Another Sunday wasted in the theater’s private viewing rooms. July 2002 “Ok here is a question just in general either can answer…” DM had once again snuck into the theater to bother Nina, but instead has found time to sit near Rika/Renamon and bother them instead. “Why is it that I do not have a Digimon partner?” Both Rika/Rena look at each other oddly, tilting their heads slightly as if communicating silently, then both turn back and shrug with a defeated expression. “Yes, even the smartest Digimon can’t answer stupid male questions…” Nina sighs, leaning back in her chair and staring listlessly at the ceiling. “When’s the next thing going to show? Anything as long as it gets dark and he shuts up for 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours…” “How does it feel to "biomerge” and does this have something to do with why you two are getting so close?" Rika turns and gives a shocked expression. “What?!? I…” (blinks) “…oh! That…” (blushes) “Thought you meant… damn I’ve been out of the loop forever it seems…” (leans head against Rena’s shoulder, only for Rena to look at her surprised). “Reteach you about that!? Your…” (silence) “…sigh…” (They go back to leaning on each other and just stare silently for the longest time) Nina (looking over her chair backing at the two) “Must be nice to be able to turn your brain off like that… they’re doing the staring thing again.” “So we noticed. Personally I think it‘s nice for lovers to just stop and enjoy each other without having to yammer endlessly like SOMEONE here does…” Keiko sighs, pulling Nina back into her chair, “Now be a good demented girl and mind your own beeswax or I’ll have to have somebody spank your ass, and NOT for pleasure mind you.” “…humph…” (Nina goes back to looking as DM talks to the two again, drawing their attentions back towards himself) “If I had a Digimon partner would I be able to biomerge, or are only special digi-destined able to biomerge?” Both look at him oddly, then shrug. “Whatever floats your boat.” Rena suddenly remarks, leaning back into her cuddle with Rika as if the conversation no longer mattered, reaching her hand out to touch Rika’s, both closing their eyes slightly as they hold each other’s hand. “Do you know where I can get ahold of Takato I think I would like to Biomerge with him ;) is he is like that?” Both look at DM again, now with completely askew expressions. Nina - “WEIRDO!!” Eliza - “--we really shouldn’t judge--” Keiko - “--what’s a Takato? Is that a boy or girl Digimon?” Michi - “Probably what it sounds like. Which is kind of sick if you ask me…” Crystal (sitting near DM) - “I didn’t think you were that kind of guy…” Janice - “Shocking when the horrible truth comes out, huh?” Nina - “I DON’T WANNA DUEL WEIRDOS!!” Michi - “Then you should stop playing with yourself… literally and figuratively.” Nina - “---” (grinds teeth as she stares at Michi) “…f-u.” Michi - “I-Don’t-Speak-Idiot. You want to tell me to fuck myself, just say it.” Nina - “---” DM - “What happened to all of you Digimon friends?” Everyone suddenly spins around at that, staring directly at the three. DM - “Are they all dead or are they trapped somewhere and you are here to get help to free them?” “--I--“ Suddenly Rika pulls back from DM, closer into Rena, until she finally jumps out of her seat and runs out of the private viewing theater with Rena close behind her. Keiko grabs DM and shoves him back into his chair, “Think you did enough damage for one day--” (sits down) “Jerk-off.” Nina leans back into her chair again and stares at the ceiling. “Five bucks says Rena comes back angry as heck and gives DM a lobotomy.” “Sucker bet.” Keiko mutters, standing up to get a drink refill. Suddenly DM sits down near Keiko, receiving a chilly glance from her, “What?!” "LOL I did not mean biomerge in that way... ok well maybe I did ;)." "I don't subscribe to LOL..." (blinks) "What's an LOL?" Keiko suddenly asks with a straight face. "...idiot..." Nina sighs as she stares at DM, feeling the beginnings of a stress headache forming in her head. "You do know Rena will either kill you... or something... And I‘m going to wash my hands clean of the whole debacle the minute she does it, and--" Renamon - "Duel me." Everyone - "?" "Duel me. For hurting Rika. Duel me.” Both Rena/Rika stand near the entrance, Rika in Rena’s arms as the fox girl speaks directly to DM. But it’s silent in the theater as everyone does a double take, first at the two, then at DM, then back at the two, then at DM again for a reply. "Sure I will duel you, and I am sorry for saying stupid things that made you cry, Rika." bows his head in an expression of sorrow. "Some times..." (Nina belts him in the arm) "OK, most of the time stupid things come out of my mouth. So when every you are ready I will duel you. Here is my number call me." Dmage goes out of the theater. Rena wipes Rika's tears away and kisses her on the forehead. "It'll be all right... I..." (blinks) "Is he trying to leave?" Everyone - "?" Michi - “Yeah. Seems like that to me…” Nene - “What was he thinking?! Dramatic exit, sure, but he won’t get far.” Renamon - "He does know there's no way out of this level with the blast doors all closed until after the movie inauguration, right?" Nina - "He'll figure it out eventually." (sits down) "He might try to escape through a vent or something, won’t work but still-- maybe he'll bring back some candy when he figures out he can‘t leave, the concession stand here is out of jelly bellys a few minutes ago." (leans back into chair and sips on soda) "Like I said, even the most intelligent of Digimon can't fathom male behavior at times..." (suddenly remembers something and looks at Renamon) “And how are you going to duel him without a deck?” (holds up deck) “Who said I didn’t have a deck?” Nina sighs, leaning back into her chair, “Everybody wants to be me these days.” Michi - “Heaven forbid.” Nina - “Humph.” (pouts for five minutes) Dmage comes back with lots of candy for all of the girls as a way for being stupid and foolish. “The concession stand in the lobby blow up or something?” Nina remarks as she picks some stuff out of the huge pile. "Sorry that I left, I had to use the restroom. Once again I am very sorry Rika and Renamon." bows his head. "So did I miss the start of the show?" “Uh-huh… right…” (Nina looks about at the fully lit and quiet theater, "Gee, what do you think, does it look like you missed anything?” (sighs) "After the next thing shows and during the endless break why don't you and Rena just duel already? Get it over with..." (leans back) "How many more minutes until the lights go down?" “Five more minutes to go.” “Booorrrriiinnnngggg!!” (Nina slumps in her chair, watching more girls step forward to take their pick from the huge pile of candy DM bought. “You just got a free pile of all the surplus they had cluttering the cabinets that nobody was buying, didn’t you.” Dmage - “Uh-huh.” Nina - “Figures.” ------------------------------------------------------------ Later--- "Let's duel." Dmage takes out his holoboard and lays down his Harry Potter playing cards. Nina - "...what are you doing...?" "Oops wrong deck." put away his Potter playing cards and get's out his new and improved MRD equipped deck. "DM..." Nina starts, "Should we drop your pants and look for cattle branding from the WB? Since when did YOU play the Harry Potter CCG?!? Sheesh..." (goes back to her chair) "At least keep your focus while your dueling here dammit!" DM ignores her and looks straight at Renamon. "Ok, since I never go first and I made your 'partner' mad Rena you have first round privies." "Never played this before--" (mixes up cards) "So I'm mixing my field cards into my deck, please do likewise--" (continues to shuffle) "--never had to fight someone this way before. Hope this works." (lays deck down and draws her cards, Rika pressed against her back with her head looking over her shoulder with a docile expression). Nina, for her part, sits down off to one side watching, but she's transfixed by Rika with a strange befuddled expression on her face. Akin to confusion. In one hand a small device she stares at from time to time while watching the duel. "Let's see--" (draws cards) Renamon (Arena) - 8000LP DMage (Arena) - 8000LP "I'll play--" (befuddled expression) "--'Baron of the Fiend Sword' down in Attack Mode. And lay two cards down in this area--" (Magic/Trap field). Baron of the Fiend Sword (Dark/Fiend) Attack - 1550 Defense - 0800 "That's it. I'm done." (blinks) "Your move?" "Wow I am not sure if I have anything in my deck that can be that card..." draws a card. "I guess I do I play Seven Color Fish in attack mode... Any traps triggered before I attack?" Attack is 1800 (Water/Aqua) "What are you doing? Look at your fish..." Nina remarks. The fish is lying on it's side flopping around aimlessly on the field. "HELLO!! Real fields, real ground, REAL FACT FISH DON'T DO WELL ON LAND!!" (sighs) "At least play Umi before that card dammit! But you blew it... big time. Not only does the effect NOT trigger (because you grounded your own fish) you lose 400 for being dumb enough to flop a fish on dry land..." (sighs) "Boy are YOU dumb! Even I couldn't play a fish card without risking it's destruction, at least play a large fish card then it gets ONE move before it dies!" (scoffs) "Somebody's not thinking but since you didn't know that I think we'll give you one more chance to rethink that, because the computer isn't familiar with the card so it can't interpret it well. Tell us WHY your fish can make it on land as well as water and I'll program it in, fail and it's instant fish fry--- and where did he go?" “He walked out pissed at your bitching. And I don’t blame him.” “And where is he going?” “Probably smooze with the counter girl. Figure she didn’t lavish him with candy just because.” “---figures---” (sighs) “I hate men.” Five minutes later--- “All that for a Cherry Coke? Give me a break.” Nina sighs. “And what about the fish?” "Well duh it has these hugh wings on it's side so that it can have air attacks so it's not flopping on the ground it in the air. Duh" “---you’re an ass, you know that don’t you.” Nina huffs, leaning back in her chair. “I’m getting myself a drink. And just for the record Flying fish don't really fly. It's an optical illusion! Never watched the Discovery Channel, eh? But fine, since your THAT much of a I must win em' all (and I remember YOUR record on Ryou-boy's ladder so don't get smarmy with me!) I'll program your fish to fry... I mean fly." Seven Color Fish (Fish/Aqua) Attack - 1800 Defense - 800 (Flying) "There. Now it's flying. Big whoop. What you got under there?" "Does..." (Nina stops Renamon, looks under the card, then puts it back down) "Nope. Nothing triggers. Your safe. Make your move." "Ok. Seven Color Fish Attack with Seven Color Slap Attack" "Well isn't that Seven Color Special. Phht." Renamon - 7600LP (Arena) Dmage - 8000LP (Arena) "I also put down these two cards in the magic/trap area. Oh and yes I do have quick play magic cards fyi." Dmage said as he winked at Rena. "Your move" Renamon draws a card and looks at her hand. "First I need to remove your fish. So I will have this hand reach out from the ground and touch your fish." "?" (Both DMage/Nina look at each other) "Color me seven colors, Renny, but that sounds like something George Michael would do." "Here. See?" (shows card) "Oh--- Fissure." Nina blinks a few times. "No actual hand reaches out of the ground, Renny, it just destroys DMs card UNLESS he has a defense against that card--- doubt it but let's check---" (everyone looks at him). "I do but I am not going to waste it on a magic card as weak as that one. Go ahead a kill my fishy I have better cards in my deck!" "Wow aren't YOU so special. So Renny, finish the move and let junior here have his way." "Alright. Next I'll play this card in Defense mode-- do I have to tell him--?" “No, that's why your plopping it face down, he doesn't need to know." "Oh. Then I'm playing my other face down card (Ultimate Sacrifice) and paying up 500LPs to play this card in Attack Mode---" The Wicked Worm Beast Earth/Beast (Effect) Attack - 1400 Defense - 0700 The horrid grotesque creature appears and attacks. Renamon - 7600LP (Arena) DMage - 6600LP (Arena) Then it vanishes. Renamon - "?" (looks down on board) Rika - "Hey! The board ate her creature!" "---" (Nina) "Uh-- it just goes back into her hand at the end of the turn, the board didn't actually eat the creature. See? It‘s effect automatically puts it back in your hand after you move so he can‘t hit it." Rika - "Oh. Sorry." Renamon - "So I pick this up--" (picks up card) "--and it's your--" Dmage's cellphone rings just as his turn starts. He looks at who the caller is: “HEY!” (Nina) “We’re playing here! Can’t you put that thing on silent mode or something?” "Sorry girls I have to take this one it's one of my male friends that I am writting a story with. Nina if you don't mind holding down the fort of a few turns I would really appreciate it. If you must know it my friend's name is David. Be back in a few." “---” (blinks) “---no way in hell he’s talking to the boss. No way.” “You sure?” “Do I look like I can’t tell when I’m being inspired from higher powers? Yeah, I know he’s NOT-- (sighs)--- life must be fun in male-ville. Never want to go there, but what the heck---” (looks back at Rena/Rika) “The minute you two have the money? Buy a personality for each of you. The way you are now is as disturbing as the way you were before (never liked you two that much to begin with).” Both Rena/Rika go back to staring. “Yeah, sure, talk to yourselves. Keep me out of the loop. Big deal.” DM (having returned to the game) draws a card, looks at it, then files it into his hand. Throws down one in defense mode. “Do it! Do it! Nows your change! Do it!” Nina cheers on as Rena pulls a card, blinks. “Can I tribute this on the field?” “SURE YOU--- can’t---” (sighs) “What lousy luck!” (sighs again) “Drop wormy again and let that one play. Sheesh.” Renamon - 7100LP (Arena) Dmage - 6600LP (Arena) DM draws a new card, smiles, and throws it down without a word, smirking. La Jinn the Genie of the Lamp Attack 1800 Defense 1000 It destroys the card face down on the field. “Flip it---” Nina motions, pointing at the card. “But he destroyed it.” “It still gets flipped. Flip it.” (Rena flips the card to reveal Trap Master) “---so?” Nina - “I’m going to hire someone just to give you a brain.” (sighs) “Probably doing it on purpose to drive me nuts--- he loses a Trap card! Now---” (looking at cards face down) “Which one is a Trap---” (blinks) “You pick, Rena.” “I’ll pick the card on his right.” Dmage flips over the card to reveal a magic card it is Heavy Storm “What’s that?” “I have no idea---” Nina whispers, “We’ll find out soon enough. Your move, Rena.” Rena draws. “Think I’m getting used to this--” (blinks) “--I’ll play Yami in the Field area, turning my field into a Darkness field. And play Worm again but this time I‘m keeping it on the field to defend my life points, and not attacking with it.” Renamon - 7100LP (Yami) Dmage - 6600LP (Arena) DM draws a new card, then throws down one in Defense mode and plays a new card. “Share the pain. Both of us must tribute a monster (but can’t summon a card from that tribute). I’ll tribute my face down monster.” “I’ll tribute worm here.” Rena relents, taking the worm and putting it into her Graveyard pile. “Let’s see---” (draws her card) “---I’ll rain fireballs down on you with this card.” (Hinotama) (Hinotama - inflicts 500 points damage directly to a player’s Life Points) Renamon - 7100LP (Yami) Dmage - 6100LP (Arena) DM draws a card, and does nothing but attack Renamon’s life points (since she had no monster to play last move) Renamon - 5300LP (Yami) Dmage - 6100LP (Arena) Whatever Renamon’s thinking, only Rika knows as she draws a new card. Nina leans forward in her chair trying to get a good look as the fox girl mulls over her cards. Finally she decides. “I’ll play Mystic Clown, in Attack mode.” Mystic Clown (Field Power Bonus) Attack - 1950 Defense - 1300 The clown rips through La Jinn, destroying it. Renamon - 5300LP (Yami) Dmage - 5950LP (Arena) Dmage draws a card. “Well if you are going to be a meanie and use a field card I guess I had better use this De-spell to destroy it." Dmage plays the magic card in his magic/trap area. "And just to keep you guessing I play Swords of Revealing Light in the magic/trap area.” Renamon - 5300LP (Arena) Dmage - 5950LP (Arena) Swords of Revealing Light - Stops opponents moves for 3 turns. Renamon sighs as she draws a new card and examines her hand. “I’ll swap Mystic Clown into defense mode, and play this card in the Magic/Trap area face down.” (sighs) “It’s your move.” Dmage again draws his card and smiles. "Well it will end my turn but hey it's worth it. I play Soul Exchange sacrificing you clown for My Summoned Skull." Summoned Skull Dark/Fiend Attack 2500 Defense 1000 "Your move" “----” (Renamon lowers head as she draws a new card, examining it closely with her other cards. For the longest time she doesn’t speak, but finally she makes her move.) “I can’t do anything with what I got so Defense mode. And it’s your turn.” (looks defeated) "Ok since the card that I just drew will not help me I play Sword of the Deep Throated" Dmage plays this magic card in the Magic/Trap Area. " It increase the attack and Defense by 500 good enough to kill a Blue Eyes now. Summoned Skull Attack the face down card!" Suddenly Renamon’s head raises, and her eyes narrow menacingly causing everybody to just stop. Her frown slowly curves into a smile as she raises the card destroyed and shows it. “Hane-Hane.” Hane-Hane. Effect cards. Sends one creature back into it’s owner hand. It clears the field of Summoned Skull. “And now, it’s my turn.” Renamon, fingers no longer trembling, draws her next card, eyes burning as she raises the card to examine it closely. “I’ll play Rogue Doll in Attack mode, plus Book of Secret Arts will raise Rogue Doll’s attack & defense points by 300 pts!” Rogue Doll (Light/Spellcaster) Attack - 1900 Defense - 1300 “And this is the last turn for the Swords of Revealing Light which means next turn all bets are off. And before you think about playing dirty again my next move---” (pops claws) “---won’t require a card to be played.” DM looks at Nina who suddenly gets up onto her feet. “Wow. I just remembered I’m hungry or something. You two play nice and when I get back I don’t want to find DM’y here dead from stupidity---” (pats DM on back as she spies on his cards) “I wouldn’t play that one.” (points at Dark Hole) “Guess that’ll teach you to kick someone while they’re down.” Dmage draw the top card from his deck which of course is the swords since they recycle themselves. "What the hay what do I have to lose? I play Dark Hole in the Magic/Trap area and I also place this card face down." With that a huge Dark Hole appears and sends all of the monsters on the field to the graveyard. Dmage's eyes narrow and stares Rena right in her eyes. "Oh I hope you don't get any ideas since your toast. Here's a clue it's one of the most powerful cards that were release in Metal Raiders!" “---” (Rena starts to say something but stops herself) “--alright--” (shrugs as if she knew something but didn’t want to say it out loud). “I’ll draw my card then.” (frowns) “I’ll play it face down, leaving me the card I couldn’t play before---” (sighs) “---no choice. I play Great White, in Attack mode.” Great White (Water/Fish) Attack - 1600 Defense - 0800 The shark appears, breathing hard and tense on the land field. “It’ll only last one round and my next turn vanish so I’m going to have to use it now to attack your face down card to reveal it. So attack---” What happens next--- ------------------------------------------------------------ “They’re mimicking us?” “That’s the best I can put it.” Adri remarks as she leans against the wall of the lobby, “Nina, think about it, whatever they went through only their love brought them through. How they ended up here is one thing, but we’re not friends or family so they have no reason to really open up to us or even start to act normally. Somehow they’re just trying to blend in just so we stop prodding them and bothering them, not really fit in but just look like their adjusting just to be left alone.” “Sheesh. Even now they’re still not very people-friendly. What a drag. Isn’t there anything---” “It’s their choice. When they decide to come out of their joint shell they’ve emotionally locked themselves away in they’ll do it, but for now they’re just going through the motions without really wanting to be here. They’re just here, but not here at the same time.” “---aw man---”
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