Story: Tall, Dark, and Bishoujo (chapter 2)

Authors: Monikku

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Chapter 2

[Author's notes: More absurdity...]

"Tall, Dark, and Bishoujo..."
Written by Monikku
Inspired by A Whole Mess O' People

The continuation...

"Oi! Oi!" Yukari stood in front of her home room class, attempting to get
the attention of her students. "We've got a bunch of new students to the
school, though they are all in different grades, they've all been dumped to
this homeroom. I know it seems illogical, but, eh, I stopped asking questions a
long time ago." Yukari waved her hand dismissively.

"Anyway, they all seem pretty snobbish, but they ARE better than the rest
of you. So, show them some respect, as the majority of you have no future...
Chiyo-chan, of course, excluded." Yukari motioned for the plethora of students
to enter the class room.

"Oi, new students," Yukari exclaimed, "wear tags or something, I don't want
to have to remember all of your names."

Sachiko's indigation overwhelmed her. Yumi, frightened by the gruffness of
public school, stood close to her Onee-sama. Yumi whispered to Sachiko, "Is
this what public school is like?"

Youko stood in front of the group of Lillian students and spoke on their
behalf, "We thank you for warmly accepting us into your student body. We shall
do our best to integrate smoothly during our stay, and appreciate your

"You see," Yukari stood and clapped, "This is an elegant air. She and her
kind will end up owning all of you; Driving expensive foreign cars, living in
giant mansions, having genius children like Chiyo-chan..." Yukari's eyes
narrowed as she spoke further, "You bunch of over privileged brats, shut up and
sit down!"

Sei looked over her shoulder to find a rather large breasted girl standing
just behind she and Sachiko. The girl stared at Sachiko longingly, her
enormous, oddly shaped hat shaded her features.

Shimako whispered to Sei, having caught the direction of her gaze, "I don't
remember that strange girl going to Lillian... or her friend."

"Mmm," Sei nodded in response.

Yumi walked towards the teacher, and asked timidly, "Tanizaki-sensei,"

Tomo jumped from her seat and pointed at Yumi, "Yukari-chan!"

"Pardon me?" Yumi replied.

"There is no Tanizaki-sensei! There is only Yukari-chan."

"Shut up, Tomo-chan." Yukari shouted. "She's being respectful!"

"But Yukari-chan doesn't deserve respect!" Tomo exclaimed, a giant,
self-satisfied smile upon her face.

Yukari's eyes turned to triangles of rage as she stormed after Tomo, a
rolled textbook in hand, prepared to beat some sense into the girl.

"This is so nostalgic!" Tomo yelled.

"You don't get beaten nearly enough," Yomi stated in a monotone voice.

Rosa Foetida found herself drawn to Ririsu, and began to play with the
dangling tip of her hat. Her eyes glimmered with unrestrained curiosity, "You
are so unusual."

"Oi, Hatsuki-chan," Ririsu clung to Hatsuki's side adoringly, "protect me."
Hatsuki ignored Ririsu, mumbling something about finding Hatsumi.

Ken-chan buzzed around Eriko, "Hey, I am unusual! Play with me!"

Just then, a tall, queer man appeared from no where dressed as a canary and
wearing a large witch-hat similar to Ririsu's, "I am even more unusual! Play
with me! All of you! Play with me!"

"Oi, you aren't unusual," Sei declared, "You are disturbing."

Kaorin's face paled at the sight of Kimura-sensei, "You have no idea."

Kagura slapped Kaorin in the back and laughed, "Yeah, try being his
favourite! Ne, Kaorin?"

"Where did you come from?" Kaorin asked.

"I dunno, the same place you did, I had to get into this chapter somehow."
Kagura responded.

"What about me?" Rei asked.

"Yeah!" Yoshino interjected, "Rei hasn't even been mentioned yet!" she

"Neither had I!" Kagura hollared.

"Ah," Ririsu exclaimed, as though she had come to a great resolution, "I
see the problem is that there are too many of you to keep track." Ririsu pulled
out a large revolver from her hat, "We can fix that."

Kagura sat wide eyed, "You are even more violent than Yukari, ara, you
know..." Kagura slowly headed for the door, "I don't need to be in this chapter
that badly."

"I didn't think you did," Ririsu smiled smugly.

Osaka leaned in towards a slightly frightened and confused Chiyo, "Things
are going to get more interesting than usual."

"Hai." Chiyo responded, in a voice filled with dread.


The insanity continues even further (or something)...

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