Let's Stick Together

a Zoids fanfiction by Jody "Uncle Joe" Cheesemore

                  Let’s Stick Together
{Author’s Note: Okay, this is my first ever attempt at
writing a lemon, so please forgive me if this story seems
a bit messed up. Any feedback would be greatly
appreciated, just in case I decide to write any more.
Thanks for your patience. Laters!!}


{The Scene: Prince Rudolph’s Palace, the Capital of

It was a pleasant summer’s evening, with the sun burning
an incandescent shade of orange as it sank beyond the
horizon. Deep within the palace walls, voices could be
heard exchanging pleasantries, as Prince Rudolph led both
Fiona and Moonbei around the immaculately decorated

“..But your highness, there really is no need to be this
generous,” pleaded a rather flustered Moonbei. The young
regent seemed genuinely intent on showing his guests
every hospitality.

“It’s the least I could do to show my appreciation for
everything you’ve all done for me. What with your help in
regards to Lord Prozen, the Deathsoarer and all, the very
least I can do is let you stay here in my humble home.”
Moonbei glanced to Fiona and shrugged, after all, the
Prince wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Just then,
Fiona glanced back over her shoulder, and gave a bemused
look to her travelling companion.

“Speaking of the others, where are Van, Zeke and Irvine
anyway?” Moonbei simply threw a sympathetic arm around
her friend’s shoulder and put her at ease.

“You know those guys,” she groaned, “never happy unless
their planning another one of their adventures. Well, I
did overhear them mentioning something about looking for
those two flying Zoid pilots. Now that I think of it,
their voices DID sound somewhat familiar.” While Moonbei
was wracking her memory, Prince Rudolph stopped in front
of two giant doors, at least ten feet in height. With a
deft turn of a key, the diminutive monarch gently swung
open the enormous doors, and led the two young women into
the grandest of all bedrooms. Magnificent lavender silk
ribbons billowed across the ceiling from the central
light fixing, ornate glass-panelled doors opened out onto
the veranda, on the east wall hung a large-scale portrait
of a young well-groomed couple, and opposite was a large
king-size four-poster bed, each corner pillar adorned
with the most intricate of carvings. As for the bed
covers, the thickest and most luxurious furs ran from the
foot of the bed, right up under the mink pillows, and on
the beautifully decorated headboard. “Whoa,” Moonbei
stood agog, gazing admiringly about the room, “nice digs,
Rudolph. Belong to those two?” She extended a finger, in
the direction of the massive portrait.

“This was my parents’ bedroom.” Rudolph was trying not to
cry, as both his mother and father had passed away many
years before.

     Fiona, meanwhile, had wandered over to a set of
giant mirrored doors, and as she did so, they glided
apart to reveal the largest collection of clothes she had
ever seen. “Are these your parents’ as well?”
“Yes,” he replied, wiping a tear from his eye, “never had
the heart to get rid of them.” Both Fiona and Moonbei
browsed away, almost open-mouthed at how magnificent some
of the outfits were. ”Feel free to help yourselves to
whatever you like.” Fiona let go of one of the dresses
she was holding.

“Oh no, we wouldn’t want to intrude.” She gave Moonbei a
gentle nudge in the ribs, and she too shook her head in
agreement. The little prince gave a slight grin.

“No, please I insist,” he cooed. “As a matter of fact, I
wouldn’t mind seeing you two ladies dressed up in
something formal for dinner this evening. Is eight thirty
okay?” Moonbei almost jumped.

“See you there, your highness. Eight thirty, it is!” And
with that, Rudolph left, closing the massive boudoir
doors behind him. “Gee,” grinned a rather satisfied
Moonbei, “wasn’t it nice of the little prince to let us
loose in his folks’ stuff?” It was then that she heard
Fiona let out a little sigh.

“I don’t know, Moonbei. It doesn’t feel right.” Moonbei
gently grasped Fiona’s shoulders, and tried to reassure

“Don’t worry about it, kiddo. After all, he did insist.”
Moonbei held Fiona by the chin, and gazed soulfully into
her eyes “I don’t know about you, but I welcome the
chance to show those to lunk-heads, Van and Irvine, what
they’re missing out on. And besides, we wouldn’t want to
disappoint young Rudolph now, would we?”

“Since you put it like that,” Fiona smiled, “I guess

“There you go!” Moonbei grabbed Fiona in a big sisterly
hug. “Now, first things first: where’s the shower?”


Right next door to the bedroom was the master bathroom.
Exorbitantly decorated, it was awash with gold fittings
interspersed with coral-pink marble surfaces. Murals
depicting aquatic scenes adorned every wall and even the
high arched ceiling. At the centre of such luxuriance, in
a large marble bathtub, lay Moonbei, relaxing away in a
soothing bubble bath.

{*This is the life*} she thought as she lay, almost half-
asleep, in an ocean of bubbles. Moonbei had a tremendous
figure, not that you’d know, since she usually kept it
hidden away beneath all manner of unflattering attire.
From her chocolate-brown hair, her olive skin, her supple
shoulders, her ample bosom, her toned abdomen, her pert
peach-like rump, all the way down her athletic legs to
her perfect little toes: she had a physique any man would
lust after. This was not lost on Moonbei, as she drifted
away, her breasts periscoping above the water’s surface.
{*If Van and Irvine could see me*} she grinned to
herself, {*they’d go out of their minds!*} She was about
to gently begin stroking herself at such a delicious
notion, when there was a knock at the door. “Come in,
it’s open” yelped Moonbei as she eased herself into a
seated position.

And in slid Fiona.

“What’s up, kiddo?” Moonbei smiled at her temporary

“I was just wondering how long you were going to be in
here, as I was thinking of having a bath, too.”

“Well, if you want to, you can join me in here,” Moonbei
chirped to a somewhat surprised Fiona. “As the saying
goes, ‘The more, the merrier’!”

“I wouldn’t want to intrude,” Fiona replied sheepishly.

“C’mon, it’ll be great,” the attractive zoid pilot
gestured. “Besides, I could do with the company!” After
some persuasion, the young girl succumbed.

“Oh, okay,” then Fiona’s voice changed. “But you got to
close your eyes while I get ready.” Moonbei shrugged, and
then did as she was asked. But the moment Fiona’s back
was turned…

Moonbei gazed longingly as Fiona eased her shirt off over
her head, allowing her flowing blond locks to fall back
into position. The young zoidian turned slightly as she
unfastened her shorts, giving Moonbei a glimpse of a
pert, palm-sized breast. Biting her lip, Moonbei began
touching herself intimately in anticipation, as Fiona
bent over, easing her shorts and panties down over her
tight little ass simultaneously, and on down to the
bathroom floor. As Fiona straightened up, Moonbei quickly
shut her eyes again, so not to be found at, and there was
a gentle *splash* as Fiona entered the bubbly waters.
When Moonbei re-opened her eyes, she looked across and
there was Fiona, up to her neck in suds. A mild grin
crept across Moonbei’s face.

“Aw Fiona! There’s no need to be shy,” she purred as she
rose up out of the water, “After all, just look at me. Do
I look shy?” Fiona’s eyes widened at the sight of her
companion’s wondrously naked form. Moonbei was stood on
the bottom of the bath, the surface of the water rippling
about her taut buttocks. Fiona experienced an inner
warmth as her gaze travelled along Moonbei’s figure: her
penetrating jade-green eyes; her voluptuous breasts, each
topped with a perfectly pert nipple; her sumptuous
curves; and a little tuft of pubic hair peek-a-booing
above the bubbly surface. Fiona’s lower self tensed
rhythmically as she was transfixed by Moonbei’s beautiful
body. This was not lost on Moonbei, who seemingly
lingered for a moment before leaving.

“Oh well, I suppose we better go pick out something to
wear for dinner tonight!” And with that, she vaulted out
of the bath and wandered into the bedroom, leaving a
faint scent of musk in the air. As Moonbei’s sensuous
aroma hit Fiona, she felt one almost violent twitch down
below, and then suddenly all was calm. It was then that
she realized...

{*I couldn’t be… With Moonbei?*}

After a time, Fiona herself walked into the bedroom, and
found several outfits strewn about the floor and bed.
Unsure of the cause, she called out to her friend.
“Moonbei! Where are you?”

“Won’t be a minute,” came the reply. “Take a seat, will
ya?” Fiona’s still naked form traversed the bedroom
floor, littered with various garments, and sat gently on
the bed. A wave of pleasure washed over Fiona, as the bed-
sheets’ luxurious fibres tickled and caressed her soft
thighs and her young petals. Fiona silently wanted more,
but was distracted by Moonbei’s disembodied voice: “Well,
this is rather strange.”

“What is it, Moonbei?” enquired Fiona.

“Everything’s furry,” came the puzzled response. “All the
clothes in here are covered in it. If I didn’t know any
better, I’d say that Rudolph’s folks were a couple of fur

“There’s nothing wrong with fur, Moonbei,” yelped the
young Zoidian, looking around at the discarded fashions.
“As a matter of fact, I rather like it, too!” There was a
brief pause.

“Oh, really?” Moonbei’s voice purred, almost cat-like.
“Well Fiona, you’ll love this!” Fiona looked up, and
there was Moonbei: naked as a jaybird, save for a full-
length silver fox-fur coat, topped off with matching
boots and hat. “Well,” she said as she slowly pirouetted,
“what do you think?” Fiona was aghast; Moonbei was like a
big sister to her, but the sheer sight of her draped in
furs really deeply aroused her. Almost as if to tease
young Fiona, Moonbei began to run her hands seductively
over the softness of the fur coat. She quietly moaned in
ecstasy as she gently caressed herself, paying particular
attention to her buttocks first, then her midriff, and
finally, she stroked the fur sleeves of the coat against
her breast and her moistening sex. Fiona, meanwhile, was
feeling decidedly left out, and with that notion in mind,
she rose from the bed and made her way over to Moonbei.
As Fiona reached her, they carefully slid their arms
around each other and embraced, lovingly. Their bodies
pressed together, rubbing against each other, separated
only by a soft layer of fox fur, the two young women were
becoming sexually aroused by their intertwining. Unable
to withstand it any longer, Moonbei gently held Fiona by
the chin and kissed her full and deeply on the lips. This
pleased Fiona, who responded by parting her lips
slightly, allowing their tongues to discover each other.
They moaned longingly into each other, as they held one
another in their arms for what seemed like an eternity.
As they kissed, Moonbei relaxed one of her arms and
manoeuvred its furry sleeve in between herself and her
new lover. Bending her knees ever-so slightly, she began
working the fox-fur into Fiona’s moisture-rich pussy.
Fiona let out a muffled scream of pleasure, and placing a
hand on Moonbei’s sleeve; she held it and massaged it
into herself. Moonbei began rubbing her crotch against
Fiona’s, allowing the both of tem to experience the
pleasurable sensation of the long fur fibres inside of
them. Eager and ever wanting more, Moonbei teased open
Fiona’s clit with her index and middle fingers and,
keeping hold of her sleeve with her remaining fingers,
she gently forced a small section into the moist opening.

“Oh YES!! MOONBEI, YES!!” screamed the young zoidian as
her body pulsed in the throes of sexual desire and
ecstasy. As Fiona trembled, she removed the fur hat from
atop Moonbei’s head, much to her bewilderment.

“What are you doi-AAAAAAAHHHH!!!” Moonbei was pleasantly
interrupted as Fiona, making a soft peak in the hats side
with her forefinger, pushed the fur deep into her
friend’s dripping vagina. This made Moonbei weak at the
knees, causing her to fall softly to the floor, pulling
Fiona down on top of her. The impact with the bedroom
floor not only forced the furs deeper inside both Fiona
and Moonbei, but it also caused their lips to meet for
one long lingering passionate Kiss. All the while, the
erotic tension built up inside of them:- surging please,
sexual desire, the feeling of one’s body against another;
the pressure grew until, unable to withhold herself any
longer, Fiona violently arched herself backwards and,
facing skywards, she screamed in sexual agony:-


“ME TOOO-AAAAUUUGH!” And in one final burst, they
collapsed into one another’s embrace, their pussies
dripping their sweet nectar; mingling with the fox fur
that gave them such pleasure.

After what seemed like an eternity, Fiona awoke, to find
herself being soothingly cradled by Moonbei. Moonbei,
upon realising that Fiona was no longer asleep, kissed
her softly, and rested Fiona’s head on her ample breast.
The two lovers gazed deeply into each other’s eyes. “I
suppose,” purred a rather happy Fiona, “we really should
be getting ready for dinner!” Moonbei simply smiled.

“What’s the rush, my dear?” She winked down at her new
love. “After all, we’ve still got another hour!”


It was way past eleven o’ clock in the evening by the
time Moonbei and Fiona staggered back to their temporary
lodgings, somewhat worse for wear. Closing the gargantuan
doors behind them, swathes of moonlight pouring in
through the equally immense windows, the two girls
stumbled through the semi-darkness and finally collapsed
onto the giant bed. Feeling the after effects of a rather
generous consumption of a nice vintage wine, Fiona and
Moonbei lay motionless, almost in an attempt to stop
their rather inebriated world from spinning. Truth be
known, they did cause quite a sensation when they finally
arrived at dinner: this was mainly due to their ravishing
attire. The young Fiona was dressed in an elegant
strapless white velvet gown that was slashed up one side,
all the way up to mid thigh. All this was trimmed in
luxurious black fur with a matching tasselled fur wrap.
Moonbei was equally resplendent, in a daringly low cut
red velvet number (it was so low cut, her breasts had a
lot of trouble staying in it), with a separate wrap-
around skirt section. In addition, she was wearing long
gloves and matching stockings, both were velvet. The
whole ensemble was topped off with matching thick white
fur trim and a white fur hand muff.

“Y’know Moonbei,” burbled Fiona, trying desperately not
to slur her words, “I must say I’ve really *hic* enjoyed
tonight, but I think *hic* I’ve had a teensy weensy eensy
bit to mush to drink!” Slowly propping herself up on one
elbow, the equally half-cut (drunk) Moonbei draped her
other arm across the young zoidian’s relaxed body.

“I too enjoyed myself as well!” Moonbei gazed longingly
(and drunkenly) into Fiona’s piercing eyes. “But who said
tonight had to end?” And with that, Moonbei pursed her
lips and pressed them to a compliant Fiona’s. As they did
so, their mouths opened slightly, giving one another’s
tongues opportunity to caress each other. Meanwhile,
Moonbei began to run her hand softly over Fiona’s young
body, paying particular attention to her supple
shoulders, perfectly-proportioned breasts, and her svelte
hips. The girls’ lips parted, and Fiona noticed Moonbei’s
hand paused tentatively near her crotch. Fiona’s right
hand moved down her body and, gripping a furry edge of
her dress, pulled it to one side to reveal a moistening
pair of silk panties, being barely held together by a
neat little bow on either side. Moonbei looked lovingly
at Fiona, as she unfastened her silken panties and there,
underneath, was Fiona’s ripe pinkening sex. There was an
arrow-shaped tuft of blond pubic hair, which positively
screamed a welcome to be taken.

“Please be gentle, Moonbei.” Fiona was purring with
desire, this sent a signal for Moonbei to begin. She got
up off of the bed and, kneeling down between Fiona’s
legs, she started kissing the insides of her young
lover’s stocking-covered thighs, sending pleasurable
sensations up through Fiona’s young body, in turn causing
her to begin running her fingers through Moonbei’s soft
chocolate mane. This forced Moonbei to double her
efforts, as she began to kiss and lick around the
entrance to Fiona’s clit, when suddenly; she pushed both
her forefinger and her tongue as deeply into Fiona as
they could possibly go. This drove Fiona ecstatically
insane, her back arching wildly, causing her pert breasts
to pop out of her dress and rub up against the softness
of the black fur trim. Almost instinctively, young Fiona
wrapped her legs firmly around Moonbei’s bobbing head,
leaving her own hands free to explore her breasts and
their stiffening nipples. Gently teasing and pinching
each nipple in turn, Fiona became increasingly aroused
and she carefully manoeuvred one of her breasts toward
her lips, then she began suckling her own teat.

Moonbei, meanwhile, was soon aware of her partner’s
loving grip, which soon prompted her to change tack.
Removing her eager tongue from Fiona’s moist vagina, she
eased the top of her outfit down until her own ample
mammaries were exposed in the moonlight. Then, after
easing Fiona’s legs apart ever so slightly, Moonbei
tentatively began massaging one of her own breasts into
her young lover’s wet sex, all the while continuing to
probe deeper inside Fiona with her experienced fingers.
This too was beginning to have a profound effect in
Moonbei herself, who felt her own clitoris twitch and
moisten with every passing moment. It was then, in a fit
of lust and desire, she tore off the skirt section of her
outfit and slid her hand down to the white fur part of
the outfit nestled between her legs. With one swift,
almost violent, motion of her index and middle fingers,
she pushed a portion of the soft white fur deep into her
dripping pussy, causing herself to let out an agonised
scream of erotic pleasure.

Fiona, somewhat startled by Moonbei’s howls of desire,
eased herself into a seated position at the edge of the
fur-covered bed. Gazing deeply into her companion’s soft
brown eyes, Fiona slowly and teasingly unzipped the
fastenings on the side of her gown and it gently fell to
the bed, revealing her lithe, perspiration-soaked body.
With a soft whisper of “I love you, Moonbei”, Fiona
draped her arms around Moonbei’s shoulders and kissed her
passionately, their tongues writhing sensuously together.
Wrapping her legs once again around Moonbei’s kneeling
form, Fiona started rubbing her hips against Moonbei’s
chest, her nipples softly poking the sides of Fiona’s
damp clit. Seemingly in a fit of wanton desire, Moonbei
rose to her feet, causing Fiona to loll backwards into a
horizontal position. This in turn caused their mouths to
part company, as they were still locked in a deeply
erotic tangling of bodies. Still with Fiona’s legs locked
around her, and her nipples piercing the young zoidian’s
sex, Moonbei extricated her fingers from inside Fiona
and, with her newly-freed hand, she softly clasped one of
her lover’s boobs and began teasing the erect nipple with
her adept tongue. The two girls, writhing together,
caressing each other, were turned on more than ever,
causing them to rub up against one anther even harder and

had Fiona spoke, when, in one final thrusting convulsion,
she came right onto Moonbei’s ample chest. The sensation
of Fiona’s warm honey across her soft breasts drove
Moonbei wild with pleasure. With one vigorous plunging
motion of her fingers, pushing the white fur in as deep
as she could, Moonbei soon came to a climax, her own
juices mingling with the soft fur fibres. Thoroughly
exhausted, Moonbei fell onto the bed to her knees. Fiona
however, with her last ounce of strength, licked her own
musk from Moonbei’s heaving bosom and, draping her arms
around her neck, pulled Moonbei down for one more kiss.



{Well, that’s pretty much it. I was, admittedly, going to
add another page or so of lemon, but I kind of run out of
ideas. As for the usage of furs, there’s an old saying: -
“To each his own”. Anyway, if anyone has any useful
pointers when it comes to writing these sorts of stories,
if you want to drop me a line, feel free! Until next time
folks. See ya!!}

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