Treasured Introductions

a Vandread fanfiction by Dreiser

BIG STINKY WARNING: This fanfic contains spoilers for Vandread the 
Second Stage so if you haven't seen it yet and you don't want to know 
what will happen, don't read the fic. Thank you!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This fic contains spoilers for Vandread the Second Stage. 
If you don't want to know how the series ends, don't read it. I know I'm 
now repeating myself but I'm saying it again out of paranoia. The lame 
space above is there due to what I'm about to say next. I refer to BC in 
female terms in the fic and I'm sorry. She is a he, I know this but ech, 
it's too weird describing BC using he/him/his. It's my foible. The 
backgrounds I've given to Barnette and Jura are figments of my 
imagination. The show never goes into it and I'm not a fan of the manga 
so there you go.

Life changed but stayed the same for Gascogne. This was evident in many 
events through her life. In the fact that despite not being on the 
Nirvana their crew remained completely in tact, even retaining the three 
men they had picked up along the way who proved to be invaluable. Yes, 
things had stayed the same. Well, if you didn't count the fact that 
overnight a crew of pirates had become the negotiators for peace between 
two formerly hostile planets, that is. Oh, and the fact they now had 
even more men at their base, men who used to be their enemies now acting 
as their own crew members.

The Sempai who hadn't been with them on the Nirvana took working 
alongside men in slow adjustment. Most looked to Rebecca for guidance 
who in turn looked to Gascogne who smiled and said Duero and Hibiki 
weren't men. They were the people who helped bring Kahlua into the 
world, who made sure her daughter was born safely. And Bart, well, Bart 
was far more competent as a navigator than he would let himself seem. As 
trained soldiers, they could see that too well. Just as they could see 
the regret reflected in the depths of BC's hazel eyes when she 
apologized to them all.

She... he...

It was confusing, even now for Gascogne. BC was BC. The Boss trusted her 
despite everything and Gascogne did too. She had to because of all the 
talks they had, of all the times she had looked into those fathomless 
eyes and seen a sadness there she wanted to quell, to remove with her 
own hands and heart.

Only there was Bart. He had proven himself worthy time and time again, 
Gascogne knew now there wasn't one person in the crew who wouldn't 
defend him with their own life. Certainly BC would be in that number as 
it was Bart and Magno alone who never wavered in their love and trust. 
They alone saw past the deceit and lies to the person who was buried 
underneath it all. The one who was lonely and just wanted to finally 

Yes, BC had Bart now and Gascogne was happy for her friend. She was 
happy for anyone who found someone to live with, to be with, to take 
away the pain of their past mistakes. Magno was her surrogate mother, 
this she knew just as well as she knew for most members of the crew she 
was their big sister but sometimes...

The role was tiresome. Always a big sister, dependable and safe, someone 
you could confess your problems to and laugh with. That was Gascogne's 
role, always and forever. She had resigned herself to it, but that 
didn't mean at times she didn't rage inwardly. It had helped when she 
had BC to talk to. BC who was stuck in her own role, who seemed as 
lonely as she, BC with her secrets... but now BC had no secrets, now BC 
had Bart who knew everything she was and loved her still.

While Gascogne was alone. Yes, the crew was her family and yes, they 
loved her but it wasn't the same as being with someone romantically. It 
had been so very long, almost since her sister's death that she had let 
anyone in. She had been too afraid and pushed people away, this was true 
but at the same time no one had really tried to get past those barriers.

Although lately, Gascogne wondered if that was changing. Because lately 
someone other than Hibiki had taken to visiting every day and when they 
did, the visits lasted for hours into the night, sometimes into seeing a 
new day itself.

The door opened with the almost nonexistent whirr and hum that was a 
credit to Parfet's engineering skills and Gascogne didn't look up as she 
shuffled the cards. Hibiki was too busy to see her now, she knew that 
from the feast she'd seen Dita prepare him earlier in the day so it 
could only be one other. It helped that she could always identify them 
by the barest scent of pastries and gun powder they carried thanks to 
their odd hobbies.

"Barnette," said Gascogne in quiet acknowledgement. She didn't bother to 
look up from the cards and instead began dealing, flipping them into a 
neat pile in front of the slender hands which rested on the table. "Here 
to play a game?"

A soft chuckle filled the air and Gascogne lifted her gaze to stare into 
blue eyes that were so dark at times they seemed indigo. They were 
tender and caring just as they had been ever since her return and once 
again, Gascogne found herself wondering what that meant in regards to 
their relationship. For as long as she could remember, as anyone in the 
crew could remember, Barnette had been with Jura.

The two of them were like peas in a pod when Magno first brought them to 
the base. Unwilling to be separated and always resentful when a 
situation that required them to be apart should arise. Rebecca had 
thought it dangerous to have a pair so close join their ranks and 
brought the situation up with Magno only to have the older woman laugh 
then say one day soon she would understand that such bonds would only 
make their crew stronger. At the time, Magno's comment only served to 
confuse Rebecca but that was before she understood what the shy looks 
Ezra gave her meant.

Although Jura flirted with anyone that moved, her green eyes wide and 
sparkling, lips pouty and teasing, once you saw her with Barnette it was 
more than clear it was no more than a game to her. Something to occupy 
her time and interest. Because when she was with Barnette and unaware 
anyone was watching, you were introduced to the real Jura. A woman as 
vulnerable and caring as the next, who trusted a single person with her 

Despite this, Gascogne had to wonder if it hurt Barnette to see Jura 
hang onto the men as she did, proclaiming she wanted to have a baby the 
old fashioned way. At times she wondered if Jura was even serious about 
the entire thing. It was hard to tell with her and none save Barnette 
were close enough to Jura that they could tell her jokes from something 
she truly had her heart set on doing.

"Why don't we do something besides play cards tonight?" Barnette 
suggested, a smile tugging on her lips as she tilted her head to one 

At this movement, Gascogne was struck by the simple beauty of the other 
woman. She had an innocence to her that many thought lost but it was 
there... a wonderful joy hidden by a sharp tongue and even sharper wit. 
Only when Barnette smiled all of it melted away to reveal her true self 
and although she knew she shouldn't be, Gascogne was charmed.

"All right," replied Gascogne as she arched an eyebrow. Pushing back her 
chair, she stood up slowly and asked, "What do you have in mind?"

"It's a secret," said Barnette rather coyly. Tilting her head and 
beaming a huge smile up at Gascogne whose eyebrow rose higher yet at 
this comment, Barnette laughed then took her hand to pull her out of the 
Register for the base. Gascogne was still baffled over having her hand 
held when Barnette turned around to walk backwards as she smiled, an 
uninhibited happiness reflected in her normally hard features. "You're 
not used to this, are you?"

"Used to what?" Gascogne pursued, suddenly feeling unwilling to bend to 
Barnette's every whim. She might not know what was going on here but she 
was for damn sure not going to let Barnette make a fool out of her. "Not 
knowing exactly where I'm going? Well," she drawled slowly, "it is 
unusual for me, I'll admit."

Mulling over this reply, Barnette directed her eyes to the wall as she 
turned again, to now walk side by side with Gascogne. Squeezing her hand 
softly, Barnette murmured, "I never liked surprises. Not until I met 
Jura." Peering up at the ceiling, she sighed quietly before continuing, 
"Jura herself was a surprise. She dropped into my life from out of the 
blue and before I knew it, I couldn't be without her."

"How did you meet Jura?" asked Gascogne. She wasn't one to ask questions 
or pry unless she felt that someone needed her to but right now, she 
just couldn't help herself, something in her had to know. "I don't think 
anyone has ever thought to ask you two because it seems as if you've 
always been together."

"It feels that way too," said Barnette with dry humor. Stopping in front 
of one of the many elevators around the base, she pushed a button and 
stared at the doors, waiting for it to arrive as she traveled back 
through the years. "I was fourteen when I first saw her. My parents had 
an awful divorce and I've never met my ohma, she was gone by the time I 
was born. It was just me and Fuma my whole life, and it was fine. I 
liked it that way, us together, taking care of each other. Anyway," 
Barnette shook her head, annoyed at her lack of focus that led to this 
unusual babbling, "Fuma worked for Jura's Ohma who is a fairly well 
known business woman in our home town. I met her the first time I 
visited Fuma at work to bring her lunch. Well," Barnette laughed now, 
"not really met. I saw her for the first time. I didn't have the courage 
to talk to her, you see."

The elevator door opened and they walked inside, ignoring the stares 
from the cafeteria workers that were exiting, who then ran down the hall 
giggling. At this, Gascogne sighed inwardly, knowing they would soon be 
the talk of the base. The last thing she wanted to deal with was people 
speculating about the escapades in her imaginary romantic life.

"Because it was just Fuma and me, I was very shy when I was younger," 
Barnette said as she leaned back against the elevator wall, appearing to 
be unaware of the earlier stares and giggles. If she did notice it 
probably didn't bother her, she was so used to all the gossip about the 
status of her love life with the manchasing Jura. "Some girls thought it 
was cute but most just made fun of me."

"And what did you do?" asked Gascogne, smiling slightly when Barnette 
peered up at her with dark blue eyes that were questioning. "Beat them 

"No," chuckled Barnette as she shook her head at the thought, "I made 
fun of them right back. My childhood is the main influential cause of my 
smart mouth. I'm afraid I didn't get to support my words with my fists 
and then my guns until I was a little older."

"Oh?" Gascogne quirked an eyebrow. "How much older?"

"You used to work for the Mejale Enforcers," declared Barnette in a 
teasing tone as she pointed a gloved finger at Gascogne's smirking 
features. "I'm not about to tell you when I got my first gun at a highly 
illegal age. You might try to arrest me."

Giving into the urge, Gascogne reached down to capture that hand in her 
own, holding it gently as she murmured, "I'm a pirate now. Just the same 
as you."

Barnette was about to reply when the elevator door opened to reveal 
several of the engineers whose glasses steamed on seeing Barnette and 
Gascogne holding hands and smiling widely. Pulling a stumbling Gascogne 
behind her, Barnette released a giddy laugh as they ran down the 
hallway. When they reached the end, she flattened herself against the 
wall, gazing at Gascogne who was huffing slightly.

"You're out of shape," accused Barnette softly. A slow smile spread 
across her face even as Gascogne formed her ever familiar offended 
expression while she loomed over the shorter woman, the palms of her 
hands resting on either side of her head. With smooth precision she 
tapped a gloved finger on Gascogne's chin. "Aren't you?"

"Being Register Chief doesn't require a lot of running," said Gascogne 
in a drawl then she narrowed brown eyes decisively. As fun as this was, 
she was becoming sick of it. She might play a mean game of cards but 
Gascogne was never the type of person to gamble with someone's heart. 
Especially if it was her own. Leaning down, her breath nothing more than 
a whisper in Barnette's ear, raising the tiny hairs on her neck and 
causing her to tremble, she said, "Tell me what this is about, 

"This?" asked Barnette in her continued play of innocence. She then 
tilted her head in the manner Gascogne had found charming just minutes 
before but now felt herself rage at. "What do you mean?"

"Barnette," Gascogne repeated her name in stern warning. An 
uncomfortable silence enveloped them and Barnette didn't respond, 
instead choosing to look off to one side as her jaw gave a steady series 
of ticks. With a frown, Gascogne reached out to gently but firmly cup 
Barnette's chin forcing their eyes to meet. "Tell me."

"First Jura then you," whispered Barnette. Her blue eyes shifted into 
indigo and held Gascogne's gaze with a strength that shook the older 
woman to her very core. She had always known Barnette was proud and 
stubborn but before now, she had never felt the full force of her 
emotions focused on her. "I wanted to die that day because of how 
useless I felt. I couldn't help either of you... I couldn't protect 

Staring at Barnette, her expression revealing just how shocked she felt, 
Gascogne's hand fell from Barnette's jaw in a slow movement. Backing up 
slightly, her arms slack at her sides, Gascogne found herself talking 
without really knowing why. "Jura I can understand, but why would it 
matter that I was gone?"

"Why?" Barnette repeated, looking quite stunned. Releasing a sudden 
barking laugh, she rubbed the tears from her eyes with the back of her 
hand before turning to face the other woman with a rather grim 
expression. "Because I love you as much as I do Jura." A moment passed 
and when Gascogne didn't respond at all, instead continuing to look like 
a fish out of water, gaping for breath, Barnette laughed again. This 
time it was a more relaxed and almost relieved sound. Shaking her head, 
Barnette took Gascogne's hand in her own again, leading her down the 
hall. "I never did think you had a clue. Part of me hoped you might but 
I guess spending all that time at the Register has dulled your wits, 

"Gascogne," said Gascogne in automatic response. Turning to Barnette, 
she studied her as if she was some sort of foreign creature she had 
never encountered before. "Why?"

Sighing deeply, Barnette stopped in front the quarters she shared with 
Jura. She punched in the access codes and walked inside as the doors 
whirred open and turned to face Gascogne as they shut with a quiet hum. 
Gascogne wore the same expression of combined shock and disbelief and 
Barnette smirked at it.

"Just because everyone else considers you only a friend doesn't mean I 
ever did," replied Barnette dryly. With a hard efficient tug, Barnette 
removed both pairs of her long purple gloves and let them fall easily to 
the floor. Striding forward, she stopped in front of Gascogne who was 
restraining the absurd urge to step backwards out of some strange 
feeling of apprehension she was currently having. In a slow movement, 
she reached her bare hands up to delicately rest her fingertips on 
Gascogne's face, tracing them down as she studied her with a type of awe 
and reverence that stunned the older woman. "I don't know how long I've 
wanted to do this," Barnette confessed shakily. A hesitant smile formed 
on Barnette's features as she met Gascogne's stare with wide eyes. Then 
she dropped her gaze out of shame or perhaps fear as her fingertips 
trailed down to spread slowly apart on Gascogne's collarbone. "I always 
wondered how your skin would feel. I would just stare at you sometimes 
and wonder..." Looking back up at Gascogne, having her courage back, 
Barnette asked softly, "Did you even notice?"

Despite the embarrassment she felt on realizing just how clueless she 
apparently was when it came to things like this, Gascogne gave a stiff 
shake of her head. "No," came her quiet and apologetic reply. Only a 
slight pause before she added rather lamely, "I'm sorry."

"Gasco," murmured Barnette, a happy smile gracing her features. One that 
took Gascogne's breath away just as surely as did the fingertips now 
gently caressing the skin of her collarbone that her shirt left exposed. 
For once in her life, she didn't correct the shortening of her name and 
stared silently at Barnette who smiled wider yet at whatever she saw in 
Gascogne's expression. "Don't ever apologize for being who you are. If 
you noticed then... well," Barnette drawled now, "it would be like Jura 
honestly desiring men, that's how strange it would be to me."

"What about Jura?" asked Gascogne firmly. She might be stunned by these 
sudden turn of events but there wasn't a chance she could let things 
remain at that. No matter how much she found herself attracted to 
Barnette, how much this confession of hers did effect her really and 
truly, Jura was still her crewmate. Nothing in her personality or 
conviction would allow Gascogne to betray or mistreat someone who she 
considered a comrade in arms and she definitely felt that way about 
Jura. "You love her."

There was a moment of silence then Barnette pulled away from Gascogne, 
turning to look out the long windows in the quarters she shared with 
Jura that presented a beautiful view of space. A sigh escaped her lips 
and she walked to the windows, standing in front of them and in what 
seemed to be a lost gesture, she lightly rested her forehead against the 
surface as her head dropped downwards.

"Barnette?" Gascogne pressed on.

As much as she might not like this, she had to know the truth. She 
wasn't about to be the cause of infidelity in one of the longest lasting 
relationships amongst the Nirvana crew. Not only wouldn't it be right 
but Gascogne wasn't sure she, or everyone else, could ever forgive her 
for doing so. Separating Barnette and Jura in romance belonged to that 
same horrible reality which had BC no longer serving as Magno's second 
in command.

"She knows," whispered Barnette. She gave a hollow laugh and tilted her 
head back before she rotated her neck, causing it to make a painful 
popping sound that although it caused Gascogne to wince, appeared to 
give Barnette a great deal of satisfaction. "Since the first time I got 
the courage to talk to her, she's always known me better than myself. 
Later I found out that she'd known I'd been watching her for months and 
she was just waiting for me to introduce myself. I asked her why she 
didn't do it herself since she's hardly shy. Jura," Barnette said the 
name almost like it was a prayer, "she told me that wasn't what she 
wanted. That she wanted for me to introduce myself first because she 
wanted to meet a stronger Barnette. And do you know why she wanted 

Walking forward before she knew it, Gascogne found herself standing at 
Barnette's side, meeting her eyes as the pilot smiled sadly up at her. 
"Tell me," she replied.

"Because it would be the real me and then she could fall in love," 
Barnette said quietly. A small chuckle escaped her lips and she shook 
her head remembering it. "I know how it's thought I contributed to her 
personality... her arrogance and maybe I have but I never considered it 
to be even that. Jura is simply fearless in all things emotional. She 
doesn't have a shred of restraint in her romantic life, nothing holds 
her back. When she's with you she trusts you completely and without 
bounds." Looking back to Gascogne who held her gaze with solemn brown 
eyes, she murmured, "That's why I could never betray her. No matter how 
much I knew I was feeling for you then and now. I just couldn't..."

"Then I died and you got confused," Gascogne deduced. After a second of 
pause, she let her natural reactions take over and moved closer, resting 
a hand lightly on Barnette's waist. She turned the pilot towards her 
while her other hand cupped the stubborn chin she admired more with each 
passing moment and drew Barnette's head upwards. "I'm not someone who 
lies so I'll tell you now that I have been thinking about you very often 
as of late, Barnette. Every time I did, I knew I shouldn't because of 
Jura and hearing all of this doesn't make what I'm going to say any 
easier but I think it has to be said."

Instead of responding, Barnette simply dropped her eyes in a sign of 
agreement and Gascogne took a deep breath. Although they knew it was 
hardly any time at all between her last word and her next, it somehow 
seemed like a lifetime and more until she spoke again. But when she did 
a weight lifted off both their hearts as Gascogne said what had been 
lurking between them since this conversation began.

"I think I could love you but I won't betray her," said Gascogne in 
simple and strong terms. "I could never do that to another crew member 
and especially not to a friend and that's what I consider Jura. Unless 
you were to leave her there is no way we could..." Trailing off as she 
felt her throat dry up and tighten from emotion, Gascogne coughed and 
dropped her hands from Barnette's waist where they ended up during the 
previous silence. "And I don't want that. You still love her so it 
wouldn't be right."

"I know," agreed Barnette softly. Ducking her head, she bit her lip and 
wore a face of contemplation before she looked up at Gascogne and 
murmured, "Remember how I said that Jura knew how I felt? That I had 
told her?"

"Yes," Gascogne replied in vaguely perplexed tones, not sure where this 
was leading.

Barnette tilted her head expectantly to one side and Gascogne turned 
around as the door to the bedroom whirred open with a quiet hum to 
reveal Jura lounging in the door frame, a miniscule teddy resting 
comfortably on the curves of her body and a pleased smile spread on her 
ruby red lips.

"Jura," Gascogne breathed out her name very similar to how Barnette had 
said it earlier, unnervingly similar to a prayer on the lips of the 
devoted. Whipping her head around in a gesture of sheer nerves and 
confusion, Gascogne looked at Barnette who didn't appear as confident as 
Jura but seemed to be happier now. "What is this really all about?"

Instead of a verbal reply, Gascogne was rewarded with warm fingers on 
the planes of her face and slowly her head turned and she looked into 
the glittering green of Jura's eyes that shone with a brilliance so like 
Barnette's that it pained Gascogne to see. Long and elegant fingers, 
painted with perfection to make her look ever the lady, spread over 
Gascogne's tanned skin just as Barnette had done herself.

No words were spoken and time stood still for Gascogne as her heart beat 
out of control while she looked into those eyes, captured by what she 
saw there. What she somehow knew was happening. Fearing what Jura would 
find as she stared deep into her soul and saw who she truly was and 
wondering once she did, would she tell Barnette and if so, would the 
pilot still love her. Or would she think her weak and pathetic then toss 
her aside? After all, she did have Jura who was lovely and fearless. 
Jura who never paused at what others thought. Jura who was carefree as a 

Jura who was drawing her fingers slowly backwards to untangle the 
hairpiece and headband her sister had given her so long ago as to let 
her hair fall freely around her shoulders like a waterfall. Jura who in 
an easy gesture, pulled Barnette to her side, naturally wrapping an arm 
around her hips to lean against her. Jura who then reached out to 
lightly lift up Barnette's hand as it was covered with her own, to grasp 
the most valuable object Gascogne had in her meager possession.

Somehow understanding what they needed, all of them now, Gascogne rested 
her hand on top of theirs and together they removed the wire from her 
mouth. Watching in solemn silence as it formed into the key that opened 
what had been the one precious treasure that Gascogne had in her life. 
As Barnette and Jura held the key alone now, their eyes lifting to meet 
hers, shining with a brilliance that took her breath away, Gascogne knew 
that was no longer the case and it never would be again.

The real treasure was standing right in front of her and they alone held 
the key to her heart. All it had really taken for her to see it was 
allowing the real Gascogne to introduce herself and once she did, just 
like Barnette before her, Jura could feel herself falling in love all 
over again.

"Gasco," said Jura quietly, her face sincere and glowing with happiness. 
"Be with us from now on." Taking a slow step forward, Jura tugged 
Barnette along with her, as she now was almost shy as she peered at 
Gascogne. "When I first found out how Barnette felt about you, I won't 
lie, I was jealous. After all," Jura's green eyes sparkled and she 
smirked, "why was she even looking at other women when she had me? 
But..." Trailing off, Jura looked back at Barnette who smiled warmly at 
her then together they faced Gascogne who was waiting with an expression 
of patient curiosity. "I can understand it." Stepping closer yet, Jura 
stood on her toes and gentle fingers graced Gascogne's features in a 
light touch that teased the senses. "Barnette also made me a promise."

"Oh?" Gascogne quirked an eyebrow with interest.

Smiling wider, Jura leaned in, their mouths a bare breath apart as she 
murmured in low and sultry tones, "She promised me I could kiss you 

For as long as Gascogne had known Jura she had associated her with 
Barnette simply because unlike Barnette, she never got to spend much 
time with Jura. A part of her knew that for the longest time she was 
prejudiced against her to some degree simply due to her outward 
appearance. More than anything, she despised the greedy and foolish ways 
of many women on Mejale. Gascogne saw nothing impressive in status and 
wealth, what did they really get you in the end when you were lying on 
your death bed? Did they make you more satisfied with your life and how 
you spent it? She thought not.

And so she avoided Jura in the early years, warily observing her at 
first then slowly, before she even knew it, watching her with warmer 
more amused eyes as her relationship with Barnette played out. It was 
true they had been a couple when they first joined the crew but they 
were a couple who were new in their feelings of love and it was all too 
apparent. Especially in the way Barnette would scowl and narrow eyes at 
anyone whose gaze lingered too long on Jura's tempting curves.

Then she had been about to enter the cafeteria one day, pausing thanks 
to Jura's still figure standing in the doorway. Looking around the 
blonde, Gascogne had seen the very familiar figure of Varoa wearing her 
best lady killer smile as she leaned in close and lightly stroked her 
fingers down the length of Barnette's arm. Jura didn't move, didn't say 
a word, she didn't even seem to breathe. She just stood and watched as 
it happened and when Barnette turned bright red, stammering some lame 
excuse to Varoa before stumbling backwards in haste, she smiled as if 
knowing that was the only possible reaction Barnette could have. 
Smoothly, Jura walked to her wayward girlfriend, rescuing her from her 
social fumblings then sweeping her out of the cafeteria in a grand 

It was then that Gascogne's long standing respect for Jura began and 
through all the years, all their adventures, she had never lost it. But 
all the respect she had for Jura hadn't kept her from slowly but surely 
being drawn into the web of emotions Barnette created in her. The 
brunette pilot was obnoxious and willful, never thinking twice about 
putting herself in danger, she was brash and... and Gascogne knew now 
she loved her.

She loved Barnette, yes, but god help her, when Jura's soft lips swept 
over her own, hesitating momentarily before a tongue gently sought 
entrance and the kiss wasn't nearly so sweet anymore, she found herself 
loving Jura as well. It was hot and it was hard, mouths open and tasting 
deep from one another, each kiss hungrier than the last. Long and 
elegant fingers tangled in her hair, pulling her close even as Jura rose 
into her, tilting her head so she could have better access as their 
kisses continued.

When they finally parted, faces red and sucking in breaths of air, a 
soft chuckle greeted them and they turned to a smirking Barnette. 
"Well," she said in a slow drawl, tilting her head, "how was it?"

A moment of silence enveloped them before Gascogne burst into raucous 
and appreciative laughter as Barnette joined with her own satisfied 
chuckles and Jura, well... Jura rolled her eyes and sighed at their 
antics. Unwrapping her arms from around Gascogne's neck, she lowered 
herself to her feet and formed an expression of slight annoyance which 
immediately quieted Barnette down.

"Barnette," Jura drew her name out as she always did, her voice 
reminiscent of a child's but her pouting lips entirely adult, "you 
promised you wouldn't tease." Sniffing, she folded her arms over her 
chest and looked sly as she said, "You're just feeling jealous that I 
got to kiss Gasco first."

The only response Barnette had to this was a scowl and upon seeing it, 
Gascogne's features softened and she stepped forward, hands gentle on 
the skin of Barnette's arms as she pulled her forward. While Jura was 
soft and pliant to the touch, endless curves and valleys, Barnette was 
compact and trim, muscles perfectly developed under a pale skin that 
enchanted her.

Blue eyes were wide and full of want as they met Gascogne's and seeing 
this, she smiled then smoothly dipped her head, capturing Barnette's 
lips with her own. This kiss was far different than the one with Jura 
simply because it was now Barnette in her arms. Barnette whom she had 
loved for longer than she would care to admit. The woman who haunted her 
dreams so much so that if asked Gascogne couldn't be sure when she 
hadn't loved Barnette because it seemed as if she honestly always had.

They explored each other with a slow draw of passion and love, wanting 
it to last as long as it could. As they kissed, Barnette pressed eagerly 
into Gascogne, slipping her hands into her thick brown hair even as the 
older woman firmly grasped her buttocks, lifting Barnette up and into 
her. At this movement, Barnette gasped into Gascogne's mouth, causing 
her to smile and deepen the kiss that made the pilot groan with need.

As they moved apart, Barnette slowly slid down Gascogne's body with the 
strong support of her hands and lightly stood on top of the taller 
woman's feet. Barnette clung to her still, feeling light headed and 
burying her face in the crook of Gascogne's neck because of this.

"I love you, Gasco," Barnette whispered, her voice strained. Gascogne 
felt the soft locks of her bangs brush against her skin as Barnette 
tried to move even closer, as if she wanted to lose herself in 
Gascogne's warmth. "Please be with us. We can make you happy, I'm sure 
of it."

Looking up from the top of Barnette's head, Gascogne met Jura's steady 
gaze which was accepting and calm. Whatever she chose it was fine with 
Jura but she could tell... she could see Jura wanted this too. Perhaps 
at first because Barnette did but it had since become something else. 
They had both realized that with their first kiss and Gascogne couldn't 
deny it.

This is where she belonged, where all three of them did. Together and 
completely secure in their feelings. No secrets being held and no lies 
being told.

Holding out a hand to Jura, smiling as Barnette peered up at her 
speculatively, Gascogne pulled Jura to them and wrapped one arm around 
her as the other stayed firmly in place around Barnette. Leaning down, 
she kissed first Jura and then Barnette lightly on the cheek, hugging 
them as she asked, "When do I move in?"

What followed this question was the first and maybe only bout of totally 
uncontrolled and utterly rowdy laughter Jura ever experienced in her 
life. One that left Barnette and Gascogne in shock for a moment, 
wondering about the woman they had both agreed to spend their lives 

Just for a moment though.


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