The Sword in the Stone (part 4 of 7)

a Revolutionary Girl Utena fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 3
Utena woke up gradually, the dawn's light slowly pulling her into 
wakefulness. She tried to roll over, only to discover she couldn't 
move her arm. Her eyes half open, she drowsily discovered the reason.

Anthy was lying beside her, curled up against Utena's side, sleeping 
peacefully. For a moment, Utena got quite a view down Anthy's nearly 
sheer silk nightgown. 'Think pure thoughts, chum!' Utena thought. 
'Just remember, she's under a spell and isn't responsible for her 
actions.' Utena tried to move again, and realized her arm was pinned 
under Anthy.

She tried to tug it free without success. 'Now what? I could always 
chew my arm off quietly.' Utena thought about that a moment. 'Nah, 
that would hurt.' She sleepily debated for a few moments until she 
noticed that Anthy was awake and looking at her fondly.

"Good morning, Utena-sama," she said, and kissed Utena lightly on the 
cheek. She slid to the edge of the bed and smoothly got up. Smiling, 
she walked to the bathroom, hips swaying slightly.

Utena watched her go, then shook herself. 'Pure thoughts! Remember, 
she's under a spell.' she thought. It didn't seem to help, though. 
They ate a fast breakfast, then they were out and walking to classes 
when they came upon a very odd sight.

Miki stood in the middle of the walkway, carrying a sword and dressed 
in the oddest outfit. The blue pants were skintight, with big white 
boots. The jacket had shoulder pads and gold accents, with one blue 
sleeve and massive white cuffs. All in all, he looked pretty odd.

"Miki, is that your new band uniform or something?" Utena asked him, 
smiling. Miki blushed.

"Utena, I'm here to challenge you to a duel for the fair Anthy's 
hand," Miki said, pointing a rapier like blade at her. Utena raised 
her eyebrow and lightly touched the springy blade.

"Owe!" Utena gasped, and sucked the blood off her cut finger. She 
looked over at Miki thoughtfully. "For just her hand? What about the 
rest of her?"

Miki sweatdropped. "All of her!" he snapped.

"She's not a piece of property to fight over, Miki." Utena said 
gently. "She's a person, with the right to choose. I've told her she 
can go if she wants, but she's chosen so far to stay." Utena looked 
back at Anthy and smiled, "Something that makes me pretty happy."

Anthy stepped up beside Utena and looked Miki in the eye. "Don't hurt 
my Utena-sama." she said firmly. She looked up at Utena, and took her 

Miki saw how Anthy looked at Utena and sighed softly. He had already 
lost, even if he did win the duel. He conceded as gentlemanly as 
possible, and tried for a dignified exit. Then he noticed the boys and 
girls giggling over his costume and ran for his room to change.

Utena and Anthy watched him go, sweatdropping. "Lets hope that doesn't 
happen again," Utena sighed.


As they walked, they waved to friends, and eventually met up with 
Nanami and Wakaba. They were talking, laughing softly about something. 
When Utena reached them, Nanami asked "Did you see what Miki was 
wearing?" and broke into giggles.

Utena nodded, laughing. "Poor guy," she said. She smiled as she 
watched Nanami and Wakaba talk, she hadn't expected her old friend and 
new one to get along so well. They made an odd couple, the serious and 
the hyper.

"Miki must like Anthy very much," Wakaba commented.

"Maybe so," Anthy answered, taking Utena's arm possessively, "but I 
like my Utena-sama."

Nanami smiled as she saw Utena and Anthy together. She didn't think 
Anthy was under a spell anymore, she figured Anthy had found herself a 
hottie and didn't intend to let go. 'I wonder how long it'll take 
Utena to figure that out?' 

Onwards to Part 5

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