Karaoke Night (part 2 of 7)

a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by Clayton Overstreet

Back to Part 1
Kiyone slowly opened her eyes and saw Mihoshi's face directly infront 
of her. Memories of the night before came flooding back to her in 
startling clairity. Her crotch still hurt a little, but it didn't 
bother her in the slightest. She ran a hand along her sleeping 
partner's ribs and buttock and gave her a small kiss on the lips.

"I love you Mihoshi."

Mihoshi yawned and stayed asleep, but said, "I love you Kiyone."

Kiyone smiled and ran a finger through a tangled lock of Mihoshi's 
hair. Then she closed her eyes and went back to sleep.


She opened her eyes as a beam of sunlight hit her in the face. Mihoshi 
wasn't in the bed and the depression her body had made in the bed was 
cold. Kiyone sat up, the blankets falling off of her as she looked 
around the room. Even the clothes they had thrown around the bed were 

"It's almost like it never happened." She said to herself.

Just then the door opened and Mihoshi walked in. She was wearing a 
blue bathrobe and carrying some clothes bundled up in her arms. Her 
hair was wet and dripping a bit on the floor.

"Good morning Kiyone." She said cheerfuly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Very. Last night almost seems like a dream." She stood up and smiled 
at Mihoshi.

The blond flinched slightly and looked away. "You know Kiyone if you 
want... that's all it could have been. A one time thing that could 
have just been a dream."

Kiyone blinked at Mihoshi in shock and stepped towards her, putting 
her arms on her shoulders. "No."

"But Kiyone..."

"No!" She slid her arms around Mihoshi's neck and looked right into 
her eyes. "Never Mihoshi."

"Oh Kiyone." She whispered and dropped her clothes. Putting her arms 
around Kiyone's waist she leaned in to close the kiss. They both 
moaned slightly as each tried to replace the other's tongue with her 
own. They broke apart and Mihoshi smiled at her. "I love you... but 
what do we tell everyone?"

"I think most of them either have or will figure it out of their own." 
Kiyone said. She shivered and got goosebumps as Mihoshi's hair started 
to drip on her. "If we keep this up you'll need another shower."

"Actually that might not be suh a bad idea." Mihoshi said with a grin. 
"Do you want to take a bath with me?"

Kiyone looked at her with a grin. "I'm still amazed at what you can do 
with just a simple question."

She blushed and said, "I started when I was in special operations and 
had to get information while under cover. I guess it became a habit."

"It's alright Mihoshi. I know the real you." Kiyone said. "And right 
now I would love to join you in the bath. But let's wait until after 
chores so we know we can get some time alone."

"It is kind of hard to believe isn't it Kiyone. Just three days ago 
the thought would have never entered your mind."

"That isn't true. I just didn't want to admit it." Kiyone said.

Mihoshi nodded and kissed her cheek again. "Come on, let's go get 
breakfast. I'm starving!" She turned and tripped over the edge of her 

Kiyone laughed. For a minute she'd forgotten that Mihoshi was... well 
Mihoshi. "Sure thing." She helped Mihoshi up and they got dressed.

Downstairs the others were all sitting at the tabe already except for 
Yosho and Noboyuki who were already at work. As they sat down at their 
plates Washu was grinning at them.

"What?" Kiyone asked irritably.

"Oh nothing. I've just been experimenting with soundproofing. Didn't 
you notice how quiet everything was last night?"

Sasami giggled conspiratorally and said, "I know I didn't hear 

"Knock it off." Kiyoner said, blushing almost as red as Tenchi who was 
trying not to notice what Ryoko was doing with her free hand.

After eating they all split up to do thir chores. Mihoshi was assigned 
to bedroom duty while Kiyone had to clean up the cherry blossoms from 
the walkway. "You know, we've been here for well over a year and I 
don't think the trees ever got any actual cherries."

Tenchi shrugged. "I noticed that too. The only time I haven't had to 
clean blossoms was when it snows and then grandpa makes me shovel 


"Says the girl with green hair." He said quickly.

She laughed out loud. "I suppose when you live in a place like this a 
few odd trees aren't something to worry about. I mean it isn't like 
any of them are haunted or anything."

"Um Kiyone, I didn't want to say anything to you durring breakfast, 
but I'm really happy for you and Mihoshi." He said. "I mean I know how 
I felt when Ryoko came back..." He trailed off and smiled nervously.

Kiyone looked at him for a minute and in the silence they heard 
something crash followed by Mihoshi saying, "Oops."

"Thank you Tenchi. I... well just thank you." She smiled softly and 
picture4d Mihoshi's face.

Outside they heard Ryoko taunt Aeka into another fight and Tenchi got 
a similar look. Then they heard Sasami clear her throat and split up 
to do their chores. Ryo-oki looked up at Sasami and meowed.

"Well I'm not going to do all of the chores around here." She said 
with a grin. "And I've had it up to here with the mushy stuff." The 
cabbit nodded and followed her back to the kitchen.


Mihoshi flinched as she heard the familiar sound of a CD breaking 
under her heel. Looking down she saw Aeka's favorite album shattered 
under her foot. "Oh she's going to be mad."

Suddenly the CD pieces wiggled a bit and slid back together. The 
cracks vanished and an extra song appeared in the menu on the back. 
"I'm sorry about teasing you earlier."

Turning she saw Washu standing in the doorway. "That's alright, I 
didn't really mind much."

"I know, but Sasami and I got carried away. It's just hard to remember 
sometimes that you aren't quite as ditzy as you seem." Mihoshi raised 
an eyebrown and Washu grinned. "Oh didn't I tell you? I went over 
Mecha-Washu's memories very carefully. I understand that just knowing 
what you know could get me imprisoned again."

"What ever happened to those things you made that was going to destroy 
the universe?"

She sighed and leaned against the doorframe. "They took them apart. 
And for your information they only could have done that, I wasn't 
going to use them."

"You made the switch bright red and wrote 'Push me' on it!" Mihoshi 
said with a grin. "Above that you wrote 'To get unlimited wealth'."

"I would have put it right back!" Washu insisted. "Now do you accept 
my apology or what?"

She smiled and nodded. "Sure. But could you not do it to Kiyone any 
more? She's really not up for it."

"So how was it? I mean when she said she loved you too." Washu asked.

Mihoshi closed her eyes and for a second Washu thought she was going 
to make a mess on Aeka's floor. "It was the single best thing that has 
ever happened to me."

"Didn't you win the lottery twelve times?"

"Yes." She said still smiling. "And I found a patch of five leafed 

"Wow." Suddenly she looked behind Mihoshi to the window. "Hey, look at 

Mihoshi turned and saw Tenchi sitting with Ryoko under a tree. "It 
looks like she's trying to ram her tongue down his throat... oh wait. 
She's done it." Tenchi's face was turning blue but he was still 
kissing Ryoko. "I think she's killing him."

Tenchi's eyes rolled up into his head and he passed out backwards 
against the tree. As color slowly returned to his face Washu said, 
"What a way to go."


After lunch Mihoshi took a nap on the back porch. The warm sunlight 
hit her body as she lay there enjoying herself.

"Mihoshi? Are you awake?" Aeka's voice asked above her.

"Um, kind of." Mihoshi said without opening her eyes.

"I need to talk with someone. Do you mind?"

Mihoshi sat up and looked at her. Aeka's eyes were puffy and her 
cheeks were wet. "Aeka, were you crying?"

She nodded and sat down next to her. "I... I don't know what I'm doing 
any more. I have no idea anymore." She took a deep breath and waited 
for a minute. When Mihoshi didn't say anything she continued. "I have 
always thought of love as something between family. Ryoko was some 
outsider who was coming to take Tenchi away from me like she had 
everything else. Then she sacrificed herself for me and Tenchi fell in 
love with her. I just can't... I don't know what to do. I didn't even 
know how it worked until a few days ago."

"I know. Kiyone had a good laugh at that. It was really funny." 
Mihoshi said.

"It was not. It sounds so... messy. How could that be... well Washu 
explained it but still." Her crown began to glow and sparks shot 
through her hair. "Tenchi says he loves me but that he's in love with 
Ryoko. I just don't know the difference." Neither of them noticed 
Kiyone as she rounded the corner and then pull back when she saw them 

"Oh that's easy." Mihoshi said. "Loving someone like Tenchi loves you 
means that you want them to be happy and would do anything to keep 
them safe and happy."

"Then what does he feel for Ryoko?"

"The same thing plus lust, euphoria, and the fact that he is doing 
everything to keep her safe and happy." Mihoshi closed her eyes and 
smiled. "You want to be around them all the time and just staring into 
her eyes would just be the best thing you could ever do. It's 
wonderful." Her eyes opened again and she saw Aeka staring at her. 
Blushing she looked down at the porch.

"I din't think that ever happened to me. Have you felt that way about 
anyone?" Aeka asked.

Mihoshi nodded numbly. "Twice. The first time was a long time ago when 
I was in the accademy. He graduated first though and by the time I did 
he had found someone else."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Aeka said. "When was the second time?"

"When I first saw Kiyone." She whispered.

The princess blinked and said, "I'm sorry, but I thought I just heard 
you say Kiyone." Mihoshi sat there quietly. "Oh. But I thought... I 
mean how can you..."

She shrugged and smiled. "My grandmother always said that you never 
knew who you were going to fall in love with until it hits you. When I 
saw her I just thought she was the most beautiful person ever, even 
when she yelled at me."

They both heard a gasp from somewhere to the left and saw Kiyone 
watching them. Aeka looked at her for a second and said, "Well thank 
you for talking to me Mihoshi. I'll see you later." She stood up and 
walked away.

Kiyone took her spot, sitting next to Mihoshi. "You never told me 
about any of your old relationships. I knew you'd had them but you 
never really said anything."

Mihoshi smiled at her. "That's because it isn't important." Closing 
her eyes she lay back in the sun.

"I suppose, but I am curious." She said. "Unless you don't want to 
talk about it."

Mihoshi's face hardened for a second in a way Kiyone had never seen. 
"His name was Milloi, he was a year older than me, aqnd he left me for 
a girl with orange hair. I didn't really know him and if I had I 
wouldn't have wanted to." She took a deep breath and her face softened 

"I'm sorry Mihoshi." Kiyone said. She laid her head next to Mihoshi's 
and reached out to rub her cheek. "But what you said about when you 
first saw me. I was so mean to you. You waited so long and I didn't 
even notice. When I did I didn't want to believe it or accept how I 
feel about you."

Mihoshi reached out and wiped a tear off of Kiyone's cheek. "It's 
alright Kiyone. I would have kept waiting because I was happy just 
being around you. I knew you liked me because you obviusly felt guilty 
about it like you always do when you like something. Please don't be 
sad Kiyone."

They kissed each other then. As they did Kiyone thought about the 
moment she'd realized that Mihoshi loved her. It had been such a shock 
that she had refused to believe it. Then she'd thought that maybe she 
was only reading her own feelings into it and had realized that she 
had fallen for Mihoshi. After that she'd wracked her brains on how to 
tell her partner and find out if she felt the same way.

Ryoko had almost ruined everything by showing up while they were 
applying each other's sunscreen. Sitting there naked with the space 
pirate being the only thing between them had driven her up the wall. 
She'd finally just asked Mihoshi how she felt about her and when the 
she'd said that she loved her...

Kiyone broke the kiss. "Mihoshi, I am so sorry I ever said I hated 
you. I never ment it no matter how mad I was at you."

"That's okay Kiyone." Mihoshi said quickly.

"No it isn't Mihoshi. Now please tell me what I can do to make it up 
to you."

She thought about it for a moment, getting her usual airheaded look. 
"Well... we did finish our chores." She smiled happily. "Race you to 
the baths."

Sasami looked up as she saw Kiyone and Mihoshi rush passed the kitchen 
and into the bathroom. Shew grinned and looked at Ryo-oki. "I think we 
should find something to do outside, don't you?"

"Myah." The cabbit said. Sasami took off her apron and they walked out 
the back door. They almost crashewd into Aeka as they did.

"Sasami? Where are you off to?"

She blushed a bit. "Mihoshi and Kiyone need some time alone so we were 
going to go play."

Aeka's face turned bright red. "Oh I... I see. Um Sasami just out of 
curiousity... how can they... Washu told me that a man and a woman..."

The blue haired girl giggled. "I think that's their buisness Aeka. But 
maybe you should ask Noboyuki to lend you some of his comics when he 
gets home. Why were you going inside."

Aeka almost seemed to glow red. "Well I had finished my chores and I 
came across Ryoko and Tenchi..." She covered her eyes. "They didn't 
notice me, even when I tripped over their clothes."

"Come on sis. We can go for a walk in the woods."

"Oh yes. That sounds nice and calm." They turned and walked away. 
"Sasami are you sure we should still be here?"

"Of course Aeka. They're still our family. Besides what would they do 
without us?"

"You're right Sasami." She said with a smile.


Kiyone smiled nervousely as she leaned against the door of the baths. 
She watched Mihoshi's reflection in one of the pools as she began to 
take off her clothes. Even with what they had been through Kiyone felt 
just as nervouse as she had the night before.

Mihoshi smiled and turned her back on Kiyone. "Kiyone could you help 
me with my bra? I think it's stuck."

Kiyone blinked in surprise. She hadn't even seen Mihoshi try to undo 
it. Then she caught Mihoshi's smiled and nodded. A bit hessitantly she 
walked over and undid the clasp. Mihoshi's bra slipped off and onto 
the floor by her feet, but she stood facing away from Kiyone and began 
taking off her pants.

Kiyone wasn't sure what to do except stare at the back of Mihoshi's 
head. Then she heard Mihoshi giggle and snapped out of it. Turning 
around herself she began taking off her own clothes. First her shirt 
fell to the floor and then she took off her bra. Her's had the clasp 
at the front and it fell behind her as it fell off. She was about to 
unzip her pants when she suddenly felt Mihoshi's chest press into her 
back and stiffened like a board. Her heart beat faster and she felt 
the blood rush to her face.

Mihoshi brushed Kiyone's hair away from her neck and kissed right 
between her shoulders. Kiyone shivered as goosebumps moved over her 
skin and Mihoshi began working her lips along her spine. Kiyone jumped 
a bit as she felt Mihoshi's tongue flick between her shoulder blades. 
"Mi... Mihoshi what are you doing?"

"I'm helping you undress." She said. Her teeth grazrd the small of 
Kiyone's back and her hands slowly slid around her waist to Kiyone's 

"Oh is that all?" Kiyone's voice cracked nervously.

Mihoshi's fingers closed over the zipped and slowly pulled it down. 
Kiyone was intensely aware as Mihoshi then popped pen the brass button 
holding the top of her pants closed. She stood perfectly still as she 
felt Mihoshi's nail's brush her waist as she slipped them into her 
pants and tugged down brushing her legs aswell.

Cool air hit Kiyone as her pants hit the floor and Mihoshi began 
taking off Kiyone's shoes. Curious Kiyone glanced down and saw 
Mihoshi's back again. When the laces were undone she stepped out of 
her shoe and Mihoshi peeled off her socks. Then she gasped as Mihoshi 
kissed each of her toas and sucked on the little one. "You've had a 
lot of time to plan this haven't you?"

"Yep." Mihoshi said cheerfuly and repeated the process on her other 

Stepping out of her pants Kiyone turned to face Mihoshi and looked 
down at her. She smiled back and began kissing up Kiyone's legs until 
she reached the white cotton panties she was wearing. Kiyone blushed 
again as Mihoshi's nose pressed into the growing wet spot and took 
them in her teeth. The strangest part was as Mihoshi pulled the thin 
material she looked up at Kiyone with the same innocent look she wore 
when she did anything else. There wasn't even a trace of guilt or 
embarassment in her light blue eyes.

Kiyone smiled back and stepped out as they fell around her feet. She 
extended her hand to Mihoshi to help her up. Mihoshi took it and 
stepped closer as she went up so that her nipples rubbed into Kiyone 
as she did. "Come on Kiyone, let's get into the water."

"Sure Mihoshi." She let herself be dragged to the edge of the warm 
pool. Mihoshi let go of her hand and jumped in splashing Kiyone and 
making her laugh. "Hey!"

Mihoshi's head came halfway out of the water and her breasts bobbed 
near the top. Blowing bubbled and smiling she said, "Come on in 

She smiled and laughed again. "Okay, just give me a second." She put 
he foot slowly into the water until it hit the bottom, then the other. 
Slowly dipping into the water she let the warm liquid slowly cover her 
until it was up to her shoulders. Her arms were still a little painful 
from all of the sweeping she had to do. "This is nice."

Mihoshi kicked her feet and swam over next to her, sitting on the 
bottom of the pool. "Are you feeling alright Kiyone?"

"I feel great Mihoshi." She felt the blond's hand start to slide up 
her leg. "And getting better by the minute."

Mihoshi nodded and ran her fingers through the patch of green hair 
over Kiyone's crotch. Then she slowly slipped a finger along her clit 
and into her. Kiyone moaned in pleasure and reached ut with both hands 
to grab one of Mihoshi's breasts.

Moving her hips with Mihoshi's hand she lifted the breast out of the 
water and leaned forward to kiss it. She wrapped her lips over the 
large nipple that hardened in her mouth as she began suking on it 

"Kiyone!" Mihoshi yelled and slipped another finger into Kiyone's 

Kiyone's legs snapped shut holding her hand in place and Kiyone's 
teeth slid over her breast. Mihoshi suddenly pulled back and spread 
her arms, pulling Kiyone into a hug. They both moaned as their chests 
met and they kissed deeply. Mihoshi bent her waist and pushed a leg 
between Kiyone's so that they locked together.

Kiyone felt Mihoshi's clit and pussy lips rub into her own and groaned 
into her mouth. Slowly she began to rub them together. Both of them 
began to shaked and paw at each other faster and faster until they 
felt every muscle below their belly buttons clench and they came into 
each other hard.

They stayed like that for a long time, trading small kisses and 
carresses. Closing her eyes Mihoshi nuzzled Kiyone's neck and said, 
"No regrets?"

"Never again." Kiyone said and kissed the top of Mihoshi's head. "I 
love you."

"Me too Kiyone."


Author's note

I kept getting requests for a sequel to Karaoke Night. Let's face it 
Mihoshi and Kiyone make a great couple. Feel free to comment.

Onwards to Part 3

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