Soul Lights: Miko Love (part 1 of 4)

a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by MysticMew

Note: () indicates change of POV to the listed character, if empty 
then the following will be done in third person, a question mark 
indicates a character who is either unknown yet to the reader or 
should stay that way for now. <> Indicated time/place if necessary



As you probably figured out already, this is part of the Soul Lights 
Continuum. I'll be doing several of these to explain backgrounds from 
those groups and characters that'll get neglected in the main plotline 
and/or I just don't find the time to fit in as they deserve.
This is the first part of the miko series, named that way because it 
pretty much focuses around the Hikawa Jinja. There will be this one, 
maybe a second one for Rei/Sasami and one for Kagome/Sango (Inu 
Yasha). I'll fit in Hitomi's role somewhere in between. :)
Before we begin. BSSM and Tenchi Muyo in the SL continuum are kind of 
a bit a mix of Crossover and Fusion, the lines are rather blurry. So, 
things will be a bit different. Though anything up to and mostly 
including (while not really focusing on) OVA 2 did happen but is 
interpreted a little differently.
That's it for this part. You CAN read this without having read any of 
the other stories of Soul Lights but it will fit in there and makes 
the most sense to be read as a side story because that's what it is.


<Jurai, Imperial Palace>
The chamber of the Ouke-no-ki was huge and vast, fit into the highest 
tower of the Juraian Imperial Palace that stood looming over every 
other building. The monumental trees that gave those of Juraian blood 
their power and long life were kept here on various individual 
platforms, all provided with perfect conditions. Yet the one thing 
they really needed, the one thing that was essential to their survival 
was deep down, at the center of the chamber. Down at the very bottom 
stood an almost insignificant small tree. Yet size did not always 
compare with power and the tree we saw here was more like an outward, 
physical projection of a much larger organism.
	Tsunami, proclaimed Goddess of Jurai, the 0th generation tree, 
the birth mother of all those others, was experiencing a kind of 
duality in perspective. Not an uncommon trait, a long time had passed 
already since the day she had bounded herself to her chosen charge 
after all, as much out of necessity to save the young Princess' life 
as it was for her own sake. There had been... uproars. Tsunami, the 
Mother Tree, choosing to bond herself just like her children, and then 
to Princess Sasami, the SECOND Princess of all people. Tsunami knew 
though the moment the girl was born that the time had come and that 
this child would be the perfect opportunity.
	Oh, Tsunami wasn't a heartless spirit. She was quite human in 
fact... at least up to that point when she found that planet's 
Yggdrasil - the Life Tree - and forged a bond with it. It was her way 
of making her mark on the world, stepping out of the shadows of her 
sister who always seemed to have been destined for greater things. 
After the long war for their freedom fought back on her home planet, 
Tsunami had not wanted to just merely remain at her sister's side, 
quietly supportive. She had other ideas for achieving a peaceful, 
vivid and fair society. Or so she had thought. Young and with a spark 
of envy she had been. Though loving her sister dearly, she wanted to 
find her own purpose. And then she had found the tree and Jurai 
bloomed from their union. A prosperous empire, quickly expanding out 
towards the stars, bringing peace and justice with them...
	'I've been so foolish. Nothing lasts forever. Oneechan's kingdom 
fell to disease from within as well after all...'
	Standing in front of her tree self now, in the body of a young 
girl, barely thirteen or fourteen from physical appearance and even 
younger in mind - not counting about seven hundred years in 
hibernation -, Tsunami felt a brief pang of regret at what she would 
do. But it was a unanimous decision. Of both herself and her host, the 
reasons were both similar as much as they were differing. Some were 
the same, some were individually, for both of them.
	Yet both young Sasami and Tsunami agreed that the once great 
Juraian Empire had reached a state of inner disease and infection that 
staying would be like supporting a sinking ship. They both hoped their 
disappearance would cause a positive reaction in the Empire that had 
for a long time been ruled more by the wealthy and the noble than by 
the Emperor himself. Not that Azusa, Sasami's father, had been such a 
grandiose ruler himself.
	Things had to change. And if they had to shock-force the change, 
so be it.
	Tsunami's children would live and so would the planet. She had 
ensured that. Oh, there would be drawbacks, of course, but she had 
taken great care in her work. Hopefully she would find reason to 
return soon but if not, her children would live. It was the Juraian 
nobles that would feel the consequences.
	*Ready?* a voice so much like her own when she was younger 
sounded in their momentary shared consciousness. When she was 
younger... that had been ages ago...
	Tsunami looked around one last time, her gaze settling on each 
of the trees present, memories flooding her mind that in her present 
state she could not hold back from her host as she had tried to do in 
the past. There was no real need to shield the girl's innocence 
anymore. Their assimilation was almost complete, one of the reasons - 
or more so the reactions to that circumstance - that had strengthened 
their decision. Tsunami felt very sad for having cut the young 
Princess' childhood as short as she did but it couldn't be helped now 
and they had become a lot closer recently after all.
	"Yes, let us proceed."
	And with that, just a thought was necessary, there was a big 
flash of light and gone was the tree along with the girl at its base. 
A few moments later, high above the Imperial Palace, a ship with ten 
wing-like structures appeared, yet invisible for the normal eye as it 
silently moved away. Away into an uncertain future.
	It would be several hours later, as morning came over Jurai, 
that the people would learn what had happened. Their Goddess, their 
literal birth mother, had left them.


	M&M DreamWorks Presents
	Miko Love
	A Benevolent Angel
	A Soul Lights Side Story
	Based on the works of Takeuchi Naoko and all other assorted 
	Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon(c)Takeuchi Naoko
	Tenchi Muyo(c)Pioneer
	Inu-Yasha, Ranma 1/2(c)Takahashi Rumiko
	The Vision of Escaflowne(c)Kawamori Shoji, Yatate Hajime


I stood on what outwardly could probably be described as the bridge, 
looking out at the endless ocean of stars streaking by. So many of 
them, so many lives, and yet I felt rather lonely at the moment. When 
I was younger I used to pester my older sister about the stars. How 
many there were, if anyone had ever seen all, these sort of things. 
Curiosity born of the innocent mind obtained at birth and usually kept 
throughout most of childhood. For some that childhood lasted longer, 
for some it was much shorter... For some it was drastically cut short. 
And such a cut also severely penetrated one's innocence, as much as 
you tried to hold onto it. Oh, I did not blame Her. Not anymore. By 
now I knew and fully understood what She had done. By now I knew Her 
better than any other member of the Juraian royalty ever had. A 
connection so deep that no one truly understood, even those who tried 
too. I did not blame them, not really anyway. Unfortunately, 
consequences were and had already been unavoidable.
	Not that I regretted the decision we had reached, but I've 
always used to have someone around me. Ayeka, the others... I was used 
to company and the silence of the ship was deafening right now. I've 
never liked to be alone. And since I was five, I never was alone. Not 
truly anymore.
	A soft gust of air was the only indication, more like a barely 
tangible breeze actually. Silently the semi-translucent form of my 
other self had appeared next to me. Long blue hair and pinkish-red 
eyes just like mine, a me that was quite a few years older. Although 
not as much as it used to be not so long ago.
	"We should be reaching Earth's orbit soon." The face of the 
entity did not show much expression beyond the general calm and 
gentleness. Yet, I needn't watch for facial expressions or listen 
closely to what was said. As we were now, words actually weren't 
needed. Talking had always been more like an act of comfort, something 
normal in the relationship between us that was anything but. 
Especially in moments like this, all alone, we were each other's only 
	"Do you think this is the right thing to do?" I didn't know what 
exactly I was asking about. Leaving Jurai, our destination, the 
decisions we had reached. Actually I wasn't even questioning anything, 
just looking for something to talk about, to drown out the emptiness 
and silence that lay over the ship like a blanket. True, Tsunami, the 
ship, was hardly to be considered inorganic and sterile like normal 
star ships. Usually it was filled with all sorts of sounds and 
impressions, subspace creating an environment much more agreeable for 
one's aesthetic perception. But even the usual vivid atmosphere didn't 
seem to have the normal soothing effect right now. The decision to 
leave had been right. I was sure of that. There were so many reasons, 
each of them alone enough to consider the step, together they fused 
together into an unavoidable construct. And still...
	Tsunami did not speak for a long time, probably sensing my inner 
conflict. When she did it was in a more nonchalant manner, 
deliberately ignoring the complexity of the question. I was rather 
grateful for that. "What I have heard worries me, but what I suspect 
worries me even more. Since we have left I have no safe method to 
investigate this further." I was surprised at the rather odd and 
troubled tone, so unusual for the "Goddess of Jurai", as most of our 
people saw her. Then again, most people... no, no one but me actually, 
knew the real her, how truly complex her personality was. Yet, why we 
shared memories and thoughts on pretty much all occasion, Tsunami 
still was blocking the "suspicions" she mentioned earlier. What I 
could gauge was that she did not wish to worry me before she was not 
absolutely certain. Of course, that alone led to a certain amount of 
anxiety on my part.
	I reached up with one hand to touch the shoulder of the 
ghost-like form, not even really physical present on this plane other 
than the thread connecting her to me. "Tsunami-chan?" I inquired 
tentatively, while not expecting further details. All I wanted was to 
provide some consolation. We were depended on each other even more now 
after all.
	Tsunami shook her head sadly. "It is nothing. Do not worry about 
me. This must be even more difficult for you."
	I gave her a dubious look but did not pry any deeper. We were 
both aware of the other's feelings. The process of assimilation had 
progressed too far already to completely block out something. At least 
not permanently. Whatever this was that was burdening my other self, 
it had been on the edge of her awareness all the time ever since we 
returned to Jurai. A couple of times I had tried to talk about it, 
wondering why she wouldn't do anything about it. After all, through 
Funaho, traveling to Earth shouldn't be a problem in the first place. 
Unfortunately Tsunami never hadn't been very talkative about it or 
shown any sign of taking action. Only when we had left and the 
question of a destination came up, only then the topic had been 
breached. Brief and briskly.
	"I will be fine," I said, aware that it was probably sounding 
hollow in the face of my own disbelief over my other self's earlier 
statement. We were rather similar on this level. Neither of us liked 
to talk much about their worries, about their own darkness. In this 
the connection between us was both a comfort as well as a weakness. 
Neither of us could totally eradicate the other's loneliness but the 
compassion and understanding was certainly soothing.
	Tsunami looked back at me now with the same dubious expression 
but neither of us said a word. Instead, after a few moments had 
passed, we both turned back to watch the stars pass by.
	"I will go and see Martel as soon as we arrive. Will you be fine 
on your own?"
	I considered the question for a longer while. The prospect of 
being alone on the ship was not a very favorable one. Maybe I could go 
to the surface, a little shopping would be nice. Most likely we would 
be here for awhile, neither of us yet quite sure where our ultimate 
destination was going to be. I met Tsunami's eyes in a silent 
conversation which was all that was needed to bring my thoughts 
across. "I suppose I'll find something to occupy myself with."


<Tokyo, Japan (Rei)>
Wringing out the damp cloth in a routinely fashion applied for 
countless days now I dumped the material back into the bowl filled 
with fresh, cool liquid. It did little to nothing in terms of dimming 
the heat it was meant for but at least I could hope that the coolness 
at least, if only for a moment, reached the desired effect.
	Carefully I put the now wet cloth back on the forehead of the 
figure lying in the single bed of the small room. For a moment I 
lingered with my hand where the cloth would eventually go a moment 
later, feeling no apparent change in the man whom I called my 
grandfather. The temperature was still rather high, not technically 
life but surely health-threatening.
	I sighed heavily, finishing the procedure and getting up from my 
kneeling position. It had gone on like this for days now, the result 
of some kind of new virus that had rapidly spread over this part of 
Japan. Many had fallen prey to it and apart from barely helpful 
medicine and constant rest there was not much to be done about it. 
This kind of disease was while not lethal still rather new and thus 
hard to treat appropriately.
	Without a noise I closed the sliding door to the room, lest I'd 
disturb the resting man's sleep, and made my way slowly through the 
hallways of the Jinja until I would eventually find my way outside. My 
gaze wandered over the grounds, taking in its state with a keen eye, 
trained by years of living here. Not that the Jinja looked any 
different to most common visitors but to me the lack of care taking 
was glaring. A result directly related to the absence of the head 
priest, disturbing the daily life rhythm drastically.
	I proceeded onwards to what functioned as the traditional 
Haiden. There was no actual worship hall like in most common Jinja. 
'One of the many aspects why the situation now is so dramatic,' I 
mused darkly while proceeding to rectify a quick prayer. Hikawa Jinja 
had always been small, a family shrine. Nothing more, nothing less. 
The staff mainly consisted out of Grandpa and myself. The reputation 
Hikawa had earned was product of hard work and didn't reach very far 
out of the local area. There was the occasional aid from other 
shrine's in the area, helping in daily life chores. Nothing permanent 
though. Most of the time Grandpa and I were left alone to take care of 
the small Jinja.
	Usually that was fine with me. Now, with Grandpa unable to 
perform his duties the ramification were all the more prominent. I had 
always dreamed to one day become the priestess of the Hikawa Jinja. 
Yet, I wasn't even a fully-acknowledged priestess yet. Only a miko 
with, admittedly, excellent talents - some earned through my other 
identity no doubt - and I would freely admit that I didn't feel ready 
for the duties that came with the sole caretaker.
	Especially now. Practically all of the other Senshi were 
thoroughly immersed in their own personal lives. University or college 
life claiming most of their attention. Even mine. Or at least in 
principle. I wasn't sure how many important classes I had already 
missed due to grandfather's illness. It became more and more obvious 
that balancing shrine duties and studies became near to impossible. I 
had taken the Business courses in the first place to help me managing 
the Jinja later on, so it wasn't all that worrisome if I dropped out 
without a degree to show but with some knowledge acquired. Still, I 
did not like to give up something easily.
	'Sometimes I really wish I had someone to truly share my burdens 
with,' an errand thought strayed into my mind but I chased it away 
quickly, finishing the prayer. For a moment I lingered at the ritual 
bell, my mind clouded with memories and decision from a time long 
gone. Deep down, beyond that which even I acknowledged most of the 
time, I hoped that I would be granted companionship. Most of my 
childhood had been spent in loneliness and my heart yearned for the 
gentle compassion of others. Already part of it had been fulfilled, 
with the companions granted on me sharing my own special fate in life. 
The other part though had already been soiled badly through bad 
experiences, leading me to believe that maybe a partner like our 
Princess had in the Prince was not for me. And yet I continued to pray 
silently. Not with words, but from my heart, as closed off as this 
part was, hoping that the cry would one day be answered regardless of 
the wards placed around its confinement...
	Then, with a decisive abruptness, I turned around, marching back 
to the main building. There were many things to do and very little 
time for them. I could not afford to dwell on the foolish notions of a 
child. Experience had shown already that love obviously was not for 
me. Not that kind anyway. I shouldn't expect so much anyway. The 
treasure of the friends and comrades I found in recent years was 
worthy enough to concentrate on. Through them my own training had 
benefited greatly. They presented another elemental factor of Shinto 
religion. They had taught me how to control my own temper better and 
also how to feel as part of a family. The love shared between us 
while, mostly, not romantic in nature, was in my opinion much purer 
than the uncertainties of a relationship.
	It was still pretty early in the morning but visitors would come 
soon, requesting this and that. Most of them locals, but some from 
further away. While certainly not as great as many other shrines, 
Hikawa Jinja had acquired a certain reputation. And upholding that 
reputation required at least one person, even if not fully qualified. 
Technically I had classes again but... I would have to limit their 
attendance to the utmost important. What else was there to do? The 
situation was a constant struggle between the one and the other and in 
the end my life-long devotion to Hikawa would emerge victorious in 
every aspect. This was my dream, was it not? I had sworn myself to 
uphold the tradition of this place, there was no one else left in the 
family who could or would other than me. Not that it had ever been a 
matter of obligation to begin with.
	Loud cawing made me stop in my track and without needing to look 
I extended one arm, providing a landing space for one of the two black 
ravens, Phobos, while the other, Deimos, settled on my right shoulder. 
I favored both with a fond smile. It was not altogether true that my 
childhood had been spent mostly alone. They had been there for almost 
as long as I remembered. My sole companions, my guardians... only 
throughout the events of the latest crisis had I learned how true the 
latter term was. I was grateful that freeing the star seeds from the 
Cauldron had not only restored us but practically every Senshi - or so 
reports that Luna and Artemis had received indicated. Also it seemed 
the entire affair had benefited the shape-shifting ability of my 
guardian spirits to a degree where they could at least maintain their 
smaller, humanoid forms at will. From my mostly restored memories as 
Mars I remembered that they could shift to a more human-like - in size 
- appearance but for now this was all that seemed possible for them.
	My fond smile turned into a frown, picking up their heightened 
agitation before 'words' were even exchanged. Something was beyond a 
doubt worrying them, although further conversation would show that 
even they did not truly know what or if it was even worrying to begin 
with. All that they knew was of something approaching. Be it hostile 
or not, it was another issue to trouble my already vastly occupied 


<Somewhere on Earth (Tsunami)>
A small river sidled idly through the scenery of a thick forest filled 
with all kinds of creatures the human eye would hardly believe 
existed, mostly because only a small percentage would be able to see 
them. Various glowing light in different shapes and colors spoke of 
the ever present fairies, between the trees occasionally an elf or 
wood troll could be seen, peeking out curiously before going back to 
whatever they were doing. Glancing to the side, I saw a young nymph 
staring out at me from the lake, without fear or wariness for it know 
who and especially what I was.
	A place that no human could ever access, not without permission 
and a suitable guide anyway. Barely anyone knew it existed to begin 
with or how important its existence was to the very life blossoming on 
the surface. The setting was similar to what Sasami and I liked to 
create as a subspace environment within my ship boy. Compared to that 
though, this was all natural. One gifted could easily see that since 
everything here harbored real life, every tree bore a dryad like it 
should. And they were all so healthy and vivid...
	Once upon a time this place had resided on the surface, just 
like all the mystical sanctuaries that had made Earth such a 
magical-gifted planet. A fact sadly dwindling more and more into 
oblivion by the ignorance of the common people which was one of the 
reasons why most of the sacred grounds had retreated deep into the 
planetary core, into subspace pockets where no harm could be done by 
the foolishness of a mortal.
	Such a long time ago... It had been so different in this time 
and age. There had still been a great number of individuals who 
understood how the world worked then. Well, not really understood. For 
a mortal to fully understand everything that was necessary for life to 
spread and blossom, it would take lifetimes. Even our kind, we who 
were responsible for part of it, rarely ever knew much beyond our own 
realm, beyond our own tasks.
	I walked silently through the forest, bare foot touching the 
humid earth and green grass below. Only upon these planes that we 
called home could I truly walk freely. Yet while I reveled in the 
feeling, the separation from my young charge was causing a physical 
pain of the like to not be endured too long. The assimilation had 
proceeded faster and further as I had thought. A complete separation 
like this was becoming more and more straining. However, this was 
something I had to do alone. The further course of our journey might 
be depending on it.
	After an endless seeming walk which in fact only took the barest 
whisper in the flow of time I reached a wide clearing with a beautiful 
tree looming mightily over all the others. It was impossible to 
determine the exact kind of the wood, or at least not in human 
classifications. Such simple details were rather important for me 
anyway. What was more important was the figure sitting in the grass at 
the base of the tree. She was kneeling next to a peacefully resting 
green dragon and was surrounded by all kinds of other animals commonly 
found in woods.
	At my approach it seemed like every creatures' attention was 
drawn to me. Even the dragon opened one sleepy eye and determining the 
source of its rousing went back to sleep afterwards. The figure next 
to it rose from her kneeling position, the light blue gown - more 
white than blue actually - rustled in a soft breeze. She had long, 
curly green hair that fell unconstrained over her shoulders. Adorning 
her head like a crown was a laurel wreath.
	"Tsunami-sama, I have been expecting you," the, for all outward 
purposes, young woman said. Not really to my surprise. Regardless of 
the near perfect ability to cloak myself from the unsuspecting eye, 
the sensitive would have still felt my approach, especially with my 
tree self now on board the ship body. That the dryad of this planet's 
Yggdrasil knew I was coming was only natural since she was kin after 
	"It has been some time, Martel. I am sorry I could not come 
earlier. What I have heard and felt was most distressing, 
unfortunately matters back on Jurai needed my full attention."
	Martel nodded solemnly. "There is no need to apologize, 
Tsunami-sama. I am certain you have your reasons." Silence reigned for 
a few moments before Martel directed her blue eyes to look at me 
meaningful. "So, you have felt the disturbance even over all the 
distance." It was not a question and both of us knew it.
	"Is it true then," I queried nonetheless in return, needing 
confirmation. "Is it really... 'her?'" One not aware of the entire 
background would have been shocked to hear me nearly spat out the last 
word like a curse. And a curse it very well might be if what was 
becoming more and more reality was the truth. In fact, already upon 
arriving I had been aware of the fractures in the two hundred 
millennia old seal. I just didn't want to acknowledge it.
	Martel emitted a barely audible sigh, stretching out one hand in 
which appeared a translucent image of Earth. The image was overlaid by 
various colored patches, like domes or shields covering areas. No, not 
shields, barriers would be more accurate. What drew my eyes' attention 
though were the solitary lines of orange and purple weaving around the 
planet in an unwavering and seemingly unbreakable pattern.
	"What exactly happened?" I wondered out loud to myself as much 
as asking the other dryad. The seal should have been eternal, or so we 
had hoped. Too much sacrifices had gone into its creations to be 
undone now or at any other time. Looking closer now, it was apparent 
that the damage had been much older, the results only recently 
starting to show. That was no excuse though. I had always watched out 
for my mortal's side own home world, ever since sister's kingdom fell. 
This was the least I could do after my ambitious, but in hindsight 
rather foolish quest for independency. That I had not seen what was 
going on with the ancient seal was upsetting and burdening my already 
heavy heart with further guilt, making my worries about Jurai 
momentarily appear rather insignificant.
	"It would appear a mortal sorcerer, centuries ago, unknowingly 
tempered with the outer layer and gave them form in the process. That, 
as you can imagine, added a small weakness to be exploited." Not that 
anymore was needed for a being of her power. It needn't be said, we 
both knew it. "Only recently has the old flow been restored by the 
hands of the reincarnation of two of the mages. They only barely 
managed to prevent a preliminary escape..."
	Another pang of guilt made its presence known. I was pretty 
certain that I had felt this event. At that time, shortly before 
everyone left for Jurai, I had not been able to exactly pinpoint the 
feeling of utter disturbance that had overcome me... or maybe I had 
not wanted to pinpoint it, feared it... Considering the source, this 
was not so much a surprise as someone might think.
	"Restored, yes," I observed bitterly with an expression of 
gloom, "but much too late it would seem." Sure. The holes were tiny, 
merely big enough for a human to put one or two fingers through if 
they were lucky, figuratively speaking . Then again, that was all She 
would need with time being on Her side. It wasn't fair. So many lives 
had been lost creating this and now... What could I do? What could be 
done to begin with? Practically nothing. Further tempering with the 
seal was out of the question. Even an attempt of repair could bring 
the complex web to collapse immediately, setting free the greatest 
evil this world, the entire universe, had ever seen... All that could 
be done was wait. A couple of years by what I could estimate without 
closer examination. That would be all She needed now.
	I looked back at Martel, seeing the same apprehension burning in 
my soul reflected in the dryad's eyes. Being chief-responsible for the 
life of this planet the burden had to be a quite physical one. 
Preparations would have to be made.


<Tokyo, Japan (Rei)>
The sky was already turning a crimson shade of red, announcing the end 
of the day and the soon dominance of night's shadows and all that 
lurked in it. The instinctive fear of the darkness from the human mind 
was well-founded after all. There were many things lurking in the 
shadows that the normal eye could not see. Despite our, the Sailor 
Senshi's efforts many dangers were still constantly waiting for the 
unreasonable and careless. That and much more I had learned throughout 
my training. And also that not all of those "dangers" were alien 
beings not to belong in this world.
	After becoming Sailormars and after all those years seeing 
things far beyond that which my chosen faith had taught me, my belief, 
the way I was practicing my religion, had undergone some drastic 
changes. No, not really changes. Additions, corrections, finding 
concrete proof for one theory while refuting the other. Unlike 
commonly thought, especially by Westerns at that, Shinto was not so 
much a religion as it was a way of life. A path that acknowledged, 
cherished and worshipped all that was life. I often found it in 
foreign magazines and such, the notion that we were worshipping 
multiple Gods. Back on T.A. the same thing had been brought up again 
and again by those who hadn't been around here very long. However, to 
translate the word kami simply with god was crude, simple-minded and 
altogether inaccurate. If we believed in anything it was the spirits 
of nature blossoming in all sorts of things that were remotely alive. 
Elementals spirits if you want to call them that. The world consisted 
of far more in the supernatural field than just Youma or Daimons or 
whatever they were called. Unlike the latter groups though, these 
other creatures were part of this world, a part of the greater whole.
	With the powers at my disposal now, added by the recently pretty 
much completely unsealed memory of my past life I had found that the 
general idea behind Shinto wasn't very far off from the truth. Then 
again, I suspect many religions had some fundamental truth, often 
inspired by the things beyond our perception. Yet, regardless of what 
was truth and what not, my experiences had only further strengthened 
the resolve behind my own dream. For one thing it was that, my dream, 
and from another angle the further I could progress at becoming a real 
priestess and the more I could mingle this knowledge with that of my 
other identity, the more the team would benefit in the future.
	Even if general education was suffering under it.
	I sighed heavily, both from tiredness and resignation. I should 
have stayed at home in the first place. This wasn't doing me any good. 
There had been a test today which is why I had to go at least for the 
afternoon classes. As expected, the continuing, steadily increasing 
absence left me with a feeling of complete and utter failure. Briefly 
I wondered if that was how Usagi and sometimes Minako had to feel 
after knowing exactly that they had most likely blown a test 
completely. Not that I didn't have a good excuse, an understandable 
reason. Yet, the truth was hard to deny and the consequences even more 
	I needn't have coaxed Makoto into taking care of the Jinja and 
Jiji for this, I admitted sadly to myself, finally arriving at the 
stairs leading up to Hikawa. It was doubtful that the brunette was 
here anymore. She had made it clear that she needed to get away early, 
mumbled something about a job perspective and that she needed to be 
fit for tomorrow. In my opinion it was about time that she decided on 
a clear path. All the others had already taken advantage of their free 
time, most of them intensifying their studies on various universities 
and colleges... Even - as hard as that was to believe - Usagi! Mako 
though seemed still torn between her various talents and likings and 
so hadn't applied for any college or job after our official graduation 
only a few weeks ago.
	I couldn't say I didn't sympathize, with the current situation 
and all. Grandfather's sickness had really messed up my own plans. 
However, in my case I at least knew what I wanted and would be ready 
to draw the consequences if needed. This was no situation to uphold 
for very long anymore without serious help. And since short of a 
benevolent angel finding its way into the Jinja, I hardly thought 
anything would be able to avert the inevitable consequence of dropping 
out of college, at least for the year until Grandfather was well 
again... A sad fact but not really all that world-shattering. I had 
taken the classes for assistance to my true path anyway.
	For one of the only few times that I could remember I found the 
walk up the stairs much too long and tedious. The constant pending 
between studying and taking care of the Jinja was impacting on my 
physical fitness... probably my mental one as well considering the 
performance at the test today. Who was I kidding? Another week or so 
of this and I would join my grandfather in bed.
	Finally I reached the top and stepped through the Torii gate at 
the entrance of the shrine's grounds. An expert gaze swept over the 
premise and noted at once what was hardly to be expected any 
differently. Clean and organized. No signs of disorder or chaos. 
Typical Makoto for you. You could count on it that she'd never left 
anything in disarray when taking care of a task. I really wished to 
have someone so thorough and mindful around on a permanent basis but 
while the tall Senshi had helped out quite often because of her free 
time, this was not what she wanted in life and I wished her from the 
heart that she would succeed in finding something that would make her 
happy. Even if that would make my own work here much harder...
	But this was my dream after all and I should take care of it, 
not someone else.
	My initial inspection completed to my satisfaction, I took two 
more steps before stopping again abruptly, my gaze falling on a lone 
figure sitting on the veranda of the main shrine building. I hadn't 
even sensed the presence of the young girl, I estimated somewhere 
around thirteen or fourteen maybe. Even more surprising was the reason 
for my neglect. Usually every person not belonging here, guests even 
friends, were creating a certain disturbance to my finely honed 
senses. Normally it was no big deal, the feeling a constant background 
sensation I was used to. It was only becoming import than no one 
should be here anymore or if something completely out of the ordinary 
entered here. The girl though created not the slightest disturbance. 
For all intent and purposes she could have wandered around here at 
night and I would not have even noticed it. The only other one who 
could occasionally manage to pull this effect off was Usagi...
	Shaking my head to clear it of the whirling thoughts, I 
approached the single girl slowly. She had her head bowed, only a 
small portion of her face visible under light blue hair tied into two 
odangos similar to Usagi's style. In fact, as far as the hairstyle 
went, they could have been twins, which created yet another parallel 
where I wasn't sure of whether to be curious or wary of. It was 
probably nothing, nothing all that meaningful anyway. She was most 
likely just some girl seeking some short of shelter for various 
possible reasons. Coming closer I could feel waves of barely 
suppressed loneliness mixed with a deep sadness of a kind I found hard 
to identify. Maybe she had run away from home or something. There 
could be a thousandth possible explanations.
	That's the last thing I need, my tired mind rebelled and I found 
myself unable to disagree, taking care of a possible runaway. What a 
hassle... Despite my bitter thoughts though my miko training kicked in 
and overrode my sour mood immediately. I could hardly let her sit 
outside here with a good conscience, couldn't I? Grandpa wouldn't 
approve at all and hardly would I think of myself as cruel as that.
	Not really in the mood but with the decision now clear to find 
out what this was all about, I neared the girl as she finally lifted 
up her head to acknowledge my presence. Reddish-pink eyes stared 
upwards and for a moment I felt myself captured in a timeless 
encounter that stirred something deep down in my soul. I was too tired 
to analyze it properly though and just shrugged it off mentally. The 
feeling though would stay burned in my soul and would soon enough 
resurface to haunt me...


<A while earlier (Sasami)>
Tokyo was as vivid and bustling with activity as ever. The few times 
we had managed to actually come out here from Ohkyama had always been 
exciting. There had been so many different things to do and so many 
possibilities to shop. For me the most interesting had always been the 
many supermarkets and other food stores but sightseeing, as rarely as 
we had been able to, came right after it.
	There was something nice about walking the streets of a city 
like Tokyo and not needing to worry about unwanted attention, of being 
spotted any moment as a member of the ruling family of the currently 
greatest Empire this galaxy. True, Japan's capital for all its size 
was quite as grandiose as most bigger cities back on Jurai but the 
freedom of being just a normal face in the crowd, just another teenage 
girl on a stroll through the never-sleeping city, that was reason 
enough to enjoy it to its fullest.
	Or at least it should be. Walking through the streets I was 
aware of a more and more growing feeling of listlessness. As nice as 
this was. All alone the activity lost much of its original appeal. I 
felt lonely, not just because of the lack of physical company but even 
more so because the lack of Tsunami's presence other than a barely 
tangible background hum fading in and out. I wasn't used to not having 
the constant presence of Jurai's Life Tree with me. Especially in 
these last months which had been hard on both of us for various 
reasons. The other's presence alone had held the darkness at bay 
somewhat wishing to claim us.
	I wish Tenchi and the other's were here... At once I chastened 
myself for the errand thought but the pain in my heart surfaced 
nonetheless, assaulting me with memories of the past. Why had I been 
so foolish to believe that I would have had some place in his future? 
That was reserved for my sister and Ryoko alone, despite his 
declarations of the opposite. I couldn't even blame him. He was just 
too much of a nice guy, he wouldn't bring himself to deliberately hurt 
someone, and so he would play it cool and bite his time, not even 
realizing that this alone was bound to hurt... Mihoshi had seen it 
too, and I envied her somewhat for her actions coming so much sooner 
than my own. I had held to the hope that his words before leaving for 
Jurai had inspired in me, even though I knew that it was a useless 
thing to do.
	Besides, and what really made me see the foolishness of my 
feelings, was that Tenchi just like anyone else - including my sister 
- never truly understood the depth of my connection to Tsunami. It had 
been a trying year for all of us after a hastened departure from Earth 
when we learned of my parents disappearance and the consequences that 
meant for Tenchi as Yosho's chosen heir. A lot of pressure and 
political conflict had done their part in alienating us... No, not 
alienating. More like uncovering truths that were tightly concealed 
and hard to swallow. Despite all the pressure of the Holy Council when 
they learned about my and Tsunami's true connection, it had been the 
simple but hard fact that Tenchi would never truly understand it as 
much as he tried, that made my decision.
	My place wasn't there anymore and it just happened to agree with 
my other half's own conclusion. Jurai's political system had long been 
poisoned by the seed of corruption and autocracy. She had held onto 
her hope for a long time that maybe Tenchi could lead the Empire back 
on its old path but even that seemed not enough anymore. Something had 
to be done, something drastic. Many of the royals benefiting from 
Tsunami and her children failed to cherish the gift given to them 
properly... maybe taking that gift away would make them see.
	I wondered if this approach was not a little too radical but did 
not dare to speak against my older and wiser counterpart. She had 
invested so much into the birth of the Empire that it had to hurt her 
terribly to even consider this step. In a way what the people of Jurai 
had termed her, their Goddess, held a shred of truth, but much 
differently than what anyone would ever truly understand.
	I clenched my eyes tightly shut, cutting off the flood of 
unpleasant memories. That had been one of the reasons why I had come 
down here instead of waiting for Tsunami's return up in the ship. To 
prevent such thoughts from overtaking me. It had been the right 
decision. Too many things had happened, too many factors were 
effecting this to not draw a clear consequence. Unfortunately that 
didn't take the loneliness away, not at all.
	I had no idea how long Tsunami would be gone. From the little I 
understood about this, time on the Astral Plane obeyed different laws 
and there wasn't exactly a set method to convert it. Sometimes the 
time spent was longer than on our plane of existence, sometimes it was 
much shorter. She had said it could take awhile which more or less 
meant a separation of at least a day. A long day if you were used to 
each other's constant company for several years now.
	It was getting late already, I noticed with a look into the sky 
beginning to turn a light shade of red. I hadn't even realized how 
much time I had spent just aimlessly walking around, lost in thoughts 
and memories I tried to avoid. If Tsunami was there, I was often able 
to take comfort in her presence and ignore them but now with the 
separation so drastic - although I still didn't really understand why 
that was necessary - I could feel the strain on my spirit. I hated to 
be alone. I had never liked to be alone. And ever since Tsunami was 
with me I never was, even though I just realized the true gift offered 
to me in recent years. Right now I felt empty inside, as if someone 
had ripped out half of my heart, leaving behind a leaking wound, open 
for all sorts of infections... Which in a way was closer to the truth 
than one might think.
	I stopped suddenly, turning my head so that I could look up the 
long flight of stairs leading up a hill towards what unmistakably had 
to be a shrine, a Shinto Jinja if the Torii gate was any indication. 
Later I wouldn't be quite sure how to explain it but I felt drawn by 
this place, the solace it offered. Arriving on the top it appeared as 
if no one was home, or at least no one was taking care of the shrine 
itself. No priest or miko to be seen. Normally I would have been able 
to pick out life forms in the building but missing the connection to 
Tsunami even that simple act was beyond me. Regardless, the place 
appeared to me like a sanctuary. Somewhere where I could stay awhile. 
Somewhere where I belonged...
	Funny. The feeling seemed odd, out of place, alien. A little 
like one of the premonitions my other half would sent me when I was 
younger and still occasionally did. And yet there was something 
different in it, something potent, important not in a grander, 
all-embracing way usually announcing some sort of significant event 
that would effect many people. No, this was personal. This feeling had 
pulled me here like a moth to the flame, yet I doubted it held a 
danger for myself. I had learned to trust my inner feelings and 
instincts, part of which were influenced by Tsunami and part of them 
by my own growing powers.
	I had only sat down for a short while, half an hour maybe, the 
Jinja grounds strangely calming on my mind but not quite chasing away 
the loneliness in heart. I had clung to the feeling of importance, 
finding any excuse suitable to stay a bit longer, to divert my 
attention from the void left behind by Tsunami's departure accompanied 
by the growing physical and mental unease as a consequence. I hadn't 
thought the separation would affect me so badly.
	The dark thoughts circling and clouding my mind, however, 
vaporized momentarily as I became aware of someone approaching. When I 
lifted my head to look at the young woman walking towards me and I 
felt my gaze caught within purple eyes, something tugged at my soul 
with a surprising strength and vitality, something that flooded those 
dark places haunting me with their presence with a potent light. It 
was gone as soon as the gaze was broken, leaving me to feel even more 
saddened and lonely as before. But regardless, a word had briefly 
fluttered through my soul, clutching onto the image of the dark-haired 
beauty there with a ferocity that startled me.
	Destiny. MY destiny...


The unexplainable sensation rushing through me was somewhat 
disconcerting. For that brief moment our gazes met in that powerful 
clash I felt an inner fire coursing through my body that was similar 
to when I became Sailormars, and yet somehow different, important 
and... Gah, I had no idea what it meant. I was tired and trying to 
figure this out added only further confusion. Which is why I broke eye 
contact - at least the intense one... A task remarkably hard to 
achieve and when finished left me with a sense of... loss. Weird. I 
would have to analyze this further at a later point. Not now. Now all 
I wanted was to deal with this and leave the exhausting day behind... 
Frankly all I wanted was to go check on grandfather before locating my 
bed right away. I didn't want to deal with a runaway girl - or 
whatever she was.
	'Idiotic compassion,' I thought darkly though not really meaning 
	"Hey, little one." I winced slightly at how that sounded. The 
age was hard to determine but I knew that I wouldn't have liked to be 
called that by older girls around that time. On the other hand, the 
blue-haired girl had something... innocent about her. The innocence of 
a child kept in spite of growing up. Somewhat like Usagi. But, just 
like Usagi recently, you could see that the years, growing up, had 
left its taint on that innocence which made me feel somewhat saddened 
at the sight.
	I sat down next to the younger girl. She was wearing a simple 
black dress with a white collar, the skirt going a little over her 
knees. It made her actually look a little more... beautiful compared 
to the natural cuteness that was glaring at you upon first glance. 
Bewildered at my wondering thoughts, I focused on the more immediate 
necessities. "What are you doing out here so late? Shouldn't you go 
home?" I inquired gently, not wishing to accuse her of something 
immediately. There could be numerous reasons for her presence here.
	The girl continued to look out over the yard but somehow her 
gaze seemed unfocused, staring into nothingness, or at least somewhere 
far away from here. "I have no home." I swallowed a sudden lump in my 
throat, being confronted by the naked loneliness in the statement. As 
if just realizing her own answer, the blue-haired stranger started and 
quickly tried to avert, "I mean, I do have somewhere to stay but..." 
She lowered her head. "I'm just going to be lonely there."
	Without really wanting to I reached out to put a comforting hand 
on her shoulder. "And it isn't here?" I knew that the grounds of a 
shrine often gave lonely people a place of tranquility. A feeling of 
belonging and comfort. I should know. I had lived here for most of my 
life and could very well relate to the feeling.
	The girl nodded silently without elaborating further. Silence 
reigned for almost a minute more as we sat in the final stages of 
dusk. It was such a moment of tranquility I cherished often alone but 
surprisingly felt just as natural with the stranger here. The pure 
aura the girl emitted was not impacting on the atmosphere at all. I 
was startled slightly to realize that I hadn't moved my hand from her 
shoulder as she moved the tiniest bit, shivering slightly in a cool, 
early spring breeze.
	I looked sideways at the physically inconspicuous looking girl. 
She had an air of mystery around her that should make me instantly 
wary. It was actually hard to get a clear picture of her inner spirit, 
the image seemingly consisting of several layers shielding and merging 
into each other. By all rights, my miko training should make me wary 
and yet somehow I could not bring myself to feel the tiniest bit of 
mistrust against the stranger.
	Finally retracting my hand, with an irritating inner reluctance, 
I sighed in a mixture of annoyance and defeat. The more time I was 
dragging this out, the more confused the girl made me. "Why don't you 
stay here for tonight." When the girl's face lit up in immediate hope 
I quickly averted my eyes, once again startled at the fluttering 
feeling the sight produced, "Only tonight. I... It's very busy around 
here right now and I have no time to baby-sit." Either she would go 
back home on her own or another solution had to be found. I REALLY 
didn't have time to take care of another hassle. Nursing grandfather 
back to health was enough if combined with taking care of the shrine 
and upholding at least a somewhat regular schedule at college. At any 
other time I might have been curious to find out more about the 
strange girl who was causing such unnatural and unintentional feelings 
in me... Then again, this was another reason to quickly get rid of 
her. Now wasn't the time to be distracted. If I let my focus slip now, 
the slippery ground on which I juggled my life affairs at the moment 
might just break apart and swallow me whole. No, it was best to 
resolve this quickly.
	Why didn't I sound more convincing to myself then?
	The girl smiled, a mixture of gratitude and delicate sadness at 
my quick amendment. I groaned inwardly, feeling yet another stirring 
of feelings I did not recognize... or maybe did not want to recognize 
for what they w... could be. "You'd really let me stay here?" The 
eagerness in the words was infectious and I couldn't help but smile 
somewhat fondly at the brightness chasing away the sad and lonely look 
overshadowing her face moments ago, proving to me that despite all 
that might trouble her, this one had always kept a certain innocence 
in her heart. A trait I had always envied Usagi for and similarly did 
right now, while at the same it was heartwarming to see.
	"Only tonight," I reminded in what was supposed to be a stern 
voice but came over as lightly teasing, the happiness coming forth to 
chase away the dark shadows for the moment making it impossible to 
uphold my gloomy mood. Standing up I extended my hand for the other 
girl to take, once again without thinking about it very much. "I am 
Rei, by the way."
	Another smile lit up the girl's face and I barely managed to 
suppress the urge to jerk my hand away when she took it. Just like 
before, with the intense, initial exchange I could feel the stir again 
and shuddered somewhat for a reason unknown - or ignored - by me. "I 
am Sasami."


	Later that night, I finally managed to turn in. Finishing my 
routine of locking all the doors and windows, I lingered at the door 
to the guest bedroom that I had placed the girl, Sasami, in. After a 
sparse dinner - thankfully Mako-chan had left something behind since I 
was a terrible cook myself - the blue-haired stranger had quickly 
shown signs of exhaustion herself and almost immediately after being 
shown her room for the night had went to sleep.
	While still enormously tired from the strains of the day, my 
inner being had become agitated. The unexpected meeting having chased 
away the cobwebs clouding my mind and replacing them by conflicting 
thoughts and feelings about the mysterious girl sleeping just a door 
away right now.
	I shook my head vehemently, trying to calm my mind so that I 
could finally get some much needed rest. I was not planning on letting 
this trouble me more than it absolutely had to. I had just taken a 
couple of steps away from the guestroom and towards my own when my 
honed senses flared like a bonfire. For a single, all too brief moment 
I felt another, unfamiliar presence descending onto the Jinja grounds. 
Something much more startling and confusing as Sasami's own. This one 
had an otherworldly quality to it. The feeling I sometimes got from an 
intense connection with the Sacred Fire was similar to this, however, 
it had a different feeling... and on a much bigger magnitude.
	I turned sharply looking back at the direction where I had felt 
the presence appear and vanish just an instant later. No, not really 
vanish. More like merging with the presence already there. Sasami's 
	I wondered if I would get some sleep at all tonight...


With instincts and skill developed over years I allowed myself to fall 
into the still familiar routine. An inspection of the shrine's kitchen 
had shown a rather sparse supply of food, most of which indicating 
beyond a doubt that none of the current residents were much good at 
cooking. There was some stuff here which might be from a friend 
helping out, or at least that is what I figured. For breakfast it 
would do though.
	It had been some time since I had prepared a meal for a 
household. When we were still living at the Masaki home, I had 
indulged delightfully in the task. Many would wonder why I, as a girl 
of eight years at that time, would go to such great lengths. There 
were many reasons, actually. One of it simply that I enjoyed cooking 
and all that came with it. The motivation behind it had changed with 
time though. Or better it changed the more and more my bond with 
Tsunami progressed and the more I understood what truly happened that 
day in the Chamber of the Ouke no Ki when the tree spirit had saved 
me. Yes, saved me. Not made a copy or something like that which would 
only serve as a shell later on when I had grown up. Then, when I 
realized this, a huge burden had been taken from my shoulders. 
Cooking, preparing the meals and taking care of other chores around 
the house had been a way for me to soothe my own fears and worries 
that I wasn't anymore what I appeared to be. Not the real Sasami, just 
some thing created by Tsunami out of pity... Helping in these little 
ways had made me feel a little better about it since I was useful, 
since I could contribute to the well-being of the family that I 
despite my assumed condition still loved dearly.
	Beginning with the incident at the onsen, after the honest 
acceptance and understanding of everyone, I had already felt better. 
But it was much later, when the assimilation between Tsunami and I was 
forced to advance faster than planned due to the events back on Jurai, 
that I understood the truth. After that, I still would prepare the 
meals for the family whenever I could, but it was now mostly because 
of personal enjoyment and the satisfaction of seeing the approval on 
everyone's faces afterwards.
	I suppose I had always craved other's attention. I didn't like 
to be alone, not at all. The short time between leaving Jurai and 
arriving here had been a fairly good example. I could only enjoy life 
when I was with those I loved. My family, friends. Leaving had been a 
hard decision. The right one, I believed in that, but still so very 
hard. If there hadn't been so many more things influencing this course 
of action, I could have easily accepted the more and more apparent 
rejection from Tenchi's side. Deep down I had known for a long time 
that I didn't belong at his side, not the way I had hoped for. Maybe 
it had really just been a child's innocent crush, intensified and 
morphed through the rapidly growing body.
	Arriving here, I had been hollow inside but somehow that one 
person had managed to fill the loneliness I was feeling from the loss 
of Tsunami's connection and the troubling memories. Hino Rei had 
reminded a little of my sister. Somewhat aloof and with an air of 
standoffishness. From the little interaction and sparse conversation 
we had I had the impression the miko wasn't one to easily show her 
feelings... and yet she had acted somewhat awkward around me.
	She seemed nice though and I wanted to thank her in some way. 
Sure, some would think I was making breakfast here so early in the 
morning because I wanted to give her a reason to let me stay. I 
couldn't totally deny that. As nice as Tsunami's ship self was, it was 
also very lonely up there without someone to spend time with, Tsunami 
herself not quite counting. That wasn't the only reason though. I felt 
gratitude for the small gesture from the miko and wanted to express 
that gratitude somehow. This was the best way I could.
	There was another reason on the back of my... our minds though. 
Tsunami had returned late yesterday and without her quite telling me 
what her meeting had resulted in, the feedback I received leaking 
through every barrier put around those memories was troubling enough. 
All she had let me know was that she wanted to stay awhile to 
'observe' things. She didn't say what she meant or how long she wanted 
to stay... but it gave me another reason to lighten my mood. Even if I 
couldn't stay here, maybe I could find some place elsewhere. Then 
again, if I was honest with myself, I wanted to stay right here.
	I could hardly explain it. Rei had something about her that drew 
my attention immediately. When I had first met her outside in the yard 
there was an unmistakable pull, as if our fates were entwined in some 
way. From Tsunami I had learned to trust those feelings and I was 
really curious what exactly it meant. The prospect of making a new 
friend, especially when we would stay here for awhile sounded nice.
	Not to forget that Tsunami thought she was a star child, a 
Senshi like those that had existed long ago in the time when one of 
her aspect's lived here on Earth, before merging with the Yggdrasil 
back on Jurai. I didn't know all that much about the time yet, only 
the general details. However, if I was interpreting all the signs 
right, I had the feeling that I would soon get to know more about 
this, and that being in the close presence of a star child would turn 
out to be beneficial.
	Having finished the preparations and setting the table already, 
I went in search of the miko. It was easy to pick out her glowing 
presence now. There was only one more presence here, a faint glimmer 
only and Rei was with that other presence right now. That had to be 
her grandfather. She had said something about him being sick. I hoped 
it was nothing life-threatening. The aura was rather dim, not 
frighteningly so yet but concerning nonetheless. Maybe Tsunami 
	*We shouldn't interfere so much in the normal flow of things,* 
the familiar voice echoed in my mind. I grudgingly surrendered to her 
superior wisdom. I didn't like seeing other people, other living 
beings in general, in pain or some sort of other distress. I could 
understand that some things had to happen, which didn't mean that I 
had to be happy about it.
	I found Rei and her grandfather after awhile of searching. 
Carefully, not wanting to disturb the occupants of the room, I slid 
the door aside. Rei was currently kneeling besides the bed and handing 
the older man some kind of medicine. He looked rather weak to my eyes 
and once again I really wished I could do something. Well, maybe a 
nice, hot soup would help.
	The miko looked up even though I had barely made a single sound, 
which showed the sharpness of her senses. A myriad of emotions played 
over her face. Surprise, suspicion, a bit of anger maybe... She 
clearly wanted to be mad about the intrusion but lost the struggle 
surprisingly fast, her expression finally settling into soft 
	I still felt bad about the intrusion though. Lingering at the 
door for a moment, I finally spoke quietly, fearing to somehow commit 
a desecration. I really didn't want to anger my gracious host for the 
night but at the same time wished to show my own concern and 
compassion for her grandfather.
	"Um, I made some breakfast." Looking at the weak form of the 
older man, I added, "If you want I can make something for him later?"


My nose twitched, inhaling the delicious smell that my lips were still 
tasting. All my senses were focused on that one simple task. I had 
eaten many traditional Japanese breakfast and various kinds of it too, 
but could hardly believe a simple bowl of miso soup and rice could 
taste so, so... This was as good as Makoto's, if not even better. It 
was hard to measure and compare since the style varied but with an 
equal quality to it. And considering the small stock of supplies I 
knew had been here - a neglect due to my other activities occupying 
most of my time - this could be considered a masterpiece.
	I looked up, meeting the eager, expecting eyes of the one 
responsible for the feast. I could hardly believe that someone who 
looked so... well, let's say innocent and inconspicuous, could create 
something so... Fine, Makoto had been equally as good when we met 
first met her around a similar age but somehow I could hardly picture 
the girl as someone who had been forced to take care of herself for as 
long a time as Makoto had been, making one wonder why it would seem 
like she did this all her life.
	Sasami cocked her head to the side in an adoringly cute 
motion... Wait... Adoringly cute? Where did that come from? "I know 
it's not been much. There wasn't much to work with. I hope it still 
edible." Kuso, this was too much. I couldn't stand this look without 
letting my stoic countenance slip. Waking up I had been ready to 
follow through with my intentions of yesterday and get my unsought 
guest out of the Jinja and back where she belonged... or someplace 
else where she could be taken care of, especially after the little 
sleep I had gotten. And now she went and with one look and simple 
query for opinion destroyed my resolve again.
	"It was..." I wanted to say something indifferent and cool but 
just could not suppress the smile. Surely there was a sated look on my 
face too, because that is what I felt like. I hadn't had a decent meal 
in a long time and this was more refreshing as I wanted to admit. 
"Delicious. Where did you learn to cook so good?" I really didn't want 
to ask. Curiosity would lead to further curiosity and to attachment 
and... well, as I said, I really didn't want another thing to worm 
itself into my busy schedule.
	My mouth wasn't quite going along with my sense of logic.
	Sasami's face lit up with joy, pleased to hear that her efforts 
were met with approval. Gah, I could predict the fluttery feeling 
again before it even stirred inside of me. What was it with that girl 
that affected me so much? Since meeting Usagi no one had made such an 
intense, initial impression on me and with our Princess it hadn't been 
so... immediate. Usagi had affected us all in a slower, steadier way 
which I, for my part, barely noticed until the changes had already set 
in. This was more sudden. More intense and somehow inspiring a notion 
of importance. Personal importance.
	I groaned inwardly. It was becoming harder and harder to cling 
to my intentions.
	"I used to live at a shrine, well, close to one some time ago. 
I've always been making the meals. It was... my way of helping the 
family, I suppose. Besides I like to cook. I like to see how it makes 
people happy."
	I raised an eyebrow at the first solid information about my 
guest that I had received other than her name and the many mysteries 
seeming to surround her. At the same time another part of me, the part 
that had just yesterday foolishly - or so I had thought - prayed for 
someone to share my burden with, and for just a moment my gaze became 
speculating, curious... interested. I tried to quell the emotions 
leaking out but could not stop the question forthcoming, "You lived at 
a shrine? Did you help out there sometimes?"


	Standing outside in the yard I looked out over the city bathed 
in the magnificent light of the rising sun. It was still early and 
most of the city was just waking up. Another day was beginning. 
Another day of hectic activities, another day of trying to balance out 
work at the Jinja, college and whatever else had to be done. Another 
day like always... just not quite the same anymore.
	"Great," I grumbled, "what were you thinking Rei?" I reprimanded 
myself. "Taking in a total stranger and allowing her to... 'help 
out'." She didn't even have proper training. All the younger girl had 
done was sometimes help her grandfather with some chores - or so she 
said. On the other hand, it was hard to deny that Sasami possessed a 
vast spiritual potential and I had the suspicion she was rather aware 
of her abilities and their capacities. She had said that her 
grandfather had recently taught her a lot about Shinto and other 
religions and that she learned quite a bit. I wasn't entirely sure how 
much of that was the truth and how much small half-truths. I couldn't 
bring myself to think that the younger girl was lying. It seemed 
contrary to her very nature. However, she wasn't telling everything 
either. She was holding some... more like a lot of things back.
	'Well, I have time to find out now, right?' I thought with mixed 
feelings. On the one hand I had sort of resigned myself to the fact 
that I wasn't able to win this battle on the rational side. On the 
other hand the small, neglected part of me that had always cried out 
for more attention, for someone to understand her, was much more 
active than usual, overjoyed at the prospect of a new friend, possible 
companion... of whatever nature.
	I turned back to the bell hanging from its usual place. For a 
long time I stared at the symbol of divinity for our small shrine that 
many daily came to pay their respects to and ask for blessings, hoping 
to make their life a little better, a little brighter. Had the fire 
spirit residing here heard me and was trying to send me a sign with 
the girl or was it all just coincidence? The timing was just so 
obvious I could hardly believe Sasami's appearance last night was just 
a whim of fate. Being a Senshi and the long training as a miko had 
taught me to believe otherwise.
	And frankly, if I was totally honest, I wanted this event to be 
something significant. Something positively significant. I could sure 
need a little light in my life at the moment and Sasami reminded me so 
much of Usagi, while still maintaining something solely special about 
her, it was easy to believe she could shed this light if allowed to.
	I chuckled quietly. What was it that I had wished for just 
before setting foot on the shrine grounds and spotting Sasami 
yesterday? An angel? She had that kind of affect on me. Already now, 
after such a short time spent together, I couldn't help but feeling 
drawn to her, my own worries and inner darkness soothed by her light 
without as much as a conscious thought or action. It was frustrating, 
mystifying and interesting all the same. The part of me that had been 
lonely for so long practically honed in on those feelings like a moth 
was drawn to a flame. Before it got burned. And yet they still did it. 
Again and again...
	I wondered if I would get burned, too? Again? I had no idea and 
wondered if I could stop myself. If I wanted to stop myself.
	I turned at soft footsteps, the only indicator of the presence 
of what was going to be my new charge or assistant or whatever one 
would want to call it, for an indefinite time. Nothing other than the 
noise of her feet on the stone beneath had announced her approach. Her 
aura still lacking any kind of disturbance within the holy grounds, 
being as good as invisible to my finely honed senses. I believed that 
I could still pick it out after some time of being exposed to it but 
for someone not used to it...
	Sasami was clad in the traditional robes of a miko which were 
fitting rather well, I had to admit. My eyes softened, not able to 
hold up the critical inspection when I came to focus on the girl's 
face, filled with a happy smile and an eager, excited expression. She 
twirled around once for show. "How does it look?"
	"Beautiful..." The word slipped out before I could stop myself, 
thankfully whispered in a much too low voice for the other girl to 
watch. A slight flush had to be quickly covered while cursing once 
again the affect that one simple girl had on me. Aloud what I said, 
together with a nod of approval, was, "I think we can work with that." 
Inside though I was wondering if I would stay unburned for long while 
being constantly exposed to Sasami's presence.



Author's Notes

Let's keep that short, shall we? I know those of you who have never 
read anything of Soul Lights Main Arc are now looking at me strangely 
and maybe some of who expected some straight, canon-based BSSM/Tenchi 
crossover might want to strangle me or at least wonder what's going 
Well, you know, I told you that you COULD read it without ever having 
read anything else of the Continuum but I also said that it would make 
most sense to treat the miko series as what it is. A side story. So, 

there you go.
With that in mind I want to soothe your worries. I haven't revealed 
much about what happened to Sasami/Tsunami between the end of the OVA 
and now. Of course, it wouldn't be fun to do that right away. Some 
more light will be shed on the past, although not all will be 
revealed. I have to leave some things for the main arc, yes? And there 
will be another series that fills in the gaps for the Tenchi Muyo crew 
and their adventures between the end of canon (well, canon as far as I 
know it disregarding OVA 3) and the beginnings of the SL Continuum. 
And no Tsunami in this realm is not a Goddess per se as you might have 
figured out (or know) already and she is not exactly the tree spirit 
alone. As I said... *points at main arc* Go read the rest or wait for 
further revelations in the next parts.
The SL-verse is a complex web and while you can read most side stories 
independently (or at least I try to make them that way), the stories 
all connect in some way. You will never find all aspects of the 
greater whole explained in a single arc. To get the full picture, you 
have to read everything eventually.

I claim not to be an expert of Shinto religion but I have done some 
research. If you find anything excessively wrong, go ahead and mail me 
so that I can correct it. Since this series will revolve around the 
Hikawa Jinja, the occasional references to the traditional Japanese 
"religion" is impossible to avoid and I did a bit of information 
gathering already. Consider this somewhat a mix of fact and own 
interpretations, especially how Rei sees her role and the belief 
system she follows. From what I gathered Shinto is a pretty open... 
religion. Which is why I am a bit reluctant to use the term. It's more 
like a life style, actually.
When I speak about disturbance here, I usually refer to the presence 
of a person not permanently belonging to the Jinja. Rei is a very 
sensitive person and on her home grounds she seemed to be even more 
sensitive to any kind of disturbances. Good or evil. So, in this 
regard when I speak about disturbance, it is used as a neutral and not 
a negative term.
In case you wonder, which some of you might do. Yes, Martel and 
actually a lot of stuff concerning Elemental lore (and there will be 
quite a bit throughout the Continuum) has been greatly inspired by 
Tales of Phantasia, mingling somewhat with other RPGs I've played. 
This is somewhat intentional since ToP comes close to my own view of 
the matter and makes a nice resource to draw from.
As for Sasami's character. It is really annoyingly hard to write her 
in first person! I find it easier to do with the assimilation between 
her and Tsunami completed. Then I can treat them more or less like 
Hotaru/Saturn. But this stage in between is somewhat hard to do. Add 
to that, that Sasami in general is hard to write... Well, I consider 
it a challenge and am more or less satisfied with how this first part 
turned out. I'd like to hear your opinions about my characterization 
of Sasami in here but please keep in mind that some time has passed 
and not everything in the Tenchi-verse (especially the aspect of 
Tsunami) is as you are used to.

And for all who didn't get it yet. The SL Continuum deals with the 
original BSSM universe, the manga one (as to most of the other 
elements). So, no Yuuichirou, in case you wondered where the dope 
vanished too. :)

Until next time where we see how and in which direction Rei and 
Sasami's new "relationship" evolves (well, seasoned continuum readers 
know and the rest can pretty much guess...) and we are introduced to a 
few new faces around the Jinja.

Feedback as usual welcomed as long as it is constructive (including 
criticism). Flames are swallowed by the Sacred Fire.

Ja ne, yours


Onwards to Part 2

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