Arisugawa's Locket (part 67 of 88)

a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 66
"How do you think Arisugawa will take it?" Milerna
asked as the two women walked through the green fields
together. She was a bit taller than her companion,
reddish brown hair flowing down the fighter's muscled
back, but there was a gentleness around her, too.

Hitomi Kanzaki smiled up at her, her short brown hair
falling into her eyes, "That I'm moving to Gaea full
time?" Her white and red robes flowed around her,
giving her the look of a fairy princess as they walked
together, "I think Juri and the others will be okay
with it."

"It's not like you plan to quit," Milerna added with a

"No," Hitomi agreed cheerfully. She looked down at her
watch and added, "We'd better get going, we don't want
to be late."

"Ready," Milerna reached down to take Hitomi's hand,
squeezing it comfortingly.

Looking up at her lovingly Hitomi focused her will,
and suddenly wings of pure supernatural force
manifested. They swept back dramatically, light
dancing around the two women... then in a blink they
were gone.

Later that night at the Locket Halloween party,
Setsuna Meiou adjusted the rose in the pocket of her
suit nervously. "I'm still not quite sure about doing
drag," she conceded, the red tuxedo hugging her
breasts and hips.

"You look beautiful," Juri Arisugawa answered
reassuringly, her green gown flowing over her body.
Along with the red rose in her orange hair she looked
the vision of femininity, a image she had been
downplaying a little the last few years.

Setsuna laughed softly, reaching to hold her lover's
hand, "You always know just what to say." She looked
amused and added, "Did you see the look on Haruka's
face when you came to pick me up? You stunned her."

Juri actually blushed faintly, but she was still
smiling. "It had been a while since she's seen me in
full war-paint and wearing a dress," she conceded,
"she's just lucky that Michiru didn't notice her

"Oh, she did," Setsuna said cheerfully, "she just
doesn't mind." At Juri's questioning look she
explained, "Michiru knows that Haruka may look but she
never strays."

A grinning Ryouko swept up the bar, her school-girl's
uniform hugging her body, the skirt way too short for
a real school outfit. The other twin Minagi wore a
samurai based costume, her blue hair tied back in a
ponytail and a plastic katana resting at her side.

"Not a bad turnout," Ryouko commented as she wiped the
bar, "though I hope that new bunch doesn't start

"I noticed them," Juri conceded, covertly taking in
the women who were sitting around one of the back
tables. They all wore turn of the century costume,
though she suspected they weren't doing it for the

Minagi offered her opinion, "I think I'll keep an eye
on the fighter, she's the sort that would get offended
if someone approached the wrong girl."

"True enough," Setsuna nodded. She dropped her voice
as she gently spoke to Juri alone, "Have you decided
on a replacement for Bones?"

Juri winced slightly, then she sighed, "Both Ranma and
Cybersix have agreed to do bouncer duties part-time."

Recently the club's long time bouncer Bones had
decided to return to school, and as her course load
had build up she was forced to cut down on her hours
at the Locket. Finally Bones had regretfully had to
quit her job, deciding that she couldn't balance all
her school work with her obligations to the club.

Intellectually Juri knew that she had been lucky to
have such a stable staff for the past few years, but
it still felt odd having one of them finally leave.
The farewell party that she and the staff had
organized for Bones had been pretty apocalyptic in
scope, a gentle sorrow mixed with the joy for their
friend's bright future.

"Incoming," Minagi softly warned them as two figures
walked up through the press of people to the bar.

The blonde woman could only be described as handsome,
her short hair falling about her face as she stood
protectively beside the black haired younger woman.
"Excuse me," Maria Tachibana nodded to Juri and
Setsuna before turning towards Minagi, "I was told we
needed to check in our weapons?"

"If you could," Minagi smiled, the scars of her cheeks
giving her an almost whimsical air.

With smooth grace Maria set her pistol on the counter,
only reluctantly pulling her hand back. "Sakura?" she
looked down at the black haired woman.

Sakura Shinguji set her katana on the counter, her
rose colored kimono flowing around her. "Please take
good care of it," she met Minagi's eyes, "it's very
important to me."

"Of course," Minagi handled the blade with reverence
as she set it down with the pistol behind the counter.

Juri took the opportunity to do the introductions then
asked with a smile, "So, is this your first time at
our club?"

"Our friend Kanna has been here before," Maria
explained coolly, "she invited the rest of us out for
a celebratory dinner."

Sakura smiled as she added, "This place is

"I hope you have fun," Juri said as the two women
returned to their table.

Standing nearby the table Hyatt looked adorable with
devil horns in her hair and cute little bat wings
attached to the back of her normal costume. "Is there
anything else?" she asked as she finished her notes,
the young woman listing oddly sideways.

Kanna smiled, the tall fighter looking amused as she
said, "No, I think that's about it."

Sumire Kanzaki shook her head as Hyatt left, "I can't
believe you would bring us to such a crude place as

"Then you should fit right in," Kanna smirked.

"What was that!" Sumire demanded, eyes flashing.

"We are in a public place," Maria cut them off, "try
to keep in mind the dignity of the Imperial Theater,
if nothing else."

"Hmph," Sumire raised her chin, looking every inch the
elegant young lady.

Sakura fought back a smile, knowing how much the two
women enjoyed their feud. "So why is everyone dressed
so strangely?" she asked.

Kanna leaned forward, "I asked Hitomi about it when we
came in, it's for a western holiday called Halloween."

"Considering your usual clothes, you probably fit
right in," Sumire murmured to Kanna, who pointedly
ignored it.

Instead Kanna smoothly rose, her tunic and pants
giving her a boyish air as she offered her hand to
Sumire, "There's a slower song starting, though I
still don't know where it's coming from. Shall we show
these people what real dancing looks like?"

Dress flowing Sumire rose, taking Kanna's hand as she
mused, "I suppose it might be well to set an example."
Gracefully they flowed together, their dancing watched
in a certain degree of awe by the costumed revelers.

"They dance so beautifully," Sakura murmured softly.

"That they do," Maria agreed, "though how they believe
their fighting covers up their being a couple is
beyond me."

"They're a couple?' Sakura squeaked.

Maria looked amused, "At least tell me you've noticed
that Ensign Ogami likes you."

"I'm not completely blind," Sakura blushed.

Maria chuckled softly as she took another drink, then
studied Sakura thoughtfully over the rim of her glass.
"You haven't danced up on stage as often as Sumire
has, correct?" she asked.

"Well, no," Sakura conceded,

Maria rose and went over to Sakura's side, offering
her hand gentlemanly as she asked, "Would you care to

Sakura took that hand, letting Maria gently tug her to
her feet as she smiled, "I'd love to."

Up on the kareoke stage Milerna sang beautifully, the
warrior's voice remarkably beautiful as she sang a
ballad from Gaea's past.

"I'll be there when you need,
We will live together
Nothing in our way
with trust in our soul.

We will seek together destiny
troubles have an end.
We will carry on hand in hand
We won't forget we have each other.
Love is in the hearts of all men
You're not alone."

The Staff: Hitomi is from Escaflowne the movie, Juri
is from Revolutionary Girl Utena, Ryouko and Minagi
are from Tenchi Muyo, Bones is from
and Hyatt is from Excel Saga.

Our Cast This Episode: Setsuna, Haruka and Michiru are
from Sailor Moon, Milerna is also from Escaflowne and
Kanna, Maria, Sakura and Sumire all are from Sakura
Taisen aka Sakura Wars.

Notes: I kind of lost track of Hitomi and Milerna so I
thought I should touch on them again. The song Milerna
is signing if from the Escaflowe movie soundtrack. As
far as Bones goes... I really don't think I've been
comfortable using her to the fullest extent, in part
because she's a webcomic character who was VERY
straight. Therefore I'm phasing her out...

Onwards to Part 68

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