Deny Destiny
A/N My thanks goes out to Lady Miriamele for beta reading and
encouraging my writing. I wouldn't have started this without it.
Have you ever gone through life wondering what god controls
you? Perhaps wondering if such a thing as "Destiny" exists? Well, let
me tell you. There's no such thing as destiny. That is one of the few
things I know to be true.
If destiny were real my life would have been a fairy tale. Meet
Princess Keiko, the fair damsel in distress. See Prince Yusuke, the
fierce warrior. Prince Yusuke is the opposite of Princess Keiko;
Strong where she is weak, Smart where she is foolish, and handsome
where she is ugly. It's only natural that they should fall in love.
But there's no such thing as destiny. I will not play Princess Keiko
for Prince Yusuke.
For one thing, Yusuke is no prince. He's crude, perversion at
its highest form. Only in fairy tales could he be a prince on a white
horse, coming down from the heavens to save the fair princess. For
another, I'm no princess. I'm Keiko, an ordinary girl. I'm not one to
sit idly by waiting for my prince to come.
Fine, I'll admit it. I've had my fair share of playing damsel
in distress. But I can still stand and fight. Don't let my manner fool
you. No one knows who I really am. But sometimes I wonder if this one
girl can see the real Keiko.
Botan. She scares me. The slightest glance from her send
shivers up my spine. Her eyes strip my protective layers away. It's
like she can see into my soul. What scares me the most is that I care.
I care whether Botan likes what's in my soul.
This feeling keeps trying to escape my heart. I can't let it.
Who knows what could happen if I let it out? My wish is to understand
this emotion. But no matter how long I sit and stare at the ceiling,
willing the answer to come, it won't.
"Solve this on your own. That is the only way." Is all I can
But how? I don't know what to do. My mother would always tell
me that it's best to start at the beginning. So when did this begin?
Maybe when I first met Botan. I think that's when this emotion started
to flutter in my heart.
Back then I had no idea that Yusuke was involved with the
spirit world. I still believed in destiny. Because destiny decided to
bring my fallen prince back to life, I didn't question it. I was such
a foolish little princess.
When I needed him to rescue me, he wasn't there. But she was.
Botan leapt to protect me from the monsters. She reminded me of
a raven falling from the sky, as if shot down by a cruel hunters
bullet. But she wasn't shot down by a gun. Maybe she was the same as
me. Being destroyed internally by the masks society makes us wear.
Society. our destiny.
I'm getting some where now. Botan and Keiko, two birds of a
feather. The raven and the. what am I? I can't feel any wings. what am
I was saved by a raven. She led me away from the monsters as
long as she could. But eventually she fell. So who saved the raven? I
did, Me, Keiko. I deny my destiny. I am not helpless! I saved the
raven; it was me, Keiko, K-E-I-K-O!
So much for damsels in distress. I was out of a job. But
somehow, I didn't care.
After that I understood more and more of Yusuke's secrets. I
envied his friendships with the others. They were a great team;
Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, and Botan. But Keiko was left outside
their circle. I've always been left outside.
But even then Botan would try to draw me into the team.
"Huh? What the-Botan? Don't do that."
"Sorry. So tell me, Keiko, Why do you do this?"
"Wha-What are you talking about?" No! Could she read my mind?
Were my secrets still safe?
"You're always here, thinking. Don't you want to hang out with
us?" Botan laughed and shrugged towards the others. "You know, a cutie
like you would liven up this drab group." I shook my head. Botan
sighed, but she nodded. I wonder if she already knew the answer before
she'd asked. As I watched her walk off, I thought of something.
"Yo-You think I'm cute?"
Botan turned around. She circled me slowly, sizing me up with
her eyes. I blushed at the look she gave me. When she finished, she
nodded. She jumped at me, knocking me to the ground. A kiss was
smashed against my lips. But it was over as soon as it began. Botan
got up and walked away, leaving me flustered and confused.
"Keiko, I wish you'd give us a chance." But I was too scared.
Life would have been so much easier if I accepted my destiny.
All I had to do was marry Yusuke.
I wonder if I broke his heart. On the night Yusuke proposed to
me. We danced around at a local club, me doing things properly and him
stepping on my feet. In the middle of our dance, Yusuke twirled me
around, and carried me in his arms to the middle of the dance floor.
He waved his hand towards the lights, and we were illuminated in a
soft glow. He got on his knees and offered me his heart on a ring. I
sighed, closed the box and walked out of his life forever.
The others and I didn't agree with how I handled of Yusuke's
proposal. Kuwabara was furious at how I'd treated Yusuke, Kurama was
ashamed of me, and Hiei simply glared then looked away. Botan sighed
and hugged me after the others left. We've been apart for many years.
Destiny had decided that Keiko and Yusuke were meant to be.
Well, I deny my destiny.
I have little time left. I'm old now, everything's harder. I
feel like a child. weak and helpless. Yes, I understand that it's my
time. But I'll go alone. Destiny would have had me surrounded by
friends, my husband by my side. But in my own life, I am alone as I
take my last breath.
"Keiko." I look up as I hear a voice I never thought I'd hear
again. Botan glowed as she flew into my window on her oar. Tears in
her eyes, she offered me her arm. I nodded. Taking a hold of her hand,
my young spirit slid out of my old body.
"I've missed you. Keiko, I-"
"No. Don't." Botan nodded and looked away. She blinked when I
let go of her hand.
"Keiko?" I circled her slowly, sizing her up with my eyes. She
blushed at the look I gave her. When I finished, I nodded. I jumped at
her, knocking her to the ground. I smashed a kiss against her lips.
But unlike what she'd done when she kissed me, I let the kiss last as
long as I could.
"Shall we go?" I wrapped my arms around her as she climbed onto
the oar.
So I have lived my life in my own way, without destiny.
The End
To clear things up, Botan is taking Keiko to the afterlife. Together
in death.
A/N- Can you believe this was started as a fluffy bit to answer Rose
Thorne's Botan/Keiko & Shizuru/Yukina fic challenge? But my Repressed
Lesbian!Keiko muse disagreed with me.
Now to work on the Shizuru/Yukina part of the challenge @_@;;;
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