Dear Min,
I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I miss you sooo much. I try to pretend I can forget you if I just give myself enough time. I know that it's a lie. Trying to forget you is like trying to forget life. I replay your image in my mind. I remember the first time I met you. How I couldn't help, but look at you. How you'd catch me looking at you. She just blushed and looked back. I just wanted you to know I still think about you.
Dear Min,
I smelled your perfume today. I startled me. I was leaving the apartment, when the breeze from the hallway window caught my nose. I could smell your perfume. I both smiled and cried. I found myself looking around for your.
Dear Min,
I went to court today. It was long and frustrating. It didn't help that I couldn't sleep last night. I don't think I've ever wanted to roll over and hold you so much before. My arms miss holding you. My body craves your warmth and your touch. My lips miss yours. I miss the feel of your hair against my face, when I wake up in the morning. I miss the way you'd tickle me, when I refused to get up. I just thought you should know, what sleep I did get. I got when I moved to your place in our bed.
Dear Min,
I went to court again today. It was more of the same. Went I came home, I sat in the chair by the window. You know my favorite one. The blue armchair with the cuts, tears, and stains. The one you always demanded I get rid of. I sat down in it to read, like I always do. Somehow, I fell asleep. I swear I woke up to your complaining about "the rickety thing." I will never get rid of it now. So, I'll always have a way to hear your voice.