Story: The Rabbit's Game (chapter 4)

Authors: MadPanda

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Chapter 4

Title: Sisterly Love

[Author's notes:

Alexa and Misaki examine their relationship, Kurumi pays a visit, and the rabbit drops a load.  :-)


Disclaimer: Yup, I own this story.  I don't own the Tokyo Dome, Elvis, Godzilla, or the animated short I allude to in this chapter.  Those are all registered trademarks and/or properties of their respective rights handlers.  Wanna see where this all fits?  Read on, brave souls!  :-)


Chapter Four - Sisterly Love

Alexa's mind was a whirlpool of emotions as she sat on the sofa, one arm firmly wrapped around a quiet Misaki.  'Should I have told her all of that?' she thought to herself.  She turned her head to see the young brunette deep in thought, processing the unbelievable tale she had just been told.  "Are you okay with all of this, Misaki-chan?"

The girl turned to face the redhead.  "Well, when someone tells you they are a cursed prophetess who has actually seen the Trojan Horse, it is rather hard to be 'okay with that', is it not?"  Misaki gave said prophetess a wink before continuing.  "It will take some time for it all to sink in, but I will be alright.  What is more important is whether or not you are okay with all of this, Alexa-chan."  Her voice was soft and caring.  "You have someone to confide in now--something you probably haven't had in a long time.  Will you be okay not having to bear the weight of the world alone anymore?"

Alexa thought that to be a strange question--better yet, she thought of the word "alone".  It had been part of her being for millennia.  Sure, she had lovers and had even fallen deeply in love twice over the past hundred years, but even then she had dealt with her curse alone.  Now there is Misaki, who not only knows about her curse, but who is willing to be a co-bearer of that curse.  Could Misaki bear even one or two of the horrors she has seen in her unnaturally long lifetime?  And if by some miracle she could, would she be able to stand it when Misaki eventually dies and she herself lives on...alone?

"I...don't know.  I'm sure to outlive you, and if I come to depend on you, and that happens...I don't want to think about it."

Misaki tried her best to comfort Alexa.  "You are afraid to face life without me?  To have me too close to your heart, only to lose me as you know you will?"  She lifted Alexa's head and stared into her green eyes.  "I understand that, and I think I understand you feeling this way now..  Even if you are immortal, you are deserving of love and happiness, just like everyone else.  And when you outlive those who you have loved, you carry their strength and love with you to help you through."

"Yeah, that's what I used to think, Misaki-chan."  Alexa turned her head away and lifted herself from the sofa, walking towards the bay window of the living room.  "It doesn't really work that way, y'know.  When someone I love dies, all it does is remind me of how alone I truly am.  What's worse, I see it coming.  It's not like they're suddenly ripped away from me; I see their deaths days, months, sometimes years in advance.  I don't tell them, letting them live their lives and love freely, while I try to make them happy until the end.  When they're gone, I try to carry on, but losing their love hurts so much."

Misaki tried to console Alexa, but a weak "I'm sorry" was all she could muster.

"The night you met me, I wasn't just visiting the Kobe memorial, I was mourning the last person I loved.  She lived here, and we spent a lot of time together.  I didn't tell her of my curse, but she knew something was different about me, and wanted to help.  I left her, knowing she was destined to love someone else, raise a family, and die in the Kobe Earthquake.  I didn't tell her that, of course.  I did tell her that, if she stayed by my side, that something terrible would happen to her.  She didn't care--she wanted to be with me.  So, I left her.  I left Japan, and did not return until after the quake."

"That's why you were crying," Misaki said sadly.  "Are you afraid you are repeating the same events with me?  That I will love you too much to let you go, and that you will leave me?"  Alexa was walking aimlessly around the living room, and stopped when Misaki grabbed her hand as she passed the sofa.  "Tell me, Alexa-chan!  Are you afraid to love me?"

Alexa snatched her hand away.  "Haven't you been listening?  I -can't- love you, Misaki-chan!  I -can't- lose you!"

"Then we will just have to find a way for me to live forever, or for you to become mortal, do we not?"  Misaki stood and embraced a stunned Alexa.  "My being able to understand you must mean we're destined to be together.  I am sure of this.  See for yourself!"

" doesn't work that way, Misaki-chan," Alexa said, finally returning the smaller girl's embrace.  "I can't call up a prophecy--it just comes to me.  I haven't seen one with you in it...yet."  Her mood brightened a little when she realized that fact.  "You do have a point...but that doesn't mean I -won't- see a vision of you.  It just means I haven't."

"Good.  Then love me, Alexa-chan.  Please love me and let me be with you.  Let me help you in any way I can.  Who knows?  Since I can hear you, maybe I can change my fate.  Maybe I already have just by being with you.  No one knows for sure...not even you, my prophetess!"  She placed her head on Alexa's chest and smiled.  "We are destined to be together.  I do not need to be a prophetess to see that.  Love me, Alexa-chan."

Alexa found the brunette's argument hard to fight, and her conviction hard to shake.  'Maybe she's right,' she thought to herself.  'Maybe this time...'  She started to sway with Misaki in her arms, as if she was dancing to some music only she could hear.  Misaki picked up the slow rhythm and the two of them were soon lost in their private song.


Early in the evening, a silver VW Beetle pulled into the driveway, and a raven-haired woman stepped out, closing the door behind her.  "I should've called before I got here," she mused.  "I hope I don't walk in on anything--if I do, it'll be their own fault!"  The woman smirked as she stuck the key into the front door of the house.

"Tadaima!", she yelled, alerting her sister of her arrival.  Truth be told, she was hoping to see Misaki running down the stairs dressed only in a sheet, scolding her for not calling first.  She was disappointed to see a fully-dressed Misaki quickly emerging from the kitchen and entangling her in a sisterly hug.

"Oh, Ku-chan!  It is so nice to see you safe and sound!" Misaki's grip on Kurumi got tighter with every word.

"I was safe until I got here!" Kurumi joked between gasps of air.  "Can you let go now?"

Misaki gave her sister an even tighter hug before letting go.  "Sorry, Ku-chan!  With what has happened--or did not happen, as the case may be--I am happy to see you!"

Kurumi kept an eye on Misaki, wondering what had gotten into her normally quiet little sister.  After removing her coat and shoes, she plopped herself down on the sofa.  "So, what's this about a stampede at the Big Egg?  And how did you know about it?"

"I'm doing well, Ku-chan, how about you?" Misaki replied, partly annoyed that her sister didn't ask how she was, and partly avoiding the question altogether.  "Have you eaten?"

"Don't give me that!  I want answers!  You can't just drop something like that on me and not expect to explain at least part of it!"

Misaki just smiled at her sister.  She knew the best way to counter Kurumi's reporter's tactics was to give a 'no comment' smile.  It frustrated the older sibling to no end.


The younger brunette walked over to the sofa and sat next to her sister.  "You would not believe me if I told you, so it is best you do not know.  What is important is that you are safe, and home with us!"

Kurumi stewed for a moment then turned her head away, obviously miffed.  "You always do that, y'know?  One of these days I'm gonna get inside your head and find out every little secret you've--'us'?"  She suddenly found a new lead to follow.  "So, who's this 'someone special' you mentioned?  He's still here, huh?"

"Well, this person is definitely special, but it's not a--"

"Misaki-chan, you're not allergic to anything, are you?"  A female voice called out from the kitchen.

"--he'."  Misaki finished her sentence and blushed furiously.

Kurumi raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips, trying to form a question but for once not being able to get the right words in order.

The tall redhead entered the living room wearing an apron, and holding two spice jars in either hand.  "I wanted to know because I like using--"  She caught sight of Kurumi, and her green eyes flared brightly for a moment.  Misaki leapt off the sofa to help steady her, and in a moment she was alright.  A bit winded, but alright.

" must be Kurumi-san.  My name is Alexa Melanos.  I'm pleased to meet you."  Alexa tried to bow, but she began to stagger.  Misaki offered a shoulder and helped the girl to a loveseat.

"Same here..." Kurumi drawled.  She watched the goings-on curiously, wondering what could have caused the flame-haired woman's eyes to glow like that, and what it took out of her.  "Are you okay?"

"She just needs to catch her breath," Misaki answered.  "You startled her with your incredible hideousness.  It is a wonder she did not turn into stone."

"Ha ha ha," came Kurumi's droll reply.  "Seriously, should we be calling an ambulance?"

Alexa waved the woman off.  "No, but thank you very much for your concern.....  I'm in good hands here."  She took hold of Misaki's hands and gently held them.

The looks the two women gave each other answered Kurumi's question before she could ask it.  It didn't bother her--more like it surprised her.  To Kurumi, her little sister was the one she'd expect to go the "childhood sweetheart" route--meet 'the one', fall madly in love with him, and pump out a couple of kids while he slaved away at some office.  Misaki never dated, rarely talked about boys (or girls, for that matter) and always stayed focused on her schoolwork or, lately, her writing.  So seeing her emotionally involved with a beautiful woman was the last thing on Kurumi's mind.  Whoever this new woman was, she was sure Misaki loved her.

"Should I get you some water?"  Kurumi asked.

"Yes, please!" Misaki thanked her sister and waited for her to leave the room before whispering to Alexa.  "What did you see?"

"It's Tokyo Dome...and that stupid rabbit was there!"  Alexa scrunched her lips as a foul taste entered her mouth.  She took a moment to process the vision, then she smacked herself in the forehead.  "Crap!  I forgot all about her!"

"What are you talking about, Alexa-chan," Misaki asked worriedly.  "And what is with the rabbit again?"

"Later, after your sister's asleep, okay?"  Alexa motioned to the kitchen, where Kurumi emerged with a glass of water.  "Thank you, Kurumi-san."  She downed the water quickly, took a deep breath and sat back in the loveseat.

Seeing the redhead was looking better, Kurumi noticed something familiar.  "Hey, aren't those MY clothes??"


Paul stood in the parking lot of the glittering white-and-blue stadium, which right now was awash in pandemonium.  "I don't see what the big fuss is about," he said smugly.  "It's not like they were seeing Elvis come back from the grave or anything."

"You just had to prove the old adage about yelling 'fire!' in a crowded theatre, didn't you, dear brother."  Artemis stood beside him, in a form only he could see.

Paul answered the ghostly goddess' question, oblivious to the bedlam in front of them.  "Hey, I have to make my student look good, don't I?  I can't just give her a vision and not follow through on it.  What kind of teacher would I be?"

"You do know there are those at Olympus who are not enamored of your mistreatment of the mortals."

"Isn't delivering messages Hermes' job?" Paul joked.  "Look, if they have a problem with me, they know where to find me.  Until then, I'll continue to have my fun."

"You will push things too far, brother, trust me," the goddess sighed.  "By the way, all of the players of your little game are having dinner as we speak.  Please allow them a night of peace before you--"

"Do not dictate to me!" Paul spat.  "I will do as I wish.  I do not fear you...or the others!"

"You should...' Artemis' transparent form faded into nothingness.

"Sisters can be such a pain!".


Kurumi watched as Misaki and Alexa cleared away the dinner dishes.  For two people who had just met, it seemed to her that they had been together for a lifetime.  What was it about this strange redhead that had her little sister so entranced?  Kurumi had to admit, Alexa was beautiful.  She didn't like the idea of the woman wearing one of her outfits, but she gave an approving nod noting how much better the ensemble fit Alexa.

Misaki had related to her sister how the two of them met at the Kobe Memorial, and Kurumi took it in stride.  Between the two sisters, Misaki would always be the one to help a stranger or take in a stray puppy, while Kurumi would ask a dozen questions before even thinking about such a reckless thing.  Helping a stranger is one thing; living with one in your house was quite another.  Kurumi held her questions, though  She saw that Misaki was very happy with this woman, whoever she was, and didn't want to disrupt that happiness.

Kurumi left the couple and returned to the living room, where she turned on the TV.  The first image she was was a helicopter shot of a crowd of people rushing out of Tokyo Dome.  A cold chill ran up her spine, as she realized she could've been in the middle of that madness.  "Well I'll be damned!"  She looked towards the kitchen, and back to the screen.  "I don't know what's going on here, but I'm sure as hell going to find out."

Alexa came out of the kitchen and walked past the TV, ignoring the images..

Kurumi weaved her head around the redhead's form as she passed by.  "Hey! Did you see this?  All kinds of cra--"

"Yeah, I know," Alexa interrupted.  "I'm glad you and your boyfriend are okay."  She had a distant look in her eye, as she headed up the stairs.

Misaki entered the living room and sat next to Kurumi.  "Is that Tokyo Dome? is crazier than I thought it would be!"  She turned to her sister and gave her a hug.  "Thank you for staying away from there, Ku-chan!"

"Uh, yeah..."  Kurumi was trying to make sense of it all, and couldn't.  "Where is she going?", she asked pointing to the stairs.

"She went to get her stuff out of your room, to put it in mine."

"Did she...did she sleep in my room last night?" Kurumi asked nervously.

"No...she fell asleep on the sofa."  Misaki let go of her sister and gave her a sly look.  "But that was last night..."  She smirked, letting the sentence hang before seeing the comprehension light up her sister's face.

"Misaki-chan!" the raven-haired woman shouted, then lowered her voice so Alexa wouldn't hear her.   "How much do you really know about this woman?  I mean, really!  You just met her last night!  She could be a con artist or something!"

"Right, Ku-chan.  Actually, I was the one who lured her here.  She was just minding her business.  So maybe I am the con artist or even worse...a -lesbian- con artist!"  She grinned and headed towards the stairs.

"What has gotten into her?" Kurumi wondered to herself.


Alexa had moved her bag into Misaki's room, and was looking over her notes in the Blue Book.  "Well, I guess this one's done for now.  Hopefully the injury total won't be as high as I predicted, now that Kurumi's actually here."  She made a check mark next to the "Riot at Kobe concert" entry, and flipped the page.  "A ferry sinking in Taiwan...a major snowstorm up north...a couple of minor quakes..."  She closed the book and yawned.  "All those would be easier to deal with than this.  Maybe I misunderstood that idiot rabbit.  He never actually mentioned Kurumi by name."

"What are you talking about, Alexa-chan?"  Misaki was standing in the doorway of her room, admiring the redhead.  "You keep mentioning the 'rabbit'.  Wanna talk about it now?"

"Nah, it can wait.  You go enjoy some time with your sister.  I'm going to take a hot bath, and probably turn in early."  Alexa felt she had to really sort some things out.  "I'm sure Kurumi-san has a few questions for you."

"Awww..." Misaki moaned.  "And I was so looking forward to our first bath together."  She entered the room and gave Alexa a kiss.  "We still have to talk, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah," Alexa waved.  "Now go downstairs, before she thinks we're having sex or something up here."


One thing Alexa loved about the Japanese was their love for baths.  She sank into the tub and let the hot water envelop her, bringing back memories of the baths she had in Ancient Greece.  "These aren't nearly as spacious, but they're still soothing," she noted.  She put her head back and let her mind drift.

She found herself once again in the park of her dream.  As before, the carousel played in the background, and a group of squirrels were busily gathering whatever they could find.  Alexa waited for the rabbit to show, but was startled to see a deer standing peacefully in the middle of the field.  The deer was watching some butterflies fluttering around near its nose.  Alexa watched her, thinking there should be something happening right about now, but not sure what.

"Maybe you're waiting for Godzilla's foot to come crashing down on her, followed by a long piano chord?"  The voice came from her left, where the rabbit was nonchalantly eating a rice ball.

Alexa thought about the comment for a moment, then burst into laughter.  "That's it!  I knew I've seen it somewhere before!"

"You don't know how many times I'd wish it would actually happen," the rabbit said, his words full of disdain.

"I heard that!" the deer yelled.

"So, to what do I owe the honor of your presence...your beautifully naked presence, I might add," the rabbit leered.

Alexa looked down to see she was indeed absolutely bare, letting out a shriek that scared most of the birds out of the park.

"Here, you can use this."   The deer walked over and closed her big, soft eyes.  A cloak appeared around Alexa, covering her from her neck to her thighs.

"Thank you.  I'm glad someone in your family knows a thing or two about modesty."  Alexa glared at the rabbit, who simply grinned.  "Anyway, I've come to tell you I've won your stupid game!"

"Have you now?" the rabbit said incredulously.  "And how do you figure that?"

Alexa turned to fully face the rabbit.  Seeing Kurumi reminded her who she was really supposed to fall in love with--but she couldn't just drop Misaki, especially for her sister.  She was forced her to try to bluff her way past the rules of the game.  "Well, if the squirrel was right, and the Ohta sisters are related to you in some sick, twisted way, then I've already fallen in love with one of them.  You never specified which one.  And I'm already sure I'll be in love with her months from now, if not years from now.  So we don't have to drag this out any longer than we need to.  Just remove the curse and get the hell out of my life!"

The rabbit waited until Alexa's rant was over, and broke out in hysterical laughter.

"What?  What's so funny?"  Alexa was about to grab the rabbit and shake it back into normality when the deer gently nudged her.

"He's taking great mirth in your ignorance, Cassandra," the deer said sadly.

"Alexa!" the redhead spat back.

"Alexa, Alexandra, Cassandra, whatever," the rabbit said, finally regaining its senses.  "Whatever you calling yourself these days, you're still monumentally stupid!"

"What...what do you mean?"

"Did you actually think it would be that easy?  Why do you think the squirrel gave you a walnut?  Why do you think it was the other sister's life in danger?  Why do you think you've fallen in love with the younger sister instead?  And.."--the rabbit glared at the deer--"...why do you think my sister interfered on your behalf?"

Alexa was afraid of this, but she was hoping her bluff would work.  "So, you really did mean Kurumi, didn't you?"

The rabbit threw out its paws.  "Duh!"

"But they're sisters!" Alexa pleaded.  "What does it matter to you which one I fall in love with?"

The rabbit bounded closer to Alexa and looked her dead in the eye.  "It does matter, because they're only half-sisters!"

End of Chapter Four

[End notes:

(Breaks out a box of milk chocolate Pocky)  Hi people!  Thanks for reading this chapter!  Sorry for the delay...normally, I like to take five days between chapters, but some technical problems (and a case of writer's block) hit me.  Gomen nasai!  (bows).

This may not be the best chapter, so I'll apologize before the flames singe my precious fur! (grabs fire extinguisher).  As always, please ignore the sign--''do' feed the panda!

Until next chapter (which will be better and on time!)..."So long, and thanks for all the fish!"


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