Finally Together (part 1 of 2)

a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by Only Yuri

<Kiyone's thoughts>
<*Mihoshi's thoughts*>

	Kiyone had no idea what time it was.  She was totally tired and desperately 
in need of sleep.
Nonetheless, she was ecstatic.  She and Mihoshi were able to pull off an 
assignment successfully without
the usual cuts and scrapes.  Right now, Yagami was heading towards Earth, 
towards Tenchi's house.
Kiyone needed the rest, and she was more than sure that Mihoshi wouldn't 
disagree.  She looked at
Mihoshi now, sleeping peacefully in her bed.  Kiyone turned to look at the 
ceiling, slipping a look at the
clock.  [23:12], it said in military time.  *Sigh* Kiyone closed her eyes. 
<Finally I get to relax> she thought.
20 minutes later, she rolled onto her side and opened her eyes.  <C'mon, 
gotta sleep.> She tried vainly to
close her eyes.  Not even the soft covers and plush pillow could convince 
her to even be drowsy.  Five
minutes later, she rolled onto her other side.  She couldn't shake the 
feeling that something bad was about
to happen.  She tried telling herself that she was heading off to relax, but 
her body still refused to listen.  45
minutes later, she flung the blankets off herself and sat up.  <I CAN'T 
SLEEP!>  She went to the front of
Yagami to make sure everything was all right.  <Ok, fuel's ok...speed...> 
Suddenly, she heard the crunch of
metal against metal, and a sudden jerk almost chucked her off her feet.  
<What the.> She hastily checked
the radar, but it had picked up nothing.  <That's not possible.> She turned 
her attention to the bedrooms.
She could hear heavy footsteps and muffled screams.  The control room was 
quite a ways from the bedroom.
By the time Kiyone made it to their room, the trespassers had already left. 
<How are they so fast?!> She
looked at Mihoshi's bed again, but it was empty.
The trespassers had hoped to be stealthy and they had thought that no one 
else was in the ship.  They
even sealed the hole they had made when entering the ship in hopes of 
covering up and lessening the
chances of anyone figuring what happened to the victim.  Kiyone rushed to 
the small window to see if she
could identify the kidnappers' ship.  The ship was black, so she was unable 
to see it clearly.  All she was
able to see was the green symbol of a coiled cobra with its hood up and 
teeth bared.


Kiyone didn't expect it, but after that incident she was actually able to 
sleep.  Finally all of those
hours of fatigue had caught up to her.  She fell asleep at the front of 
Yagami and wasn't awakened until
Yagami beeped that they were nearing their destination.
	After several minutes, Kiyone finally arrived on Earth, near Tenchi's 
house.  When they heard that
Kiyone was coming, the others ran out to greet her, except for Washu and 
Ryoko (Washu was in her lab
doing whatever, and I think Ryoko was taking a nap). But Kiyone looked 
incredibly concerned for some
"Kiyone, what's the matter?" Tenchi asked.
"Where's Mihoshi?" Sasami asked.
"Guys, I'm sorry, but I have to talk to Washu immediately."
Tenchi saw the concern in her eyes and nodded.  They all followed Kiyone.  
Tenchi knocked on the door of
Washu's lab.
"Who is it?"
"It's Kiyone, she needs to talk to you."
"About what?" Washu guarded her privacy.
"Oh, for crying out loud." Kiyone was exasperated.  She pushed right into 
Washu's room.
"What...?" was all Washu could say before Kiyone interrupted her.  Actually, 
all Washu could see was
Kiyone's strained and mad (as in crazy) expression.  She had never really 
seen Kiyone like this, except
maybe when she was very, VERY mad at Mihoshi.
"What did Mihoshi do this time?" she asked sweetly.
"She's been captured, I need your help."
"What?" Washu said again, only half in disbelief.
"I brought a copy of Yagami's hard drive, maybe you could check it and make 
sure I didn't miss anything."
Kiyone replied.
"No need, I can just connect to Yagami's computer."
"But...only the Galaxy Police Headquarters can do that."
"I broke into their security codes." Washu answered frankly.
Kiyone gaped.  Washu smiled brightly.
"This might take some time.  You might want to sit and relax for a while."
Kiyone sighed and walked out.  Meanwhile, everyone (except Ryoko) had heard 
"Did you get a look at the kidnappers?" Ayeka asked.
"Just a symbol.  Look, I really need some rest, I can't think about this 
right now." Kiyone sighed again.
She trudged to the couch and lied down.
The next thing she knew, she was still on the couch, except with blankets 
and she could smell soup boiling
(could someone actually smell soup boiling?).  Sasami was running around the 
kitchen getting dinner ready.
Kiyone decided to get up, but a pounding headache registered in her head.  
She closed her eyes and smelled
the soup even deeper than before.  Sasami placed a bowl on the table near 
the couch.  She noticed that
Kiyone was awake and tried to spoon-feed her, but Kiyone abruptly sat up.
"Thank you, Sasami, but I don't need any help eating...hmm..." Kiyone winced 
and pressed a hand on her
"Mmhm..." Kiyone answered, still in pain.
"Drink some of this, you should feel better."
Kiyone took a sip, and nodded her thanks.  Sasami was just about to walk 
away, but Kiyone held her back.
"Sasami...wait, I need to talk to someone."
Sasami blinked, but sat down.  Kiyone sighed, she didn't know where to 
" everything all right with you?" Sasami asked softly.  The 
bowl was placed on the table and
"I don't know what I'm feeling right now...I mean, I want Mihoshi back and 
safe, like everyone else does,
"Yes?" Kiyone looked into those wide, understanding eyes, and noticed how 
they were so much like
Mihoshi's.  She looked at her hands, and then away. "I just feel like I want 
her back right now, like I need
her.  But all this time, she's always been a pain to me; I've always wanted 
to leave her, to get a promotion.
But now I just want her back." She teared. <Why...why am I crying?>  Sasami 
smiled, knowing full well why
Kiyone felt like this.  Most people did not think that Sasami was so 
observant.  But she had at least seen
how Mihoshi felt about Kiyone.  Kiyone shook her head and sighed.  "Never 
mind, Sasami, but thanks for
Sasami nodded solemnly.  "I'm sure Washu will be able to help you.  
Meanwhile, drink the soup and sleep
more if you need to."
Obediently, Kiyone picked up the bowl and drank the somewhat cooled soup.  
She did not awaken until the
next day.


Kiyone could not find Mihoshi in the vast ship.  In fact, whenever she ran
through a hallway, the hallway
seemed to stretch, never giving entrance to any of the rooms.  Frankly, 
was getting tired.
Suddenly, she heard hoarse laughter and screams.  She ran toward it, toward 
light, but she could
not reach it because of those damn hallways.  But suddenly, she ran through 
flash of light, entered the
room, and...

...then everything turned black.
Kiyone woke up with a start.  She was sweating, everything was so hot.  She
flung the blankets off and
headed toward the kitchen clock. [3:25 AM] it told her.  She took a glass,
poured cool water in it, and drank
gratefully.  When she finished, she returned to the couch and sat down.  She
sighed, then put her head on
the pillow, but drew back when she noticed it was slightly damp.  <Everyone 
be asleep> she thought.
<I've never woken up in cold sweats before, so why did that happen just now? 
it because Mihoshi is
gone?  But I never felt that way before.  Every time I thought of her gone 
or as
someone else's partner, I've
always been happy or at least hopeful.  But now that she's actually gone, 
waking up in cold sweats and
thinking about her every second.  Have I been selfish all this time?> She
flipped over the pillow and laid her
head down.  She brought her feet up and drew herself into the blankets 
again. <I
hope Washu can help me
find her...>


Kiyone woke up again to someone shaking.  At first she thought it was a 
and it was Mihoshi calling
her name, but the voice got clearer and clearer as she woke up.  Sure 
Sasami was standing by the
couch and shaking her fitfully.
"Wha...?" Kiyone said groggily.
"Hurry! Washu's found something!"
Kiyone forgot her grogginess and flung the covers off again.  She raced to
Washu's lab and ran in, once
again startling the genius.
"You've found something?!" she gasped.
"'re actually very lucky." Washu started to explain.
"Please, just tell me already!"
"Ok,'re very lucky because Yagami was able to pick up one small, 
and I
mean small signal coming
from that ship that was in the exact range of its radar.  If the ship was 
further, it wouldn't have detected
it.  It seems to be a faint radio signal...possibly to a leader or 
Like I said, you're very, very
lucky." Washu answered finally.
"So can you use the computer to find what kind of ship it was?" Kiyone asked
almost excitably.
Washu frowned slightly, but continued. "It would take at most a day, but 
right about that.  The rest
of it depends on how good the records are at Galaxy Headquarters."
Kiyone nodded her thanks. "Thanks so much Washu.  I couldn't have done it
without you!" As Kiyone
walked out, Washu frowned and thought about how weird it was that Kiyone 
just like Mihoshi right


Mihoshi felt blindfolds being forced onto her.  Her arms and hands were
painfully bound behind her back.
A gag was forced into her mouth when she gasped for air.  Ankles were bound
together so tightly that
Mihoshi could almost feel the ropes biting into her skin.
"This one's a beauty, boss!" Harsh laughter followed.
"It certainly is." drawled one single, deep voice.
Mihoshi felt as if she was being put on trial, but she couldn't see the jury 
the judge.  The feeling was
actually more of an executioner and an audience <*ewww...bad thought*>.
Surprisingly, Mihoshi felt self-
controlled.  She only allowed herself to be like this when no one was 
True, she was sometimes a
ditz, but she actually was an accomplished first-class detective.  Just like 
blindfold put on her now, she
allowed everyone to see one side of her, but the other side was carefully 
away. <*Kiyone...I need

Onwards to Part 2

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