do that first." Sakura whined.

"No. I think not. There is too much chance of getting distracted and not getting to the homework." She smiled nervously before continuing. "We will do the homework first."

"But I really don't want to work on it today." She whined some more.

"But think how good it will feel to have it done and not have to worry about it?"

"Actually, I wasn't worrying about it now." Sakura admitted with a little smile.

"Come on, let's go. I will give you a kiss for each part you do."

"You could give me a kiss now to motivate me." Sakura said playfully, and then when she remembered Sonomi was right there she looked at the floor and blushed, which as usual, Tomoyo enjoyed.

"Sorry Sakura-chan. No kisses until you get some of it done." Tomoyo insisted while still smiling.

"Girls? Do you mind if I were in the room while you are doing your homework? I would like to enjoy your company if I could." Sonomi politely asked.

"She wants to watch me having fun with a...mostly shy Sakura. And Sakura's blushes are SO cute!" Tomoyo smiled.

"But-" Sakura wanted to protest about public kisses, but Tomoyo interrupted.

"I'm sure Sakura won't mind a bit. Where would you like us to meet you?"

"The green room. There is a table you can work on and I can sit and listen and look at the garden."

Once the girls got set up and started, Sonomi was delighted by the sound of hushed whispers about kisses as well as the shy kisses themselves. She was constantly thrilled at seeing her daughter so totally happy and bubbling with joy. It had been many years since she had seen that and she had missed it terribly.

Despite much further whining, Tomoyo did manage to get Sakura to get her history and geography done. Then came math, her worst subject. It took a while, but after a lot of patient coaching and more than a few kisses it was finally done as well.

"Tomoyo-chan!" Sakura whined, "my head is all worn out and I can't do any more!"

"Okay. I'll have some mercy on you my poor overworked Sakura-chan. You still have all that English to do as well as read that book for Japanese. But you can do the English tomorrow morning and then start reading the book."

"You know how to spoil a day, Tomoyo-chan." Sakura said with mock sadness.

"But now, if you like, we can have our bath." This got a happy smile out of Sakura as well as a chuckle out of Sonomi.

"I've been looking forward to this!" Sakura said happily.

"But I'm scared!" Tomoyo suddenly realized. She remembered how her passion had overcome her the last time they started to bath together. "But she loves me. I can feel how strong her love is. So why don't I feel the time is right?" Suddenly she realized what had been bothering her. "I feel love in her, but not passion! That's what's wrong! She doesn't want me the way I want her! Sixteen should be plenty old enough to feel physical attraction. Or is it because she isn't attracted to girls the way I am? As that thought crashed through her mind she felt the icy sword stab through her heart just like it used to. "Wait! Remember what you have!" With this thought Tomoyo concentrated on the deep and powerful love that she could feel in Sakura. "I have her love. And that's what's important, not anything else!" Sure enough, the icy pain vanished in the warm wonderful glow of Sakura's love. But then she felt her love swelling as it became mixed with Sakura's love and her control started slipping. "Hold it! We can't afford to wind up locked in that loop again, no matter how wonderful it felt. I need to keep control. Let the feelings go only so far. There! That should do it. It's not really that hard once you know how." She congratulated herself. And tried not to think of her passion.

When they got to her bedroom, Tomoyo handed Sakura a robe and then turned to her closet to undress. She took her time and carefully hung up her clothes before slipping into her robe. Once she was done and a quick glance at Sakura's lower legs revealed that she was in her robe, Tomoyo turned around with a slightly fake smile, and escorted Sakura to her private bath.

Once there, Tomoyo hung up her robe and while being careful to not look at Sakura, she began washing herself. But in less than a minute she felt something on her back. "You don't mind if I wash your back, do you?" Sakura asked as she started running the soapy sponge over Tomoyo's back.

"Of course not." Tomoyo answered automatically as she tried to not think of Sakura. "I can do this. All I have to do is concentrate on washing and nothing else." This worked for a minute or so, but then Sakura dropped the sponge and was running her bare hands over Tomoyo's back.



"I... I want to...touch you. All of you..." She continued in a strange voice as she hugged Tomoyo from the back.

As the words registered in Tomoyo's mind she realized that she had been unconsciously shielding herself from Sakura so she could concentrate on washing. And when she dropped her shield Sakura's feelings came through powerfully. Her love was very strong, but now there was something more! "My Sakura-chan WANTS ME!" As the wonderful thought crashed into Tomoyo's mind, she turned around in Sakura's arms and hugged the taller girl back. Tomoyo could now feel Sakura's excitement growing as well as her own, and she had to concentrate to keep from losing control. "It is SO wonderful! She really wants me!" But as Tomoyo basked in the passion that was now building between them, she remembered where they were. "Not here! Not covered in soap on this hard cold tile floor!"

"Tomoyo? This... is okay isn't it? For us?" In spite of the fiery excitement inside of Tomoyo, she had to smile at the pleading look on the taller girls face.

"Yes! It -is- okay for us! But we must not start anything here. Wait until we get back to my room. Then you can have me. I am all yours, my wonderful Sakura-chan."

"I'm so glad! I wasn't sure about this. You seemed worried or something, but it feels fine now. It's something that's really hard to think about, then suddenly it's like I just want you so much!

"Now just concentrate on washing. And don't touch me right now, okay? It drives me crazy when you touch me."

As they were rinsing themselves, Sakura made a suggestion. "We don't really have to get in the hot tub do we? Why don't we just go straight back to your room?" The way Sakura had said it made Tomoyo grin and quiver all over.

"It's our room now. And no, we don't need to soak now, but do take time to dry yourself properly." Tomoyo finished, grinning at how fast Sakura was using her towel. In less than a minute Sakura was dragging her back to their room. "This feels so wonderful I can hardly stand it!" And once again Tomoyo's face was streaked with tears of joy.

End of Part 2



Continued in "Tomoyo's World -Part 3- Beyond Their Wildest Dreams

AUTHORS NOTE: Someone pointed out that the above title implied that part 4 was about the girls having sex. This is not the case. Tomoyo and Sakura's intimate moments will remain private. After all, how would you like strangers watching you have sex... Okay, -some- of you would like it but... Anyway, no peeking in this series.


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