Story: Past/Future Visions (chapter 2)

Authors: darkwoofe

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Chapter 2

Title: Chapter Two

Part 2
See Part 1 for disclaimer.


Willow looked to where Cordelia was pointing to the rapidly falling Slayer. Despite her exhaustion she reached over and grabbed Tara’s hand, shouting “Levitation spell!” to the blonde who nodded as she quickly caught on to what the red head was going to try.

Cordelia looked on in dread, as at first there was no noticeable change in her lover’s decent. But as the two Wicca continued to concentrate the rate of Buffy’s fall slowed more. But even with their combined effort Willow and Tara were unable to completely stop the Blonde Slayer from hitting the ground with an audible thud.

For a moment that seemed to last an eternity no one moved or made a sound as they looked at Buffy lying not there. Just as Cordy was about to wail in her anguish, there came a groaning sound from the broken, but still living Slayer. Not wasting a second, she ran quickly to Buffy’s side and was soon join by Dawn who came running from the tower built by the insane God’s servants.


The first thing Buffy noticed was the pain. And while at first she had thought that a bad thing, she soon realized that if she felt pain, that meant she was still alive. She wasn’t sure how she was alive, but if the shooting pain in her left arm was any indication, she was very, very alive. And alive was good, right?

Groggily she slowly opened her eyes squinting as the light filtered through her lashes. Even with the main room lights out the light from her monitors was more than enough for a Slayers eyes to see by. And as she looked around the room she realized she was in a hospital. Again. Yup. Pain plus alive equals hospital she thought. Hospital means closed portal She tried to move her right arm, as it was the one hurting the least and could hold back a gasp of pain as her sore muscles protested.

“Oh, you’re wake!” came a voice from her right causing her to turn her head rapidly witch caused more gasps as she closed her eyes and tried to will the pain to stop. “Ops…I didn’t mean to scare you.” The voice came again sounding wretched at the pain it had caused the Slayer.

Opening her eyes Buffy looked over at the owner of the voice, “Hey Cordy. You here with Angel?”

Angel? Why would she think I’m here with him?
Cordy thought slightly worried. “No. We haven’t been able to get into contact with any of the LA crew.” She answered as she slipped her hand into Buffy’s somewhat less injured right hand. “How are you feeling?” she asked concern lacing her every word.

Buffy gave a bitter half laugh, “Like I fell from something really high.” She answered sarcastically. “Speaking of which, why am I…how did I survive the fall?”

“I saw you falling and showed Willow. She and Tara did a levitation spell. It didn’t stop your fall, but it was enough to slow it down enough for you to survive.” Cordy shuddered and squeezed Buffy’s hand at the memory of seeing her lover falling to what she had thought would be certain death.

Buffy wrinkled her brow in thought. At no time during her fight with Glory had she notice Cordelia arriving. Not that one has time to notice who comes and goes when one is locked in mortal combat with a none too bright Hell God. But still, after she had beaten Glory to the point where she could control the body she was stuck in, she had noticed every one of her friends was more or less in one piece and there had been no Cordelia when she had give her quick check. Then she had sprinted up the stairs to reach Dawn before something happened to her.

“Uh, Cordy. Just when did you show up? I mean I know I was kinda distracted, but I don’t remember you arriving. For that matter, why did you come? When you left you said you weren’t coming back here until you made it big. Did you get a part or something?”

Cordelia sat there looking stunned for a second. Then she stood up and started pacing, “Oh my god! She’s got amnesia! I know! I’ll call Giles! He’ll know what to do!”

Mean time Buffy was calling her, trying to get her attention. Unfortunately her mouth was dry and she was unable to raise her voice above the rant of the brunette as she dialed Giles’ number and informed the watcher of her diagnosis. She came back over to the Slayer’s bed, gently taking her hand.

“It’s okay, Buffy. Giles will know how to get your memories back.” She cooed as she stroked the back of the other girl’s hand.

Using the last of her fast waning strength Buffy shouted, “Cordelia!” finally getting Cordy’s attention at the cost of making her throat fell like she had swallowed glass.

Have gotten a word in, she continued before Cordy could start again. “Cordy, my memory is fine. I remember everything that ever happened to me, even the stuff I wish I could forget. Now will you please answer my questions?”

Calming a little in hopes of not further aggravating the injured Slayer. “Fine.” She said slightly miffed.

“Okay. Is Dawn safe?”

“Yeah. She’s staying at your house with Faith and Oz. She wanted to stay here, but I convinced her she should go…” She was interrupted by the inarticulate sounds coming from Buffy’s mouth. “What is it? Should I call the doctor? She asked already reaching for the nurse call button.

“Faith!” Buffy finally managed to get out. “You left my baby sister with that psycho!” Buffy shouted. She struggled to remove the IV from her left arm wincing at the ache in her right.

Cordy reached over and gently restrained her good arm. “Buffy! What is wrong with you? You know neither Faith or Oz would let anything happen to Dawn!”

Buffy relented, not because of Cordy’s argument, but because of how easily the brunette was able to hold her down. That combined with the exhaustion creeping up on her convinced her she would have to wait until she was in better shape to face Faith. Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes as she realized how completely helpless she was to help her sister. She never saw as Cordy lean forward and placed a loving kiss on her lips until she realized she was kissing her back.

She used the last of her strength to push the brunette away. “What was that?” she gasped, trying to catch her breath. Not that it had been unpleasant, but… “You just kissed me! She accused, all other thoughts gone.

Cordelia smiled happily, “Well isn’t that how you normally comfort your girlfriend?” she asked.

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