The carriage bumped, rattled and shook as it sped across the old cobblestone streets towards the palace. The princess sitting inside was not amused. “I have got to try talking Father into doing some more repaving.” Anthy muttered to herself. Then she sighed sadly. Her Father’s illness must be getting worse if he had needed to call her back from the marriage meetings so soon. As the carriage rumbled down the lane Anthy put her head out to see their progress. “Pouring rain. It figures,” she said. Shaking her head, she thought about her destination. The western palace was her personal residence, where her most loyal servants and friends resided. Anthy was looking forward to seeing most of them again, except one. ‘That drunken captain,’ Anthy thought with a bit of relief, ‘I was so happy when Miki wrote me he had been finally replaced.’ She frowned slightly, ‘But I wonder what he meant when he said he had a surprise for me?’ Anthy smiled warmly as the carriage passed through the main gates towards the entrance. Standing by the doorway was Miki, her own secretary and the head of household, and the new captain, in uniform and at attention beside him The shadows kept her from seeing much of him, but he looked capable. He was certainly willing to get wet when needed, a real improvement over the old one. As the carriage eased to a stop, Miki stepped forward, opening the door, offering his arm and holding a umbrella over Anthy. They made their way to the doors, and the captain ducked behind, following them respectfully. In the hallway, Anthy smiled and turned, about to ask him to walk with them, then the words seemed to die in her throat. She saw the clear, robin’s egg blue eyes, the handsome face, and the pink hair, all belonging to a striking young woman. Miki smiled slightly, saying “Princess, meet the new guard captain, Tenjou Utena.” They young woman smiled coolly, making a half salute with her hand to her brow. “I’m honored to be in your service, m’lady. Anthy searched for words under Utena’s steady gaze, when suddenly, they heard running feet. Utena lost her composure, her eyes growing wide with something like fear. “Oh, no, not now...” Utena whimpered. “Utena-sama!” Wakaba yelled in kawaii tones, leapt, and wrapped her arms around Utena’s neck and legs around her waist. Anthy couldn’t help giggling as Utena staggered about for a moment, fighting for her balance. Wakaba peered over Utena’s shoulder and waved cheerfully to Anthy. “What was that all about?” Anthy asked laughing. Wakaba jumped down, brushing off her maid’s uniform. “Well, when I met her a few days ago, I thought, ‘wow, she’s tall’ and I wanted to see, so” Wakaba gestured and talked happily a few more moments, Anthy and Miki listening with amusement. She stops and bows. “Oh, your rooms have already been prepared. See ya!” she said, and galloped off to another job. Miki and Anthy looked at each other and laughed. “Is she always like that?” Utena asked, shaking her head and smiling. “Yes,” Anthy said, and Utena groaned. “And it looks like you’re her latest crush.” Utena sweatdropped. “Don’t worry,” Miki said with a smile, “it usually runs its course in a month or so.” “A month?” Utena echoed softly. She sighed and shook herself. “Let’s get you to your rooms, milady.” They walked up the hallway, and Anthy watched the woman thoughtfully. She looked much nicer when she was smiling. Anthy was a bit surprised to see a guard outside her room, and a bit more about who it was. Asugawa Juri stood at attention, her uniform crisp and clean. She had a bit of a reputation as a lady-killer, but Anthy didn’t mind. Once she had told Juri she wasn’t interested, that was it. The black sheep of a noble family, Juri had a lot in common with Anthy, and they had become good friends. “Why a guard at the door?” Anthy asked surprised. Juri smiled and saluted when the princess approached. “An innovation by our new captain,” Juri said in approving tones. Miki also nodded agreement. Anthy sweatdropped. ‘I’d better agree, because like it or not, the guard’s staying if they have anything to say about it,’ Anthy thought. She moved to open the door, when Utena stopped her. The new captain walked in, and checked the parlor, bedroom, bath, and library for any intruders, then waved them in. Juri closed the door, and stayed on guard outside the room. “Could I speak with Miki alone?” Anthy asked. Utena frowned a bit, but nodded. She began to move, when she saw something. Utena grabbed Anthy and dived to the floor, even as the nearby window crashed inward. The crossbow bolt hissed through the air, and the sound of tearing cloth was heard. Laying beneath her, Anthy looked up into Utena’s face, and for a moment, her heart seemed to stop. ‘She’d so handsome,’ Anthy thought dazedly. “Are you all right, Princess?” Utena asked softly, looking down at the beautiful younger woman. “Yes,” Anthy said, smiling. “Thank you,” she said, as Utena pulled her to her feet. She watched as Utena barked orders to Miki and Juri, before turning back to her. “I’m sorry, Princess, but we have to get you out of here.” Utena took her arm and all but hustled her out of the room. Anthy noticed the tear in the shoulder of Utena’s uniform, and a flash of red. “Stop, please. Utena, you’re hurt,” Anthy said firmly. Stopping a moment, Anthy looked over the wound. “Just a graze, fortunately. Now, where are we going?” As she talked, she took a handkerchief and carefully wrapped the cut. “The guard’s wing,” Utena said simply. “It’s a bit rougher than your usual quarters, but I can be more certain of your safety while we search for the assassin.” “I understand,” Anthy said with a nod, and followed Utena down the hallway.
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