Story: To Catch A Killer (chapter 3)

Authors: Ororo

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Chapter 3

Title: Tempers Flare

Part 2

Elisa made her way down the great hall, the sconces that lined the wall lighting the way. She reached the elevator just as the doors opened. She stepped blindly inside, her progress halted when she bumped into someone. "Elisa?" The brunette looked up into concerned blue eyes. For a brief moment she lost herself in Fox's piercing gaze. "Fox," Elisa whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. The red head took a step toward her. "Detective Maza," David Xanatos said. He wrapped an arm around his wife's slender waist. Fox froze fighting, the urge to take Elisa in her arms.

Elisa's gaze slid from the arm around Fox's waist into David Xanatos's dark gaze. He was standing slightly behind his wife. His lips curled into a smile when their eyes met. The hand on Fox's waist slid higher to just below her breast. Elisa's eyes followed. "Detective Maza, are you okay?" he asked.

Elisa pulled her gaze away from his hand. She tried telling herself she had no right to be jealous, but that didn't stop her angry response. "When will you two get enough of playing God?" She looked between the couple. "Is that why you live in a castle on top of a skyscraper? So that you can look down on the people whose lives you've destroyed?" Elisa accused. She knew the gargoyles didn't have the technology to research Delilah's fertility and gestation cycle, but the couple in front of her did. "She's not a guinea pig. I won't let you hurt her. I'll stop you, all of you, anyway that I can." She moved to get on the elevator.

David Xanatos stepped aside. His wife didn't. Fox stood in front of Elisa, glaring at her. "You will not speak to me like some criminal on the street. This is my home, and you are a guest only because I say so." Elisa brushed past the angry red head. "I'm not done," Fox snapped. She grabbed Elisa by the forearm and spun her around.

"You will learn manners, or I will teach them to you," the red head warned.

"Fox!" David Xanatos called out, never having seen his wife so angry. "I want to know what you're accusing me of," Fox demanded.

Elisa reared up on her heels getting into the red head face, but David Xanatos stepped between the two women.

"That's enough! I want you to leave, Detective Maza." Fox released Elisa. She turned to face her husband.

"David?" Fox asked.

Elisa stood frozen staring, between the husband and wife. "It's nothing, darling. Goliath came to me for help," David Xanatos said. "You were busy with the X-10 rifle project. I didn't want to bother you."

Elisa stepped quietly into the waiting elevator. "I'm not busy now; care to explain it to me?" she heard Fox say as the elevator doors slid shut.

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