Author's Note: This is the second story I have written while in the Tenchi Fan Fiction
Chatroom. I have decided to keep this series of short stories untitled to stay true to the
impromptu style of writing.
"Such is the stuff of dreams and legend."
I watch her as she toils in the garden, sheen of sweat covers her brow. Several buzzing
insects harry her progress, however she ignores them, intent upon her purpose.
Upon hearing a call, she turns her head, brushing away an arrant lock to see what the
matter is. Alas, it is only little Sasami, who seems to always be bubbling over with
"Everyone's been asking about you," the little one says. "We're about to start lunch. Come
"Tell them I'll be there in a bit," the woman says cheerfully ruffling the girl's hair.
"All right," she says, already on her way back. "But don't take too long."
The woman ties her long hair into a bun and resumes her work. She meticulously lays out
row upon row of what will eventually be thriving floral display. The repetitive motions
allow her mind to drift. She thinks back to the circumstances and decisions that brought
her here. And to the reasons she remains.
Foremost in her mind was love. Which was funny, since for a long time she doubted it even
existed anymore; or had existed at all. She chuckled to herself as she briefly wondered
what the ethers would think had they caught her thinking this way.
*My, aren't they an interesting bunch.*
Sometimes funny; sometimes crazy; sometimes dangerous.
But always real.
She thought about that...
Such a strange word.
For the longest time she'd thought she knew what that meant. Only to find that her views
on the subject were all wrong. In her daily life here she'd seen what true family was.
And she wanted that. With all her being she wanted to love and be loved...
By her friends, and this strange family.
But most of all...she wanted the love of *Her*
*She* who rebuffed her every misguided attempt to get closer.
*She* who denied her very existence.
*She* whose golden eyes held the very keys to her heart
She longed for the day that that she could hold *her* in her arms and say all the words,
all of the things she could to prove her love. Yet there was a problem, which threatened
to keep this from ever happening.
*She* had found another.
One for which *her* heart beat triple time.
One for which *She* would lay down her life without a second thought.
The woman scowled briefly.
What kind of being is this to take what is rightfully hers?
What kind of power could this man-child possibly have to take away her beloved.
But no...
She could not hate him, for she saw what it was.
She knew that he had the power of tenderness.
Of warmth.
Something she couldn't allow herself to show in public.
He held the strength to reveal himself to *her.*
When she, herself, could not.
All she could do was tease and make cruel jokes.
"When will I ever learn?" she asked no one in particular.
Another might have wept at the lot fate had cast her.
But not she.
She'd shed her last tear long ago.
She arose and surveyed her work.
Neat rows of soil stared back at her, their silent order mirroring the state of her mind.
"I will find a way," she says. "It's like the flowers. They take time to grow, but in the
end they give a most beautiful reward."
Walking back toward the house she could hear the muted sounds of an argument.
She smiled to herself wondering who the victor might be, but not really caring.
Little Sasami met her at the door wearing an apron.
"Oh good! You made it," she said.
Hearing the noise die down a bit at her entrance the woman continued on to the bathroom
to freshen up. She looked into the bathroom mirror at her rather rumpled appearance and
brushed out her unruly hair as best as she could. A ghost of her old soul crossed her
otherwise youthful face.
Upon entering the dining room she took a seat next to one of the quarrelling girls and
smiled up at her.
"What are you smiling about?" the golden-eyed girl asked rudely.
The woman's smile broadened a bit.
"I was just thinking how glad I am to be here," she answered.
"And I'm glad you're here too"
The girl glared at her a moment longer, then went back to her meal.
"Yes," she thought to herself. "No matter how long it takes, I'll find a way to show you.
I swear it."
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