Utena warily watched the young woman she, Nanami and Juri had carefully carried to Utena's room in the East Dorm. 'Thank goodness the old dorm had only just been re-opened,' Utena thought, 'so there weren't many people she had to explain the unconscious woman to.' Juri and Nanami stood silent nearby, looking back and forth between Utena and the girl. "Thanks," Utena said quietly to Nanami, "I'm not sure what I would have done if you hadn't shown up." Nanami smiles back even as she continues to look with disbelief at the girl on the bed. "And only in you're first week here. What are you going to do tomorrow, Utena-sama?" Nanami teased. Utena scowled at Nanami, who just smiled back. Utena grinned suddenly, answering "The same thing we do every night, Nanami...." Utena and Nanami said together: "Try to take over the world!" Juri looked at the two of them like they were loony, then walked over and very carefully, so as not to wake the unconscious girl, checked her pulse. "Steady and strong." Juri noted to herself quietly. She looked measuringly at Utena. "What are you going to do now?" Utena shrugged. "I have no idea," she said with a wry smile. She turned back to look at the girl, only to see brown, warm eyes gazing at her adoringly. "My Prince," the girl murmured as she gracefully sat up in bed. She smiled warmly at Utena. "May I know my rescuer's name?" she asked sweetly. "Tenjou Utena," Utena answered nervously, offering her hand to shake. The strange girl took Utena's hand in both of hers and smoothly brought it to her lips. "I am Anthy, my prince, and from this day forth I belong to you." she said in loving tones, and clasped Utena's hand to her chest. Utena looked vaguely stunned. "I think you may have competition," Nanami whispered quietly to Juri as they both watched the exchange of words with a great deal of amusement. "Can I get one?" Juri quipped back to Nanami quietly, mirth in her voice. Utena shot both girls a glare, and turned back to Anthy. "What do you mean exactly, belong?" Utena asked, her eyes a bit wild. The princess looked at her a bit perplexed. "By the terms of the spell, I must belong to the noble prince who releases me." Anthy smiled sweetly to a majorly sweatdropping Utena. ------------------------------------------------------------ Utena sat down for her first class of the day, placing her book bag on the desk. Anthy gracefully took the desk at her side, the Ohtori girl's uniform bringing out her dark coloring. Several students gazed at Anthy with no little awe. Obviously, the story of what had happened in the courtyard was already spreading. Utena attempted to concentrate on her class work, but she found the events of the night before lingered in her thoughts. After Juri and Nanami had left (stopping only to get a few good quips in before they went), Utena had tried to explain to Anthy that she was free to go or to do whatever she wished. However, Anthy was simply and sweetly firm in that she now belonged to Utena and wasn't going anywhere. Sleeping arrangements were also a problem. Utena had given Anthy the bed and taken a sheet to the couch, but awakened in the middle of the night with Anthy snuggled up to her. She tried to send Anthy back to her bed, only to have her begin to cry softly, weeping that her prince was displeased with her. Of course, Utena tried to explain things, but finally just gave up and shared the bed with her. Utena sighed and tried again to focus on her class work. She was already behind from skipping out yesterday's work. From beside her, she could hear fragments of several students speaking to Anthy, and her own cheery replies. At least she's making friends, Utena mused, when she heard Anthy say: "I'm sorry, but I don't have a boyfriend. Utena is my Prince, and I belong to her." Anthy was replying to a question, in what Utena had learned was her normally chirpy tones. The young man gaped at her. "Do you two, uhm, sleep together?" the boy asked in very wary tones. "Of course. I first slept with Utena on the couch, then we moved over to the bed." Anthy explained serenely. The wide eyed young man sweatdropped. From behind him, one of the female students charged him, yelled "Hentai!" and clobbered him one on the head. She smiled and nodded approvingly to Anthy and Utena. Utena simply groaned and softly thumped her head on her desk. So much for my reputation, Utena thought wearily. I have a whole new one, now.
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