Grey Love (part 1 of 14)

a Vampire Princess Miyu fanfiction by C. Gholy

Chisato Inoue the shinma had escaped. She slipped out of he darkness to 
find the guardian Miyu. She waited on the bench were she sat with Miyu 
the day they first met.

Chisato's POV

I know, as a shinma I shouldn't have any feelings for the guardian Miyu, 
but I do the fact is I love her.

I first met her at school. I was the first to befriend her and along 
with Yukari (tomboy) and Hisae (bookworm) she was such a nice person. I 
don't know were we gone wrong because what Miyu and me had was special.

The day when my brother left me the weapon to kill Miyu I was devastated 
but I had to be loyal to my family I had no other choice. She was the 
guardian I was a shinma we could never be together; the way I wanted it 
to be

But I panicked, I let it get the better of me I let the evil take 
complete control and thanks to me Hisae died and Yukari asked Miyu who 
she was and I just wanted to go and stand up for her. But I couldn't. 
Now Yukari herself is now dead

I wish I done something maybe if I did Yukari and Hisae would still be 
alive today

Now I'm silent as I wait for my love to come

Miyu's POV

I stand motionlessly next to Larva. My protector he's the only one 
probably understands me. The rabbit like beast Shiina whom I gladly 
allow to sit on my lap. We all watch for another stray shinma

I'm trying to get Chisato out of my head, how could she betray me. I 
thought what we had been special. I should have foreseen this I should 
have spotted straight away she was a shinma maybe I could have saved 
Hisae and Yukari.

The pain was so hard, I done the hardest decision I ever had to choose 
send Chisato to the dark.

Now I hear human cries under me. I decide to check it out by myself.

Now I enter this secluded room and it wasn't a human. It was the fiend I 
called a friend. Chisato

"what are you doing here?" I bark at her. She seemed to be crying. I 
find this amusing shinma don't have emotion

"you" Chisato whispered to me. I want to know what her game is. And more 
importantly how or why she's returned to earth

"What" I snap at her. Now she runs to me and hugs me viciously. How dare 

"I love you," she wailed now virtually ripping my white kimono and 
harshly ramming her tongue literally down my throat.

Five minutes of this cruel kissing I called out Larva.

Larva instantly came he dragged Chisato away from me. I had to recover 
from this sudden shock.

I just stared at Chisato as she constantly called out my name over and 
over again.

I should've done something but I was too weak.

Onwards to Part 2

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