Arisugawa's Locket (part 35 of 88)

a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 34
Drunk and Disorderly

Juri looked up at the building and whistled softly. The mansion was 
almost over the top in it's elegance, perched on the very edge of the 
city of Tokyo. The fenced off lawn stretched out in perfectly 
maintained order, plants placed around to soften the massive band of 

'Pretty much what I expected from Touga,' Juri silently admitted to 
herself. She parked her sports car in the driveway and made her way to 
the front door. She rang the doorbell, and waited a few moments before 
ringing again.

The door opened, and a perky young woman in a maid's outfit cheerfully 
said, "Yes?"

Juri blinked, reminded for a moment of Wakaba or Excel. "I'm here to 
see Kiryuu Touga," Juri said to her formally.

"Mr. Kiryuu is a bit indisposed right now," the brown haired woman 
said diplomatically.

"He's drunk, isn't he?" Juri sighed.

The girl paled, then she tried to stammer out a denial.

"We're old friends," Juri smiled at the girl gently, "I'm sure it'll 
be all right."

The girl looked nervous, "I hope so, Miss...?"

"Arisugawa Juri," she answered, pushing by the girl gently. She turned 
back to look at her, "Could you take me to him?"

The woman led Juri upstairs, stopping at a closed bedroom door to say, 
"He's in here."

Juri put her hand on the door handle but before she went in Juri asked 
her, "Could you start a strong pot of coffee up, please?"

"Yes, Miss Arisugawa," the maid bowed and was swiftly gone downstairs.

Going in, Juri was nearly knocked over by the strong smell of spilt 
alcohol. She made a face but moved into the room, quickly finding 
Touga Kiryuu slumped in a chair and still holding a bottle clenched in 
his hand. His long red hair fell limply around his face, and his skin 
had clearly lost the glow of health it had once possessed. She tapped 
him on the cheek lightly, then slapped him, but he was out to the 

"Looks like I'll need to take some more extreme measures," Juri said 
with a sigh. She looked around the large bedroom, and noticed a 
connecting door. She opened it, took a look inside, and grinned 
impishly, "Perfect!"

Picking up the limp Touga wasn't as easy as Juri thought it would be, 
but she managed. She carried him into the bathroom, then sat him fully 
clothed in the tub. Turning on the tap quickly sent cold water down 
the drain, but she waited until it was ice cold. With a evil little 
smile on her face Juri turned on the shower!

as he was quickly soaked. Keeping a firm grip on him Juri made sure he 
stayed under the icy spray, finally helping him up only to put his 
face directly under the freezing blast.

"Feeling better, Kiryuu?" Juri asked as she finally turned off the 
water. She helped the shivering man out of the tub, glad to see a bit 
of color back in his cheeks.

"No," Touga snarled back. He shivered in his damp clothes before 
demanding, "What on Earth are you doing here, anyway?"

"Nanami went to see Keiko," Juri shrugged as she tossed a blanket 
sized towel over to him, "and Keiko came to talk to me. Dry out and 
change your clothes, I want to talk to you."

Not waiting for an answer, Juri went through the bedroom and stuck her 
head out into the hallway. "Is the coffee ready?" she called down to 
the maid.

"Yes, Miss Arisugawa," the girl called back.

"Bring up a couple of cups, we'll need them," Juri ordered.

Touga emerged from the bathroom fairly quickly, dressed in a fresh set 
of fine clothes. He almost looked like his old self once again, if you 
ignored the shaking hands, or didn't choose to look into his dark 
eyes. "What can I do for you, Arisugawa?" Touga asked her, barely a 
shadow of his old arrogance showing through.

Before she could answer him, the maid tentatively tapped at the door. 
She carried a tray loaded with two cups, a large jug of coffee, sugar 
and several different types of creamer. "Is there a parlor up here?" 
Juri asked her.

"Would you like the coffee there?" the maid smiled up at her. Seeing 
Juri's nod she led them down the hallway, setting up the coffee table 
for them. "Call if you need anything else," she bowed to them 
respectfully, and quietly left.

"What happened to you, Touga?" Juri finally asked after he had a 
chance to drink a bit of his coffee. "You never drank like this 
before," she added.

Touga sighed softly, "I wish I could say it was something dramatic." 
He looked down into his coffee cup, "A lost love, maybe, or some 
tragic loss."

Juri waited quietly, knowing there was more to come.

"When my father died, I was free," Touga murmured. "I had a fortune, 
power, prestige, everything that I had thought I wanted," he finished.

"And it didn't make you happy the way that you thought it would," Juri 
said quietly.

"Exactly," Touga looked up at her in surprise. "How did you know?" he 

"It happened to me once," Juri quietly admitted. "I thought that being 
a fencing champion would... make up for everything bad that had 
happened to me up until then. It didn't, of course," she smiled a bit 

"What did you do?" Touga asked.

"Became a Duelist," Juri smiled at him grimly, "then I bounced around 
Japan a year or so, learning better ways to beat up people." She 
sighed softly, "I finally realized the only way I could really become 
happy was to fix in here." She tapped her chest right above her heart, 
"Not easy, but I'm getting there."

"And I?" Touga said quietly.

"I don't have any answers for you," Juri answered, "you're going to 
have to go find them yourself." She thought of the empty bottles in 
Touga's room, "But living in a bottle won't help you do it, I'm 

Touga smiled wryly, looking up to meet her eyes, "Thanks."

Our Cast This Episode: Arisugawa Juri, Kiryuu Nanami, Kiryuu Touga and 
Keiko are all from the Revolutionary Girl Utena TV series.

Author's Notes: Continuing on from Juri's Tales #4 and the episode Out 
Of the Locket. I'm laying more of the groundwork for my series Eternal 
City: Crystal Tokyo, as Touga may become one of the heroes of that 

Onwards to Part 36

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