Story: More Than Words (chapter 3)

Authors: Janine

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Chapter 3

Part Three


Willow paced the hallways of the school anxiously looking at the door. Xander and Anya were already in the auditorium but she had opted to wait for Giles and Buffy by pacing the halls nervously. The past couple of hours had been torture for her. Not only could they still not speak, but she had to suffer in silence while being haunted by the memories of the kisses she and Buffy had shared. It had been both unexpected and overdue when it finally happened, and all Willow wanted was to be back in Buffy's arms and to stay there for eternity. So, she paced the hallways awaiting the Slayer's return.

Just as she was about check her watch for what had to have been the hundredth time the door flung open and Giles and Buffy came walking in. Buffy's eyes went straight to Willow and they both broke out in huge grins. Buffy tapped Giles on the shoulder and mouthed something to him. The Watcher nodded and headed into the auditorium. Buffy remained where she was until Giles disappeared into the other room, then she walked over to Willow nervously shifting her gaze from the hacker to the floor and back.

Once Buffy reached Willow she extended her hand and grasped Willows. They both stood there shifting their gazes between their joined hands and their eyes. Both feeling so much and not knowing how to describe it, or explain it. They no longer had anything to hide behind. Finally, Willow raised her free hand up to Buffy's cheek and drew them together, capturing the Slayers lips with her own.

The world faded away from them as they themselves in each other embrace. Tongues tangling, bodies pressed against each other, hands roaming, this explored each other. The world around them was forgotten, all that existed was the sweetness of their lips, of their kiss.

Finally, Willow pulled back allowing her and Buffy to take in some much needed oxygen. Once they had gotten their breathing under control Willow looked at the doors to the auditorium as if to saw 'we should probably go in there'. Buffy responded with a look that said 'nah', and began to lean in the capture Willow's lips once more when the doors opened.

Giles stood in the door way with his hands on his hips glaring at them. He was not pleased. It was time for them to take their seats. Class was about to begin.


Buffy shook her head as Giles started the music that was to accompany his presentation. Sometimes the man was such a drama queen.

"Who are the Gentlemen?" The first overhead read. Looking at the scribbled writing Buffy could tell that Giles had spent about as much time preparing this as she usually did studying. Which was to say no time at all.

"Fairy Tale Monsters, come to town to steal the voices of the townspeople" the next overhead read. This one had nice little drawings.

The next two overheads showed an unknown person brutally getting butchered by the Gentlemen while they slept. There were legs thrashing, and arms flailing and Buffy had to wonder at the detail Giles put into these two particular overheads.

The next overhead showed the one of the Gentlemen holding up seven hearts.

After that overhead Xander drew their attention over to him and wrote something down on his board. Holding it up they were able to read it. It said: How do we kill them?

Buffy thought for a moment then got an idea. Bringing their attention over to her she placed her hand over her lap and started to make a pumping motion, lifting her hand up and down. After a few moments she looked around to see what they thought of her idea only to find them all looking at her like she was insane. Buffy looked back at them with a confused expression, then it dawned on her that the motion she was making stood for something completely different to what she wanted to convey. Quickly she reached into her bag pulling out a stake and repeated the motion with her wooden friend. Once she did this they all started nodding in understanding.

Giles put up an overhead with a bunch of swords sticking into one of the Gentlemen once Buffy was finished with her little demonstration. The gist of the overhead seemed to be that not even a lot of swords sticking in them would kill a Gentlemen. Once again Buffy had to wonder at the graphic detail. Next Giles put up an overhead that revealed that only the sound of a scream could kill the Gentlemen. That's why when they came to town they stole everyone's that no one could scream.

Willow got excited after that and started to dig around in her back pack. She obviously had an idea. Eventually she pulled out a C.D. and held it up in the air. Then she started to twitch around in her chair bringing her hand to neck making a choking motion. After that she stuck her tongue out the side of her mouth and slumped down in the chair like she was dead. Then as soon as it was over she sat up straight again and smiled. Buffy looked over at her with an amused grin. God, she loved her!

Giles responded by putting up another overhead. Buffy was beginning to wonder how many of those things he had. On this overhead there was a person and it said that only a HUMAN voice could kill the Gentlemen. Therefore, the C.D was out. Picking up her message board Buffy wrote down a message on it and held it up. Her message read: How do I get my voice back?

Giles didn't have an overhead for that.

They sat in silence for a moment, then Giles put up his last overhead. It had a little drawing of Buffy with her Graduation umbrella, and it instructed Buffy to go patrolling. Buffy stared at the drawing Giles had made of her and frowned. Her hips were huge, what was he thinking? Looking at the overhead she moved her hands to the side of her hips and made half circle motions with her hands. The hips, the hips her actions were saying. My God, look at those hips!

Willow smirked and the others just filed out the room. Following them out Buffy glanced back at the overhead. What was he thinking?


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