Story: Tomoyo's World -Part 1- World Turned Upside Down (chapter 26)

Authors: Risa Kaijuu

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Chapter 26

Title: Chapter 25

Chapter 25

As Ieran stood Tomoyo was able to see it was Syaoran who was lying there. "Poor Sakura. This is going to be traumatic for her." Tomoyo thought to herself as she turned to the Cardmistress.

"Syaoran!" Sakura cried out. "Why did it have to be you..." she trailed off as she began crying. "And you were trying to" She mumbled through her tears.

As Tomoyo looked back at the corpse so she wouldn't have to see her Sakura cry, she caught sight of something strange. It appeared to be a very fine glowing thread coming off of Syaoran and and leading up into nothingness. This triggered something deep in her mind and suddenly she knew what she could do. "It's not too late!" Tomoyo announced as she hopped over to the dead boy. She fell to her knees and as her right hand touched Syaoran's chest the thread got brighter. "Yes! now the other hand" She thought as she put her left hand on the boys forehead. "Now I have to reach down the thread and find his spirit... And I need Earth Energy. And lot's of it..." As she concentrated she closed her eyes and her face took on an intense look.

"What are you doing?" Ieran demanded, but Tomoyo didn't even hear her.

When nothing had happened after five seconds or so, a women standing next to Sakura asked her if this was a Japanese ceremony of some sort. Sakura just shook her head and continued to watch Tomoyo.

A faint creamy white glow had started coming from Syaoran's body. As the seconds went by the glow grew brighter and brighter until it was so bright it hurt the eyes. Everyone could feel the power of the Magic, but no one had ever felt anything quite like it. Syaoran now looked like a statue made of light but still the light got brighter. Finally, after everyone had looked away or closed their eyes to avoid being blinded, the light suddenly winked out.

Everyone had spots in front of their eyes, but as they looked they could see Tomoyo sprawled across Syaoran's body. The man who had pronounced Syaoran dead got to Tomoyo before Sakura did. He gently pulled her off Syaoran and laid her aside, then laid his hand on the boy's chest. "He is alive! He was dead and now he is alive..." He repeated as if he could not believe his own words.

Then as if to prove the man's claim, Syaoran opened his eyes, went ridged...and screamed... Ieran had her hands on him in seconds and he went limp.

There was suddenly a lot of talking which Sakura ignored as she watched Tomoyo who was now being examined. Sakura could feel the man's Magic as he passed his hands over the unconscious girl from head to toe. "How is she?!" Sakura asked with some fear in her voice."

"She has a broken nose and a sprained ankle. Other than that, she is just exhausted. The Magic she just used must have been a great strain on her. But she is replenishing her energy as she sleeps and she should be fine in a few hours.

After a sigh of relief Sakura knelt next to the unconscious girl, took her hand and held it tightly with her left hand as she tenderly brushed some stray hair off Tomoyo's face with her right.

Meanwhile Ieran was talking with her Uncle. "My grandfather told me stories about Earth Magic Adepts who could bring people back to life, but I never really believed him. It seems I did him a disservice." she admitted with wonder in her voice.

When the cars were brought around from where they had been parked, a man carefully lifted and laid Tomoyo on the back seat of a big limousine. Sakura got in and knelt on the floor next to her, holding her hand and keeping her head from moving as the car went around corners. When the car pulled into Ieran's compound the Cardmistress was surprised. "Shouldn't you be taking her to a hospital?" Sakura demanded and the man in the passenger seat replied.

"Her nose has already stopped bleeding on it's own so all it needs is a little tape to hold it straight. With that and a wrap on her ankle and some ice bags she should be fine just resting at Ieran-sama's fine house. And I guarantee it will be more comfortable for her there than any hospital."

"What if something goes wrong? Who will watch over her? I don't know what to do!"

"Don't worry, There will be a fine doctor in the house to watch over her."

"So why isn't he here?" Sakura practically snapped at the man.

"He is attending to Syaoran-sama in another car. It was Ieran-sama's orders."

"Oh, okay." Sakura said quietly as she realized she had forgotten all about the boy who had asked her to marry him just two days before.

It wasn't long before she was cleaned up, had her nose taped and her ankle wrapped. Then with ice bags on both, she lay in a large bed in an elegant room.

Once the Cardmistress was convinced that Tomoyo was as comfortable as was possible, she moved a chair over to the the bed, sat down, took Tomoyo's hand and watched her sleep.


Ieran and Dr. Li had just left after having checked on Tomoyo for the third time when Tomoyo's cell went off. Sakura hesitated but then answered it. It was Eriol.


"No, she is asleep, this is Kinomoto Sakura."

"So she did save you! Of course I did say she was very likely to," he continued proudly, " never know."

After telling Eriol all that she knew of what had happened and assuring him that Tomoyo was okay and would call him back when she was rested she ended the call. When Tomoyo's phone went off again in just a few minutes, Sakura figured it was Eriol with another question, but it turned out to be Tomoyo's mom. And she wanted to speak to her daughter.

"She is sleeping right now. Uh, she was up late last night and she needed a nap."

"Oh? Were you two having fun?" She asked suggestively.

"No! Uh...we were just busy. Sort of... I'll have her call you when she wakes up, okay?" Sakura managed to stammer.

"Okay, but don't forget to tell her."

"I won't. I promise."

Sonomi still wondered how her normally energetic daughter had gotten so tired, but after another assurance that Tomoyo was fine, she hung up.

"I forgot to tell her about the broken nose...and her ankle..." Sakura remembered after hanging up. "Oh well, Tomoyo really should tell her about that herself."

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