Love Hina: Once Again (part 8 of 16)

a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 7
Kanako Urashima smiled to herself, a rare expression
of pleasure as she sat by the Hinata Inn's only phone.
"It's good to hear from you, big brother," she said,
her black hair flowing down over her shoulders and
onto her matching black dress.

"You too," Keitaro's crackled a bit from being bounced
off a satelite relay, "how are things going there?"

"Bedlam," Kuro quipped, the black cat looking amused.

"Hush," Kanako scolded her cat then addressed the
phone, "Quite well, actually. I've rented several
vacant rooms, and I've started looking into our plans
for the annex, too."

"And how are the newcomers fitting in?" Keitaro asked

"Surprisingly well, actually," Kanako said wryly.
There seemed to be a unique sort of madness you needed
to live at the Hinata Inn, but the various ladies who
had joined them seemed to have it.

"You've talked a lot about the Inn," Keitaro kept his
voice gentle, "but how are you?"

Kanako settled in to a soft chair she had pulled over,
"I'm fine, big brother. Just doing a lot of thinking
about things."

"Well, Naru and I are rooting for you," Keitaro said

"How's the dig?" Kanako asked, changing the subject.

"You know how it is," Keitaro shrugged, "fell down a
hole, found something, and now we're digging it up."

Kanako shook her head wryly. Her brother had the
oddest luck as a archeologist, he literally seemed to
fall into various discoveries. If he dug almost
anywhere he seemed to hit something of significance...
it was truly uncanny.

"And is Naru with you?" Kanako asked.

"She flies up over the weekends with Seta," Keitaro
explained, "otherwise she still teaching full time at
her elementary school."

"She's very good," Kanako agreed, feeling a small pang
of guilt as she thought lingeringly of the lovely
Naru. They talked for a while longer on various
subjects, then with some regret she the very excited
Shinobu take her turn.

"Sempai!" Shinobu squealed as Kanako walked away with
a faint smile.

'I wonder where the others are?' Kanako thought as she
walked the halls, her cat jumping down from her
shooulder to scamper off. Usually the majority of the
Dorm residents were lined up here, waiting for their

"Fifty yen on Motoko!" Kitsune called out loudly as
Kanako reached the doors to the hot springs outside.

"I'll match that on Tennyo!" Su's voice answered.

"Go Motoko," Mutsume called cheerfulluy.

'What in the world?' Kanako thought as she opened the
door, quickly moving out into the steamy exterior.

Tennyo Masaki stood calmly on the rough stones, her
long white hair flowing as she held a wooden practice
sword at the ready. The T-shirt and shorts clad woman
still looked eerily ageless to Kanako, anything from
her twenties to her fifties, and she stood ready with
a wary kind of intensity.

"Defend yourself!" Motoko Aoyama swept down with her
wooden sword, the black haired young woman dressed in
her usual traditional japanese clothing.

'I've got to stop them...' Kanato started only to
freeze as the newcomer expertly stopped Motoko's

"Very nice," Tennyo said quietly while holding her
blade horizontal above her, both their bodies
vibrating a bit from the strike, "the God's Cry
School, correct?"

"Not bad yourself," Motoko nodded, her own blade and
battle stance pressing down on the woman's iron-like
guard, "you're using the hidden techniques of the
Masaki Shrine's master, aren't you?"

"You've encountered it?" Tennyo looked curious.

"My elder sister did," Motoko answered, "someone
blocked her like this, too." She broke away with a
leap then swept forward, "Rock Splitting Sword!"

"Masaki Strike!" Tennyo cried, summoning up her own
chi to counter Motoko's strike.

Making her way over to where the residents were
watching from the spring pools Kanako asked, "How long
has this been going on?"

Ami Mizuno smiled up at her, the blue haired woman's
glasses gleaming as she said, "Nearly half a hour."

"I'm surprised Tennyo's lasted this long," Mitsune
Konno said, the sexy woman known as Kitsune lounging

"It's very impressive," Anthy agreed solommly.

"Whoo-so!" Su waved excitedly, the dusky skinned
blonde nearly bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Oh my oh my," Mutsumi Otohime murmured, the busty
brown haired woman watching the fight with interest.

"Wait a minute," Kanako frowned, "Kitsune, if you and
Mutsumi are here, who's running the café?"

"Eh," Kitsune waved that off, "I put up the gone
fishing sign."

"That is no way to run a business," Kanako frowned.

"Yay Tennyo!" Mutsumi waved, full breasts bouncing.

"This is remarkable," Emi muttered, the younger woman
recording the entire fight on her laptops camera

"Her breasts or the fight?" Rei Hino muttered from
where she sat beside Ami.

"Rei," Ami poked her gently.

Kanako rolled her eyes at the interplay even as the
fight continued on. Tennyo and Motoko slammed their
swords together, leaping about the hot spring wildly
until finally they stood toe to toe, panting softly.

"So, are you ready to finish?" Motoko finally asked,
both of them staring intensely into each others eyes.

"Yes," Tennyo's hand tightening on her blade.

"Good, I'm starving," Motoko relaxed.

"WHAT!" all the observers blurted.

"We were just sparring for our morning workout,"
Tennyo explained, batting her eyes innocently.

"You have got to be kidding me," Kitsune muttered,
"you two fight like that when just sparring!"

"Doesn't everyone?" Motoko smiled casually.

"Aww," Su pouted. "Are you two ever going to fight for

"Who knows," Tennyo smiled. She clapped her hands, "So
who's up for lunch?"

Shaking her head Kanako left, heading down to the
manager's suite, where she sat down with a tired sigh.
"What's up?" Kuro, her black cat asked.

"Just the usual craziness," Kanako admitted, putting
her arms on the table and resting her head there.
Motoko had looked stunning in battle, her eyes
flashing, body moving so gracefully under her old
fashioned garb.

"Still thinking about Motoko?" Kuro asked

"Oh shut up," Kanako sighed.

"You really need to find yourself a new lust object,"
Kuro pointed out, "she hates your guts, remember?"

"Don't remind me," Kanako whimpered.

"Not to mention," Kuro added, "that someone else here
has the hots for her... she wouldn't be getting those
chocolates every year otherwise."

"Be quiet," on reflex Kanako tossed a cushion at the
cat, feeling some amusement when she bowled the cat
right over.

Onwards to Part 9

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